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NAME:_________________________________ SURNAME: _______________________________



Paper 2 (L)
Time allowed: 2hs. 30m


You are going to read an article about five young sportspeople. For questions 1-10, choose from the different
texts (A - E) The sportspeople may be chosen more than once. There is an example at the beginning.
Which person (s) mention(s) ...
preferring individual to team sports?

0. _A__

needing expensive equipment?

1. ____

having a very competitive attitude to winning?

2. ____

a negative opinion of the way some sportspeople behave? 3. ____

having hurt themselves while doing their sport?

5. ____

almost giving up their sport?

6. ____

not being taken seriously by others?

7. ____

learning from observing other sportspeople?

8. ____

the effect that their sport has had on their social life?

9. ____

getting jobs thanks to their sport?

10. ____

4. ____


A. Django- Free runner
Coming second in the free running world championship
has landed me roles in music videos, but it does not pay
as much as to get by, so I also work delivering goods
with my bike. That isnt ideal, but it wont make me quit,
and I try not to get too depressed about it. Thats why Im
always looking for new opportunities. For example, Im
currently working on a deal with a potential sponsor - a
sportswear company called Free Spirit. Thats me! I
dont run on a track, I go wherever I want. I dont let any
obstacles or worries about danger hold me back. Not
when Im running. There are too many distractions when
you play sports in a team. Alone, you can concentrate on
each movement, completely in tune with your body and
your surroundings.
B. Thomas- Tennis player
When I lost the junior championship, my coach refused
to speak to me. Devastated, I practised alone with a
racquet for hours, until I was practically falling asleep on
my desk at school. It took me months to get my
confidence back and it nearly made me abandon tennis
for life. The funny thing is, since I got rid of my coach,
Ive been doing much better! Ive won some awards and
Im hoping to earn some money as a professional one
day. I think it is important to keep things in perspective,
and its a shame that some people take it all too
seriously. You see players trying to cheat by intimidating
opponents or shouting at referees. I cant see the point
of that. At the end of the day, its just a game.
C. Gabrielle- Cheerleader
When I tell people what I do, they often laugh, and that
drives me really mad. If I hadnt trained really hard, I
wouldnt be where I am today. Looks arent enough;
youve got to have talent, determination and strength.
And I mean that in both ways. I work out a lot, often to
the point of being completely worn out. As part of an
acrobatic routine I sometimes have to carry other girls on

my shoulders, and theyre not as skinny as they look on

TV! You also need inner strength. Cheerleading is
largely an amateur sport, so you dont get paid, but that
doesnt stop it from being very competitive. I have seen
instances of bullying among team mates, which is just
terrible. I wish it wasnt an issue; I want to feel proud of
my sport.
D. Monica- Surfer
Theres still this stereotype of the laid-back, supercool,
surfer. If only it were true! You cant be laid-back if you
want to succeed, and for me, second place is as bad as
last place. If I see someone doing a new trick, it
becomes an obsession for me. I study all their moves
and work out how to copy them. I dont care how many
times I fall off the board or how many bruises I get as
long as I can do it perfectly in the end. It can be a very
lonely sport. If you are getting up very early every
morning to catch the best waves, then you dont want to
go out much in the evenings. But I guess, Im young, and
all that can wait - I just want a few more trophies first!
E. Mario- Wheelchair rugby player
My parents were initially against my taking up wheelchair
rugby because its often perceived to be dangerous.
Some people even call it murderball! So far Ive
managed to avoid any crashes on the court myself,
although Ive had a few near misses. I think that if you
are speedy enough you can avoid most collisions!
Anyway, luckily, I managed to persuade my parents to
change their minds and so I am not forced to give it up.
Now I regularly hear them cheering in the stands.
Wheelchair rugbys so exciting its becoming increasingly
popular with spectators, which is great because that may
mean more money from sponsors. Sadly, the special
wheelchairs we need to use do not come cheap. Itd be
a shame if that prevents people from trying this sport.
Adapted from Bradfield, B (2010) Target FCE- Students Book.
Richmond Publishing.


I. Choose the correct alternative to complete the sentences.
1. Fiona has just realized that the plane is __________ to leave in a few minutes and she still has not
gone through the check-in desk.
a. managed

b. bound

c. able

2. Linda had lost the same amount of money she had invested. So, by the end of the year she was
a. breaking even

b. broke

c. well-off

3. After days of careful analysis, detectives concluded that the signature had been _________, it was
not authentic.
a. embezzled

