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Code No: RR410508 Set No. 1

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2006
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain briefly the general methods for solving O. R. models. [6]
(b) Ozark Farms uses at least 800 lb of special feed daily. The special feed is a
mixture of corn and soybean meal with the following compositions.

lb per lb of feed stuff

Feed Stuff Protein Fiber Cost($lb)
Corn 0.09 0.02 0.30
Soybean 0.60 0.06 0.90
The dietary requirements of the special feed stipulate atleast 30% protein and at
most 5% fiber. Ozark Farms wishes to determine the daily minimum - cost feed
-mix. Formulate it as an L. P. model [10]

2. (a) State the necessary and sufficient conditions in non-linear programming prob-
lem. [4]
(b) Solve the non linear programming problem: [12]
Minimize Z = 2x21 − 24x1 + 2x22 − 8x2 + 2x23 − 12x3 + 200
subject to the constraint
x1 + x2 + x3 = 11
and x1 , x2 , x3 ≥ 0.

3. (a) What are the types of inventory? Why they are maintained? [6]
(b) A particular item has a demand of 9,000 units/year. The cost of one pro-
curement is Rs. 100 and the holding cost per unit is Rs. 2.40 per year. The
replacement is instaneous and no shortages are allowed determine. [10]
i. the economic lot size
ii. the number of orders per year
iii. the time between orders
iv. total cost per year if the cost of one unit is Rs. 1.

4. (a) Explain ABC analysis. [8]

(b) What are its advantages and limitations, if any. [8]

5. Consider a self service store with one cashier. Assume poisson arrivals and ex-
ponential service times. Suppose that a customer arrive on the average every 5
minutes and the cashier can serve 10 in 5 minutes. Find [16]
Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications
1 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: RR410508 Set No. 1

(a) The average number of customers queuing for service
(b) The probability of having more than 10 customers in the system
(c) The probability that a customer has to queue for more than 2 minutes

If the service can be speeded upto 12 in 5 minutes by using a different cash register,
what will be the effect on the quantities (a), (b) and (c)
6. A PERT network has the following activities with their time estimates given below:

Activity Optimistic (days) Most likely (days) Pessimistic (days)

0-1 2 3.5 8
0-2 3 3.75 6
0-3 1 2.5 7
1-2 3 7.5 9
1-5 4 5.5 10
2-4 2 5 8
3-4 2 2.75 5
3-5 3 6 9
4-5 2 5 8

(a) Construct a network and find the expected completion time of the project.
(b) Find the probability of completing the project 3 days ahead of the expected

7. (a) What are the important techniques used in simulation ? [4]
(b) What are the different types of system simulation? Explain each. [8]
(c) Give the different between simulation and analytical methods. [4]

8. Distinguish Independent sampling and correlated sampling in simulating alternative

system design. [16]


Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

2 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: RR410508 Set No. 2

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2006
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Explain the term ’Artificial variable’ and its use in Linear programming. [4]
(b) Solve the following L. P. problem by two - phase method: [12]
Maximize z =5x1 − 2x2 + 3x3
subject to the constraints
2x1 + 2x2 − 3x ≤ 2
3x1 − 4x2 ≤ 3
2x + 3x3 ≤ 5
and x1 , x2 , x2 ≥ 0.

2. (a) How the problem of degeneracy arises in a transportation? Explain how does
one over come it? [4]
(b) Consider the following unbalanced transportation problem?
1 2 3 Supply
1 5 1 7 10
2 6 4 6 80
3 3 2 5 15
Demand 75 20 50
Since there is not enough supply, some of the demands at these destinations
may not be satisfied. Suppose there are penalty costs for every unsatisfied de-
mand unit which are given by 5, 6 and 2 for destination 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
Find the optimal solution. [12]

3. (a) Derive the E. O. Q. formula for the manufacturing model with shortages [6]
(b) A manufacturing firm has to supply 3,000 units annually to a customer who
does not have enough space for storing the material. There is a contract that
if the supplier fails to supply the material, a penalty of Rs. 40 per unit per
month will be levied. The inventory holding cost amounts to Rs. 20 per unit
per month and the setup cost is Rs. 400 per run. Find the expected number
of shortages at the end of each scheduling period. [10]

4. (a) State various types of items in inventory control techniques. [6]

(b) The following thirty numbers represent the annual value in thousand of ru-
pees of some thirty items of materials selected at random. Carry out an ABC
analysis and list out the values of ‘A’ items only: [10]

Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

1 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: RR410508 Set No. 2

1 2 4 9 75 4 25
3 6 13 2 4 12 30
100 2 7 40 15 55 1
11 15 8 19 1 20 1
3 5

5. Consider a self service store with one cashier. Assume poisson arrivals and ex-
ponential service times. Suppose that a customer arrive on the average every 5
minutes and the cashier can serve 10 in 5 minutes. Find [16]

(a) The average number of customers queuing for service

(b) The probability of having more than 10 customers in the system
(c) The probability that a customer has to queue for more than 2 minutes

If the service can be speeded upto 12 in 5 minutes by using a different cash register,
what will be the effect on the quantities (a), (b) and (c)

6. Explain the rules of net work construction and Fulkerson’s rule for numbering the
events. [16]

7. (a) What are the advantages and disadvantages of simulation. [8]

(b) Discuss any four application areas of simulation. [8]

8. Explain the iterative process of calibrating a model with a schematic diagram. [16]

Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications
2 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: RR410508 Set No. 3

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2006
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Define slack and surplus variables as involved in the L. P. P. How are these
variables useful in solving a L. P. P. [4]
(b) Solve the following L. P. P. by simplex method : [12]
Maximize z = 4x1 + x2 + 4x3 + 5x4
subject to the constraints
4x1 + 6x2 − 5x3 + 4x4 ≥ −20
3x1 − 2x2 + 4x3 + x4 ≤ 10
8x1 − 3x2 − 3x3 + 2x4 ≤ 20
and x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 ≥ 0.

