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Welcome from the Head of School

 hy Undertake an MBA at the

University of Adelaide Business School?

How does the Adelaide MBA work?
Study Options

Frequently Asked Questions

Structure of Programs

7 MBA Core Courses


MBA (Advanced)
Additional Core Courses

Elective Courses


Fees & Financial Support


Admission Requirements



Welcome from
the head of school
Welcome to the University of Adelaide Business
School - a new era in business education.
Delivering world-class, relevant programs in the
undergraduate, postgraduate, and post-experience arenas,
the University of Adelaide Business School is the premier
provider of tertiary business programs in South Australia.
The Business School brings together a talented team of
over 70 academics with a wealth of experience in teaching,
researching, consulting and business practice. Staff are
at the forefront of global business research and have truly
international perspectives.
The Business School is currently pursuing accreditation
through the Association for the Advancement of Collegiate
Schools of Business (AACSB). This is the ultimate level of
endorsement sought by business education providers and
offers substantial benefits to students who undertake an
MBA program at the University of Adelaide.
This brochure sets out the details of the MBA suite of
high quality programs, including the nested Graduate
Certificate in Business Administration and Graduate Diploma
in Business Administration.
Our emphasis is on assisting you to develop problem-solving
and communication skills, leadership and team building
skills, critical and analytical abilities which enable you to
better understand and deal with the complex issues of
management in a changing business environment.
In selecting students we look for high quality people with the
potential to not only benefit from but also contribute to the
educational experience. While practical in orientation, the
learning experience will provide you with a solid theoretical
grounding in management.
You will have opportunities to apply what you learn through
workplace-based projects.
I invite you to review our programs and
contact us to discuss your study options.

Associate Professor Barry Burgan

Head, Business School.

The University of Adelaide
Established in 1874, The University
of Adelaide is one of Australias finest
universities and it has a strong
international reputation.
The University of Adelaide was recently
ranked 4th in Australia and 73rd in the
world among over 9000 universities in
the Times Higher Education Rankings.
This places it firmly in the top 1% of
universities across the globe.
It enjoys status as a first rate, forwardlooking and innovative university. It is
directly associated with five Nobel Prize
winners and has produced more than
100 Rhodes Scholars.
The University regularly attracts more
research funding per capita than any
other university in Australia.
The University of Adelaide is a member
of prestigious Australian Group of Eight
elite Universities.
In line with its reputation for innovation,
in 1963 The University of Adelaide
established the first MBA program in
South Australia and one of the first
in Australia.


The University of Adelaide

Business School
Cutting-edge research combines with
real-world industry experience to deliver
programs that are stimulating, relevant,
and provide students with skills that are
transportable to any profession.
The pursuit of AACSB accreditation has
raised the Schools profile in the global
arena and has created opportunities for
links with the worlds top universities. In
addition, close affiliations with crucial
professional bodies ensures that all
programs offered by the University
of Adelaide Business School impart
relevant, quality skills that are soughtafter in todays economy.
Please visit: for biographies, qualifications,
professional memberships, active
research and publications of the
University of Adelaide business schools
team of more than 70 academic staff.

Why should you do an

MBA at Adelaide?
The MBA provides a broad base of
knowledge to equip our students for
managerial roles, rather than just the
acquisition of an off-the-shelf set of
skills. The aim is to develop problem
solving and communication skills,
leadership and team building skills,
and analytical and critical abilities that
will enable you to understand better
and deal with the complex issues of
management in a rapidly changing
business environment.

The MBA program emphasises the

development of abilities to:
Master leadership skills
Understand the functional
interrelationships between different
areas of an organisation and the
broader interaction of the organisation
with its environment
Recognise and act effectively
on problems and opportunities
confronting an organisation
Coordinate and apply an
organisations financial, physical,
technological and human resources in
pursuit of important objectives
Understand and communicate
effectively with people inside and
outside an organisation
Evaluate current management policies
and practices to develop new ways to
improve organisational effectiveness.
Students in the program come from a
wide variety of disciplines, professional
backgrounds and cultures, many with
high standing from undergraduate
areas. The School seeks to provide
them with a solid grounding in academic
disciplines relevant to management.
Students will acquire the conceptual
and analytical abilities they need to
make and carry out decisions at a senior
managerial level.
While the 12 course MBA program suits
the needs of many, some students
seek to build further on this foundation
by undertaking the 16 course MBA
(Advanced) program.


