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Test n1

2h :

A/ Read the passage and answer the questions below.

No part of our environment has escaped the effects of pollution. All
over the world, our land, air and water have been contaminated by an
increasing number of waste materials and substances that issue daily
from factories, homes and vehicles .In some cases, this waste is only
an eyesore, which spoils the beauty of our surroundings, while in other
cases, It is a serious threat to our health and can result in death.
Some of the most dangerous waste substances are, without a
doubt, those produced by factories. Industrial waste often contains toxic substances that can kill
plant and animal life. When there is no proper government control, factories allow these
substances to pour into rivers, while their chimneys fill the atmosphere with poisonous fumes,
sometimes in areas no more than a few kilometers from heavily populated cities.
Nuclear waste is even more hazardous than industrial
waste .Although everything is done to ensure that it is buried
at great depths, the fact remains that plutonium waste continues
to be
dangerously radioactive for 24,000 years, while uranium waste
so for 700 million years.
In towns and cities, the use of fossil fuels (oil, coal, and gas)
heating results in large amounts of carbon dioxide filling the
atmosphere .Although some cities have been made "smokeless
where no coal or oil fires are allowed, the exhaust fumes from
vehicles on the roads has meant that air pollution continues to be
a major
But, if we stop to think, each of us is guilty of polluting our environment to some extent.
Almost everything we buy today comes in some sort of container or packaging , made of paper
plastic, glass ,or aluminium which we usually throw away .Besides being expensive to collect,
many of these materials -especially plastic , glass and aluminium -are very difficult to get rid
of and lie in huge dumps on the outskirts of many cities , one of the
ugliest types of pollution. Attempts have been made to encourage
factories to recycle these materials , but few have shown any
interest .
How much longer can we
this pollution to continue?
Scientists tell us that the
increased amount of carbon
in the atmosphere may soon have
disastrous effects. They fear that
it will
raise average temperatures around the world and cause the
ice caps to melt .If this happens ,they say the level of the
oceans will rise by twelve to eighteen feet (four to six
meters ), and vast populated areas of our planet will be covered by water. Can we afford to
make such risks by continuing to pollute our environment?
A-Choose the best title for the passage. (1 PT)

A) Types of pollution.

B) A threat to our planet.

C) Recycling waste.

B-Are these sentences true or false? Justify. (3 PTS)

1-Waste is not a real threat to our health. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-The government is responsible for the waste factories produce. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-Industrial waste is more dangerous than nuclear waste. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-The uranium waste is highly radioactive. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-The increased amount of carbon dioxide is the cause of global warming. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6-The more goods we buy, the more waste we produce. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------C-Answer these questions. (5 PTS)
1-Why is industrial waste very dangerous? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-How do factories dispose of nuclear waste? -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-What are the causes of air pollution? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4-What are "smokeless zones" in your opinion? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5-What are the results of rising temperatures? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D-Complete these sentences. (3 PTS)
1-Our land, air and water have been contaminated because of -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2-Although many efforts have been done to recycle waste, -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3-If the average temperatures rise, --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------E-What do the underlined words in the text refer to? (2 PTS)

1-it: --------------------------------------------- 2-their: ---------------------------------------3-they: ------------------------------------------ 4-this: -------------------------------------------F-Find in the text words that mean almost the same as: (4 PTS)
1-makes less attractive (paragraph 1) -----------------------------------2-menace (paragraph 1) ----------------------------------------------------3-dangerous (paragraph 3) ------------------------------------------------4-responsible for something wrong (paragraph 5) -------------------5-to dispose of (paragraph 5) ---------------------------------------------6-surroundings (paragraph 5) ---------------------------------------------7- causing great damage, catastrophic (paragraph 6) --------------8- be able to pay (paragraph 6) ----------------------------------------------

G - Fill in the correct word (too or enough). (4 PTS)

1. I left the coffee for a minute to cool because it was -------------------- hot to drink.
2. He wasn't strong --------------------to lift that heavy box.
3. There aren't --------------------policemen in our town.
4. Do you have -------------------- information to help me with this problem?
5. It is -------------------- difficult to do for a little child.
6. I do not have --------------------much time to prepare dinner
7. I didn't buy the car because it was -------------------- expensive.
8. He didn't work hard -------------------- to pass the exam.

H - Somebody asks you how to get to a place.

You say which way to go, using an appropriate preposition. (4 PTS)
down past over - under - across into out of along - up


I - Complete the sentences. Use in, on or at. (4 PTS)

1. We have a special meal .. Christmas.
2. Her birthday is the fifth of June.
3. My brother likes to get up Sunrise.
4. In France it often snows . winter.
5. Kate got married .. the age of 19.
6. Our parents will be back . an hour.
7. I usually have a party my birthday.
8.She was in London . New Years Eve.

J - What would you say in the following situations ? (4 PTS)

1. You want to study abroad. ( Suggest a good country or a foreign university ) .

2. Your father declines your suggestion and proposes a better one. ...
3. Your friend suggests a place for a holiday. .
4. Decline his suggestion and suggest another place.
K Writing : Put the sentences in the correct order to form a cohesive and coherent
paragraph about pollution of the environment. (6 PTS)

Sound is polluted when it is used beyond its capable power.

Our environment is polluted in three ways: air pollution, water pollution and sound pollution.
Water can also be polluted by chemicals used for cultivation.
There are many things which pollute the environment.
If we want to stop pollution, we shall have to take some effective steps against it.
water and unbearable sound pollute the environment.
Air is polluted by different kinds of poisonous gases.
Smoke pollutes air by melting pitch, emitting from motor vehicles.
Mills and factories pollute water by throwing their industrial discharge into river, canal etc.
Water is polluted by rotten trash and chemical elements.
Defunct garbage, carbon-di-oxide, carbon-mono-oxide of the engines, different kinds of chemical
trash, toxic
Air, water and sound should be made free form all kinds of toxic things and misuse.

1._________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________ 6. _________

7. _________ 8. _________ 9. _________ 10. _________ 11. _________ 12. _________

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