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Message to the President of the United States: 

President Barack H. Obama 

Approximately from 1555 to 1865, until this very day, 

African Americans/Black People have sacrificed beyond
words all that can be sacrificed for America. African
Americans/Black People have been the victims of well
devised discriminatory and extortion tactics permitted
and implemented by the United States Of America.  How?  By
withholding what's owed to African Americans/Black
People for the slave trade, atrocities and abominations
committed against them by way of its power and influence.  

In the history of the United States, monetary, humanitarian aid

and the sacrifice of American life's for other people and
countries has been and still is very important to the
U.S.A.  It's past time for the United States Government to
monetarily sacrifice what's owed to 
African Americans/Black People.  In order for reconciliation
to be established, atonement must be rendered.
What African Americans/Black People deserve is a national
formal apology, monetary reparations and a monument erected
at the White House signifying the acknowledgement,
atonement and reconciliation of the United States Government
to African Americans/Black People. 

America claims it wants to establish reconciliation, however

for this Government to claim it wants to reconcile but not
render atonement, is a direct insult upon African
Americans/Black People intelligence and an attack upon their
very existence.  For we all know that when one nation
commits an injustice of this magnitude against another nation
it calls for the rendering of atonement, in order for
reconciliation to ever fully be established. 

The primary frivolous excuse America uses for not rendering

atonement to African Americans/Black People is because they
claim the African Americans/Black People of this present
era are not those who were enslaved, yet America
has rendered atonement to Native Americans, although the
Native Americans of this era are not those who were living at
the time when atonement was given and reconcilation was
established between them and America.  And yet, Native
Americans, as of this very day, are receiving
atonement/reparations from the U.S. Government.  Not only is
favoritism deceitful, its blatant discrimination.

How is it that African Americans/Black People, as intelligent,

GOD fearing people, can just stand back and not be moved to
action?  Ask yourself !!!

NOTE: African Americans/Black People have the right to

seek justice for the genocide and torment that
their foreparents endured. The ancestors of African
Americans/Black People are calling out for justice from their
very graves.  Is anyone paying attention??? 

African Americans/Black People are always including others

in their plights and struggles, but others never include them in
their plights and struggles.  It's evident that America does not
discriminate against any other people except Black People. 
Why?  Due to the fact that all other people are welcomed into
this country and have full access to the American dream and
there's no stumbling blocks placed in their paths to impede
their progress.

The shameful crimes which the U.S. Government have

committed against African Americans/Black People are
still outstanding and shows a vile evil heart, mind and soul of
the U.S. Government.   How?  By the withholding of justice
from African American/Black People.  It's time for the U.S.
Government to demonstrate and prove to the world that she's
not simply all looks, talk and of ill substance.  It's time for you
to demonstrate 'America' that you're not vile, hypocritical and
racist by rendering justice for over three hundred years and
beyond of genocide to a nation of people by doing what is
honorable, moral and upright.  

How?  By paying a price and atoning for the genocide that you
have committed against African American/Black People. 
Question - Are you hypocritical America?  Do you diligently
seek justice for yourself and selective others but not for all?
Factfully speaking the proof is in the pudding.  So render
justice to African Americans/Black People who fully deserve
and cry out for justice that is way past due.  Many people 
wonder why America refuse to render atonement.  

Here's the plot--by systematically and selfishly keeping 

African Americans/Black People destitute and ignorant by the
denial of money and education, although in recent decades
African Americans/Black People have been allowed to at least
educate themselves.  In a nutshell, destitute and uneducated
people basically make destitute and uneducated choices.
Which means: It gives the U.S.Government prime opportunity
to lockup and to kill.  Economic gain is what fueled the slave
trade.  Justice and economic gain is what's fueling the
pursuit of justice in the name of all mighty GOD and in
his word Christ Jesus the Lion of the Tribe Of Judah.  Amen.
Many African Americans/Black People ask the age old

1.Do we have the right to seek justice?

2.How do we as a nation of defeated people go about

establishing justice?

The answer to question number one is absolutely yes!  African

Americans/Black People do have the GOD given right to seek
justice, for the genocide that America has committed against
them and also against humanity.  There is no statute of
limitations on genocide. Justice has never been established
and African Americans/Black People have the right to seek it

America throughout history has always atoned for the

injustices that it has committed against other people.  But the
U.S. have not assumed responsibility and
accountability to render justice to the one people the U.S. have
wronged the most, which are African Americans/Black People
It's crystal clear that the United States of America only respect
those who stand up for their GOD given rights, whether it's by
violence or non-violent intelligence.  Just as Dr. Martin Luther
King Jr. sought justice through non-violent means.

On January 18, 2010, Mr. Tavis Smiley interviewed Mr. Harry

Belafonte Jr. on the Tavis Smiley, 7pm TV show.  He asked
Mr. Belafonte, "What do you  believe is the fulfillment of Dr.
Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream would be?"

We at hip hop and many believe the fulfillment of

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream is for full and complete
justice to be rendered and obtained for all African
Americans/Black People.  This calls for the stumbling blocks
to be removed, being allowed their GOD given rights, and for
slavery to be reconciled.  This is the fulfillment of Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr.'s dream...

The answer to question number two is as follows: What we as

African Americans/Black People must do is ban together for
justice sake. The one thing that the late great Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. clearly understood was the power of
peaceful protest.  We as African Americans/Black
People seem to have lost our understanding of what it takes to
get Americas attention, unlike the hispanic community who
truly understand the power of protest.  What we as African
Americans/Black People must do is form a nationwide protest
and demand that America treat us with dignity and honor.  

America must  stop treating African Americans/Black

People as if they're inhuman, and treat them fairly like the
U.S. treat the rest of the people.  So African Americans/Black
People must put aside their differences and in every state of
this country where we live, we must protest and not except 'no'
for an answer.  Due to the fact that the U.S. has held back
justice doesn't mean the U.S. has the right to get away with
it.  African Americans/Black People must prove to the U.S.
that we're not stupid, dumb, and most certainly not mentally
slow.  Believe this or not, many people believe African people
as a whole suffer from a form of mental retardation.  We must
stand up for our rights and prove to the whole world that we're
an intelligent humane people, who will not let America get
away with what she has done.  

You may be thinking how dare hip hop say that
people believe that African Americans/Black People suffer
from a form of mental retardation and are slow.  We at hip hop say the primary reason people think and believe this
is because we are rich but yet are poor.  The rest of the
world knows the U.S. Government owes African Americans/
Black People reparations, but yet African Americans/Black
People refuse to unite and claim what is rightfully owed to
them.  African Americans/ Black People must all come
together and show GOD and the world that they can unite.  

We all must demand that the U.S. Government pay price for
the abominations she has commited against us. It's an insult
and a slap in the face to witness the U.S. give $billions upon
$billions to other people not to mention many of those people
do not care about America.  To top it off, America knows that
many of those who they support financially, do not care about
the U.S. and America continues to give them assistance. 
NOTE: Freedom and justice for all !!! 

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