Each course (subject) is delivered over a
twelve week trimester. There are 3 trimesters in
an academic year. This allows you to condense
your studies into a shorter period of time. For
example, undertaking the MBA in a full-time
mode would require only one year to complete.
To view the current timetable, visit:

All programs can be studied part-time or fulltime. Program structures are flexible and allow
students to choose a study pattern that suits
the competing demands of work, family and
other commitments.

The table below provides an explanation of the

four programs and the articulation between
them. There are four entry and four exit points.
Study completed in one program can be
counted towards the next level program.
For example, you may enrol in the Graduate
Certificate in Business Administration and
proceed through to the Graduate Diploma,
MBA or MBA (Adv) with credit for courses
Conversely, provided you meet the entry
requirements, you may choose to enrol in the
highest qualification, the MBA (Adv) and then,
upon meeting program requirements, exit
with a lesser qualification, e.g. the Graduate
Diploma in Business Administration.
You decide how many courses you enrol in
each trimester and, provided you complete
your selected program within the maximum
completion time, you may suspend
your studies for a trimester to cope with
employment or other commitments.

Small Class Sizes

Classes have a maximum number of 35
students and the average is 25 students. This
allows individuals time to contribute in class,
without being overwhelmed by large numbers.

Balanced Number of
International and Local Students

Study modes and time commitment


Learning Environment

Study load
A part-time study load is typically one or two
courses each trimester and a full-time load
is three or four courses each trimester. It is
recommended that part-time students enrol
in one course in their first trimester of study in
order to determine the workload requirements.
The total contact time for most courses is
36 hours (3 hours per week), excluding the
open book examination in core courses. In
addition, students will be required to spend
extra time on private study and group work.
It is estimated that most students will spend
8 hours per week per course in reading,
assignments, preparation and/or group work.

Maxiumum Completion Times

Graduate Certificate in
Business Administration

2 yrs

Graduate Diploma in
Business Administration

3 yrs

Master of Business Administration

5 yrs

Master of Business
Administration (Advanced)

6 yrs

Adelaide classes include approximately 15%

of students from overseas. This provides
valuable diversity in the classroom and group
work situations.

Experience and Calibre of Peers

Participants in the programs are middle to
senior level managers and professionals from a
diverse range of commercial and government
organisations, both local and international.
Program entry prerequisites ensure that you
will be sharing a classroom with high-calibre
students, well prepared for study. The varied
experiences of these participants produce a
rich learning environment, which also fosters
unique, long-lasting business and social networks.

Face-to-Face Learning
The Business School maintains the view that
an MBA should be taught face-to-face in order
to facilitate beneficial interaction between
students and academic staff. It also fosters
valuable networking opportunities.

Student Learning Advisers

All students have access to the Learning Advisers
in the Faculty. This includes access to bridging
programs, advice regarding research, analysis
and assignment writing, a Program Handbook,
and a student Communication Skills Guide.
For more information, email:


4 8 12 16









Study Options
After Hours Teaching
Classes are scheduled to accommodate fulltime working professionals. They are generally
held on weeknights from 4.30-7.30pm. Some
courses are delivered on alternate Saturdays,
in a six-hour teaching block typically from
8.30am-2.30pm for six sessions.

Intensive Courses
Some courses are offered in intensive mode
over three to six weeks with classes generally
held over a Friday and Saturday.

Summer School
The Business School operates an MBA
Summer School over a two week period
each January. This gives students the option
to speed up the progress of their studies.
Classes are held in intensive mode, with six
hours of study on alternate days, over a 12
day period.

