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For Saint Johns School

Student Ambassadors from Saint Johns School are pleased to submit this proposal for
services to support Saint Johns students in achieving its goals for improving their knowledge
of coding and storytelling by using entertaining and interesting means, such as the creation of
a small videogame using Project Spark.

The Objective
Teach students the basics of coding, mostly its logic and basic concepts
Help with the process of learning and understanding storytelling
Complete both objectives already mentioned in an entertaining and engaging way for
Make students gain experience on working in a group with people with different skills and

The Opportunity
Students will understand the basic logic behind software
Students will have an opportunity to work together on a fun project that will require the use
of their creativity
Enhance what is taught in language and literature class by applying the concept of
storytelling to create a videogame.

The Solution
By teaching students about the usage of the Kode programming system present in the game
they will learn the basics of programming in a way that is very easy to understand.

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Students will be asked to create a script for the game that they will make in order to apply
the concepts they learned during class
By creating small groups (dev teams) the students will collaborate in order to create
different games with the Project Spark software

As student ambassadors from Saint Johns School we want to help students learn about a
concept that is of utmost importance in todays world, which is the basic knowledge of coding
and its logic. The student ambassadors from Saint Johns School are all familiar with coding
and are capable of sharing this knowledge with the students of younger classes, who will learn
about the logic that supports the software they use daily.
Project Spark is a videogame created by Team Dakota and published by Microsoft studios. It
has a very interesting concept in which players have the ability to change the outcome of the
game they are playing by making decisions about what they will encounter on their journey.
Most importantly, this game has a mode in which players can create and program their own
games using resources (objects, characters, scenery, etc.) available in the game and with the
use of a special creation system with visual programming called Kode. The games created can
be shared with the project spark community with players all around the world.
What we propose is an experience in which 7th grade students will be introduced to Project
Spark during their computing lessons, a videogame which involves designing and programming
levels made by users all around the world. After they are introduced to the concept of the game,
they will be taught about the Kode programming system which is used to program the different
characters and their actions in the game in a simple way. Then small groups of four students will
be formed and they will be tasked with the creation of a script for a small game that will be
based on what is available in Project Spark. Development of the different games will then start
and students will have the chance to use and improve their logic and creativity skills in order to
create a game while they are guided by their teachers and the ambassadors and after all of the
games are created, all of the groups will show what they have created to the rest of the class
and will also share their games with the Project Spark community.

We will develop this project using Project Spark because we have found that this software is the
best for creating different scenarios or games using simple programming and design controls.
You can create hills, lagoons or rivers by using simple click and drag controls with your mouse,
meaning that, with a bit of creativity and dedication, you can make a high-quality scenario with
appealing graphics. When it comes to programming, the procedure is as simple as creating the
visuals. You can create an enemy and its AI with some blocks, which are a graphical way of
showing code in the Kode system.
The creation of a script is a method that we want to use to encourage students to use their
creativity and their knowledge of storytelling that they acquired during their language lessons.
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30 copies of Project Spark Starter Pack
It would be very good to have versions of the game with multiplayer creation, an aspect of the
game that is not available now but we believe is in development. We would be glad to help the
development of this feature by being the testers of it.

Project Deliverables
Following is a complete list of all project deliverables:


Teamwork ability

Students will work on teams, they will have to accept each others opinions and
distribute their tasks among them

Programming Knowledge

Students will learn the logics of programming and videogame development

through an interactive videogame creator

Script writing skills

Students will have to apply the knowledge they have on scriptwriting and will
gain experience on this matter.

Timeline for Execution

Key project dates are outlined below. Only the duration of each step is available because dates
will be given by the school once the project is shown to them.

Start Date

End Date


Introduction to Project Spark

1 class

Teaching students about Kode

1-2 classes

Start Creative Work on a Script

2 class

Development of Games

4 classes

Present Each Game to the Rest of the Class

2 classes

We expect our proposed solution to Saint Johns studentss requirements to provide the
following results:
Students will gain the basic knowledge and experience of programming
Students will have experience on working with others in a team
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Students will have better written communication skills

Other Benefits
If we have the chance to test this multiplayer mode, developers of Project Spark will gain
knowledge about how this feature is working on a realistic environment.

We look forward to working with Saint Johns students and supporting their education with this
project that teaches them new concepts such as programming and reinforces the knowledge
they already have (script writing). We are also hoping that this project will become something
that is done every year in order to teach all future generations about programming.
If you have questions on this proposal, feel free to contact us at your convenience by using
yammer or at our email addresses: ; ; .
Thank you for your consideration,
Martin Schneider, Andrs Gonzlez and Jos Isola
Student Ambassadors from Saint Johns School (Chile)

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