2. (a) What is an assignment problem? Explain. [6]

(b) A departmental head has four subordinates, and four tasks to be performed.
The subordinates differ in efficiency, and tasks differ in their intrinsic difficulty.
His estimate, of the time each man would take to perform each task, is given
in the matrix below: [10]
Tasks Men
A 18 26 17 11
B 13 28 14 26
C 38 19 18 15
D 19 26 24 10
How should the tasks be allocated one to a man, so as to minimize the total
man - hours?

3. (a) Explain E. O. Q and sketch its graph. [6]

(b) Find the optimum order quantity for a product for which the price breaks are
as follows: [10]
Quantity Unit cost(Rs.)
0 ≤ q1 < 500 10.00
500 < q2 9.25
The monthly demand for a product is 200 units, the cost of storage is 2% of unit
cost and the cost of ordering is Rs. 350.

4. Explain M.R.P. with a suitable example. Write a short notes on optimal Replen-
ishment system.
Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications
1 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: RR410508 Set No. 3

5. In a car-wash facility, cars arrive for service according to a poisson distribution with
mean 5 per hour. The time for washing and cleaning each car varies but is found
to follow an exponential distribution with mean 10 minutes per car. The facility
cannot handle more than one car at a time and has a total of 5 parking spaces. [16]

(a) Find the effective arrival rate

(b) What is the probability that an arriving car will get service immediately upon
(c) Find the expected number of parking spaces occupied.

6. A small maintenance project consists of the following 12 jobs with duration in days.
Summarize the CPM calculations in standard tabular form calculating total, free
and independent floats of the jobs. [16]

Job Duration
1-2 2
3-4 3
5-8 5
7-9 4
2-3 7
3-5 5
6-7 8
8-9 1
2-4 3
4-6 3
6-10 4
9-10 7

7. Explain various steps involved in simulation study. [16]

8. Discuss why validating a model of computer system might be easier than validating
a military combat model. Assume that the computer system of interest is similar
to an existing one. [16]


Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

2 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: RR410508 Set No. 4

IV B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, March 2006
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics &
Computer Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. A farm is engaged in breeding pigs. The pigs are fed on various products grown
on the farm. In view of the need to ensure certain nutrient constituents (call them
X, Y and Z), it is necessary to buy additional products, say, A and B. One unit
of product A contains 36 units of X, 3 units of Y and 20 units of Z. One unit of
product B contains 6 units of X, 12 units of Y and 10 units of Z. The maximum
requirement of X, Y and Z is 108 units, 36 units and 100 units respectively. Product
A costs Rs. 20 per unit and product B Rs. 40 per unit. Formulate the above as L.
P. P. to minimize the total cost, and solve the problem by using graphic method.

2. A company manufacturing air - coolers has two plants located at Mumbai and
Kolkata with capacities of 200 Units and 100 units per week respectively. The
company supplies the air coolers to its four show rooms situated at Ranchi, Delhi,
Lucknow and Kanapur which have a maximum demand of 75, 100, 100 and 30 units
respectively. Due to the difference in raw material cost and transportation cost,
the profit per unit in rupees differs which is shown in the table below: [16]
Ranchi Delhi Lucknow Kanpur
Mumbai 90 90 100 100
Kolkata 50 70 130 85

lan the production programme so as to maximize the profit. The company may
have its production capacity at any plant partly unused.

3. (a) Derive the E. O. Q. formula for the manufacturing model with shortages [6]
(b) A manufacturing firm has to supply 3,000 units annually to a customer who
does not have enough space for storing the material. There is a contract that
if the supplier fails to supply the material, a penalty of Rs. 40 per unit per
month will be levied. The inventory holding cost amounts to Rs. 20 per unit
per month and the setup cost is Rs. 400 per run. Find the expected number
of shortages at the end of each scheduling period. [10]

4. (a) State various types of items in inventory control techniques. [6]

(b) The following thirty numbers represent the annual value in thousand of ru-
pees of some thirty items of materials selected at random. Carry out an ABC
analysis and list out the values of ‘A’ items only: [10]

Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

1 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: RR410508 Set No. 4

1 2 4 9 75 4 25
3 6 13 2 4 12 30
100 2 7 40 15 55 1
11 15 8 19 1 20 1
3 5

5. A repair shop attended by a single mechanic has an average of 4 customers per hour
who bring small appliances for repair. The mechanic inspects them for defects and
quite often can fix them right away or otherwise render a diagnosis. This takes him
6 minutes on the average. Arrivals are poisson and service time has the exponential
distribution. You are required to [16]

(a) Find the proportion of time during which the shop is empty.
(b) Find the probability of finding at least one customer in the shop.
(c) The average number of customers in the system
(d) The average time, including service, spent by a customer.

6. Explain the rules of net work construction and Fulkerson’s rule for numbering the
events. [16]

7. Consider the multiplicative congruential generator under the following circum-

stances [16]

(a) a = 11, m = 16, x0 = 7

(b) a = 11, m = 16, x0 = 8
(c) a = 7, m = 16, x0 = 7
(d) a = 7, m = 16, x0 = 8

Generate enough values in each case to complete a cycle. What inferences can be
drawn? Is maximum period achieved.

8. (a) Distinguish model verification and validation [4]

(b) Explain conceptual and operational model-building process. [12]


Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

2 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information

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