b. stolen

c. forged

4. This room is a bit _________. Why dont you open a window so that we have some fresh air
coming in?
a. cosy

b. draughty

c. stuffy

5. Mark is so good at understanding other peoples points of view. He is so _____________.

a. indignant

b. tolerant

c. sarcastic

II. Fill in the gaps in this text with a suitable option.

Cognitive therapy study hope for hypochondria patients

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) is more effective 0) ____A______ standard care for people with
hypochondria or health anxiety, say researchers writing in The Lancet. In their study, 14% of patients
given CBT regained normal anxiety levels against 7% given the usual care of basic reassurance.
According to sources, nurses could easily be trained to offer the psychological therapy. Nowadays,
between 10% and 20% of hospital patients are thought 1) ___________obsessively about their
health. Previous studies have shown that CBT, which aims to change thought patterns and behaviour,
is an effective treatment for 2) ___________anxiety disorders.
But there is a shortage of specialists trained to deliver CBT, and as a result waiting lists can be long.
In this study, 219 people with health anxiety received an average of six sessions of cognitive
behavioural therapy while 225 received reassurance and support, which is standard. After periods of
six months and 12 months, 3) ____________patients in the CBT group showed "significantly greater
improvement in self-rated anxiety and depression symptoms" compared with standard care, the study
showed. There was also a particularly noticeable reduction in health anxiety in the CBT group straight
after treatment began. The therapy was delivered by non-CBT experts who 4) ___________in only
two workshops.
Study author Prof Peter Tyrer, head of the Centre for Mental Health at Imperial College London, said
the results showed that hypochondria cases could be successfully treated, in a "relatively cheap" way,
by general nurses with minimal training in a hospital setting. Reducing the anxiety levels of 14% of the
CBT group might not seem a high figure, he said, but these were often people with serious problems
5) ____________had sometimes spent thousands of pounds on private health assessments because
of fears about their health.
Adapted from:

0. A

A. than

B. when

C. that


A. to have worried

B. to worry

C. to worrying


A. other

B. others

C. another


A. the most

B. most of

C. most of the


A. had trained

B. were being trained

C. was trained


A. whose

B. which

C. who

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the
word given without changing it. You must use between two and five words, including the word given.
1. Stuart is not afraid of bats. He explored a cave last week.
If Stuart___________________________________, he wouldnt have explored a cave last
2. I was very tired on Monday morning because I dont usually get up so early.
I was very tired on Monday morning because I ____________________________up so early.
3. We think it might be a good idea to buy a bigger flat.
We ________________________________________________________ a bigger flat.
4. There is a slight chance that Rob took your book by mistake but Im not sure.
Rob _________________________________________________________ by mistake.
5. Even though he had the money on him, Peter decided not to buy that jacket.
Peter decided not to buy the jacket _______________________________________money on him.
6. Some people say that this town was inhabited by zombies.
This town is _________________________________________ inhabited by zombies.
7. I regret having left the party so early. Everyone was having so much fun.
If only ___________________________________________________the party so early.
8. I will always remember the time we ate oysters by the sea in Lisbon.
I will never ____________________________________________by the sea in Lisbon.
IV. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form. Use modals if necessary.

One small Pacific island became a treasure bank for a string of pirates and a magnet for treasure
hunters. But even after 300 years, Cocos Island, (lie) 1)___________ 500 km off Costa Rica,
2)___________ (not reveal) its treasures yet. Apparently, the biggest treasure of all 3) __________
(leave) there by a Scottish sailor, William Thompson. During a revolution in 1821, the government of
Peru hired him to carry their most valuable treasures to Panama to keep them safe. Thompson
quickly stole them and buried them in Cocos Island. The rulers of Peru forced him 4) __________
(take) them back to the spot where he 5)__________ (bury) the treasure, but he escaped and hid on
the island until they had left. He was rescued by a ship and planned to come back to Cocos Island to
collect the treasure. But he never made it. On his deathbed, he told a friend, John Keating, where the
valuable possession could 6)___________ (find).
So far, many attempts 7)____________ (make) to track down the treasure on that island, but
the most successful of all was John Keating. He set sail for Cocos with a companion named Boag.
They found the cave, and it looked exactly as it 8) _______________ (describe) by Thompson, with a
lot of treasure. But when they returned to their ship, the crew demanded a big part of the loot and
were very violent. So, Keating and Boag jumped overboard and swam to the island to escape. The
crew, after 9)____________ (look) for the treasure in vain, sailed away. Boag died, but Keating
survived and was able to escape in a passing whaling ship. No one knows what he took with him, but
it is said he lived in wealth for the rest of his life until he died. He left his widow some clues on how
10) _________ (find) the treasure cave.
Adapted from: Kerr P., Jones C, (2007), Straightforward- Upper Intermediate, UK. Macmillan

I. Write about 150 words on the following.
You have decided to enter a short story competition. The competition rules say that the story must
begin or end with the following words:
Tim closed the door behind him. He had never been so furious in his life.
Write your story for the competition. The best story will be published in an international English
language magazine for students of English.


II. You must write about 150 - 180 words on ONE of the following
a) You have been asked to write an article for a blog. The title of the article is Working out can
change your life. Write your article describing the advantages and disadvantages of going to the
gym and exercising in your free time and provide your own opinion on the topic. Write your

b) A magazine is looking for film reviews with the following title: A film that taught me a lesson.
Write a review for the newsletter saying what the film is about, what kind of film it is and what it
taught you. Write your review.

c) Look at the following headline, Young adults now prefer to live with their parents for longer.
Write a newspaper article about it.


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