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: English


: Procedure

Class / Semester


Time Allocation

: 2 x 45 minutes

Language Skill

: Listening


: Saturday, October 15th 2011

A. Standard Competence
To understand short functional text and simple monologue text of recount,
narrative and procedure in the daily life context.
B. Basic Competence
To respond the meaning accurately, fluently and acceptable short simple
written functional text (announcements, advertisements, invitation, etc.)
polite and impolite in daily life context.
C. Indicators
1. Students are able to identifying the main idea of the procedure text
2. Students are able to identifying the main idea of the text generic
structure and linguistic feature of procedure text.

3. Students are able to find specific information from the procedure text.
D. Lesson Objectives
By the end of the class, students are able to :
1. Identifying the main idea of the procedure text
2. Identifying the main idea of the text generic structure and linguistic
feature of procedure text.
3. Students are able to find specific information from the procedure text.
E. Materials
1. Purpose of Procedure
To describe how something is accomplished or produce something
through a sequence of action.
2. Generic Structure of Procedure

Goal / aim ( the final purpose of doing the instructions )

Materials ( ingredients, utensils, equipments to do the instruction )

Steps ( a set of instruction to a achieve the final purpose )

3. Language Features

Use imperative
ex : cut, dont mix

Use of action verbs

ex : turn, put, mix

Use of connectives
ex : first, then, finally

Use adverbial phrases

ex : for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top

4. Example of text

How to make a sandwich

Hi, guys! Do you like eating snack, right? Whats your
favourite snack? Have you ever eaten a sandwich? Do you know
the sandwich with peanut butter, honey and a banana, it is

really delicious. Do you want to know how to make it? Right!

Its very easy.
Well, you need about two slices of bread , peanut butter,
a banana and honey. And then what should you do ?
First, take two slices of bread and spread peanut butter
of them, then cut up a banana into small slices and put them on
one of the slices of bread. After that pour some honey over
the banana slices. Finally, dont forget to put the other slices
of bread on up.
Congratulation! Your sandwich is ready.

F. Teaching and Learning Methods

1. Approaching

: Contextual

2. Method

: a. Explanation
b. Question and Answer
c. Exercising

3. Game

: Arranges words

G. Teaching Learning Activities

1. Pre-activity
Greeting, introduction and check students attendance

While activity
a. Explorations

Gives warming up by playing game

Gives example of the text and ask the students to identify what
kind of the text.

Introduce the material that they will learn today.

Explain about the aspect of the text, consists of purpose, generic

structure of text and language feature.

Asks the students to read a procedure text individually.

b. Elaborations

Asks the students to look at the text and discus the generic

structure and language feature of text.

Asks the students to answer the question based on the text.

c. Confirmation

Asks the students to discus their work together.

Asks the students to explain or review the purpose, generic

structure and language features of text orally.


a. Structured task
Asks the students to complete the Procedure text by listen to the




English Module for X Grade

Look a Head 1 for High School Students Year X

Genres of Text by Rudi Hartono, S.S, M.Pd

I. Assessments

Task 1


= 8

Task 2


= 5

Task 3

: @ 1 x 11 = 11 +
Total Score
24 x 2 + 2 = 100

Temanggung, October 25th 2010

Approved by,
English Teacher of SMA N 2 Temanggung

Teacher Trainee

Dra. Rosianna Setyawati

NIP. 19690531 199601 2001

Aprilia Panca MD

The Lecturer

Farikah, M. Pd


Name :

Task 1

Arrange these sentences to make a proper

procedural text!
How to start the computer
After a few minutes you will see a windows menu on the monitor.
Press the right button of the monitor
Press the power button
First, plug in the power cord
Move the arrow pointer into the star menu and click it.
Finally, click the program menu and choose MS word
Now, you are ready to type
Then, hold the mouse gently

Task 2
Choose the best answers !

Many people now have a card which enables them to with now money
from an ATM. You just insert your card into the machine and key in your PIN
(personal Identification Number) them, tell the machine how much money do
you want.
1. The purpose of the text is
a. To tell how to use an ATM
b. To persuade the readers to have a credit card
c. The check the customer account

To example to the reader how to use a PIN

2. Many people now have a card which enables them to (paragraph 1) the
word enable mean
a. Force

c. Asks

b. Support

d. Allows

How to make Balloon Faces

You will need





A funnel

Felt-tip pen



Pour as much flour as you can through a funnel into a balloon.


