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Code No: R059210502 Set No. 1

II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Use De morgon’s laws to write the negation of each statement.

i. I want a car and a worth cycle.
ii. My cat stays outside or it makes a mess
iii. I’ve faller and I can’t get up
iv. You study or you don’t get a good grade.
(b) Are (p → q) → r and p → (q → r) logically equivalent? Justify your answer
by using the rules of logic to simply both expressions and also by using truth
tables. [8+8]

2. (a) Let P(x) denote the statement. “x is a professional athlete” and let Q(x)denote
the statement” “x plays soccer”. The domain is the let of all people. Write
each of the following proposition in English.
i. ∀x (P (x) → Q (x))
ii. ∃x (P (x) ΛQ (x))
iii. ∀x (P (x) V Q (x))
(b) Write the negation of each of the above propositions, both in symbols and in

3. (a) State and explain the properties of the pigeon hole principle.
(b) Apply is pigeon hole principle show that of any 14 integere are selected from
the set S={1, 2, 3...........25} there are at least two where sum is 26. Also write
a statement that generalizes this result.
(c) Show that if eight people are in a room, at least two of them have birthdays
that occur on the same day of the week. [4+8+4]

4. (a) Define Semi group. Verify which of the following are semi groups.
i. (S, o), aob = a
ii. (Z, o), aob = a +b ab
(b) If H is any subgroup of a group G, then HH = H. [8+8]

5. (a) Howmany ways are there to place 20 identical balls into 6 different boxes in
which exactly 2 boxes are empty.

Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

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2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 1

(b) In howmany ways canwe partition 12 similar coins into 5 numbered nonempty
batches. [16]

6. (a) Solve the difference equation ar + 5ar - 1 + 6ar - 2 = 3r2 - 2r + 1.

(b) Solve the difference equation ar - 5 ar - 1 + 6a r-2 = 1. [10+6]

7. (a) Define spanning tree. What are its characteristics.
(b) Derive all possible spanning trees for the graph shown below. Figure 1 [6+10]

Figure 1:

8. (a) Prove that in any non directed graph there is an even numbers of vertices of
add degree.
(b) Distinguish between cycle and circuit. Give suitable examples for each.
(c) What are the steps followed in discovering the isomorphism? [6+4+6]


Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

2 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 2

II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Let p,q and r be the propositions.

P: you have the flee
q: you miss the final examination.
r: you pass the course.
Write the following proposition into statement form.
i. P →q
ii. 7p → r
iii. q → 7r
iv. pVqVr
v. (p → 7r) V (q →∼ r)
vi. (pΛq) V (7qΛr)
(b) Define converse, contrapositive and inverse of an implication. [12+4]

2. Prove using rules of inference or disprove.

(a) Duke is a Labrador retriever
All Labrador retriever like to swin
Therefore Duke likes to swin.
(b) All ever numbers that are also greater than
2 are not prime
2 is an even number
2 is prime
Therefore some even numbers are prime.
UNIVERSE = numbers.
(c) If it is hot today or raining today then it is no fun to snow ski today
It is no fun to snow ski today
Therefore it is hot today
UNIVERSE = DAYS. [5+6+5]

3. (a) Let A,B,C ⊆ R2 where A = { (x,y) / y = 2x + 1} , B = { (x,y) / y = 3x} and

C = { (x,y) / x - y = 7} . Determine each of the following:
i. A∩B
ii. B∩C
iii. Ā ∪ C̄
iv. B̄ ∪ C̄
Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications
1 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
3 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 2

(b) State and explain the applications of the pigon hole principle. [12+4]

4. (a) If a, b are any two elements of a group (G, .) which commute show that
i. a - 1 and b commute,
ii. b - 1 and a commute and
iii. a - 1 and b - 1 commute.
(b) Let S be a non-empty set and o be an operation on S defined by aob=a for a,
b ∈ S. Determine whether o is commutative and associative in S. [12+4]

5. (a) Find the arrangements of letters of M I S S I S S I P P I)

(b) In howmany ways can 3 boys share 15 different sized apples if each takes 5.

6. (a) Solve an - 7an - 1 + 10an - 2 = 4n .

(b) Solve an - 5an - 1 + 6an - 2 = 1. [8+8]

7. (a) Explain about the adjacency matrix representation of graphs. Illustrate with
an example.
(b) What are the advantages of adjacency matrix representation.
(c) Explain the algorithm for breadth first search traversal of a graph. [5+3+8]

8. (a) Define the following graphs with one suitable examples for each graphs.
i. Complement graph
ii. Sub graph
iii. Induced sub graph
iv. Spanning sub graph.
(b) Determine whether the following two graph are isomorphic or not. If isomor-
phic, give the one to one mapping. Figure 1, 2 [8+8]


Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

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3 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 2
Figure 1:
Figure 2:

Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

3 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
3 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 3

II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Let p,q and r be the propositions.

