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fanfPokemon Learning League

Scientific Method
Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Iris, Axew, Serena, Dawn,

Piplup and Bonnie & Dedenne going towards
Undella Town via Unova Route 13 on a clear &
sunny afternoon and a sea wave blows through the
area. Small waves crash along the sandbars, clifflike outcrops tower over them, several people are
swimming in the water, some trainers are having
sky battles up above them and flocks of Wingull &
Pelipper fly overhead. The four takes notice of the
activities going on and Bonnie speaks.)
Bonnie (commenting): Everyones really having a
good time here.
Iris: Yeah, they sure are.
Axew: Ax-ew.
(She turns over to the audience and casually
speaks to them.)
Iris (casually): Oh, hey there guys.
Axew (casually): Axew.
Serena (casually): Hey, there.
Bonnie (casually): Hi.
Dedenne (casually): Dede.
Dawn (casually): Hey, hows it going?
Piplup (casually): Piplup.
(Serena turns over to Dawn.)

Serena: So, how much further is Undella Town,

Dawn: Not much longer. You & Bonnie are really
going to have a great time. The beach is amazing
& there are some great views of the ocean.
Serena: Ahh, thats good to know.
Iris: Yeah, and theres something else you should
know: east of the town in the Bay, theres a place
called the Abyssal Ruins.
Serena (intrigued): Really?
Iris: Yeah. Team Rocket once used Meloetta to gain
access to them & get a rare item known as the
Reveal Glass, called forth Tornadus, Thundurus and
Landorus and was able to control them in what was
called their Therian Formes.
Serena: Thats terrible.
Dawn: Yeah, but we took care of them & thwarted
their plans.
Bonnie: Ahh, good to know.
(They continue onward. Twenty-five minutes, they
arrive in Undella Town. Villas sit atop various
outcrops, waves crash on the beach down below,
sunlight glistens in the water and pods of Wailer
breach the surface. The girls are taken in by the
ocean view.)

Serena & Bonnie (impressed): Wow!

Dedenne (impressed): Dede!
Serena: Its beautiful.
(Cross fade to moments later, where the girls are
now down at the beach and in their bathing suit.
They place their bags on the sand and go into the
water and now a montage goes on where they
start to have some fun. They have a playful splash
Bonnie (to Dawn): Ha, got you!
Dawn: Oh, really?
(She splashes her back.)
Bonnie: (giggling.) Now, youre going to get it!
(She splashes water at Dawn, but she moves out of
the way and it hits Iris instead.)
Bonnie: Oops.
(Iris turns around and retaliates by splashing
Bonnie back, but she quickly out of the way.)
Iris (playfully): Hey, get back here!
(They continue splashing each other. Moments
later, they dive below the surface of the water,
where they see schools of Remoraid, Alomomola &
Finneon swimming by. Next, they play around with
a large beach ball that looks like an Ultra Ball.)

Iris: Hey, Serena. See if you can try hitting this

(She jumps up, hits the ball and it heads towards
Serena (confidently): Okay, watch this.
(She leaps up and hits it right back to her.)
Iris (complementing): That was a good hit there.
Serena: Thanks, Iris.
(Now, she hits it to Dawn, who then hits it to
Bonnie and she catches it.)
Dawn: Good catch there, Bonnie.
Bonnie: Mmm-hmm. Now, try to counter this hit.
(She hits it towards Serena and they continue
hitting it back & forth to each other. Montage ends
where we see Iris, Serena and Dawn floating on
their backs, sun tanning in the water.)
Iris (contented): Ahh, isnt this relaxing?
Serena: Yeah, it sure is.
(Now, we pan over to see Dedenne & Axew floating
about in small inner tubes.)
Axew (relaxed): Axew.
Dedenne (relaxed): Dede.

(Now, we see Bonnie swimming around, playfully

chasing Piplup in a circle.)
Bonnie: Im going to get you now!
Piplup (playfully): Piplup, Piplup!
(Just then, he sees something further off-shore and
stops swimming.)
Piplup (surprised): Pip-lup!
Bonnie: Hey, whyd you stop?
(She looks over and gives a flabbergasted gasp & a
look as if to say, I dont believe what Im seeing.
The others swim over to them.)
Serena: What is it, Bonnie?
(They look in her direction and see a Manaphy
gliding over the water, leading a large Wailord over
to the bay east of the town. They continue
towards the distance.)
Dawn (stunned): Well, that was surprising.
Piplup (agreeing): Pip-lup.
Bonnie: What Pokemon was leading that Wailord?
Serena: I dont know. Lets go check.
(They get back to the shore and Serena goes into
backpack, gets out her PokeDex, looks through it
and comes across Manaphy.)

