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Gmail - Re: New Email from Rodman Reynolds.

biiruwonomu . <>

Re: New Email from Rodman Reynolds.

Sherry McVay <>
To: Rodman Reynolds <>

Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 5:37 AM

Wow, I really think you need to find a Microsoft reseller in your area that can quote EES pricing. In case you
haven't already looked it up go here:
Good luck!

Sherry L. McVay
Director of Technology
DeWitt Public Schools

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>>> On 2/6/2012 at 8:04 PM, <> wrote:

I'll be forwarding this to our Director of Finance, since he's told me to always send any "money-saving ideas" his
way. Hopefully we can do something to mitigate the software licensing invoices like the one I have attached. :)
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my query. Again, it's been *very* helpful.
On Wed, Feb 1, 2012 at 8:51 AM, Sherry McVay <> wrote:

The EES pricing model is different from the previous one. Schools no longer pay per machine, the cost is
a calculation based on the number of staff. You must provide a full time teacher count, a full time staff
count and a part time staff and teacher count. Each are weighted to determine the total licensing cost
(which covers any district owned machine, excluding individually student assigned mobile computers).
Our weighted total is 293 staff and the total cost is about $6300 per year. We have signed a 3 year
agreement at this rate, we have heard that the $$ may be going up in the next go round. We have about
1500 machines in our district.
Sherry L. McVay
Director of Technology
DeWitt Public Schools
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Gmail - Re: New Email from Rodman Reynolds.

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>>> On 1/31/2012 at 11:45 AM, <> wrote:

Thanks, Sherry,
This is very helpful to know and I'm glad I asked. One last quick question: can you tell me the
per-license price your district's been paying for MS Office, both before and after the EES pricing
Much obliged,
On Tue, Jan 17, 2012 at 7:24 AM, Sherry McVay <> wrote:

Hi Rodman,
I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, I have been at a conference out of the state for
the past week. We have as you indicated, recently switched back to Microsoft Office. In the past
we were paying upwards of 25,000 yearly for our Office licensing. With Microsoft's new EES
school licensing we pay about $6,500. This is the real reason that we switched back, along with
the fact that we transitioned to a new superintendent who was dyed in the wool Microsoft. We
currently have both packages deployed on our machines, and a number of staff continue to use
Open Office. We do think the time we spent with Open Office was valuable, the concept of
document types was foreign to the majority of our staff and students, now they are much more
adept at converting into a variety of document types.
Sherry L. McVay
Director of Technology
DeWitt Public Schools
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copies of the original message and any attachments.

>>> On 1/12/2012 at 4:46 PM, <> wrote:

Rodman Reynolds has sent you an email from DeWitt Public Schools!
I am writing from Everett, WA. I was about to recommend that our district
look into deploying OpenOffice as a substitute for MS Office in order to
save licensing fees. Your district is cited by as a success
story in doing this.
I just saw, however, that your district has been switching back to MS
Office this past year. Can you share with me the reasons behind this
decision? It might be useful for us out here to know as well.
Much obliged,
Rodman Reynolds
Everett, WA

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