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General election

2010 — say

“No to cuts and job losses

Make the bankers pay!”
Councillor Jackie Grunsell, GP ritain is going through the worst recession since the
1930’s. How did we get into this mess?
Colne Valley - election communication
For the last decade banks have got filthy rich by
overspending and getting into massive debt. When their
fancy schemes went bust 2 years ago, they went cap in
hand to the government who bailed them out-with our
money- to the staggering tune of £1.4 trillion. The banks
and New Labour’s bailouts have bankrupt the country…
and they want us to pay!

Bankers bonuses have shot back up to £60 billion and not

a glove laid on them! The gap between the rich and poor in
UK is now greater than it has been for 70 years. They have
been encouraged by New Labour’s second in command,
Peter Mandelson, when he said he was ‘intensely relaxed
Local Health bosses decided to transfer many Huddersfield about people getting filthy rich’,… including Tony Blair who
health services to Calderdale and beyond, threatening vitally has raked in £10 million since leaving office.
needed resources. As a local GP, I initiated a huge local
campaign called ‘Save Huddersfield NHS’ which collected There is nothing to choose between the three main parties,
signatures, organised demos and protests. As part of the they all stand up for the rich. And MP’s have been too busy
campaign I decided to stand as an independent candidate claiming in excess of £95 million in expenses to notice
in Crosland Moor and Netherton, where I live, and won with Working people no longer have a voice, little wonder that
an 800 majority. I am up for re-election this year. so many don’t vote.
The current onslaught on public services, jobs and living
standards as a result of the recession brought on by greedy TUSC is trying to break that mould. We are taking politics
bankers, is made worse by the failure of the three main back to its grass roots. Made up of trade unionists,
political parties to stand up for ordinary working people. socialists, environmentalists and community groups, we
I have refused to accept any expenses as a local councillor are offering a real alternative to the main parties. We will
and have used ‘allowance’ money to support workers and be standing up to 80 candidates at this election as a
young people in struggle. I am committed to the principle of springboard to establish a new workers party, that will
workers’ representatives on a workers’ wage. champion your interests, not those of big business.

Printed by Print Express, Pitcliffe way, Bradford, BD5 7SG. Promoted by Ed Doveton, 9 Helme Park, Meltham, HD9 5SQ, on behalf of
Jackie Grunsell, 111 Dryclough Road, Huddersfield, HD4 5JB.
Banking and the financial sector MP’s expenses
The world economy hinges on the forecasts and actions of a All of us must have been appalled by the contempt shown
handful of bankers - and the financial interests of those who by MPs over their expenses. It shows how out of touch they
appoint them. The Government has given up to £1.4 trillion are with ordinary people, that they didn’t give it a second
to bail out the banks and financiers, ie 80 years worth of thought until it was publicised. The sitting Huddersfield MP,
funding for the NHS, all to keep the fragile money system on top of a salary of £78,000, and allowances of almost
from collapsing. £150,000, had the nerve to claim £200 for food every
The government now have a majority stake in a number of month from 2004 to 2008!
banks. These should be run in the interests of the public, If elected Jackie and Paul will not take the full salary or
providing cheap credit for mortgages and small businesses. expenses, donating money back to youth, trade union and
Instead, Northern Rock was one of the quickest to throw community campaigns.
families out of their houses! Continuing to run these banks
along market lines will make this crisis worse for working Democracy
and middle class people. All elections should be conducted by proportional
The £60 billion bonuses estimated to have been paid out representation. This is used for other elections in the UK
this year should be taken off those at the top, and used to and should be used for elections to Westminster as well.
create jobs for the unemployed and improve public Our Parliamentary elections should be held on a 4 yearly
services. fixed term, and not held at the whim of the PM. MPs should
also be accountable to their constituents, and open to recall
if necessary.
The House of Lords should be abolished as there is no place
in a modern democracy for a hereditary-based system of

Restoring Trades union rights

The Anti-trade union laws are being used to restrict workers
rights to organise and fight back. The British Airways and
railway strike were stopped by the courts, disregarding the
fact that in both cases the vast majority of members voted
for strike action. They are an attack on basic democratic
rights, and are used to help the bosses drive down
everyone’s living conditions apart from their own. We
demand the immediate repeal of these laws.