Serena: Oh, its a Manaphy.

Bonnie: Ahh, okay. What does it say about it?
Serena: It says that its also called The Prince of
the Sea and it has the power to bond with any
Iris: Thats pretty cool.
Dawn: Yeah. (curiously.) So, why would it be
taking Wailord over to the Bay?
All (pondering): Hmm.
(They all ponder it for a moment.)
Bonnie: They could be going there to rest up &
have fun.
Dawn: I dont know, Bonnie. There could be a lot of
people there & theyd attract a lot of attention.
Serena: All right, then. What if Manaphys helping
Wailord get away from something thats after it?
Iris: Nah, I dont think so, since there arent that
many Pokemon thatd want to go after a Wailord.
Dawn: Youre right. What else is there?
Serena: Hmm, what about this: they could be
heading to the Abyssal Ruins.
Iris: Okay, that makes some sense, but why would

Serena: They could be going to explore it.

Dawn: Yeah, but Wailords way too big & there
wouldnt be much for them to see.
Bonnie: You have a good point there.
Iris: Anything else, guys?
(They shake their head s as if to say, No.)
Iris: Yeah, neither do I. Lets see if Siara can help
out here.
(She goes over to her backpack, takes the
Pokepilot out, turns it on, presses a number and
speed dials Siara, who is outside HQ, working on
an electricity amplifier that looks like a wristband
with an Emolga. She makes some adjustments to
it and places it on Emolga.)
Siara (to herself): Yeah, that looks good. (She
straightens it up & takes notice of the four.) Hey
guys. Hows your day going?
Iris: Great, Siara. What are you working on there?
Siara: I was just about to test out an amplifier for
Electric-type Pokemon.
Dawn (curiously): Really?
Siara: Yeah. Okay, Emolga, use Charge Beam!
Emolga: Em-olga!

(It puts its hands together and an orb of blue

electricity forms in between them.)
Emolga: Eeeee-molga!!
(It fires a massive beam of blue electricity at a
target, hitting a bullseye.)
Bonnie: Thats amazing!
Dedenne: Dede!
Siara: Thank you, Bonnie. So, what are you guys
Dawn: We were just having a good time at the
beach, then we just saw a Manaphy leading a
Wailord over to the Bay.
Siara (intrigued): Really?
Serena: Yeah. Right now, were thinking that
theyre going to the Abyssal Ruins, but were
having trouble thinking of good reasons why they
would, so do you know anything that can help out?
Siara: Of course I do. One thing you can do is use
the scientific method, and its really simple. First,
you do some observations, which is pretty selfexplanatory, and youve probably done this
(As she speaks, the images move & the words
highlight to whats being spoken.)

Serena: Okay, whats next?

Siara: Now, you research any existing knowledge or
specific information about your question. This
ones very straightforward: look through online
articles or book excerpts about the topic or use any
information you already have to figure out your
Dawn: All right, now what needs to be done?
Siara: Now, you formulate a hypothesis. Basically,
its an educated guess based on the existing
knowledge you currently have. Be sure itll posit a
cause-effect relationship, as well as be something
you can test and make predictions with.
Sometimes, itll help to use the if & then
statement. Oh, and one important note: if the data
you gather fails to confirm your initial hypothesis,
start over with a new one and keep trying until you
get it right. Also, it might provide some valuable
information for you.
Iris: Okay, thats very important. Now, what?
Siara: Now, you do an experiment to test your
hypothesis. When doing this, be sure that its
designed to isolate the phenomenon & the cause,
or be controlled. Oh, and as you can probably
guess, more complex ones may have hundreds or
thousands of potential causes, and some can be

difficult or impossible to isolate in a single

Bonnie: Whats left?
Siara: Lastly, you analyze the results & draw a
conclusion. Essentially, once youve collected
enough data, use it & see if itll either confirm or
fail to confirm your hypothesis. With more
complicated testing, you may not figure out if your
hypothesis is confirmed without first taking some
time to look over the data youve collected. Also,
even if it goes either way, try to watch out for any
exogenous or external variables, as they can have
an influence on the results, and always let the data
speak for itself.
Serena: The scientific method is pretty helpful for
answering tricky questions.
Siara: Indeed, it can be when done correctly, which
is why Im going to show you guys something?
Dawn: All right, Siara.
Piplup: Pip-lup.
(Pan down to a lower, showing a rookie breeder
trying to make his own Pokemon food.)
Siara: So, you guys ready to do it?
Iris: You bet.
Axew: Axew.

