For Frying The Vegetables?" Is

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2013/2014 Education Term ubuk Yunus Emre Anatolian High School The Second Term Third

Written Exam For 11th Grade

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Read the






What would you do if you could not see with

your eyes?Would you be able to read?Would
you be able to write? Would you be able to see
the world? Yes! You would be able to read and
write. You could see the world because of a
brave boy. In 1809, a boy called Louis Braille
was born in France and his eyes were good
enough to see all the things in the world.
Before he was 13, he became blind. Then, he
couldnt see the trees and the birs. He could
only hear the sounds. After that, Louis wanted
to make life better for other blind people. He
made up a code with dots. The dots are like
bumps on a paper and each group of dots
describe a letter and the others are numbers.
Therefore, blind people could read the words
and they could write letters. However, they
could see the world by touching the dots o n
the paper. Today people all over the world can
read and write in Braille. They can see without
using their eyes.
1. How did the code with dots get the
name Braille?
a. Louis Braille made it up
b. It sounded like a good name.
c. It looked good on paper.
d. It was for blind people.
2. When Louis was a little boy,
a. he couldnt hear.
b. he could be a fireman.
c. he could see
d. he could write novels and
3. How did Louis help blind peole so
they could read and write?
a. He was a doctor.
b. He cut paper into four.
c. He ran a big race.

d. He made raised dots use on paper.

They can make words and letters.
4. Tom______________ out of the
window when the accident________.
a. looked/happened
b. looked/was happening
c. was looking/happened
d. has looked/happened
5. Yesterday I ____________football
with some friends, when I
___________four boys on a bridge
a. was playing/saw
b. played/saw
c. have played/saw
d. played/was seeing
6. How
_______you______by now?
a. was/writing
b. did/write
c. was/write
d. have/written
7. She_______just__________ at the
a. was arriving
b. did arrive
c. has arrived
d. -/arrived
8. Passive Form of What do people use
for frying the vegetables? is:
a. What are people used for frying
b. What used for frying vegetables?
c. What does used for frying vegetables?
d. What is used for frying vegetables
9. Passive Form of We boil the water
in the
a. The water is boiled in the kettle.
b. The water boiled in the kettle.
c. The kettle is boiled in the water.
d. The kettle boiled in the water.
10. Passive Form of We dont go to the
river for swimming on Sundays. is:
a. The river isnt gone for swimming on

b. The river gone for swimming on

c. The swimming isnt gone on Sundays.
d. No passive
11. What is________animal in the
a. more dangerous
b. the most dangerous
c. more dangeous than
d. most dangerous
12. She_____absolutely furious if she
___ about this.
a. will be/hears
b. will be/will hear
c. be/will hear
d. is/hears
13. John needs______books.
a. any
b. much
c. a few
d. a little
14. She managed to write_______ her
hand was injured.
a. despite
b. in spite of
c. although
d. so
15. All the trains were on time______
heavy snow.
a. although
b. so
c. and
d. in spite of
16. I________________________a tuna
salad every day when I was at
a. use to eat
b. used to eat
c. using to eat
d. used
17. Susan ______ a nurse before she got
married and raised a family.
a. is
b. used to be
c. use to be
d. used
18. He smiled______________.
a. sad
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b. sadly
c. easy
d. goodly
19. You can lift this box. It
is__________for you.
a. too light
b. enough light
c. light too
d. light enough
20. The book is_________________for
me to read.
a. too boring
b. enough boring
c. boring enough
d. boring too
21. Peter _____________ ride a bike
when he was only 3 years old.
a. is able to
b. was able to
c. has been able to
d. will be able to
22. Shelley was very__________because
she lost her way in the forest. She
didnt know what to do.
a. penniless
b. steady
c. hopeless
d. regular
23. More than one hundred people died
in the plane crash. Only five
a. missed
b. sold
c. shared
d. survived
24. Footballers ____________touch the
ball with their hands.
a. must
b. should
c. can
d. mustnt
25. Many students in
Turkey_________wear uniform
when they go to school.
a. mustnt
b. must
c. should
d. cant

Mdr Yardmcs
***Each Question is 4 points.


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