Caroline Letter

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April 3, 2016

Dear Caroline:
I have had the privilege of working with you for approximately seven months while you served
as a graduate assistant in the Department of Housing & Residence Life. As Director of the
department, I have a unique perspective from which to observe your skills, accomplishments,
and growth. In addition, I had an opportunity to observe your skills as a student when we
enrolled in the same course prior to your employment.
Caroline, I find you to be an individual who is incredibly self-motivated and resourceful. You are
someone who has very specific goals and expectations and who doesnt let anyone distract you
from those goals. You think far into the future, allowing yourself time to make concrete plans
(hence, your strength as Futuristic on the StrengthsFinder!). I rarely come across students who
have clear path outlined for themselves after graduationbut you do! This is something I
admire greatly! I will never forget the moment in class when you stated that your career goal
was to be Kathi Baker. Your clear and obvious passion for residence life makes it an obvious
choice for your career.
Allow me to highlight some of your other strengths and contributions:
1. Flexibility: Part of the way through your first year as a Graduate Assistant, you learned
that you would be moved to Housing & Residence Life the following year. While most of
our GAs have a two-year experience in the same department, you learned a job and
then had to start over and learn another. From the moment you were notified of the
coming change, you had a positive attitude and enthusiasm for the opportunity. There
wasnt a second that I observed frustration or anger over this unplanned move.
2. Enthusiasm: You have a true passion for working with studentsand residence life in
particular. You share your excitement about your teams accomplishments and beam
with pride when great interactions occur.
3. Student advocate: You speak up for those who do not have a voice at the table. During
our RA hiring process, you didnt hesitate to point out the positive attributes of a
candidate that was not received well by others. You also follow up with students in
crisis and sometimes even go way beyond the call of duty to ensure their health and
happiness (example: babysitting pet rats!).


901 12th Avenue P.O. Box 222000 Seattle, WA 98122-1090
Tel.: (206) 296-6305 Fax: (206) 296-2212 Email:

4. Resilience: This year has been incredibly challenging for you and your staff team. After
transitioning to your new position, you learned that you would be the only professional
staff member in the building due to a RD resignation. You immediately went from
learning the job to running the building. You saw this as a challenge and didnt hesitate
to provide the leadership that was desperately needed during RA training and opening.
In addition, your RAs have had significant conflicts which has pushed everyone to their
breaking points. This type of 24/7 stress and emotional highs and lows are well beyond
the normal ups and downs that naturally come with a position in housing. Through it
all, youve remained focused on your work and in making the best year possible. You
will certainly have examples (good and bad) to draw from in future job interviews and in
training others for this work!
Caroline, I have no doubt that you have chosen the career path that is right for you! So many of
us fall into this work, but I dont believe this was an accident for you. We are lucky to have
youeven if it was only a year! I look forward to calling you a peer and welcoming you into the
field of student development!

Kathleen Baker
Director of Housing & Residence Life

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