Siara: Okay, then. This guy, Harris, is a rookie

breeder and wants to know what makes some
Pokemon food recipes great. Where should his
observations come from?
Bonnie: He should see what certain kinds of
nourishments Pokemon need to have to be happy
& healthy.
Siara: Okay, Bonnie. Next, how should he do the
Dawn: By looking up how certain recipes were
made and what other breeders brought to them.
Siara: You got it, Dawn. Now, what should his
hypothesis be?
Iris: That great Pokemon food have a good balance
of nutrition & flavors that certain Pokemon like.
Siara: All right, Iris. Now, how should he test his
Serena: By making different kinds of Pokemon food
and have different Pokemon try them.
Siara: Okay, Serena. Lastly, how can he conduct
his analysis?
Dawn: By seeing how each of them responds to the
Siara: All right. That was great, guys.

Bonnie: Thank you, Siara.

Dedenne: Dede.
Siara: No problem, Bonnie. Now, if youll excuse
me, I need to get back to work on this amplifier.
See you guys later.
Serena: See you.
(Iris ends the call.)
Iris: Okay, guys. Lets see how often Wailord come
around here.
Bonnie: All right.
(They go on a search page & look for articles about
how often Wailords coming to or passing through
Undella Town. They find one that talks about how
one breached high out of the water.)
Iris: Whoa, thats amazing.
Axew: Axew.
(Now, they look at another where one plays around
with some beachgoers & some Wailmer off-shore.)
Serena: Oh, that looks like a lot of fun.
Dawn (agreeing): Yeah.
(Next, they read one about sighting two of them
passing through the area en route to their feeding

Bonnie: Thats a pretty interesting one.

Iris: All right, I think we have enough information.
(She turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in her
Dawn: Hey, I just got an idea.
Bonnie: What?
Dawn: Lets make a scale model of the Ruins & test
out our hypotheses with it.
Serena: Okay, but before we do that, how about we
do another session of what we were doing before?
Iris: Very well, but lets see if the audience is up for
Bonnie: All right. (She turns over to the audience.)
Hey, you guys up for this? (She casually waits for
an answer from the audience for one second.) Oh,
(Cross dissolve to an image of a Pokemon
Professor study the environments of certain
Serena (V.O.): All right, lets do it. This girl,
Margaret, is a Pokemon professor researching
about ancient Pokemon and wants to what some of
their environments could have been like. What
sort of observations can she make? (She casually
waits for an answer from the audience for one and

a half seconds.) Observe certain Pokemon in their

homes & see how they live. Okay, then.
Dawn (V.O.): Now, how should she do the research?
(She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one and a half seconds.) By looking
through the fossil record for any plants that might
have been around during their time. Sure, why
Iris (V.O.): What should her hypothesis be? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for
one and a half seconds.) That the area used to be
much warmer & had lush plants. Okay, good.
Bonnie (V.O.): Now, what kind of experiment should
she do? (She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one and a half seconds.) Recreate the
environment in a simulation & have a Pokemon live
in it.
Dawn (V.O.): Finally, how should she conduct her
analysis? (She casually waits for an answer from
the audience for one and a half seconds.) By
having her Cranidos go in it & watch how it
survives inside.
(Dissolve back to the four and Bonnie casually
speaks to the audience.)
Bonnie (casually): Great job there, guys.
Dedenne: Dede.

Iris: Come on, lets get started.

(Now, a montage goes on, where Dawn & Iris start
building a scale sand model of the Ruins level by
level, and setting it up slightly below surface level.
Serena & Bonnie gather up some driftwood, rocks
and clam shells washed ashore, bring them over &
use them to build the various structures within the
Ruins. Now, they dig a deep moat around the
model to simulate it being underwater, as well as a
wide, deep & short waterway connecting to the
ocean. They let it fill up for a moment and then
block it off with some driftwood. Montage ends
with them looking over the final look of it.)
Serena: It looks pretty good.
Dedenne (concurring): Dede.
Dawn: Now, lets start back from the beginning.
Why is Manaphy leading Wailord to the Abyssal
(They brainstorm for a few seconds.)
Bonnie: What if someones trapped within them
and needs help getting rescued?
(Piplup gets into the water and Dedenne gets in
front of it on the side. They go over to the model &
Dedenne looks inside of it, while Piplup searches
around the outside.)

