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Olimpiada de limba englez

Etapa judeean
Clasa a VII a
20 martie 2016
Varianta 1
I. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.
(20 points)
1. My sister is taller than me.
I'm not as..
2. Unless Im too busy, Ill go out tomorrow.
If ..
3. I advise you to go back to the library.
You .
4. Im certain youre tired after your long journey.
You ..
5. They havent finished playing the game yet.
They ..
6. Paul fell asleep during the film.
Paul fell .
7. We ate spaghetti every day, but we dont anymore.
We every day, but we dont anymore.
8. There arent many foreign language books in my local library.
My local library has only a ..
9. I have never read such an interesting article about space exploration.
Its the first ....
10. They do not eat because they are not hungry.
II. Choose the right answer:

(10 points)

1. Living in .. city can be expensive.

A. an European
B. a European
C. European
D. an european
2. I didnt know that Katherine was a colleague of .!
A. you
B. your
C. yours
D. youre
3. For a while, I managed to catch of the President entering the palace.
A. vision
B. notice
C. view
D. sight
4. I cant believe it the supermarket again today!
A. no
B. noone
C. none
D. any

5. My car . so I had to take the bus to go to work.

A. fell down
B. fell over
C. broke up

D. broke down

6. The film was really .. . I was absolutely . .

A. frightened/terrified
B. frightening/terrifying C. frightening/terrified
D. frightened/terrified
7. We . to keep things under control.
A. made our best
B. did our best
C. did our effort
D. did our good
8. They .always during my classes!
A. talk
B. are talking
C. talks
D. was talking
9. When he ., well miss him.
A. will leave
B. leaved
C. left
D. leaves
10. I always go to work .. bus, but today I went . foot.
A. In/by
B. by/on
C. on/at
D. into/on


Put the verbs in brackets into the right tense:

(20 points)

Dear Rick,
I (1) .. (write) to you from my hotel in Switzerland. Im having a lovely time
here but you cant imagine what (2) (happen) to me yesterday. I was on the mountain
with my friends and we (3) .. (have) a lovely time because the snow was perfect for
skiing. Unfortunately the sun (4) (shine) on the snow, so it was difficult to see.
Suddenly I (5) .. (hit) a rock and I (6) . (fall) over. Luckily I (7) .. (not/be)
seriously hurt I just got a few bruises. Now I (8).. (try) to be more careful!
I (9) (see) you when I (10) (get) back.
Best wishes,

Write a 150 word essay beginning with the sentence:

(40 points)
It was a beautiful spring day and nothing seemed to trouble it. I decided to go
jogging in the big central park of the city. I was running when

NOT! Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru: 3 ore.

Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.

Olimpiada de limba englez

Etapa judeean
Clasa a VII a
20 martie 2016
Varianta 1

10 x 2 POINTS = 20 POINTS

1. Im not as tall as my sister.

2. If Im not too busy, I`ll go out tomorrow.
3. You should / had better / ought to go back to the library.
4. You must be tired after your long journey.
5. They are still playing the game.
6. Paul fell asleep while he was watching the film.
7. We used to eat spaghetti every day, but we dont anymore.
8. My local library has only a few foreign language books.
9. It is the first time I have (ever) read such an interesting article about space
10. If they were hungry, they would eat.

1. B
2. C
3. D
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. B
8. B
9. D
10. B

10 x 1 POINT = 10 POINTS


10 x 2 POINTS = 20 POINTS writing
2. happened
3. were having
4. was shining
5. hit
6. fell
7. wasnt
8. am trying
9. will see
10. get

40 points

1. Accuracy and content. The story should continue logically from the prompt
sentences. Words should be spelled correctly and word order used properly. Title
related to the topic. 10 points
2. Organisation and cohesion. Storyline should be clear, though paragraphing could be
minimal. 10 points
3. Appropriacy of register and format. Consistent register suitable to the story. 10
4. Range. Narrative tenses with vocabulary appropriate to the chosen topic of the story.
5 points
5. Target reader. Would be able to follow the storyline. The story should be original.
5 points

Se acord 10 puncte din oficiu.

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