Real World Application

MBA students studying at Adelaide have the opportunity to study overseas in some of the
most highly ranked MBA programs in the world. The University of Adelaide Business
School has partnerships with the following Business Schools, which enable its students
to undertake one or two MBA courses via intensive study in Helsinki, Milan, Paris,
Frankfurt or Maastricht. Some programs incur no additional study fee as they are part of
the University exchange agreements.
Exchange programs vary from 2 to 3 weeks, with the option to credit either 1 or 2 courses
towards the Adelaide MBA. The benefits of networking with international MBA students
from around the world is priceless and those that have participated often report that it
has been a life changing experience.
A sample of the opportunities available to MBA students:
Intensive courses in the MBA program at Aalto University, Finland
(previously Helsinki School of Economics)
2 week ESSAM summer program at Aarhus School of Business, Denmark
ESCP-EAP Grand Ecoles 6 week summer semester in Paris, France

Business Project

Handelschochsule Graduate School of Management in Leipzig, Germany

This is a formally assessed course in which

students undertake either an individual or
group-based project for a real organisation.
This demonstrates the direct value of skills
acquired through the MBA to a business and
gives students a unique opportunity to add
direct value to an organisation.

3 week summer program at the European Business School in Frankfurt, Germany

Management Project
This project provides an opportunity for an
individual student or a team of students to
complete an applied research project based
on a real business problem or issue. Students
may choose either a case study project which
analyses a real-world management issue or
a project which undertakes the investigation
of a particular problem and makes
recommendations. A program of activities
will be completed and lead to a case or
project report and presentation.

Students have the opportunity to undertake a
professional internship within an organisation
as part of their MBA study. Short term
placements are designed for full-time students

GLOBAl perspective/
study abroad

Audencia School of Management in Nantes, France

2 week summer program at Bocconis Business School in Milan, Italy

and are carefully tailored to suit everyones

needs. Internships are offered across a
diverse range of industries and organisations,
from government departments to large private
companies and not-for-profit organisations.

The MBAAA conducts regular events,

including monthly breakfasts and forums
featuring graduates. The network is diverse,
including students and graduates who work
and live locally, interstate and overseas.

Alumni Support

The MBAAA offers an annual prize for the

best student in the foundation course
Fundamentals of Leadership.

The MBA Alumni Association (MBAAA) is an

important part of the life and community of the
Business School, as it forms an integral part
of the Schools business relationships. MBA
students may apply to become members of
the MBAAA (free of charge) from the time they
enrol, enabling them to immediately benefit
from graduate experience and connections.

For events and the current list of the

MBAAA Executive Committee, visit:


How relevant is MBA classroom
and private study to real life?

What is the fee structure

and what is included in the fees?

You will learn tools and techniques with immediate

application. You will also take away practical
frameworks and ideas that you can use in your
workplace. Learning involves the application of
academic theory. Case studies, readings and
exercises bring the theory to life. Your learning is also
shaped by the input of experienced professionals and
managers who make up the student body.

Please refer to page 10 for current local and

international tuition fees. Fees must be paid up-front
each trimester, for the courses enrolled in for
that trimester.

The Adelaide MBA draws high calibre students: middle

and senior managers from a wide range of industries,
and professionals with a wealth of work experience.
The average age is 28-45, and many students have
more than 10 years management experience.

Australian citizens and holders of a permanent

humanitarian visa may be eligible for a FEE-HELP
government loan. For information about this, please
refer to

When are the intakes and

how long are the study periods?
Courses are offered in trimesters, commencing late
January, mid May, and early September. Each trimester
is approximately 13 weeks long, including the exam
week. There is a two week vacation break after the first
trimester and the second trimester. The MBA academic
year concludes in early December and recommences
at the end of January the following year.
In January students who have already completed the
prerequisite core courses may enrol in the intensive
Summer School. Held in Adelaide, Summer School
also attracts students enrolled in the Schools
Singapore MBA Program.

How much time do I have to spend studying

for each course?
You should set aside around 8 hours per week, per
course for private study outside of the typical 3 hour
classes, to complete readings and group work.

In addition to tuition fees, you should budget around

$100 per course for textbooks. All other course
materials and readings are provided by the School.
Taxation rebates may apply.

Can I apply without a degree?

The Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
is the entry pathway for applicants without a degree.
Applicants must demonstrate a minimum of seven
years of management experience.
For those not yet ready to enter an award program,
the Executive Education Unit offers a Professional
Management Program. This is a 12-month part-time,
practical and applied management program that
gives credit for two courses in the Graduate Certificate
in Business Administration, Graduate Diploma in
Business Administration or MBA.
For further information, please visit:

Can I get credit for studies

I have undertaken elsewhere?
We treat applications for credit and substitution on an
individual case basis to ensure that the level of studies
you have undertaken is comparable to the quality of
courses offered at the University of Adelaide.
Students are invited to submit their applications for
credit or substitution with as much supporting
documentation as possible to the MBA program adviser.

Program Details and Articulation
The Schools programs form a nested
sequence. The details of each program are
outlined below.

Graduate Certificate in
Business Administration
For managers who wish to take an introductory
management program we offer the four course
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration
(GCBA). Applicants who do not have a
bachelor degree but who have a minimum
of seven years relevant work experience,
in management or leadership roles, must
enrol in this program first. After successfully
completing the GCBA, they may apply to
transfer into the Graduate Diploma in Business
Administration, and then into the MBA or MBA
(Adv) program. The four GCBA courses will
be credited towards the higher level program.

Graduate Diploma in
Business Administration
An eight course Graduate Diploma in Business
Administration (GDBA) is also available. The
GDBA consists of six compulsory core courses
and two electives. Students who are considering
enrolling in the MBA (12) or MBA (Advanced)
in the future are encouraged to choose two
MBA required core courses in place of the
two electives in the GDBA program.

Master of Business Administration (12)

The MBA program is designed for managers
who wish to advance their career, gain
valuable skills and insights and expand their
business networks. It is the most popular of
the programs, striking a balance between
depth of skills and knowledge covered
and overall time commitment. Students in
this program must successfully complete
nine compulsory core courses and three
elective courses.

Master of Business
Administration (Advanced)
The MBA (Advanced) program is designed
to cater for several different needs. Students
seeking the highest levels of organisational
leadership have an opportunity to go beyond
the standard 12 course MBA degree to
broaden their managerial knowledge. Students
wishing to specialise in particular areas of
general management can add to their MBA.



Fundamentals of Leadership

Fundamentals of Leadership is the foundation

course for all programs. Upon completion,
students will possess an understanding of the
development of management thought and
practice, providing a background against which
new trends in management can be viewed.
They will be able to identify and discuss the
major challenges facing management in
todays environment and develop the understanding and communication skills required to
effectively lead and manage a diverse workforce.
Accounting for Managers

Participants in this course will develop the

essential ability of all managers, to use
complex accounting information as a platform
for decision-making. The course develops
skills in interpreting earnings statements,
balance sheets and cash flow reports. In the
second phase of the course students will take
away highly relevant skills in areas such as
budgeting, product and service costing and
short-run decision-making.
Marketing Management

Marketing lies at the core of all business.

Whatever the character or size of your entity,
its profit can come from only one place: the
marketplace. All businesses are dependent
on the income they earn from their customers,
clients or buyers. In most businesses it
is Marketing Managers who are primarily
responsible for keeping their company
close to its customers. All those who have a
direct responsibility for identifying, reaching
and satisfying customers are engaged in
marketing and everybody in a business needs
to understand its marketplace activities. This
course offers a complete introduction to
professional marketing thought and action.
Economics for Management

This course provides an introduction to

economic thinking and its relevance and
application to managing organisations. The
first part of the course deals with the structure
of markets, including perfect competition,
monopoly and oligopoly, and the competitive

regulatory environment. The second part deals

with the determinants of the aggregate level of
output and employment, and elements in the
determination of macroeconomic policy
including interest rates, inflation and foreign
trade and capital flows. The focus of the
course is on current issues and their implications
for managers and competitive organisations.
 anaging Contemporary

This course exposes students to some key

influences and perspectives on the management of organisations. Its focus is primarily on
human issues that affect and are dealt with
by managers day-to-day. The course is an
extension of Fundamentals of Leadership
and provides the background and theoretical
framework for more advanced studies in
business management. The course begins
by examining the nature of organisation as
an open system. Then the management
challenge in relation to various facets of
organisation is reviewed learning, motivation,
politics, performance, ethics, culture, innovation,
decision-making, structure and change.
Managerial Finance

Initially this course will cover the concepts of

valuation in finance and show how they can
be applied to valuing corporate securities.
Adopting a value creation perspective, the
course will then consider capital expenditure
decision approaches and their application to
a range of situations, as well as evaluation
of the results. Then, risk is considered, with
a risk-return model developed that can be
applied in managing for value creation. The
course examines the concept of the weighted
average cost of capital, before turning to
consider corporate financing and capital
structure decisions.