Water and energy provision

Our vital industries should be brought back into the public
sector and be operated efficiently on a non-profit making
basis. They should be managed by boards elected by the
communities they serve and those who work in the service.
Education Health
New Labour has introduced a two tier education system In 10 years, from 1997 to 2007, the market in private
which is discriminating against the poorest sections of provision of NHS care had risen from £200 million to £2
society. billion under Labour. A lot of this money is going straight
They have pushed through Building Schools for the Future into the pockets of the shareholders of the private
(BSF) programme which bribes councils with extra money in companies. Healthcare is not a commodity to pile up high
exchange for school closures, introduction of elitist and sell. Even today this Government is still pushing through
academies, and bigger schools. further privatisation of Community health services like
Our local experience of BSF has been farcical. The council District Nurses, School Nurses and Health Visitors. GP
has proposed the closure of 7 schools, and opened up a budgets will be cut in the next year.
‘competition’ to run 2 new schools, ie privatisation. Ex-Ministers like Patricia Hewitt and Alan Milburn now sit on
Castle Hall residents successfully overturned closure plans the boards of these private companies that Labour gave
for their school. However, the main political parties’ NHS business to.
infighting on the council means that there is no overall plan All NHS services must remain totally within the public sector
for Huddersfield’s schools. and all our focus must be on the delivery of clinical care.
To add insult to injury, New Labour has started an expected
£2.6 billion worth of cuts in Higher Education, after getting
rid of student grants and introducing university fees.
Anyone going on to university can expect to leave with debts
of up to £23,000—free education has become a thing of the
past, preserved for those who can afford it.

Public transport
All buses and trains must be nationalised and brought back
under public ownership and fully integrated and affordable
to improve take-up and reduce the dependency we have on
private car use. This would not only reduce traffic
congestion and environmental damage but will also
enhance our health.

Council Housing
Council housing waiting lists stand at more than 1.6 million
households. Repairing and renovating current council
housing, and building a new generation of first class council
homes is the most effective way to meet housing need and
re-create the mixed communities we all want to see. This
could also provide jobs for unemployed construction
workers and those who want to get into the industry.

State Pension
Pensions and retirement are a right for all. We demand a
basic state pension set above the official poverty level
(estimated at £165 a week in 2009), which is linked to the
higher of earnings or prices, to provide some financial
security for all.

Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq Protect our environment

The Iraq war was an illegal war and Blair, Bush and Brown Capitalism will always put short-term profit before other
should be indicted for war crimes. This shows that the cost concerns, including the environment. The climate crisis
of human lives means little to our leaders. The troops should requires a total restructure of our economy and society
be brought home from Afghanistan and Iraq now. along sustainable lines. Public transport must be made
They are not helping security here and maintaining the widely available in our cities. Improvements in energy
corrupt Afghan government will never bring real peace to efficiency must be made in all areas. The reason this does
that country. not happen already is that capitalism is also a system of
minority rule. Economic and political power is concentrated
Trident in the hands of the corporate elite who inevitably put profit
The Government wants to upgrade the Trident nuclear before people and the planet. The road towards an
weapons at a cost of over £76 billion. Sitting Huddersfield ecological society is closed unless decision-making power is
MP, Barry Sheerman, voted for this ridiculous waste of taken away from these elites and given to the people. Unlike
public money, despite telling local people he was against capitalism, the purpose of the economy would be to make
making a decision at that point only a week earlier! We sure everyone’s needs were met, rather than the waste and
should get rid of our nuclear weapons now. chaotic overproduction in the search for profit.
10 reasons to vote for the Trade
Unionist and Socialist Coalition
 A workers MP on a workers wage
 We won’t pay for the bosses’
 No to cuts in public services;
reverse Blair and Thatcher’s
 No to war and occupation in Iraq
and Afghanistan
 Fight for jobs for all! No to writing
off a generation
 Defend trade union rights; defend
 Don’t raise university fees!
Education is a right not a privilege
 Defend the NHS—no to cuts and
 No to racism, sexism, homophobia
or discrimination
 Stop environmental destruction

Keep up to date with Jackie
Don’t just get angry and shout at the TV. Get Active and fight back!
If you can help with campaign, please consider any of the following
 Help deliver leaflets
 Meet the candidate, have a chat in your home with your friends/neighbours
 Display a poster
 Attend meetings/ send me more info

Name:………………………………………………………...………. Email:………………………..……………………………………………..
Please return to: 111 Dryclough Road, Huddersfield HD4 5JB, or contact Jackie on: 07814223177 or

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