Iris: That could have happened, but I dont think

anyone would have been able to dive that far down
unless they had scuba tanks.
Bonnie: Good point there.
(Dawn thinks for a few seconds.)
Dawn: Hmm. Okay, how about this: maybe
Manaphy wants it to clear a path around them for
some of the Pokemon.
(Piplup & Dedenne go back to the beginning and
then come back over. Now, Dedenne moves some
small rocks out of the way, while Piplup moves the
larger ones.)
Serena: That would be good, except many of them
could just take an alternate route.
Dawn: Yeah, youre right about that.
(Serena ponders for a brief moment. Then, she
gets an idea.)
Serena: Ah-ha.
Dawn: What is it, Serena?
Serena: Maybe that Wailord isnt what it appears to
Iris: Really? How do you figure that?
Serena: Well, it could actually be a submarine
made to look like one to throw people off and

somebody could be forcing Manaphy to lead them

to the Ruins so they can steal something from
Iris: That actually sounds plausible.
(Piplup & Dedenne go back to the start, while they
place little pebbles around some of the levels. The
two return back over, and Dedenne goes around,
picking up the pebbles and bringing them over to
Piplup, while he stays in place at the entryway.)
Dawn: Okay, then. But how can we be sure about
Iris: Well just have to go out there and see for
Bonnie: Good idea. So, where are we going to get
a boat?
(They look up to the towns Pokemon Center. They
go up to it, head inside and see Nurse Joy at the
front desk. The interior has an ocean theme to it.)
Joy: Hey, there everyone.
All: Hi, Nurse Joy.
Piplup: Pip-lup.
Dedenne: Dede.
Axew: Ax-ew.
Joy: Is there something I can help you guys with?

Iris: Yeah. Do you have a boat?

Joy: Sure, I have one. Why do you ask?
Iris: We need to go out to the bay because we think
somebodys gone to the Abyssal Ruins to steal
some relics hidden inside & we want to go check it
Joy (curiously): Okay, but what makes you thinking
thats happening?
Dawn: We saw a Manaphy leading a Wailord there
and it could be in trouble.
Joy: Ah-ha. Well, then I better come with you.
(She gets up from her desk and goes into the next
room to get the scuba gear.)
Bonnie (wondering): Hold on, wholl run the Center
while youre gone?
Joy: Its all right. Audinos got everything under
Audino (confirming): Aud-ino.
Bonnie (getting it): Oh, all right then.
(The girls head into the bathrooms and change
back into their regular clothing. Now, they exit the
Center and head down to the pier, where Nurse
Joys sailboat is docked on the side. They get on
board and place the scuba gear in a storage

container. Joy unties from the dock and they take

Serena: So, I take it youve been diving for a while
Joy: Mmm-hmm, I sure have. I help out any injured
Pokemon living in the bay.
Serena: Oh, thats good.
(Dissolve to moments later, when they arrive at the
bay and stop at a certain spot.)
Joy: Okay, we should be right above them.
(They put on their wetsuits & scuba gear.)
Iris: Youre going to be okay here, Bonnie?
Bonnie: Dont worry. Well be fine, right you two?
Dedenne (agreeing): Dede.
Axew (agreeing): Axew.
Joy: You guys ready?
(They all nod their heads and jump into the water.
Once below the surface, they descend deeper. As
they do, schools of Mantines & Lumineon swim by,
as well as a few Corsola, Clawitzer and Frillish.
Seven minutes later, they arrive at the Ruins,
where they see the Wailord from earlier, waiting
near the entrance.)
Dawn (whispering): Look, there it is.

Piplup (whispering): Pip-lup.

Iris: So, whoevers there IS stealing something.
Serena: Yeah. (She spots something and gasps.)
Look there.
(They see four figures in scuba gear & masks and
Manaphy emerging from the entryway with steel
containers, opens up the Wailords mouth, climbs
inside with them and closes it back up. It moves
away from the Ruins & the group watches as it
heads back to the surface.)
Iris: Come on, lets follow them.
(They swim up to the surface, get back into the
boat, take the scuba gear off and go after them.
Now, we cross fade to moments later, where the
Wailord ship pulls up to the shore. Its mouth opens
up & Manaphy and the four exit from it with the
containers. They take off their masks and reveal
to be Butch, Cassidy and two other partners,
Annie & Oakley. Manaphy has a hypnotized look
on its face and is wearing a collar around its neck
with a red light on it. Oakley has the remote
control to it.)
Butch: Well, that went really smoothly.
Annie: Yep, and we have Manaphy to thank for
helping out with some of it.

Manaphy (hypnotically): Mana.