Tie a knot in a balloon.


Glue on some yarn for hair.


Draw a face on the balloon wit felt-tip pen.


Hold the balloon with your fingers.

See what funny faces you can make.


What is the purpose of the text?

a. To describe a place
b. To tell you about past event

c. To tell you a story

d. To tell how to make something
4. What kind of the text above
a. Report

c. Narrative

b. Discussion

d. Procedure

5. What is the generic structure of the text above

a. Orientation - Events - Reorientation
b. Goal Material Steps

Thesis Argument Reiteration

Thesis Argument Recommendation

Task 3

Listen to your teacher about how to make a

sandwich. While listening fill in the blanks!
How to make Greeting Card
Im sure you all have or which are out
date, right? Do you know that the paper cu-outs from magazine or
newspaper can be useful for us? We can use them to make an
thing. Now, let me show you how to make greeting cards
with paper cut-outs. Listen carefully.
, you have to prepare the things you need. They are a
sheet of colored paper, some glue, and a pair of scissor.
, draw shapes. It can be simple circles, squares, and
ovals. And also letters on strips of colored paper. You can also
picture, like moons, stars, .., etc from magazine or
newspaper. , cut out the shapes and letters, and fold a piece
of carton paper in half. Arrange the cut-outs on the folded paper to
determine your design. , put a drop of glue on one side of the
cut-outs shapes. Place the shapes on the carton paper, glue-side
down. , smooth out glue bubbles and wipe off excessive glue.

When shapes are secure, a message on the inside with a


good luck
How to make a sandwich
Hi, guys! Do you like eating snack, right? Whats your favourite
snack? Have you ever eaten a sandwich? Do you know the sandwich
with peanut butter, honey and a banana, it is really delicious. Do you
want to know how to make it? Right! Its very easy.
Well, you need about two slices of bread, peanut butter, a
banana and honey. And then what should you do?
First, take two slices of bread and spread peanut butter of
them, then cut up a banana into small slices and put them on one of
the slices of bread. After that pour some honey over the banana
slices. Finally, dont forget to put the other slices of bread on up.
Congratulation! Your sandwich is ready.

How take your pulse

You will need

A timer or watch with a second hand.


1. Hold your left hand in front of you with your

palm up.

2. Place the first three finger tips of your right

hand on the inside of your left wrist in the
groove below the base of the thumb. You may
need to move your hand around.

3. Use the timer to count the number of times

you heart beats in a minute.


Task 1


Task 2

Task 3

How to make Greeting Card

Im sure you all have magazines or newspapers which are out
date, right? Do you know that the paper cu-outs from magazine or
newspaper can be useful for us? We can use them to make an
interesting thing. Now, let me show you how to make greeting cards
with paper cut-outs. Listen carefully.

First, you have to prepare the things you need. They are a sheet
of colored paper, some glue, and a pair of scissor. After that, draw
shapes. It can be simple circles, squares, and ovals. And also letters
on strips of colored paper. You can also cut picture, like moons, stars,
mountain, etc from magazine or newspaper. Then, cut out the shapes
and letters, and fold a piece of carton paper in half. Arrange the cutouts on the folded paper to determine your design. Next, put a drop
of glue on one side of the cut-outs shapes. Place the shapes on the
carton paper, glue-side down. Finally, smooth out glue bubbles and
wipe off excessive glue. When shapes are secure, writes a message
on the inside with a marker.


Purpose of Procedure
To describe how something is accomplished or produce something
through a sequence of action.

Generic Structure of Procedure

Goal / aim ( the final purpose of doing the instructions )

Materials ( ingredients, utensils, equipments to do the instruction )

Steps ( a set of instruction to a achieve the final purpose )

Language Features

Use imperative
ex : cut, dont mix

Use of action verbs

ex : turn, put, mix

Use of connectives
ex : first, then, finally

Use adverbial phrases

ex : for five minutes, 2 centimeters from the top

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