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For the righteous said, yes I know Im doing something but when you are ill-treated but still you
also offer yourself to be treated by others. And there has been holy people who also have given
their examples because when you stand for truth and justice, you are being ill-treated. So one
holy man in history book said that he has been put to death by burning in the boiling oil and after
sometimes when he was put there in the boiling oil he said, I am fried on one side, you also fried
me on the other side. So the tolerance is for the sake of something ,for the sake of the love of
God or for the sake of fear of God or for the sake of common goods, hes sacrificing something.
So that kind of a tolerance that each Christians has been asked that you suffer, that means it is
injustice. See you are not meant for, yet you are called to suffer to tolerance for justice. One
verse in Bible also said happy are those who are innocent, who are being unjustly accused for
their called righteous person in eyes of God. So when we know thats in the name of the religion,
in the back days because we are minority, we are being accused, I mean falsely your name is
being spoiled but still you bear for the sake of God. So you bear witness and you bear testament
that you are to recycle your cry story that youre falling is true, none of the preaching of your
religion speaks about that.
Ok so how is the teaching in Christianity help in maintaining the peace of country that consists of
variety of races?
See, each one of us are called to be the peacemaker, blessed are those who bring the peace on
us. In the first thing also, the history of the Bible also said the God wanted to bring peace and
thats how he brings peace by bringing his own son into this world. So that all those people who
are scattered may come back. All the diversions, all the distractions of this world may be
bounded back together once again. And we said that after the history of Jews, we said that he
was suffered, he died on the cross, and after the third days he rise again from the death. And
each time that he alive, the only thing he said is peace, peace, and peace. In Muslim also, the
first thing on the beauty in every Islam, whenever one person meets another person, he greets
Assalamualaikum means peace be with you. And the other person responds peace also with
you. That means also we always said that whatever is good in me I share with you and in turn,
the other person also replies yes we also share that. So every Christian is also called to be the
witnesses, or to be the channels of that peace. Peace means whatever feels good, whatever is
pleasing, what brings the same in the others. So that needs to be manifested, that has to be
shared. It is just like the story of a rose, if you touch it with your tender hand, you pluck it, it also
gives the same smell. You pull it, pluck it, put it under your shoes and scrambled it, but still it
gives the same fragrance. Just like your life, whether we get good in turn, or we get the bad of it,
but each one of us are called to live the life what God has given to us. So the God who has called
everybody has called us in good intention that you be happy, and make others also be happy. So
you be peace and make share of that with others. So that each one of us are called as long as we
know that. Its not like just like adding we have to be where we can nurse the wounds, but not
adding salt to the wounds. Adding salt to the wounds means that well aggravates those thing
like someone come and give you a slap, you give him twice. Somebody has got something but
you do the double damage, its not like that. But we are called to aiding or curing the wounds.
Somebody has done damage , somebody has misunderstanding that hes misconception that
youre not right, youre head-witted, youre not like, youre not respect, but how well we can
nurse it? That common peace, common understanding, working for the common good, well
instead of hatred we should love, we should concern, we do good, and thats how we can
become the channel of peace in our own little ways knowing the facts that everything is not
good, youre doing the goods and youre not getting the good back in return.
So why do you think that were losing peace nowadays?

Its not a question to say that were losing peace ourselves. The first and foremost thing is each
and every individual is carried away by their norms and the fancies of the society, like they are
always in a competition like this days we have to achieve this goal, we have to work hard. In
terms of individual and community aspect also it is the same thing. It is not peace only which are
lacking within the religion. First of all, we see in our own first. We look at my brother, my sister,
they are intelligent, they have got a lot of people. So my intention is not to support or see the
good in them, but how to compete with them, how well I can come out. The best thing is I have
to put them down and bring myself up. But not in turn theyre doing good, I also do equally good
and show myself. It starts from within the family, then comes to the society and then it goes to
the religion. And for today, there is not much peace because one cannot see the good in others,
one cannot accept what the others are doing for the common good of others. And absence of
peace means the presence of hatred. And very bad nowadays we see jealousy, everywhere we
see one cannot bear or like the others and thats how we see the absence of peace. Whatever we
are trying to do in a good direction, good for good, we get good. Anything we try because in you
theres something good, how well I can spoil your name or bring my name up is only by
destroying you. The peace is there, but I am seeing it in the way of hatred. And thats how we
have a lots of misconceptions, misunderstanding. There is no peace within, but there is peace
What is the concept of justice that Christians need to follow through?
See, each one is just. And each one is in doubt to experience or to enjoy what is given freely by
God. So justice is not only what is just to me, but just in living.

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