Autodesk Annouces Lustre Super Tour 2009

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in brief
Autodesk announces Lustre
Super user tour 2009
Grass Valley Digital News
Production Powers TV9
TV9, the 24-hour news channel serving
the Andhra Pradesh province of India, has
recently upgraded its production facilities At the recent Autodesk Lustre Super tre was easy for me, except for the colour
to supercharge its file-based workflow. user tour 2009 works of two interna- grading part of it. Lustre allows me to use
The station, based in Hyderabad, had used tional colourists was showcased and a lot of creative tools and the changes are
Grass Valley™ Profile® servers from its Autodesk announced the launch of seen in real time. So you can play around
launch in 2004. Now it uses Grass Valley K2 the Lustre 2009’s extension and Flare. a bit more with this software. Using this, it
media servers to support its editing and On the tour were Olivier Fontenay, was easy to leverage certain parts of the
playout functions. The main news studio senior colourist from EFILM Australia, film because the filmmakers were creat-
includes a Grass Valley Kayak™ production the man behind the Oscar nominated ing stuff on the TST monitors. It helped
Olivier Fontaney
switcher for a polished output. Other Australia and Sebastin Goh, Lustre with the balancing of the pictures.”
programs from is TV9 are produced using colourist from CinePost production Fontane told Digital Studio, “Because I
the Grass Valley Indigo™ AV Mixer, which and the person behind Waltz with come from a lab grading background, I
combines an audio-follow-video mixer Bashir, the first animated film to can use extremely simple tools. With Lus-
with production switching. be nominated for an Oscar as Best tre there are no real boundaries for your
foreign film. imagination. If I imagine something to be
endemol secures exclusive Pankaj Kedia, regional manager, like that, then I can make it happen. In ad-
with seinfeld and rakieten Advanced Systems-China, India dition, I can try things and the results will
Endemol, a world leader in entertainment and South East Asia said: “The main Pankaj Kedia be right in front of me in real time. This is
programming, has secured an exclusive purpose of these Lustre Super Tours a great advantage. The interactivity with
international distribution deal with Jerry is to showcase some of our leading the software is much better and you can
Seinfeld and his partner Ellen Rakieten users; top colourists from across the be much more creative.”
(The Oprah Winfrey Show) for their newly world and show case some of the “India is a very Smoke dominated mar-
created comedy-reality format The Mar- award winning projects that they ket as many people in the industry come
riage Ref. have worked on using Lustre.” from the editing background,”said Kedia
Endemol will be the exclusive dis- Speaking to Digital Studio, Goh but added that the transition had begun
tributor of the format across all platforms said: “I have worked on Flame before as Smoke artists were involved in colour
outside of the USA and will produce local and the transition from Flame to Lus- Sebastian Goh corrections too.
versions of the show around the world.
Tom Toumazis, chief commercial officer
at Endemol Group said: “We are thrilled
Broadcast Asia generates serious leads for participants
to have the opportunity to work with a Sharing their experiences with Digital Studio, the Indian participants of the Broadcast Asia ‘09 (BA)
worldwide legend like Seinfeld and with show said that the show was all about quality rather than quantity.
Rakieten’s experience behind it, it has all “Just like all other broadcast exhibitions, BA also witnessed lower footfalls. Even though the walk-ins
the makings of a global smash hit. “ were lesser, the quality of the visitors was upbeat. In fact, it gave us good time to discuss business
with potential clients and partners and we could really accelerate through the sales cycle towards
NDTV Lumiere plans to raise closure of a few important deals, said Anshul Gupta, brand manager, WASP3D, Beehive Systems.
$7 million There was a general feeling that the show was more focused than previous years, while a num-
Alliance Lumière Ltd, which operates under ber of exhibitors argued that the event attracted more buying customers than before. According to
the NDTV Lumière brand, plans to raise Sanjay Duda, sr. VP marketing, Essel Shyam Technologies Ltd., the show was well attended in terms of
$7 million as it aims to widen its world exhibitors. “The percentage of serious visitors was high. “
cinema content and step up the presence Anirudh Prabhakaran, exec. director & president- South Asia, 3i Infotech Ltd. said: “The response to
of its television channel. our launch of media and broadcast solutions at BA was well received and we had very good footfalls
The company, a joint venture between at our stall. Most visitors were serious buyers who were looking at actually buying and implementing
NDTV Imagine, Manmohan Shetty and broadcast solutions in the near future. It also gave us an ideal platform to form business alliances with
Sunil Doshi, is in talks with private major vendors and service providers.”
equity investors. Speaking on the emerging trends it was felt that MPEG-4 is set to boom in the market.


08-14_DS_JULY09_News.indd 10 7/1/2009 10:32:47 AM

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