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UNLV/Department of Teaching & Learning

UNLV Student:
Lesson Plan Title:
Grade Level:

Stephanie Killian
What Animal? What
November 5, 2015
5th Grade

PSMT Name:
Lesson Plan Topic:

Klaus Friedrich
Animal Adaptations

Estimated Time:
School Site:

50 Minutes
Walter Bracken ES

1. State Standard(s):
- MS-LS4-4. Construct an explanation based on evidence that
describes how genetic variations of traits in a population increase
some individuals probability of surviving and reproducing in a
specific environment.
- CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RST.6-8.3. Follow precisely a multistep procedure
when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing
technical tasks.
***Walter Bracken STEAM Academy has a rigorous science curriculum
2. Teaching Model(s): Indirect Teaching Model.
3. Objective(s):
- Students
- Students
- Students
- Students


investigate and experience many animal adaptations

make inferences about animals and their adaptations
write and reflect on the purposes for these adaptations
review relevant life science vocabulary

4. Materials and Technology Resources:

Computer, Smart board, iPads (28), Animal Adaptations introduction video
on Edpuzzle, vocabulary fill-in-the-blank worksheet (28), observation sheet
(28), pencils (28), chopped almonds (1 bag), sunflower seeds (1 bag),
pumpkin seeds (1 bag), gummy worms (1 bag), Swedish fish (1 bag),
leaves (handful), twigs (handful), clips (2), tweezers (2), clothes pins (4),
tongs (2), scissors (2), goggles (4), toilet paper rolls (8), bottles (2), duct
tape, cotton balls (1 bag), oil (1 container), trash can, gloves (2 pairs),
plastic spoons (20), rocks (2 handfuls), butcher paper (4 sheets), paper
towels (1 roll), instructions at each center(4), bins (4), bowls (2), water (2
bowls full).
5. Instructional Procedures:
a. Motivation/Engagement:
- (Engage) Students will be seated and I will open up a discussion
about animal adaptations. I will check students prior knowledge
through an open conversation. (3 minutes)

I will have students watch an introduction video Adaptation to

quickly inform them of what they will be learning, peak their interest,
and further define animal adaptations. Student will watch and listen.
There will be time for them to ask questions following the video. (3
b. Developmental Activities or Learning Experiences:
- Following the video, I will tell the students what team they are in.
There will be a PowerPoint slide that I will put up on the Smart board.
It will tell the students which team theyre in, if they will do the
centers or their vocabulary first, and what centers they will start at
when it is their turn to go. (2 minutes)
- Next, I will go through our safety and classroom procedures. (1
- (Explain) Then, I will go over the quick instructions for each center
and the expectations for their observation work sheet. I will most
likely walk through the centers, quickly modeling how to utilize each
one. In addition, I will explain to the students how they should
complete their vocabulary sheet and look up words they do not know
using their iPads. (4 minutes)
- (Explore) I will release students to their assigned centers. While they
carry out the centers instructions, experiencing the animal
adaptations first hand, Mr. Friedrich and I will walk around inspiring
conversation, probing students, and pointing out important
concepts. All the while, we will be focusing on classroom
management and behavior.
- During the centers, students will need to write down observations/
reflections, guesses as to which animals use this adaptation, and
why the animals need the adaptation.
- Each group will have four minutes at each center to complete the
activity and respond to it by filling out their observation sheet. (35
c. Closure:
- (Explain) The lesson will end with students volunteering to share
their observations, guesses, and explanations.
- Mr. Friedrich and I will explain how the next few days lessons will
expand on the adaptations that we saw in the centers.
d. Extension:
- To extend the students knowledge of animal adaptations, students
will create a fun drawing of a hybrid of 5 or more animal adaptations
that will make up one new animal.
- They will be required to label the animal with the adaptations that
they chose. They will also write the functions of those adaptations.
6. Accommodations, Modifications and Differentiations for Diverse Learners:
- Students may use the buddy system if someone needs assistance
(physical or instructional help).

ELLs can pair up with a bilingual peer.

Mr. Friedrich and I can partner with and guide students who need
direct modeling and assistance.

7. Assessments and Evaluation of Learning:

a. Formative:
- (Evaluate) Throughout the centers, I will be walking around and
previewing the students observation sheets. If there is any
confusion, I will make clarifications or ask students questions to lead
them in the write direction. I will also engage the students in
conversation to check where their heads are at.
- I will also be observing and checking the students as they fill out and
complete their vocabulary sheets.
b. Summative:
- (Evaluate) We will be collecting both the vocabulary worksheet and
the observation sheet.
- Reviewing the students work will inform Mr. Friedrich and I if the
students met all of our objectives. It will also tell us what we may
need to emphasize or focus on moving forward. This work may cause
us to change or modify our lessons for the rest of the unit.
8. Homework Assignment:
- Students will have the four-day unit to complete their animal
adaptations mash up drawing.

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