Cassidy: You know, that was a clever idea you had
of putting a mind-control collar on it.
Oakley: Why, thank you. Were good at what we
Butch: I say Giovannis going to be impressed with
Cassidy: Not just that, Butch. Hes going to be
thrilled with Manaphy, as well.
(They open up the containers and look at the relics
theyve taken. There are lots of relic gold, silver &
coppers in one, a few relic statues, vases, bands
and a relic crown in the other. The gold & silver
give a small gleam in the sunlight.)
All (in awe): Ahh.
Cassidy: How much do you think all of this is
Oakley: Probably over a million PokeYen.
Butch: Thats impressive.
Annie: Now remember, Oakley & I are getting half
of this.
Cassidy: Oh, we havent forgotten our deal about
(They close back up the containers.)

All (O.S.): Ah-ha!

(They turn over to see the gang pulling up to shore
& getting off the boat.)
Butch & Cassidy: Uh-oh, twerps!
Dawn: We shouldve known it was you, Mitch &
Butch: Ugh, thats Butch to you!
Iris (to Annie & Oakley): Hold on. Who are you
Annie: Why, were cunning & deceitful thieves. Im
Oakley: And Im Oakley.
Cassidy: I suggest you twerps back off before it
gets ugly.
Serena: No way! Were not letting you get away
with this!
Cassidy: All right, then prepare for trouble!
Butch: Yeah, and while youre at it, make it double!
Cassidy: To infect the world with devastation!
Butch: To blight all people in every nation!
Cassidy: To denounce the goodness of truth and
Butch: To extend our wrath to the stars above!

Cassidy: Cassidy!
Butch: And Butch, of course!
Cassidy: Were Team Rocket, circling Earth all day
and night!
Butch: Surrender to us now or you will surely lose
the fight!
Both: Thats right!
Joy: Give us those relics right now!
Cassidy: I think you twerps already know our
answer to that.
Dawn: Okay, if its a battle you want, then you got
Cassidy & Butch: Fine by us!
Cassidy: Go, Beartic!
Butch: Pidgeot, lets go!
Annie: Lets do it, Aegislash!
(They toss their PokeBalls into the air and a
Beartic, Pidgeot, and Aegislash emerge from
Beartic: (growls.)
Pidgeot: Pidgeo-tto!
(Oakley presses a button and Manaphy gets into a
battling stance.)

Dawn: Okay, lets do it, Piplup!

Piplup (confidently): Piplup, Piplup!
(Iris, Joy and Serena each get out one Pokeball.)
Joy: Go, Electivire!
Serena: I choose you, Braixen!
Iris: Excadrill, lets go!
(They throw them into the air and their respective
Pokemon come out from them.)
Braixen: Brai-xen!
Excadrill: Ex-ca!
Electivire: Elec-tivire!
Oakley: Okay. Manaphy, use Scald!
(She presses a button and Manaphy opens its
mouth and fires a stream of scalding hot water
surrounded by steam from it at Braixen.)
Butch: Pidgeot, use Steel Wing!
Cassidy: Beartic, Aqua Jet!
Annie: Head Smash!
(Pidgeots wings glow a metal-gray color, then
spins around and hits Piplup with them, doing
some damage to him. Now, Beartics body
becomes surrounded in a blue energy. The glow
fades and it becomes surrounded in water and

shoots itself at Excadrill, hitting him and doing

damage. Aegislashs body becomes surrounded in
a whitish-blue aura, making it appear to be in black
& white, points itself it Electivire and shoots itself
at it, delivering a good amount of damage to it.
Aegislash switches stances and now carries the
shield in its left arm and has its blade exposed.)
Dawn: Counter with Bubble Beam!
Iris: Use Focus Blast!
Joy: Thunderbolt!
Serena: Use Flamethrower!
Piplup: Piplup-lup-lup!
(He opens his beak, which glows light blue on the
inside, and fires a stream of multiple bubbles at
Excadrill: Exxx
(He puts its claws together and creates a light blue
ball of energy in between them. Now, it pulls one
claw back while holding it in the other.)
Excadrill: caaa-drill!
(He tosses it at Beartic.)
Electivire: Ele-ti-virrre!
(It fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity at

