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Marketing research and consumer

Marketing: marketing is a social process whereby people exchange goods and
services for money or for something of value to them.
1. R ESEARCH PLAN : gathering and analyzing market information which is
necessary to identify the needs of customers and take various decisions for
the successful marketing of the products and services. With the growth of
computers, a new trend has emerged in the collection of market
2. MARKETING MANAGEMENT AND OBJECTIVES: marketing management means
management of marketing functions. In another words, marketing
management refers to planning, organizing, directing and control of the
activities which facilitate exchange of goods and services between
producers and consumers. Marketing objectives are:-

1. C HOOSING A TARGET MARKET : e.g., a manufacturer may choose to make

readymade garments for children up to the age of 5 years.
2. C REATION OF DEMAND: marketing tries to create demand through various
means. The producers first ascertain what the customers want and then
produce goods according to their needs.
CUSTOMERS: the primary job of a marketing manager is to create superior
values so that the customers are attached to the products and services
and communicate these values to the prospective buyers and persuade
them to buy these products.
4. MARKET SHARE: to survive in a competitive world, every business concern
tries to capture a reasonable share in the market. For this purpose, various
promotional methods are used to make the goods popular, reasonable
price and qualities are kept in mind and aggressive selling efforts are
made. These activities enable the firm to capture a reasonable share in the
5. GOODWILL : marketing basically aims at building the reputation of the firm
through various image building activities, i.e., popularizing products by
advertising, reasonable price, High quality, etc.
tries to realize long term goals of profitability, growth and stability through
satisfying customers wants.
management involves analyzing marketing activities, implementing
marketing plans and setting control mechanism. These functions are to be

performed in such a way that the organizations objectives are achieved at

the minimum cost.

Survey questions


1. How many different sections which are available in big bazaar?

Ans. There are various sections available in big bazaar like mens
section, womans section, kids sections, food materials etc.
2. What are the benefits that households can take from big
Ans. A. there are certain benefits that household can take from
big bazaar like discount offers on certain days and especially on
b. Large number of products under one roof.
C. fresh fruits and vegetable are available.
3. What are the criteria of a household for selecting the product of
different branded companies?
Ans. There are the certain criteria like goodwill of the companies
from advertisement, discount prices, different exiting offers.

How the management works in big bazaar?

Ans. Management consist of a series of different interconnected

and interdependent activates or functions {planning, organizing,
staffing, directing, and controlling} aimed at achieving the goals
of the organization.
5. Is there are any changes of disputes among the employees? If
yes what are the certain reasons?
Ans. no there are no disputes but sometimes it happen on certain
reasons like bias in promoting, reduction in salary.
6. Do they keep inventory of goods? What happens in shortage of
demand in specific products?
Ans. Store keep proper inventory of stuff in case thinks finish off.
They also keep on updating their suppliers to refresh their goods.
7. What are the different criteria which management use in
motivation of the employees?

Ans. Increment in salary, reward system, performance appraisal

increasing their social status.
8. What is the process of requirement?
Ans. Recommendation of present employees, labor contractors,
management consultants, media advertisement, placement

RELATED QUESTIONS :Q1.What criteria do household use when selecting the department stores?
Ans.There is certain criteria like goodwill of the companies from
advertisement, discount prices and different existing offers.
Q2.How do household evaluate big-bazaar and competing stores in terms
of the choice criteria in defined question?
Ans.While comparing big-bazaar, consumers check the level on the bases
of brands. They
also check about the particular products on
other sources ,to knew what types of product available on different
sections of stores.
Q3.What is the market store of big-bazaar and its competitors for specific
product categories?
Ans.Big bazaar, which is into retail stores was founded in 2001 & its
headquarter is in Mumbai. The overall strategy of the store is t provide
quality goods & service at an affordable prices. Consumers look forward
to various schemes that are offered on a routine basis. Since it operates
on such a large, it has revenue of US $1.8billion.
Coming to specific product categories, clothes section occupy a
majority of its strength with people looking to buybrandedclothes
without having to shell out more cash, it account for 67% of its total
operations from of all the things. More so, confectionaries & everyday
used items like bread, magi, razors etc.
Furthermore, vegetables & groceries also is a major stuff that is
sold there, almost about 74% of its total business. Electronic items
are also a major hit amongst the men & hence it also account for
a 58% of the total items sold there.
Q4.What is the demographic and psychological profile of the customer
of big-bazaar? Does it differ from the profile of customer of competing
Ans.Most of the customers there are somewhat around the age of 2545 who are looking to buy stuff without spending much money.
They are also from middle class or upper class background who

prefer to do shopping in a single place itself, rather than going

from other places.
They select product categories ,the store re-invented itself & made
separate counters for men,women,teenagers &children alike. Since
the needs & wants of everyone is unique, hence care was taken to
understand their desires & customize their products respectively.
Q5.Which stores are patronized, when shopping for specific product
Ans. Specific stores are patronized, like pantaloon section for clothes and if
some employees help the customer in choosing/giving the information
about the products in big-bazaar.

