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Top 10 Reasons Why You Our mission is to educate tax-paying

citizens and parent stakeholders on the ways

Should Care about in which the methods and philosophies used
in public education today affect them. From
budgetary allotments to curricula, ROPE
Public Education? attempts to make Oklahomans aware of how

Restore Oklahoma Public Education

every dollar spent and every idea taught can
actively influence the future voters enrolled

Do you know
in Oklahoma Public Education today.
1. If you are a taxpayer, you pay for

what your
public education.
Our vision is to return our Oklahoma
2. If you have a child in private school or public education system to the ideal
if you homeschool, you are still paying

child learned
construed by that of the Founders of our
for public education.
country who believed that the precepts of
3. 89% of students are educated in public education contain the teaching of ethics,


A poorly educated citizenry leads to an

morality and faith in order to provide the
cornerstones of a free government. in school
increase in the crime rate and the
number of welfare recipients - all at an
increased cost to taxpayers.
Our schools should be locally managed, free
from the fetters of Federal Government
monies, programs and control. Parents, local
5. Employers are looking to locate in communities and school boards should be
areas with a highly educated workforce. the ultimate factors influencing the teachers,
6. The majority of the population is curriculum and atmosphere of schools,
educated in public schools and as whether elementary, mid, or high.
adults, they will have the right to VOTE.
Oklahoma public schools should be
7. Many kids in the public education
strongholds for Constitutional teaching and
system today will be the business and
political leaders of tomorrow. knowledge in order to bring about a
population of youth able to use their
8. Some of the kids in public education considerable wisdom to maintain a Free
today will be taking care of you in your Republic.
golden years.

9. Until a enough citizens become aware

of what is happening in our public
education system, we won’t be able to
Restore Oklahoma Public Education
effect reforms that work.

10. There will always be a need for some

form of publicly-funded education.
Restore Oklahoma Public Education

Did You Know?

Shocking Statistics Textbook/Methodology Problems Federal/UN Involvement a Bad Idea

• Many textbooks today contain seriously Programs and Textbooks to Avoid:

• 1 in 7 adults in the USA have such low
literacy skills that it would be tough for wrong and misleading information. • Race to the Top
them to read anything more challenging • NCLB - No Child Left Behind
than a children's picture book. • Many textbooks appear more aimed to
political and cultural correctness as a • Goals 2000
• 71% of American adults failed a test of priority instead of aimed only to 100% • IB Curriculum
civic literacy (Intercollegiate Studies accurate AND relevant information and • We the People: The Citizen & The
Institute). disciplined learning of the subject. Constitution textbook

• Oklahoma lowered proficiency standards • "Honors high school texts are no more

What Can You Do?

in 4th and 8th grade reading and math difficult than an eighth grade reader was
from 2005 to 2007 before World War II." (Study by Donald
Hayes, Professor at Cornell University).
• Oklahoma students in a 5-way tie for 7th • Keep up-to-date on education issues at
lowest ACT math score in the nation • NCTM standards for integrated math de-
emphasize memorization of number
• Only 9% of Oklahoma high school facts, the learning of proofs, and • Take a close look at your children’s
students are prepared for college; 30% of algebraic skills, but encouraged the use textbooks, library books and
first-time college students need remedial of calculators and discovery learning. assignments. Ask them detailed
courses questions about what they do in class.
• Instructional principles behind the Whole Discuss concerns with teachers and
More Money is Not the Answer Language method (“sight” reading) are principals. Report findings to R.O.P.E.
(Heritage Foundation) light on formal content and heavy on
assumptions that children will learn to • Become involved in your PTA/PTO and
• While spending per pupil has more than read by feeling enthusiastic about attend school board meetings.
doubled from 1970-2004 (using reading. This is the most widely used
inflation- adjusted numbers), reading • Follow education legislation online at
method in the USA. The bottom 40% of
scores have remained relatively flat.
children, the poor and near-poor, suffer
WebBillStatus/main.html and contact
• Increasing federal funding on education most.
members of congress.
has not been followed by similar gains in
student achievement. • Spread the word

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