P: you have the flee
q: you miss the final examination.
r: you pass the course.
Write the following proposition into statement form.
i. P →q
ii. 7p → r
iii. q → 7r
iv. pVqVr
v. (p → 7r) V (q →∼ r)
vi. (pΛq) V (7qΛr)
(b) Define converse, contrapositive and inverse of an implication. [12+4]

2. Prove using rules of inference or disprove.

(a) Duke is a Labrador retriever
All Labrador retriever like to swin
Therefore Duke likes to swin.
(b) All ever numbers that are also greater than
2 are not prime
2 is an even number
2 is prime
Therefore some even numbers are prime.
UNIVERSE = numbers.
(c) If it is hot today or raining today then it is no fun to snow ski today
It is no fun to snow ski today
Therefore it is hot today
UNIVERSE = DAYS. [5+6+5]

3. (a) Let A,B,C ⊆ R2 where A = { (x,y) / y = 2x + 1} , B = { (x,y) / y = 3x} and

C = { (x,y) / x - y = 7} . Determine each of the following:
i. A∩B
ii. B∩C
iii. Ā ∪ C̄
iv. B̄ ∪ C̄
Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications
1 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 3

(b) State and explain the applications of the pigon hole principle. [12+4]

4. (a) H is a non-empty complex of a group G. Prove that the necessary and sufficient
condition for H to be a subgroup of G is a, b ∈ H ⇒ ab - 1 ∈ H, where b - 1 is
the inverse of b in G
(b) Prove that the mapping f: Z → Z such that f(x) = -x for x ∈ Z where Z is an
additive group of integers is an automorphism. [If f: G → G is an isomorphism
from a group G to itself then f is called on automorphism of G.] [10+6]

5. (a) A chain letter is sent to 10 people in the first week of the year. The next weak
each person who received a letter sends letters to 10 new people and so on.
How many people have received the letters at the end of the year?
(b) How many integers between 105 and 106 have no digits other than 2, 5 or 8?

6. (a) Solve the recurrence relation ar = 3ar - 1 + 2, r ≥ 1, a0 = 1 using generating

(b) Solve an - 4an - 1 + 4an - 2 = (n + 1)2 given a0 = 0, a1 = 1 . [8+8]

7. (a) Explain about the adjacency matrix representation of graphs. Illustrate with
an example.
(b) What are the advantages of adjacency matrix representation.
(c) Explain the algorithm for breadth first search traversal of a graph. [5+3+8]

8. (a) Define the following terms. Give one suitable example for each.
i. Euler path
ii. Euler Circuit
iii. Multi graph
iv. Hamiltonian graph.
(b) State and prove Grinberg’s theorem to determine whether Hamiltonian cycle
exists in a given graph or not. [8+8]


Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

2 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
2 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 4

II B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2007
( Common to Computer Science & Engineering, Information Technology
and Computer Science & Systems Engineering)
Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80
Answer any FIVE Questions
All Questions carry equal marks

1. (a) Construed a truth table for each of there (easy) compound statements
i. (p → q) Λ (7p → q)
ii. p → (7qV r)
(b) Write the negation of the following statements.
i. Jan will take a job in industry or go to graduate school.
ii. James will bicycle or run tomorrow.
iii. If the processor is fast then the printer is slow.
(c) What is the minimal set of connectives required for a well formed formula.

2. (a) Let P(x) denote the statement. “x is a professional athlete” and let Q(x)denote
the statement” “x plays soccer”. The domain is the let of all people. Write
each of the following proposition in English.
i. ∀x (P (x) → Q (x))
ii. ∃x (P (x) ΛQ (x))
iii. ∀x (P (x) V Q (x))
(b) Write the negation of each of the above propositions, both in symbols and in

3. (a) Define a bijective function. Explain with reasons whether the following func-
tions are bijiective or not. Find also the inverse of each of the functions.
i. f(x) = 4x+2, A=set of real numbers
ii. f(x) = 3+ 1/x, A=set of non zero real numbers
iii. f(x) = (2x+3) mod7, A=N7 .
(b) Let f and g be functions from the positive real numbers to positive real numbers
defined by
f (x) = ⌊2x⌋
g(x) = x2
Calculate f o g and g o f. [10+6]

4. (a) If f is a homomorphism from a group (G,.) into (G’,.) then prove that (f(G),.)
is a subgroup of G’. (OR) Prove that the homomorphic image of a group is a
Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications
1 ofUSA-UK-Australia-Germany-France-NewZealand
3 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 4

(b) The set, S, of all ordered pairs (a, b) of real numbers for which a 6= 0 w.r.t.
the operation × defined by (a, b) × (c, d) = (ac, bc+d) is a group. Find
i. the identity of (G, o) and
ii. inverse of each element of G. [10+6]

5. (a) Find total number of positive integers that can be formed from the digits 1,
2, 3, 4 and 5, if no digit is repeated in any integer.
(b) A chain letter is sent to 10 people in the first week of the year. The next week
who receives a letter sends letters to 10 new people, and so on. How many
people have received letters after 10 weeks? [16]

6. (a) Solve the recurrence relation ar = 3ar - 1 + 2, r ≥ 1, a0 = 1 using generating

(b) Solve an - 4an - 1 + 4an - 2 = (n + 1)2 given a0 = 0, a1 = 1 . [8+8]

7. (a) Derive the directed spanning tree from the graph shown Figure 1 Figure 1:

(b) Explain the steps involved in deriving a spanning tree from the given undi-
rected graph using breadth first search algorithm.

(b) Determine the number of edges in


8. (a) Prove or disprove that the following two graphs are isomorphic. Figures 2, 3.
i. Complete graph Kn ,
ii. Complete bipartite graph Km,n
iii. Cycle graph Cn and
iv. Path graph Pn .


Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

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3 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information The Complete Information About Colleges in Andhra Pradesh

Code No: R059210502 Set No. 4 Figure 2:
Figure 3:

Seminar Topics - Scholarships - Admission/Entrance Exam Notifications

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3 Universities List Engineering-MBA-MCA-Medical-Pharmacy-B.Ed-Law Colleges Information

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