This course prepares students for doing

business in the global environment. The broad
content introduces the core theories, frameworks and issues in global business at the
supranational, country and firm levels to
assist students in developing the ability to
deal with the complexity and multiplicity of
the global business environment. Specific

topics included in this course comprise

two clusters. The first cluster focuses on
understanding theories of international
trade and investment as well as variations
in political, economic, socio-cultural, and
legal systems between countries and
pertinent risks involved in cross-border
business operations. The second cluster
focuses on exploring how the firm formulates
international business strategy and adapts
various functional areas of the enterprise
for successful international operations.
Students are provided with the opportunity to
develop skills in identifying opportunities and
challenges in the international marketplace
as well as understanding the impact of global
developments on local enterprises.
Strategic Management

This course presents a unified way of thinking

about the issues of strategic thinking and the
management of change. Strategic thinking
involves searching for a favourable and
sustainable competitive position in an attractive
industry; while the management of change,
from a strategic perspective, is concerned with
innovation and the transformation of resources
and skills into strategic capabilities that provide
the bases for sustainable advantages. Strategic
Management is important because it can help
focus the firm in terms of the customer. It
identifies a direction for the firm and enables a
clear articulation of the path chosen.
Operations Management

Operations is the term used in management to

refer collectively to the many processes
through which an organisations strategies
for competing in the marketplace are put
into action. Obviously, in any organisations
operations there are many kinds of processes
that must be managed inbound logistics,
production, outbound logistics, and customer
support in many forms, to name only a few. In
this course, we will first develop an overview
of the range of processes that can make
up the operations of an organisation. We
then focus on some key issues in managing
certain fundamental processes that are
critically important to the strategies of many
organisations today.


In addition to completing the compulsary core
MBA courses, the following are the required
courses for students undertaking the MBA
(Advanced) program.
Business or Management Project

Business Project
This course draws on the work undertaken in
the compulsory core MBA courses. Projects
may be undertaken by an individual student
or by a team of 3-5 students who take on the
role of consultant(s) to an organisation and
analyse a real business issue and produce
recommendations. Projects may be sourced by
students or the Business School. Each project
will be allocated an academic project supervisor.

Australian legal system, the law of business

structures, contract law, intellectual property
law, employment law, law of business torts,
consumer protection law, competition law and
electronic commerce law.

The School offers a range of electives each
year. Students may choose all their
electives from a particular discipline, or
select electives from a range of disciplines.
Elective offerings vary depending on
enrolment, demand and availability of
visiting professors.
Academic discipline areas include
the following:
Family Business
Issues & Perspectives

Much of the time for this course will be in

practical fieldwork or desk research. The
project will conclude with a presentation by the
student or student group, to members of the
client organisation and the Business School, at
which time a final written report will be given to
the organisation.

People Management
Management of Change
Negotiation Skills
Knowledge Management

Management Project

Marketing Strategy
Services Marketing

This project provides an opportunity for an

individual student or a team of students to
complete an applied research project based
on a business issue. Students may choose
either a case study project which analyses
a real-world management issue or a project
which undertakes the investigation of a
particular problem or issue and makes relevant
recommendations. A program of activities
will be completed and lead to a case or
project report.
Business Law

This course will introduce managers to a range

of legal issues that impact on their business
and on their duties and responsibilities as
managers. There is an increasing trend in the
law to make managers personally liable for
breaches of the law by their business. The
course will help managers to identify areas
of legal liability and risk and suggest how
to minimise legal risk. The topics covered in
the course include an introduction to the

Corporate Strategy
Mergers and Aquisitions

International Business
Managing Various Business Models
Across Borders
Cross-Cultural Management
Technology/Project Management
Project Management
Strategic Performance Drivers
Business Performance Improvement
Statistical Quantitative and Analytical Thinking
General Management/Cross-Disciplinary
Organisational Sustainability
Management Research Project
Global Wealth Management
Financial Modelling
Business Law



Graduate Diploma IN Business Administration



Fundamentals of Leadership (1st course)

Accounting for Managers

Marketing Management

Economics for Management

Managerial Finance
Managing Contemporary Organisations
Global Business
OR an approved International Business elective
OR approved International Study Abroad
Strategic Management
Operations Management
Business Law

Business or Management Project

Depending on the program enrolled in,
the following number of elective courses

1 2 3 5

CEO, scosa
Spastic Centres of South Australia Inc.

