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List of practical EPS II - 2016

Electrical Power systems II


Practical 1
1. Write a note on short transmission line with phasor diagram for Resistive, Capacitive and
Inductive loads, and also derive the formulae for voltage regulation for each case.
(Rest of the questions were already discussed during Laboratory hours. Students are
expected to solve numerical and also attach MATLAB/SiLAB code for the same.)

Practical 2
1. Using the nominal - method, find the sending-end voltage and voltage regulation of a
250 km, three-phase 50 Hz, transmission line delivering 25 MVA at 0.8 lagging power
factor to a balanced load at 132 kV. The line conductors are spaced equilaterally 3 m
apart. The conductor resistance is 0.11 /km and its effective diameter is 1.6 cm. Neglect
leakage reactance. (Eg. 5.4 Nagrath Kothari)
2. A three phase, 60 Hz, completely transposed 345 kV, 200 km line has z= 0.032+ j0.35
/km and y= j4.2 x 10-6 S/km. Full load at the receiving end is 700 MW at 0.99 p.f.
leading and at 95% of rated voltage. Assuming a medium length line, determine the
following: ABCD parameters of the nominal circuit, sending end voltage and current
and real power delivered by sending end. (nov 2013)
3. A 3-phase overhead transmission line delivers a load of 80 MW at 0.8 pf lagging and 220
kV between the lines. Its total series impedance per phase and shunt admittance per phase
is 200 80 ohms and 0.0013 90 mhos per phase respectively. Using nominal T
method determine (i) A,B,C,D constants of the line (ii) Sending end voltage (iii) Sending
end current (iv) Sending end power factor (v) Transmission efficiency of the line. (June

Practical 3
1. A 275 kV transmission line has the following line constants: A = 0.85 50, 20 75 (i)
Determine the power at unity power factor that can be received, if the voltage profile at
each end is to be maintained at 275 kV (b) What type of compensation equipment would
be required if the load is 150 MW at unity pf with the same voltage profile as in part
(summer 2014)

List of practical EPS II - 2016


(solve part (d) and rest of the solution

using MATLAB)

NOTE: problem number 1 , 2 and 3 are solved

from Hadi sadat and Nagrath Kothari.


Answer for problem 4 is 47.56 MVAR lagging

Practical 4
To simulate transient in series R-L circuit with special attention to change in DC offset
current for application of excitation at different instant.
Write the equation of current during transient conditions
Plot steady state, transient components and total current separately (using subgraph)
for different values of alpha.
Use MATLAB/SIMULINK to verify the results.
Comment on how value of alpha changes results.

Practical 5
Dynamic simulation of three phase fault on terminal of unloaded synchronous generator. The
simulation should show the waveforms of all three line current for fault at different instant on
voltage wave of phase A.

List of practical EPS II - 2016

Write the equation of current during transient conditions

Plot steady state, transient, sub-transient components and total current separately
(using subgraph) for different values of alpha.
Comment on how value of alpha changes results.

Practical 6
To write a computer program for obtaining symmetrical components for a given set of
unbalanced phasors.
1. Derive the equation of three phase power in terms of symmetrical components of voltages
and currents.
2. The currents in three phase unbalanced system are IR = (12 + j6) A, IY = (12 - j12) A, IB
= (-15 + j10) A. The phase sequence is RYB. Calculate, positive, negative and zero
sequence components of currents (winter 2014)
3. Nagrath Kothari : - unsolved 10.5

4. Given Va 553, V 7164, V 7105, find the symmetrical

5. Given V0 = 3.5 122 V1 = 5.0 10 and V2 = 1.9 92, find the phase
sequence components.
(You are supposed to solve these problems and verify answer using
that they have developed. Also each solution must contain proper
for both balanced and unbalanced condition e.g. shown in figure)

phasor diagram

Practical 7
To plot sending end power circle diagram and receiving end power circle diagram of a
transmission line on a graph paper with some suitable scale.
1. Discuss steps to draw circle diagram. Also demonstrate how receiving and sending
end circle diagram for a short transmission line would look like.
2. Solve tutorial 3, problem no. 4 using circle diagrams and verify your answer.
3. Nagrath Kothari solved 5.11

List of practical EPS II - 2016

Practical 8
To write a computer program for animation of travelling waves of a long transmission line
with different operating conditions.

Practical 9
To analyse L-G fault of a small system (containing generator, transformer and lines) using
interconnection of sequence networks.
1. Nagrath Kothari unsolved 10.8

List of practical EPS II - 2016

2. Nagrath Kothari Solved 11.7 ( You are supposed to solve this numerical by both
connection of sequence network and by Zbus method and verify your answers)

3. Considering system shown in fig. 2 at no load, find out the line current Ia at fault
point when A-G fault occurs at the terminals of the motor. Let zero sequence

List of practical EPS II - 2016

reactance of generator and motor is 50 % each. Zero sequence reactance of

transformers is 25 % each and zero sequence reactance of line is 20 %. 1 ohm each is
connected in the neutral circuit of both the synchronous machines. (summer 2015)

Fig. 2

Practical 10
To analyse L- L-G and L- L fault of a small system (containing generators, transformers and
lines) using interconnection of sequence network.
1. A synchronous generator is rated at 25 MVA, 11 kV. It is star connected with neutral
point solidly grounded. The generator is operating on no-load at rated voltage. Its
reactances are X=X2 = 0.2 pu and X0 = 0.08 pu. Calculate the symmetrical
subtransient currents for (i)LG fault (ii) LL fault (iii) LLG fault (iv) LLL fault. After
calculating the values of fault currents do you find something surprising in the values
of fault currents for LG and LLL faults? Why? (summer 2014)
2. Considering system shown in fig. 2 at no load, find out the line current Ia at fault
point when B-C-G fault occurs at the terminals of the motor. Let zero sequence
reactance of generator and motor is 50 % each. Zero sequence reactance of
transformers is 25 % each and zero sequence reactance of line is 20 %. 1 ohm each is
connected in the neutral circuit of both the synchronous machines. (summer 2015)

Practical 11
Calculation of fault current for a three phase fault in a small power system.
1. A synchronous generator and a synchronous motor each rated 25 MVA, 11 kV having
15% sub-transient reactance are connected through transformer and a line as shown in
Fig. 2. The transformers are rated 25 MVA, 11/66 kV and 66/11 kV with leakage
reactance of 10% each. The line has a reactance of 10% on a base of 25 MVA, 66 kV.
The motor is drawing 15 MW at 0.8 power factor leading and a terminal voltage of
10.6 kV when a symmetrical three-phase fault occurs at the motor terminals. Find the
sub-transient current in the motor, generator and fault. (Winter 2015)

2. Consider the three bus system shown in fig. The generators are 100 MVA, with a
transient reactance of 10% each. Both the transformers are 100 MVA with a leakage
reactance of 5%. The reactance of each of the lines to a base of 100 MVA, 110 kV is
10%. Obtain the value of fault current for a three phase solid short circuit on bus 3.
Assume prefault voltages to be 1.0 p.u. and prefualt currents to be zero. (summer

List of practical EPS II - 2016

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