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Make in India
Roles and Responsibilities of a Project Manager


Project management is the discipline of initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and

closing the work of a team to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria.
The success of project depends on its people and according to Tom DeMarco Get the right
people. Then no matter what all else you might do wrong after that, the people will save
you. Thats what project management is.
The project manager is not a firefighter, but instead looks for changes or delays in activities,
identifies possible risks and prepares the team for things that could go wrong.
The project manager is the individual responsible for delivering the project. The individual
leads and manages the project team, with authority and responsibility from the project
board, to run the project on a day-to-day basis.
The project does not depend only the manager but the entire project team. The project
manager's personality is another major factor affecting the project team. Is viewed as a
hard task master or a total professional? Is he a team builder or an autocrat Can he lead
from the front? How decisive is he? Is he supportive of the staff under him or does he pass
the blame to his subordinates when things go wrong? The project manager's personal
qualities will affect the pattern of staffing.
The project Make in India involves various sectors and hence needs a lot of differently
skilled project manager for each department.
The overall roles and responsibilities for all the project manager that can work under
different projects by Make in India are

Leadership and Management Skills

Interpersonal Skills
Organizational Skills
Duties of Project Manager
Traits of Project Manager

6) Manage the Project Team

Make in India
The Make in India program was launched by Prime Minister Modi in September 2014 as
part of a wider set of nation-building initiatives. Devised to transform India into a global
design and manufacturing hub, Make in India was a timely response to a critical situation:
by 2013, the much-hyped emerging markets bubble had burst, and Indias growth rate had
fallen to its lowest level in a decade. The promise of the BRICS nations had faded, and
India was tagged as one of the so-called Fragile Five. Global investors debated whether
the worlds largest democracy was a risk or an opportunity. Indias 1.2 billion citizens
questioned whether India was too big to succeed or too big to fail. India was on the brink of
severe economic failure.
It represents a comprehensive and unprecedented overhaul of out-dated processes and
policies. Most importantly, it represents a complete change of the Governments mind-set a shift from issuing authority to business partner, in keeping with Prime Minister Modis
tenet of Minimum Government, Maximum Governance.
To start a movement, you need a strategy that inspires, empowers and enables in equal
measure. Make in India needed a different kind of campaign: instead of the typical
statistics-laden newspaper advertisements, this exercise required messaging that was
informative, well-packaged and most importantly, credible. It had to (a) inspire confidence in
Indias capabilities amongst potential partners abroad, the Indian business community and
citizens at large; (b) provide a framework for a vast amount of technical information on 25
industry sectors; and (c) reach out to a vast local and global audience via social media and
constantly keep them updated about opportunities, reforms, etc.
It aimed at raising the contribution of the manufacturing sector to 25% of the GDP by 2020.

Roles and Responsibilities of Project Manager




In a perfect world, the project manager would just have to make a schedule, allocate
resource assemble a team and just tell them what to do. However, the world is anything but
perfect things do not go according to plan. Delays occur; systems break down; the scope of
the project changes; functional departments do not deliver as per schedule; risk events
occur; interpersonal conflicts take place and the project manager has to cope with all these
problems. But the project manager is not just a firefighter. He has to innovate and adapt to
the ever-changing environment. He must be able to respond to changes in the plan, in the
project scope, in the customers requirements, in the team and so on.
The managers cope with complexities and leaders cope with change. Managers direct,
coordinate and control activities and the leader recognizes the need for change, redirects
the efforts of the team and in them to move in a different direction. A project manager must
not only be a good manager also be a good leader. The degree of leadership required
varies from project to project.
As in Make in India there could be many projects when the delays could be possible, so as
a project manager the responsible person should be able to manage all the delays and try
to complete work on time. This skill is very important for a government projects as many a
times leadership skills helps to achieve objective easily and efficiently.