The MBA program has been a key

contributor to my career successes
and a major influence in gaining
my first CEO role. I commenced
my MBA studies whilst I was General Manager Client
Services with scosa, the Spastic Centres of South
Australia. Six months after my graduation I was
appointed as the Chief Executive.
Studying the MBA was instrumental for me attaining
the CEO position. The program developed my
understanding of key business principles and has given
me the confidence and knowledge to identify issues,
analyse the situation and formulate the appropriate
strategies to deliver the best outcome. The program has
expanded my thinking, knowledge and business skills
and provided opportunities to explore and develop my
full potential.

Doug Schmidt
General Manager Demand Network
Management, ETSA Utilities

The Adelaide MBA curriculum

and coursework have equipped
me with a broad range of general
management skills that have proven
invaluable in advancing my professional career. Equally
as important is the learning experience provided by the
MBA course structure of classroom study and group
assignments, being undertaking while working full time.
This has provided me with skills essential for managing
in todays high paced business
environment including;
prioritising and managing time effectively;
working in teams comprising individuals from diverse
backgrounds and industries;
delivering high quality outputs within tight deadlines.

David Hill
Partner | Deloitte.

The Adelaide MBA has been vital

to my career progression without
it I was a Corporate Finance
practitioner, with it I have the
privilege of being a trusted corporate
adviser. Without it I was an aspiring Associate Director
with Deloitte in Adelaide, with it I have the privilege of
leading Deloittes Transaction Services business in Australia.
The MBA broadened my skill set thereby giving me the
confidence to pursue challenges outside of my traditional
comfort zone.



There are very few University of Adelaide scholarships
available each year, and competition is very keen.
Unless an applicant has a very high level of academic
achievement, it is very difficult to obtain one. There is no
separate application process for MBA scholarships, and
all program applications are assessed at the same time for
their eligibility for scholarship support.

Graduate Certificate in Business Administration

For more information, visit:

Although it is not mandatory for students applying directly into

this program to have a Bachelor degree, applicants without a
degree must have a minimum of seven years full-time relevant
work experience.


This experience must be substantiated with a current resum that

outlines the applicants current and previous managerial roles
and achievements.

The tuition for the Schools programs can be paid through

the Australian Governments FEE-HELP (Higher Education
Loans Program). This is a non means-tested interest-free
loan facility for eligible Australian citizens and those who
have a permanent Humanitarian Visa who are enrolled in
fee paying, postgraduate non-research programs. It is not
available to Australian Permanent Residents.
Students can elect to:
Pay the full course fee up-front
Receive a FEE-HELP loan for the full course fee
Pay some of the course fee up-front and receive a
FEE-HELP loan for the remainder of the course fee.
If a student receives a FEE-HELP loan, then the Australian
Government pays the loan amount directly to the University
on the students behalf. A FEE-HELP debt is then recorded
for the student with the Australian Tax Office (ATO).
Students in the FEE-HELP scheme must still pay for a
relevant text book for each course.
For more information, visit:

Graduate Diploma in Business Administration,

MBA and MBA (Advanced)
The minimum requirement for entry into these programs is
a Bachelor degree and a minimum of three years full-time work
experience in a managerial role.
Those without a degree may be eligible to enter through the
Graduate Certificate in Business Administration. Work experience
must be substantiated with a current resum which outlines current
and previous managerial roles and achievements.

Referee Report Forms

All applicants must provide two supportive Referee Reports with their
application. Your referees should be people who are able to relate
specific and relevant details about your professional performance in
an employment setting.
Referee Reports are required to confirm your suitability and ability to
perform well in a rigorous academic program.

