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Sub task 1(a)

The Arrogant Swans
In a far away kingdom, there was a river. This river was home to many golden swans. The
swans spent most of their time on the banks of the river. Every six months, the swans would leave
a golden feather as a fee for using the lake. The soldiers of the kingdom would collect the feathers
and deposit them in the royal treasury.
One day, a homeless bird saw the river. The water in this river seems so cool and
soothing. I will make my home here, thought the bird.
As soon as the bird settled down near the river, the golden swans noticed her. They came
shouting. This river belongs to us. We pay a golden feather to the King to use this river. You
cannot live here.
I am homeless, brothers. I too will pay the rent. Please give me shelter, the bird pleaded.
How will you pay the rent? You do not have golden feathers, said the swans laughing. They
further added, Stop dreaming and leave once. The humble bird pleaded many times. But the
arrogant swans drove the bird away.
I will teach them a lesson! decided the humiliated bird.
She went to the King and said, O King! The swans in your river are impolite and unkind. I
begged for shelter but they said that they had purchased the river with golden feathers.
The King was angry with the arrogant swans for having insulted the homeless bird. He
ordered his soldiers to bring the arrogant swans to his court. In no time, all the golden swans were
brought to the Kings court.
Do you think the royal treasury depends upon your golden feathers? You cannot decide
who lives by the river. Leave the river at once or you all will be beheaded! shouted the King.
The swans shivered with fear on hearing the King. They flew away never to return. The bird
built her home near the river and lived there happily forever. The bird gave shelter to all other birds
in the river.
Source: English For Students (n. d). The Arrogant Swans. Retrieved on 14 th August 2012, from

Statement or thought




Table 1(a)

Type of direct speech

Statement or thought

The water in this river seems so cool and soothing, thought the



How will you pay the rent? said the swans laughing.
Leave the river at once or you all will be beheaded! shouted the


I will teach them a lesson! decided the humiliated bird.

Sub task 1(b)

Statement or thought
The water in this river seems so cool and soothing, thought the bird.

The bird thought that the water in that river seemed so cool and


Change in pronoun/change in tense.


Change this to that,

Change seems to seemed.

How will you pay the rent? said the swans laughing.

The swans, laughing, asked how it would pay the rent.


Change in pronoun/change in tense.


Change you to it,

Change will to would.


Leave the river at once or you all will be beheaded! shouted the King.

The King ordered them to leave the river at once or they would
be beheaded.


Change in pronoun/change in tense.


Change you all to them,

Change you all to they,
Change will to would.

I will teach them a lesson! decided the humiliated bird.

The humiliated bird decided that it would teach them a lesson.


Change in pronoun/change in tense.


Change I to it,
Change will to would.


Sub task 2(a)

Cass Bruton-Ward once worked for a boss who was critical and dictatorial. The boss would
dominate discussions and ignore any comments not in agreement with hers. During brainstorming
sessions, she would interrupt Bruton-Ward and her colleagues and berate them with remarks
like thats a terrible idea. Bruton-Ward, a 47-year-old media relations expert would walk into
every meeting feeling calm, become angry, and exit hopping mad.
Finally, she decided to try a yoga technique to solve her work woes. By doing this, she also
interrupted the unhealthy physiological response that accompanies anger. Her heart rate and
blood pressure dropped and her muscles relaxed.
According to Redford Williams, director of Behavioural Medicine Research Centre at Duke
University, North Carolina, People who have hostile personalities have illnesses of all sorts.
They tend to eat more, smoke more and drink more. They also tend to have a greater fight or
flight reaction when they are angry. He suggests keeping a hostility log recording angry feelings,
aggressive actions and negative thoughts.
Excerpt from Readers Digest, October 2002
Paragraph 1

Anaphoric/Cataphoric Reference
A 47-year-old media relations expert

Bruton-Ward and her colleagues

Paragraph 2

Anaphoric/Cataphoric Reference

A yoga technique

Paragraph 3

Anaphoric/Cataphoric Reference
Director of Behavioural Medicine Research Centre

Redford Williams
People who have hostile personalities

Sub task 2(a)



Cohesive Device

While it is true that too many Americans cannot read and write, this


countrys literacy rate is the best in the world.

In order to make feasible projections, we need to have reliable data.


The first question was difficult but the others were easy.


Ramonita never talked to her friends about joining the choir,


because she was afraid they would make fun of her.