A project manager has to manage a variety of peoplesome under his control and some
over whom he has no control. He realizes that authority does not translate into influence
and to be effective he has to manage a complex set of interfaces. In any project, the project
manager has to deal with different groups of stakeholders. There may be a core group of
specialists assigned on the project team.
There are groups of people within the organization who are directly or indirectly involved
with the project. (Shown in figure)

Networking requirements of a Project Manager

Make in India as a government initiative requires its project manager to communicate

ethically with various departments that could be realted to this project and also expect the
manager to complete the project without any controversies. So, it is the responsibility of a
manager to maintain good interpersonal skills with all the departments related to the

Organizational skill is not restricted to drawing up an organizational chart linking all
employees. It is the ability to design monitoring and control systems. The project manager
should be able to design reporting relationships, lines of control and channels of information
flow and make them work. He should be able to resolve conflicts when they become
unproductive. In a project management situation, conflicts often arise due to a clash of
goals and interests between the project requirements and the functional departmental
requirements. Certain amount of conflict may lead to healthy competition which may give a
boost to the morale and efficiency of the project team. The project manager should have the
cognitive skill to recognize when conflict becomes dysfunctional and should step in to
resolve it.




The project manager has to perform a variety of duties. He is responsible for the overall
completion of the project within the time frame allotted, within the budgeted costs and in
conformity with the laid down quality standards. Some of his responsibilities are listed as

Defining and maintaining the integrity of the project.

Developing executive plans for the project.
Organizing for execution of the project.
Setting of targets, development of reporting systems and ensuring accomplishment
of targets.
Negotiating with those concerned for obtaining commitment to the project.
Directing, coordinating and controlling project activities.
Contract management.
Resource management.

9) Problem solving.
10)Relationship management.
11) Customer and stakeholder satisfaction.
12)Achievement of project objectives.
The project manager should follow these duties so as get good results out of it and to
complete the project on time




Volumes can be written on the traits of leadership without involving a consensus. Good
project managers have some common traits and the most important of these are listed

Holistic Foresight
Personal Integrity
High tolerance for ambiguity and stress
Good communication skills
Effective time manager
Skillful Politician

As Make in India is a big initiative the government should select the managers which qualify
the above mentioned traits so as to make the project successful and hence make the whole
initiative successful.




The success of a project is attributable not only to the project manager but also in a large
measure to the successful handling of the project team. The project manager should be
able to enthuse and motivate the team and draw positive synergy from them. He can do this
if he can form and build the team properly. The team poses its own problems. The team
may be formed from within the organization or from outside or a combination of the two.
Often the team may not have full-time members, and experts may join the team for various
components of the project as and when required.
Project Manager should consider the following factors while recruiting team members:

Problem solving ability

Technological expertise
Relationship with stake holders

The project manager should be able to build its team effectively to complete the project
without any conflicts. The project manager has an important role to play in establishing an

identity for the team to which they become emotionally attached. This can be achieved
through team meetings, co-location of team members, team names and team rituals.
Disagreements and conflicts often arise between team members during the life of the
project. There may be disagreement on the priorities, allocation of resources, suggested
solutions problems and so on. Conflict occurs at all stages of the project. The manager
should be able to tackle all the conflicts and complete the project effectively.

Other Responsibilities

Planning and Defining Scope

Plan how the things are to be done during the project, understand the customer
needs and plan according to the requirement of customer needs and demands.

Activity Planning and Sequencing

Resource Planning
The project manager is responsible to plan all the resources usage according to its
availability and also be able to resolve resource related issues. He should work with
the strategic manager to identify available resources.

Time Estimating
It is the responsibility of the project manager to estimate the time required to
complete the project, the manager should use a scientific approach to estimate time.
Analysis on the time for impacts and determine potential risks because of estimates.
The time estimation should be finished before scheduling.

Maintaining an awareness of potential interdependencies with other projects and

their impact.

Develop all the schedules on time.

Adopting and applying appropriate technical and quality strategies and standards.

Identifying and obtaining support and advice required for the management, planning
and control of the project.

Conducting a project evaluation review to assess how well the project was managed

Proper documentation of project

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