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ne Frank

An d iary of her life in hid ing

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Project by Ginny (P6)

Date: 22 February 2010
Anne Frank
Annelies Marie Frank
12 June 1929 – March 1945 (Bergen Belsen )

Anne Frank is the most well known

victim of the Jewish genocide -
known as the Holocaust, (which was
ordered by Germany's Adolf
Hitler during World War II).

She was born in the city of ’Frankfurt am

Main’ in Weimar, Germany.

She lived most of her life in or

near Amsterdam, in the Netherlands
(from 1933 - the same year as
the Nazis gained power in Germany).

By the beginning of 1940 her family were

trapped in Amsterdam, due to the Nazi
invading and occupying of the
Info on Anne Frank
 Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl
who wrote a diary of her life in
hiding during WW2.

 Anne loved writing and because of

this, she wrote a lot.

 Her diary was found by Miep Gies

(see following pages) and kept safe.

 After the war it was given to her

father, who published her diary,
titled "The Secret Annex," in 1947.

 This book has sold many millions of

copies and helps people understand
how Anne and her family lived
during that time.
Anne wrote in her diary.

June 29, 1942: "Our freedom severely restricted by a

series of anti-Jewish decrees: Jews required to wear a
yellow star; Jews forbidden to use street cars... Jews
forbidden to visit Christians in their homes; Jews
required to attend Jewish schools. You couldn't do this
and you couldn't do that. But life went on.“

"The Annex is an ideal place to hide in. It may be damp

and lopsided, but there's probably not a more
"I still believe in comfortable hiding place, in all of Holland."
spite of "I don't want to have lived in vain like most people. I
everything want to be useful or bring enjoyment to people, even
those I've never met. I want to go on living even after
that people are my death! And that's why I'm grateful to God for having
given me this gift, which I can use to develop and to
really good at express all that's inside me!" April 5th 1944
heart." "So much has happened, it's as if the whole world had
Anne Frank suddenly turned upside down." June 8, 1942
 On July 5 1942, Margot Frank (Anne’s
sister) received a summons to report to
a forced-labour camp.
Going into Hiding
 Otto Frank wants to keep his family safe
and together so he tells Miep Gies, his
secretary, that they will have to go into
hiding the next day.

 Miep immediately offers her support,

knowing that she could be terribly punished
for helping to hide Jews. She hid Margot in
the "Secret Annex," (a building to the rear
of Otto Frank's place of business).

 Later Otto, Edith and Anne were sneaked

into the Annex. The van Pels family and
Fritz Pfeffer, Miep's dentist, join the Franks
in hiding after a while. (8 people)

 For 2 years, Miep gave those hiding some

of her food rations, news from, and
friendship. Anne was quite fond of Miep
and writes about her in her diary.
The Secret Annex
Anne pasted pictures on the
walls of the room in which she

When the Frank family were

arrested, this room is one of the
few things the Nazis did not

The room is now refurnished, to

look as it might have, when Anne
was in-hiding.

[Times photo: Photo from “A History for Today: Anne Frank”]

 The group in hiding were
betrayed and Dutch + German
police raided the Secret Annex
on August 4, 1944, arresting

 Miep was questioned by an

officer about her involvement but
avoided arrest (because the
officer was also from Vienna,
Austria, and felt a connection
with her).
Miep Gies, Anne Frank’s
 Later, Miep tried to bribe the protector, recently died at
same Austrian Nazi officer with 100
money, in exchange for releasing (January 2010 )
her friends, but he refused.
 After the Franks
were finally
discovered in
August of 1944,
they were
separated and
sent to different
camps in
Concentration Camps
 Seven months after her arrest, Anne Frank died of the
typhus epidemic in the Bergen-Belsen concentration
camp, (within days of the death of her sister, Margot
Frank). Her mother died some time before them at a
different concentration camp.

 Her father Otto was the only survivor of the family,

returned to Amsterdam after the war.

This is the last known photo taken of Margot,

left, and her sister Anne. Margot would be
among the first to receive notice that she was
to be sent to Nazi Germany. The next day, the
Frank family went into hiding.
[Photo from “A History for Today: Anne Frank” ]
What is Typhus?
 Typhus is not typhoid fever. It is caused by lice.

 Typhus occurs when prisoners are huddled together in

dark, filthy rooms.

 Thousands of prisoners who were held in terrible,

unhygienic conditions in Nazi Germany concentration
camps such There sienstadt and Bergen-Belsen.

 Many died of typhus during World War II, including Anne

Frank at the age of 15 and her sister Margot.

 Without treatment the disease can kill you but treatment

with antibiotics cures nearly every patient


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