Most of the parents complained that the schools were not tough
enough. They said, for example, that their children were rarely


assigned homework.

I Found It
By Bhayden71297(online account)
Where the hell is it?

The old man slammed his hands on the table, face twisted with anger. His eyes were a furious
storm as they jumped from one object in the doctors office to another. They settled, finally, on
the two people standing in a corner far out of the mans reach.
What exactly is he talking about, Doctor? whispered the young nurse.
Dr. Stevens shrugged, attention on the man. Thats what Im trying to find out
The judge stopped his tantrum for a second to watch the approaching doctor with a suspicious
eye. Tense and ready for a fight, the old man held up his hands. Seeing this, the doctor raised
his own, open with palms out, showing the judge he was harmless.
With a clearing of his throat, the doctor spoke. Hello, Judge Rimini. How are you doing today?
A grumble of words followed from Rimini.
Im sorry, sir. But would you mind saying that again, I really didnt-
Where did you put it? Rimini leaped off the table and into the doctor, shoving him against a
wall behind them. His screams were filled with longing desire and Dr. Stevens had to fight to
keep calm. The nurse moved forward but the doctor warded her off.
Rimini, what do you think we have?
Riminis head flew back and he laughed bitterly. His normally neat hair was in every direction, a
giveaway that he had been ripping through it with his hands, hands that were shaking
uncontrollably now. The rage he carried had turned his face red and dilated his eyes.
Its mine, damn it! The man let go of the doctor and began to run around the room yelling.
Where did they put it? Give it back to me!
Quietly, the doctor moved to the opposite corner of the room where the nurse was still standing
watching Rimini with a horrid look.
Hes completely insane, she gasped.
So, the doctor murmured, ignoring her observation. Have the reports come in yet?
In fact, they have. The nurse shuffled a few papers around and handed them to Dr. Stevens.

The doctor read through the first page, looking for some sort of clue to what was going on with
Judge Rimini. Okay. This episode started after his trial yesterday The doctor continued on.
It seems as if one of the defendants-
Dr. Stevens stopped and squinted at the words trying to figure out if what he read the first time
was true. He shook his head and looked over at the man. Rimini was still screaming, but he had
added a new act to his fit. Hed pick up something, examine it, and then throw it.
The nurse snapped her fingers, and the doctor turned his attention back to her. Oh right. Well it
seems as if one of the defendants threw something at Judge Rimini. He was knocked out for
awhile and when he awoke, he was like this.
Do they know what was thrown?
A smash had them both spinning; Rimini had begun to rip out the drawers. The one on the floor
held the doctors surgical tools and syringes. His eyes went wide as Rimini picked up a
surgical knife, and began to examine it. Dr. Stevens pulled both the nurse and himself down
just as the knife was sent flying across the room.
Quickly, the doctor pressed a red button on the wall. Emergency in room 47, send someone
down! Stat! The doctor began to take his finger off the button, but thought otherwise. He
pressed it back down. And bring a coconut!
The nurse gave up her watch on the crazed judge for a second and turned to look at the doctor.
Before he could reply, two staff members barged in. They tackled the man and after a brief
struggle, had him pinned. One of them stepped out of the room for a second and when he
appeared again, he was holding a brown object. Little hairs stuck off of the rough, dry surface of
the fruit.
He has it! Give me, give me, give me! Rimini struggled to dive forward after the coconut. His
face was filled with ferocious need, red and sweaty, eyes going every which way.
Give him the damn thing already!

The hold on his arms was released and the coconut was brought forward. The man snatched it
up and rubbed it against his face, all need and mad desire gone. Peace was the only thing
coming from the judge, his emotions at once settled.
Everyone looked from Rimini to the doctor.
Finally, the nurse broke the silence. How did you know to give him a coconut?
The doctor continued to look at the judge. I didnt. I guessed.
What was he hit in the head with again?
A coconut, replied the doctor.
Rimini looked up at everyone just then, his clear eyes settling on the doctor. He smiled, nicely
this time, causing his facial features to brighten. He spoke, now sounding like a small child. I
found it. I found my coconut
Source: Bhayden71297. (2011). I Found It. Retrieved on 26 th August 2012, from

Course Pro Forma Topic 2



The one on the floor held the doctors surgical tools and
syringes. His eyes went wide as Rimini picked up a
surgical knife, and began to examine it.