English Language
All programs at The University of Adelaide are taught in English.
Students with a degree that was not completed in English at an
approved University are required to undertake an IELTS (International
English Language Testing System) academic test. The minimum
required overall score is 7, with a minimum band score of 6.5 for
each section.

Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)

All applicants must submit their GMAT results with their application.
We look for a GMAT score of at least 550. To schedule a GMAT
appointment, go to:
For enquiries relating to the test, contact:

For information about tuition fees please go to:
Tuition fees are subject to increase. Students will be liable
for the tuition fees current in each year.
Students are invoiced for the courses they are enrolled in
during the current trimester only. In addition to the tuition
fee, students should budget for one text book per trimester.
Taxation rebates apply to eligible students.


Educational Enterprises Australia Pty. Ltd.

16-20 Coglin Street, Adelaide SA 5000

+61 8 8216 9000

For background information on the GMAT, go to:



Local Student Admissions

Local students must apply online through
GradStart on the SA Tertiary Admissions Centre
(SATAC) website:

Vanessa Vartto
National Operations Manager, CSC
President, MBA Alumni Association

Find the options on the left-hand side and

CLICK on the following:

I was looking for an executive program that would provide

me with the skills and knowledge to shift my career to the
next level. The University of Adelaide MBA did just that.
The investment in the program in terms of time and effort
has delivered real results. This is a degree that is truly focussed on maximising
the amount of information you are exposed to. Theoretical topics are presented
in conjunction with real-life case studies, which assisted me greatly in
converting academic knowledge into actual business solutions.
The diverse backgrounds of both lecturers and students from a number of
countries - with so many years of experience, provided a fantastic variety of
learning interactions.
An MBA from the University of Adelaide will enhance your leadership potential,
broaden your vision and enable you to see more opportunities than previously

January to June (for 1st or 2nd intake) OR
July to November (for 3rd tri intake)
Want to apply for a GradStart course?
Apply now in GradStart
Create your login and password and submit
Enter the SATAC Code
for the program you are applying for:
MBA (Advanced) 3CM035
MBA (12 Course) 3CM034
Graduate Diploma in
Business Administration 3GD018
Graduate Certificate in
Business Administration 3GC027
Note: If you do not complete the process immediately
you can complete it later by logging in with your
SATAC reference number.

All applicants must provide a current

Curriculum Vitae (CV) and a GMAT score to
the address below. In addition applicants
must also provide 2 completed Referee Report
forms, which can be downloaded from:
Send to:
MBA Program Adviser
Faculty of the Professions
Postgraduate Hub
The University of Adelaide
South Australia 5005

International students must submit their

applications to the International Office.
Applicants must include the following documents:
Application form
Academic transcript
Degree parchment
GMAT results
IELTS (if applicable)
Referee reports
Statement of purpose.
Forms and further details are available at:

Enquiries and Further Information

Enquiries can be directed to:

MBA Program Adviser

Faculty of the Professions Postgraduate Hub
The University of Adelaide
South Australia 5005

+61 8 8313 4650

+61 8 8313 4521

+61 8 8313 5591

+61 8 8313 4521

Enquiries and Further Information

Enquiries can be directed to:

Refer to:

for further information including application

International Student

Refer to:

for further information.

If you wish to lodge an application online, or

make an enquiry about an application which
you have already lodged, please visit:

Intakes and Application Closing Dates

There are intakes in each of the three
Trimesters commence in February, May and
September. When submitting applications,
local students must allow 1-2 months
before the start of their preferred trimester.
International students should allow at least
3-4 months, which will include time for visa
processing by the Australian government.
For updated information
Tuition Fees
With an aim to continual improvement the University
of Adelaide is committed to regular reviews of the
courses and programs it offers students. As a result,
the specific courses available to students may vary
from year to year.
The University of Adelaide assumes no responsibility for
the accuracy of the information provided by third parties.


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The Faculty of the Professions

The University of Adelaide
South Australia 5005 Australia

+61 8 8313 4650

+61 8 8313 4521

Information contained within this publication

was correct as of June 2011.
The University of Adelaide
CRICOS Provider Number 00123M

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