Braixen: Brai-xen!
(She points her wand stick at Aegislash and forms
a red-orange flame at its tip. She then releases a
red-orange stream of fire from the tip of it, dealing
a good amount of damage to it.)
Serena: Now, use Hidden Power!
Iris: Excadrill, use Dig!
Dawn: Use Drill Peck!
Joy: Electivire, Fire Punch!
(She forms a light blue ball of energy in front of her
hands and fires it at Manaphy.)
Excadrill: Ex-ca!
(He puts its arms up over its head, turning its body
into a drill, spins around and digs underground.
Piplups beak glows white and spins it like a drill
and jumps at Pidgeot. Electivires fist surrounded
in a red-orange flame and punches Aegislash with
it, doing some damage to it.)
Butch: Counter with Air Slash!
Annie: Use Shadow Claw, Aegislash!
Cassidy: Beartic, Brick Break!
Oakley: Manaphy, Water Pulse!
(Pidgeots wings glow light blue and it flaps its
wings, firing multiple glowing light blue disc-like
energy blade from them at Braixens attack,

colliding with it and cancelling it out. Aegislashs

blade becomes surrounded in a black aura with a
purple outline, then it takes the form of a claw.
Now, it spins around and clashes with Electivires
Fire Punch, resulting in a. Beartics fists glow white
arms glow white and karate chops Piplup, doing
damage and cancelling out his attack. Manaphy
creates a blue sphere of energy from in between
its hands, and fires it at Excadrill just as it pops up
from the ground, ready to attack it. The attacks
clash with each other, doing damage to each other
or cancel each other out. Aegislash changes
stances and holds up its shield in front of its blade
and has both arms crossed behind it.)
Annie: Now, use Shadow Sneak!
Cassidy: Rock Smash!
Oakley: Use Grass Knot!
Butch: Pidgeot, use Uproar!
(Aegislash changes stance, zooms its shadow out
until it goes behind Piplup. Then, it raises its blade
and one comes out of the ground. It then slashes
Piplup, doing some damage to him, and changes
stance again. Now, Beartics fists glow white and it
throws a punch at Excadrill. Pidgeot gives out a
loud cry and light blue sound waves emanate from
its beak at Electivire. Manaphys eyes glow green.
Then, four blades of grass near Braixens feet &
are about to tie themselves into a knot.)

Others: Dodge them!

(They quickly move out of the way of the attacks,
narrowly evading them.)
Joy: Use Power-up Punch!
Electivire: Vire!
(Its fist becomes surrounded in an orange aura and
throws it at Manaphy.)
Annie: Quick, Aegislash, protect Manaphy with
Kings Shield!
(It changes stance, gets in front of Manaphy and
projects a barrier that deflects the attack.)
Oakley: Thanks for that, Annie.
Annie: Hey, no problem.
Iris: Excadrill, Rock Slide!
Excadrill: Exca!
(His body glows white and multiple white rings of
energy appear above & around it. Several large
grey boulders come out of the ripples and fall
down on Pidgeot & Beartic, doing a great amount
of damage to them.)
Serena: Braixen, use Scratch!
Braixen: Braix!

(Her claws glow white and she slashes them out at

Beartic, doing more damage to it.)
Dawn: Use Ice Beam!
Piplup: Piiip-luuup!
(He opens his beak & fires light blue beams of
energy from his mouth at Aegislash, directly hitting
it and doing a good amount of damage. Now, as
this goes on, Bonnie, Dedenne and Axew quietly
sneak behind them, pick up one of the containers
and silently carry it away.)
Oakley: Okay, time to take it up. Manaphy,
(Its eyes glow light blue, raises its arms up and
suddenly Piplup becomes surrounded in a light
blue aura, gets lifted a few feet into the air and is
slammed back down, doing damage to him.)
Annie: Aegislash, Shadow Claw!
(It changes stance and its blade becomes
surrounded in a black aura with a purple outline,
then it takes the form of a claw. Now, it spins
around and slashes Electivire with it.)
Joy: Quick, dodge it!
(It moves out of the way of the attack, but
Aegislash slashes it the other way and deals
damage to it. Now, it changes stance again.)

Cassidy: Beartic, Blizzard!

(It opens its mouth and a light blue orb of energy
forms in front of it. Now, it fires a powerful wind
with snow inside it at Excadrill, dealing damage to
Cassidy: Excellent job there.
Butch: Pidgeot, use Sky Attack!
(It flies up into the air, turns around and flies
straight down at Braixen. Its body then becomes
surrounded in a clear aura with white energy
around it and it flies into her at top speed, doing
great damage to her.)
Butch: Ha, take that, twerps.
Serena: Braixen, Flamethrower!
(She points her wand stick at Pidgeot and forms a
red-orange flame at its tip. She then releases a
red-orange stream of fire from the tip of it, dealing
great damage to it.)
Iris: Excadrill, Drill Run!
Excadrill: Exca-drill!
(He jumps into the air, holds his arms out, then
rapidly spins his body and dives at Beartic,
stabbing it with the protrusion sticking out of its
head, delivering a good amount of damage.)