QUESTIONNARIES:. How old is your target customer? (Check all that apply)
How old is your target customer? (Check all that apply) 17 or younger
65 or older

2. What gender is your target customer?

What gender is your target customer? Male
Both male and female

3. What is the highest level of school your target customer has completed or the
highest degree they have received? (Check all that apply)

What is the highest level of school your target customer has completed or the highest
degree they have received? (Check all that apply) Less than high school degree
High school degree or equivalent (e.g., GED)
Some college but no degree
Associate degree
Bachelor degree
Graduate degree

4. Which of the following categories best describes your target customer's

employment status? (Check all that apply)
Which of the following categories best describes your target customer's employment
status? (Check all that apply) Employed, working 1-39 hours per week
Employed, working 40 or more hours per week
Not employed, looking for work
Not employed, NOT looking for work
Disabled, not able to work

5. What is your target customer's yearly household income? (Check all that apply)
6. Is your target customer currently married, widowed, divorced, separated, or
never married? (Check all that apply)
Is your target customer currently married, widowed, divorced, separated, or never
married? (Check all that apply) Divorced
Never married

7. Does your target customer have children, or not?

Does your target customer have children, or not? Yes, they do

No, they do not
They may or may not

8. Is your target customer's living quarters owned or being bought by them or

someone in their household, rented for cash, or occupied without payment of
cash rent? (Check all that apply)
Is your target customer's living quarters owned or being bought by them or someone in their
household, rented for cash, or occupied without payment of cash rent? (Check all that apply)
Owned or being bought by them or someone in their household
Rented for cash
Occupied without payment of cash rent

9. Does your target customer own a business or a farm?

Does your target customer own a business or a farm? Yes, they do
No, they do not
Some may and some may not

10. In what type of community does your target customer live? (Check all that
In what type of community does your target customer live? (Check all that apply) City or
urban community
Suburban community
Rural community
Other (please specify)

5. How important is convenience when choosing this type of service?

How important is convenience when choosing this type of service? Extremely
Quite important

Moderately important
Slightly important
Not at all important

6. If you are not likely to use our new service, why not?
If you are not likely to use our new service, why not? Do not need a service like this
Do not want a service like this
Satisfied with competing services currently available
Cannot pay for a service like this
Not willing to pay for a service like this
Other (please specify)

What would make you more likely to use our new service?
8. If our new service were available today, how likely would you be to
use it instead of competing services currently available from other
If our new service were available today, how likely would you be to use it instead of
competing services currently available from other companies? Extremely likely
Quite likely
Moderately likely
Slightly likely
Not at all likely

9. If our new company were available today, how likely would you be to
recommend it to others?
If our new company were available today, how likely would you be to recommend it
to others? Extremely likely
Quite likely

Moderately likely
Slightly likely
Not at all likely

10. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience using our new
service, neither satisfied or dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it?
Overall, are you satisfied with your experience using our new service, neither
satisfied or dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it? Extremely satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Moderately dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied

17. How important is convenience when choosing this type of service?

How important is convenience when choosing this type of service? Extremely
Quite important
Moderately important
Slightly important
Not at all important

18. If you are not likely to use our new service, why not?
If you are not likely to use our new service, why not? Do not need a service like this
Do not want a service like this

Satisfied with competing services currently available

Cannot pay for a service like this
Not willing to pay for a service like this
Other (please specify)

19. Overall, are you satisfied with your experience using our new
service, neither satisfied or dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it?
Overall, are you satisfied with your experience using our new service, neither
satisfied or dissatisfied with it, or dissatisfied with it? Extremely satisfied
Moderately satisfied
Slightly satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Slightly dissatisfied
Moderately dissatisfied
Extremely dissatisfied

20. If our new service were available today, how likely would you be to
use it instead of competing services currently available from other
If our new service were available today, how likely would you be to use it instead of
competing services currently available from other companies? Extremely likely
Quite likely
Moderately likely
Slightly likely
Not at all likely

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