The nurse movedwarded her off. The man let go of the

His normally neat hair was in every direction, a giveaway
that he had been ripping through it with his hands, hands
that were shaking uncontrollably now.

A surgical knife is a type

of surgical tools.
Surgical knife
Surgical tools

off of
the word off and of
sound alike but they
have different meaning
and spelling.

The meaning of
uncontrollably is in an
uncontrolled manner.
It is a derivative with the
adding of prefix un-

and suffix -able and -ly

to the root word

Course Pro Forma Topic 5




Emotive language
Hes completely insane, she gasped.

Crazy, often in a way

that is dangerous.

Social expressions
Hello, Judge Rimini. How are you doing today?

Formal greeting from

the doctor towards his

His eyes were a furious storm as they jumped from one
object in the doctors office to another.

The office belongs to

the doctor.

Dr. Stevens shrugged, attention on the man.

Dr. is an abbreviated
form of Doctor.

First and foremost, I would like to thank God for guiding me in completing my coursework
for this semester and also my fellow friends who have collaborated with me throughout the
process. The coursework for this semester required us to complete three tasks based on the
course pro-forma of the subject, which I find very challenging as we learn deeper about grammar
and it is quite difficult. For the tasks, we need to identify reported structures, words and meanings,
cohesive devices and linguistic features and functions.
Our first task was to identify different types or reported structures in direct speech and then
transformed them into indirect speech. This task was quite simple and easy to understand
because there was not much to do. However, we must be really careful when there were changes
in tenses and pronouns and we needed to fully understand tenses to correctly transform the direct
speech into indirect speech. I took a short time to complete the first task, not from the knowledge I
have alone but also with the help of my course mates and my lecturer.
For the second task, we were required to identify the anaphoric and cataphoric references
in the text that was already given to us. This task was challenging to me because I had a hard time

trying to understand the concept of referencing, but with the guidance from my friends I finally
made it. Besides that, I also found out the complexity of grammatical device and lexical device
because both are very close in features and it was difficult for me to differentiate between the two.
In the class, we had several arguments with each other trying to identify the correct device to use.
However, all the arguments have lead to a better understanding among us about that topic
because all of us voiced out our opinions. From there, I learnt that not all arguments bring negative
impacts but it also brings positive impacts.
The final task was the most challenging because it required us to be fully detailed on
grammar functions in sentences. So in my opinion, it was like asking us to dig so much deeper
that we have dug before. Furthermore, we were assigned to use only one text which contained
seven types of words from the topic in our course pro-forma. I realized that I would never be able
to complete the task if I was unable to really understand the topic so I read all my notes and tried
to understand how the component worked. Then, and only then I was able to complete the task.
From there, I learnt that in order to learn something, it is not a matter of memorizing the topic but
rather we must understand the concept of the topic.
Overall, I had a great time doing this coursework because I was able to learn more about
grammar and it was like expanding my knowledge in grammar. Besides that, I am also working
hard to do the best that I can in my final exam for the foundation year so I put much effort in doing
this coursework. But without the help from my friends and lecturers, I doubt that I can come out
with the best performance, so thank you all for guiding me in completing this coursework.


Bhayden71297. (2011). I Found It. Retrieved on 26 th August 2012, from

English For Students (n. d). The Arrogant Swans. Retrieved on 14 th August 2012, from


Collaboration Form
Selviannie ak.

Discussing the correct
tenses for the
sentences in Task 1(b)



28th August

Discussing the usage

of grammatical and
lexical devices in

Jashil Lahung Lau

Discussing the
function of
grammatical and
lexical devices in

27th August

Choosing the correct

examples of anaphoric
and cataphoric

Rhessma Nawai

Discussing the
suitable text to use for
Task 1
Discussing the
suitable example of
direct speech in the
dialogue text
Discussing the
suitable types of words
from the text for Task 3

Ernny Changgai

Jeremaiah Linggi

Mr. Dulip Singh

Discussing the
function of
grammatical and
lexical devices
Discussing the correct
usage of tenses for the
sentences in Task 1(b)
Discussing the
function of
grammatical and
lexical devices
Discussing the correct
structure of sentences
in Task 1

26th August

27th August

29th August


Discussing the type of

dialogue text to be
used for Task 1.
Discussing on
anaphoric and
cataphoric references
for Task 2(a)
Discussing on how to
explain the meaning of
the words for Task 3


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