Joy: Electivire, Dual Chop!

(It dives into Aegislash, hitting it with his hands
and doing some damage to it.)
Iris (complementing): Nice move there, Nurse Joy.
Joy: Thank you, Iris. Same thing to you.
Dawn: Use Drill Peck!
Piplup: Pip-lup!
(His beak glows white and spins it like a drill and
jumps at Manaphy, doing damage to it.)
Serena: Now, do Hidden Power!
(She forms a light blue ball of energy in front of her
hands and fires it at Pidgeot, doing damage to it.)
Iris: Use Metal Claw!
Excadrill: Exca!
(His claws flash white and they turn to iron. Now,
he repeatedly slashes at Beartic, dealing great
damage with each slash.)
Joy: Use Fire Punch!
Electivire: Elec-ti-virre!!
(It fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity at
Aegislash, dealing a great damage to it. Both side
start to show signs of exhaustion.)
Oakley: Use Dazzling Gleam, Manaphy!

(It releases a bright light from its body and hits

both Piplup & Electivire, delivering significant
damage to them.)
Oakley: Good job there.
Cassidy: Beartic, use Hyper Beam!
(It puts its hands together and creates a white orb
of energy with pink energy inside of it in between
them. It then fires a white energy beam with pink
energy inside it at Braixen, doing great damage to
her. She gets scuffed up & breathes heavily.)
Serena (concerned): Braixen, you okay?
(She turns her head around and affirmatively nods
her head.)
Serena: Oh, good.
Butch: Pidgeot, Air Slash!
Pidgeot: Pidgeo-too!
(Its wings glow light blue and it flaps its wings,
firing multiple glowing light blue disc-like energy
blade from them at Excadrill, doing some damage
to him.)
Annie: Its time for Shadow Sneak, Aegislash!
(It zooms its shadow out until it goes behind
Electivire. Then, it raises its blade and one comes

out of the ground. It then slashes Electivire, doing

damage to him.)
Annie: How do you like that?
Dawn: All right, Piplup use Whirlpool!
Piplup: Piiiip-luuuup!!
(His body glows a blueish-white color and raises his
arms & beak to the air. Then, he opens his beak
and a huge whirlpool comes out of it and forms
above him. Now, Piplup throws the whirlpool at
Aegislash, doing damage to it.)
Joy: Okay, Electivire use Wild Charge!
(It runs at Beartic, then its body becomes
surrounded by yellow electricity.)
Butch: Pidgeot, take the hit for Beartic!
(Pidgeot flies in the path of the attack and takes
the hit.)
Cassidy: Whew. Thanks for the save there, Butch.
Butch: No problem.
Iris: Use Dig!
(He puts its arms up over its head, turning its body
into a drill, spins around and digs underground.
The, it pops up underneath Manaphy and attacks
it, doing some damage.)
Serena: Braixen, Fire Blast!

(Braixen releases a -shaped blast from her

mouth at Beartic, delivering serious damage to it.
It starts to heavily breath.)
Dawn: Piplup, Bubble Beam!
Piplup: Piplup-lup-lup!
(He opens his beak, which glows light blue on the
inside, and fires a stream of multiple bubbles at
Pidgeot, hitting it and doing damage.)
Serena: Good move there, Dawn.
Dawn: Thanks, Serena.
Joy: Electivire, Power-up Punch now!
Electivire: Electivire!
(Its fist becomes surrounded in an orange aura and
throws it at Manaphy, dealing a good amount of
damage to it.)
Annie: Okay, you asked for it. Aegislash, Sacred
(It changes stance and its blade glows white.
Then, a long curved blade with a white aura forms
around it. Now, it slices Excadrill with it, dealing a
great amount of damage.)
Oakley: Manaphy, use Grass Knot now!
(Its eyes glow green. Then, four blades of grass
near Piplups feet glow green & tie themselves into

a knot & trip him over, doing a good amount of

damage to him. He starts to breath heavily.)
Butch: Pidgeot, you use Brave Bird!
(It flies up into the air, and its body becomes
surrounded in a light blue aura. Then, it flies
straight Braixen, slamming into her at full force,
doing a large amount of damage to her, while also
taking recoil damage)
Cassidy: Beartic, Blizzard now!
(It opens its mouth and a light blue orb of energy
forms in front of it. Now, it fires a powerful wind
with snow inside it at Electivire, dealing a great
amount of damage.)
Iris: Oh, well show you! Excadrill, use Rock Slide!
Excadrill: Exca!
(His body glows white and multiple white rings of
energy appear above & around it. Several large
grey boulders come out of the ripples and fall
down on Beartic & Pidgeot dealing a great amount
of damage to both of them, and knocking out
Beartic in the process. It collapses to the ground.)
Cassidy: Ahh, no!
Dawn: Piplup, Hydro Pump!
(He opens his beak & blasts a powerful jet of water
from it at Aegislash, landing a direct hit, deliver a

