Personal Statement Sample

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Personal Statement

Abigail Tucker
I have been known as a drama queen by my peers, teachers and family for as long as I can
remember. The nickname highlights positive qualities of my strengths and devotion to theatre. I can
be larger than life but also have the humility to listen to feedback whilst continually striving to
improve my knowledge and skills, never straying from my ambition of a professional career in
performance. As a student, I have a consistently enthusiastic and optimistic attitude towards
anything that can be perceived as challenging or a target to aim for, affirming a reason of many, to
follow such a competitive career path.
During my free time I attend two different amateur theatre schools which both expand my skills in
various elements of song, dance and acting and have allowed me to flourish as a performer. Taking
a number of LAMDA examinations throughout my education from verse and prose and acting, to
musical theatre and classical singing up to gold medal, has enabled me to grow in confidence and
courage as well as landing myself lead roles in each musical/play for which I have auditioned.
Simultaneously, my current A-level choices and past GCSE results reflect my considerable interest
into the background of the arts. English literature has dramatically developed my understanding of
plays and texts analysis, exploring the sub-text of the words and increasing my repertoire of
Shakespearian drama and many other playwrights from various eras. Additionally, history has
aided my understanding of past issues and helped me to understand the historical context and
sociolect of plays from different generations. Undoubtedly, my GCSE choices convey my creative
capabilities, encompassing various traits of a Performing Arts student.
My positive energy and optimism is depicted through my consistent determination to succeed,
whether inside of a classroom or involving myself in extra-curricular activities. My all-rounded
companionship with various friend groups and involvement in many aspects of school, such as
choir, drama club, the debate team, mentoring, recently becoming captain of my house as well as
being appointed a prefect encompasses my dedication as a student . Outside of school, I
participate in many charity events such as sponsored swims and fun runs for Cancer Research.
Fundamentally, being the devoted and confident person I am, I find standing out from a crowd and
involvement in extra-curricular activities both inside of school and out is of great importance. These
many roles convey my ability to take on numerous responsibilities as an organised, optimistic
I prioritise my enthusiasm to the Performing Arts industry above all as well as preserving a busy
student lifestyle in Spain. Studying in a foreign country over the past eight years has enabled me to
grow in independence and broaden my awareness of the European community . Consequently, I
have found myself interacting and learning about students and teachers of different cultures and
nationalities each day.
The reason for wanting to pursue a career in theatre is to continue fuelling my drive to perform. My
main ambition is to learn and evolve my skills each day in order to strive for my full potential in
song, dance and acting. Essentially, I would not class myself as someone with substantial
experience and training in dance, but someone who will work their utmost and is continuously
making room for improvement. Being trained in both singing and acting from a young age has
allowed me to grow as a performer and I have found that it has become more of a lifestyle than a
skill. Nevertheless, I am excited at the opportunity to expand and progress my knowledge in order
to make it through the competitive industry of the arts and achieve my lifelong ambition.

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