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Edith Saurer / Margareth Lanzinger / Elisabeth Frysak (Hg.

Women's Movements
Networks and Debates in post-communist Countries
in the 19th and 20th Centuries


Bohlau Verlag Koln • Weimar • Wien


Edith Saurer, Margareth Lanzinger, Elisabeth Frysak

Women's Movements, Networks and Debates in post-communist
Countries in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Introduction 9

1. Outcomes and Situations after 1989

Kristen Ghodsee
Red Nostalgia? Communism, Women's Emancipation, and Economic
Transformation in Bulgaria 31

Katalin Fabian
Bridges Across the Public-Private Divide. The Welfare-Related
Activism of Hungarian Women after 1989 47

Khatuna Javakhadze
Gender Balance and the Board of Trustees Program in Georgia 65

Anke Burkhardt, Uta Schlegel

Frauen an ostdeutschen Hochschulen - in den gleichstellungs-
politischen Koordinaten vor und nach der ,,Wende" 79

Alissa Tolstokorova
A Gender Approach to Linguistic Discrimination. Global
Developments and Post Communist Reality 103

Marta Kolafova
The Activist Stream Within the Feminist Movement
in the Czech Republic at the Beginning of 21 st Century 125
Irina Novikova
History, National Belongings and Women's Movements
in the Baltic Countries 141

Magdalena Dqbrowska
What Does it Mean to be Feminist in Poland? Debates on Feminism
in the Young Democracy 163
6 Contents

Veronika Wohrer
,,Som feministka, no a co?"
Versuche, mit einem Schimpfwort politische Arbeit zu machen 179

Maca Jogan
The Decomposition of Sexism in the Second Part
of the 20th Century in Slovenia 197

Biljana Kasic
Feminist Moments, Time-Lags, Innovations:
A Case Study of Feminism(s) in Croatia 213

Lilijana Cickaric
Nationalism, Ethnic Conflicts, and Women's Resistance in Serbia 223

Alma Bejtullahu
Female Singers in Rural Kosovo - from the Domestic
to the Public Domain 235

Anastasia V. Mitrofanova
Gender in Russian Literary and Philosophical Culture:
Transcending Sex 251

Sergei Zherebkin
"Male fantasies" in Ukraine: "Fucking Women and Building Nation" 269

Irina Zherebkina
"How We Solve Woman's Issue" or Performative Gender
in the former USSR 281

2. Gender Policies and Images of Women in Socialism

Milica G. Antic, Ksenija H. Vidmar

The Construction of Woman's Identity in Socialism:
The Case of Slovenia 291

Rima Praspaliauskiene
Women's Activism in Lithuania: 1945-1985 307
Contents 7

Andrea Peto
Redefinitions of "Statist Feminist" and Contemporary
Conservative and Extreme Rightist Hungarian Female Politicians.
The Case of the Hungarian 1956 Revolution 317

Anna Eremeeva
The Woman-Scientist in Soviet Artistic Discourse 339

3. Women's Movements

Natalia Pushkareva
Feminism in Russia: Two Centuries of History 365

Ganna Gerasymenko
The Development of Feminist Tradition in Ukraine 383

Lyudmyla Smolyar
Between Feminism and Nationalism or the Main Features
of Pragmatic Feminism 397

Krassimira Daskalova
Bulgarian Women's Movement (1850-1940) 413

Roxana Cheschebec
Toward a Romanian Women's Movement. An Organizational History
(1880s-1940) 439

Virginna Juremene
The Lithuanian Women's Movement at the Beginning of the 20th Century . . 457

Katarzyna Sierakowska
From the Partitions to an Independent state. The Feminist Movement
in Poland in the First Half of the 20th Century 475

Margaret McFadden
A Radical Exchange: Rosika Schwimmer, Emma Goldman,
Hella Wuolijoki and Red-White Struggles for Women 495
8 Contents

4. Issues in Women's and Gender History - paradigms

Anna Loutfi
Legal Ambiguity and the "European Norm" .Women's
Independence and Hungarian Family Law, 1880-1913 507

Claudia Kraft
Die Pohn als Staatsbiirgerm in der zweiten Halfte des 18. Jahrhunderts:
Reformdebatten in der spaten polnischen Adelsrepublik und zu Beginn
der Teilungszeit 523

Jadwiga Suchmiel
Books and Periodicals on the Women's Movement and a Changing
Model of Women's Educating on Polish Territories at the Turn oft
the 19th Century 541

Kristina Popova
Rollenbilder von Frauen und soziale Initiativen der orthodoxen
Kirche - Bulgarien nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg 559

Natalia Glukhova
Gender History of the Mari 569

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