lot of damage and knocking it out. It falls on its

Annie: This is not going according to plan.
Serena: Braixen, use Flamethrower!
(She points her wand stick at Pidgeot and forms a
red-orange flame at its tip. She then releases a
red-orange stream of fire from the tip at it, dealing
a good amount of damage and knocking it out. It
falls to the ground.)
Butch: Okay, this is not looking good.
Joy: Electivire, use Wild Charge!
Electivire: Vire!
(It runs at Manaphy, then its body becomes
surrounded by yellow electricity. It lands a direct
hit, dealing serious damage to it& knocking it out.
It falls down to the ground.)
Oakley (shocked): Oh, no. This cant be happening.
Iris: All right, use Focus Blast!
Dawn: Piplup, Hydro Pump again!
Serena: Braixen, Fire Blast!
Joy: Wild Charge!
(He opens his beak & blasts a powerful jet of water
from it.)

Excadrill: Exxx
(He puts its claws together and creates a light blue
ball of energy in between them. Now, it pulls one
claw back while holding it in the other.)
Excadrill: caaa-drill!
(He throws it at them. Now, Braixen releases a shaped blast from her mouth. Electivire runs at
then, then its body becomes surrounded by yellow
electricity. The attacks collide, resulting in an
explosion that sends them, their Pokemon except
Manaphy and the other container fly into the air.
Annie drops the remote control.)
Butch & Cassidy: Were blasting off again!
(They go off into the distance and a star twinkle.
Now, Bonnie & Joy go over to check on Manaphy.)
Bonnie: Is it going to be okay?
Joy: Of course it will. It just needs some rest.
(She goes into her pocket and gets out a Full
Restore and hands it to her.)
Joy: Here. Spray some of this on it.
Bonnie: Okay.
(She gently sprays it around its body. Now,
Manaphy slowly opens its eyes.)
Bonnie (gently): Hey. You feeling any better?

(It slowly nods its head.)

Bonnie: Thats good. Im Bonnie, and this is Iris,
Serena, Dawn and nurse Joy.
Others: Hi, there.
(It raises its hand & waves to them. Now, it starts
to slowly float up into the air.)
Serena: Sorry we had to battle with you. They
gave us no choice.
(Manaphy gives a smile as if to say, Dont worry. I
know what you had to do.)
Iris (wondering): So, what do you think they took
from the ruins?
Joy: Well, lets find out.
(They go over to it, open it and see the relic
statues, vases, bands and crown.)
All (amazed): Ahh!
Serena: What are these?
Joy: Ive read about them. Theyre ancient relics
that were hidden away for thousands of years and
are really valuable.
Dawn: Oh, cool, but its too bad that the rest of
them flew off with Team Rocket.
Joy: Yeah, but its all right. Sure, what they have is
valuable, but these ones are worth a lot more.

Iris: Ahh, I see. What will you do with them?

Joy: Ill keep them at the center & put them on
display for a few days.
Iris: Oh, sound good.
(Joy closes up the container. Dawn turns over to
Bonnie: So, Manaphy, how would you to relax with
us before you start heading out?
(It thinks for a moment & nods its head.)
Dawn: Oh, good.
Joy: Hey, would you mind if I also join you guys for
a little while?
Iris: Okay. You sure?
Joy: Yeah. Ill head back to the center in fifteen
Iris: Oh, all right, then.
(They turn over to the audience.)
All (casually): Thanks a lot, guys.
Axew (casually): Axew.
Piplup (casually): Pip-lup.
Dedenne (casually): Dede.
(Fade in to moments later, where they are back in
their bathing suits and enjoying themselves. Joy,

Serena & Iris are sunbathing on the beach, while

Dawn, Piplup & Bonnie are playing in the water and
Dedenne, Axew and Manaphy play with each
Serena: That was an interesting episode. Did you
like it? (She casually waits for an answer from the
audience for one second.) Oh, okay then. Well
see you next time.
(They casually wave goodbye to the audience and
resume what they were doing. Then, we pan over
to a view of the ocean with the Sun shining high in
the sky and we fade to black, ending the episode.)

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