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SINCE 2008

27-1675 The Chase Rd, Mississauga L5M 5Y7

Sabas Academy, listed with the Ministry of Education as a Private School, fosters a
commitment to excellence in a positive and supportive Islamic environment.
We aim at:
1. Providing an equal opportunity to all those who are concerned for
the education of their children without having to compromise their
2. Providing the necessary knowledge and environment to develop an
Islamic personality and Islamic moral values.
3. Training the leaders of the future.

To prepare each student for the competitive world of tomorrow through
excellence in education and spiritual enlightenment.
To enhance the lives of students through Islamic education, practicing and
encouraging moral character and development of social compassion and
Sabas Academys faculty and staff will, inshaAllah, nurture the potentials
within each child and strive with each student for whole personality
development. Teachers seek to enrich the spiritual, intellectual,
emotional, social, and physical life of each student to help them achieve
confidence and self-esteem. Integration of Islam in every aspect of the

curriculum and program unlocks in each student the will to contribute to

the advancement of his or her community and society.

Islamic education entails teaching children the basic concepts, values, and
ethics of Islam, which serve as the foundation for all other human
knowledge and sciences. The aim is to develop an Islamic personality so
that an individual can choose to live his/her life in this world according to
the guidance revealed in the Quran and exemplified in the life of Prophet
Muhammad (SWT).
Our Islamic School strives to prepare competent Islamic leaders,
scientists, and professionals simultaneously. The entire curriculum is
presented to the student in an Islamic perspective, providing an Islamic
viewpoint in each discipline, while at the same time providing excellent
academic preparation for higher education. The most distinguished
characteristic of Islamic School is that it provides an environment that
encourages an Islamic personality to develop and flourish.
The main goal of Sabas Academy is to provide quality education, to instill
a love of learning in the students, and to graduate students who will rely
on Islam as a complete way of life.
An Islamic educational program can only be effective when it is reinforced
in other areas of the childs life. Teachers must take responsibility for
providing a good example by demonstrating an Islamic lifestyle inside and
outside of the school.
A well-disciplined classroom is one in which the students know and
understand the importance of the classroom and school wide rules. They
have the self-awareness and self-control necessary to be able to follow the
rules and they understand that they will be held accountable for their
actions. The teachers will teach these rules in a manner that will foster
self-discipline and a sense of self-awareness and accountability in the


Students are expected to:

show respect for themselves and others

follow directions of all staff and the classroom rules
keep hands, feet and objects to themselves

use clean language and speak in an appropriate tone of voice

safeguard and protect private property
be honest and truthful
be prepared: report to class on time, bring supplies, homework and
keep the school clean do monitor jobs diligently
walk, and not run inside the school building, remain seated, and raise
hand to speak.
leave personal items at home
students to come to school on time with Navy Blue and White
School Uniforms only.


Sabas Academy Islamic School is a safe, nurturing, respectful and positive
learning environment. This type of climate enables all students to succeed
to their full potential. This also dictates that it is a violence-free
environment. All students are expected to acquire the knowledge and
skills that demonstrate respect for fellow students. The school will not
tolerate the following activities on its property or on the school bus:
Violence of any kind Harmful, threatening or other unlawful acts Verbal
abuse in any form Stealing or taking property of other students The
presence of intruders or any activity that places the safety of students,
staff or visitors at risk Any types of threats or physical injury or attempts
are completely unacceptable Weapons or any sharp objects of any sort
are completely prohibited from the school grounds Using inappropriate
language Not following instructions from staff members and volunteers,
both in the classroom and in all other areas of the school To engage in
such acts is utterly unacceptable and could result in an
immediate suspension and/or expulsion from the School.


Navy blue pants or jumper. White shirt /

blouse and white hijab.


Tuition Fee is $350 /month and annual Registration Fee is $250
First Child $350 /month, 2nd Child and onwards $300 /month. Karate,
workbooks, and Friday pizza included. Uniform is extra. The school has 12
months payment policy. Withdrawal from school will require three months
notice or payment. After 3 months, students will be retired from school.
Method of Payment: Interac e-Transfer:
Password: fees. Please write the student's name and grade in the

The law requires regular attendance and this is a legal responsibility on
parents. Absences must also be recorded on a pupils annual report. Your
assistance in making this a smooth and safe transition is mandatory.
Students are expected to be at school on time.
SCHOOL TMIMGS: 9:00 a.m. - 2:20pm. School opens at 8:50 a.m. and
closes at 2:30 p.m. Karate Students are off at 3:30 p.m. on Mondays. It
is the parent/guardians responsibility to call the school before 8:50 a.m.
to report the childs absence. Please state the students name, grade and
reason for the absence. All students arriving late should report to the
office to obtain a late-slip. All students leaving before dismissal time
must have the parent/guardian sign them out from the office. Regular
class attendance is vital to the learning process. A student arriving to
class late is disruptive to the learning process.


Ministry Curriculum includes: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social
Studies, Art, French and Physical Education. In addition, we offer a
rigorous program that includes Quran Islamic Studies and the Arabic
language. EQAO and BYOD.


Quran Day, Competitions, Spelling Bee, Science Fair, Math Fair, Field Trips,
Karate, Fund Raising Events, International Day, Eid Day, Pizza Day etc.

Sabas Academy Islamic School believes in the inclusion of homework in
the school program. With consistent homework, students will learn to set
and achieve learning goals both inside and outside school, manage their
own learning, and acquire the habits and skills necessary for success both
inside and outside of school. It is essential that all parents monitor the
homework of their children. If homework is not completed as per the
instructions and time limits given by the teacher, a letter or phone call
may be made to the parents to guarantee that the student will carry out
his/her academic responsibilities. Failure to do the homework will result in
deductions of marks at least and poor academic standing.
TEACHERS: Assign work that is relevant and purposeful Provide clear
guidelines, expectations and evaluation criteria Ensure the students
have the skills and the understanding to do the work Set timelines that

are reasonable and take into account other homework, as well as

scheduling requirements of home life
PARENTS: Provide a quiet place and designated time to do homework
Show an interest in their childs academic progress by reviewing their
school work Ensure homework is returned Respond to teacher
communications, when requested, and/or initiate communication, as
STUDENTS : Complete the assigned work to the best of their ability
Meet deadlines for homework completion Develop a homework routine
Take home needed materials and bring back what is required Ask for
clarification or assistance from the teacher, as required Let parents know
what is happening at school Maintain the agenda

The following conversion chart shows how the four levels of achievement are
aligned to letter grades.
The achievement charts in the provincial curriculum and will be reported using
percentage marks. It is expected that both mathematical calculations and
professional judgement will inform the determination of percentage marks.
The following conversion chart shows how the four levels of achievement are
aligned to
percentage marks:
Achievement Level Letter Grade to Percentage Marks
4 + A + 95100
4 A 8086
3 + B + 7779
3 B 7072
2 + C + 6769
2 C
2 C 6062
1 + D+ 5759
1 D
1- D5052
R Means below 50%

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