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COM 537 Final Exam Latest


What communication type avoids conflict and focuses on facts and details rather than the big
picture? They may be perceived by others as unemotional and nonchalant.






A criticism of social media is that it

is only available to the media savvy.

contributes to the decline in writing and language skills.


leads to separation of the haves and have-nots.

leads to information overload

In Korean culture, a business deal is dependent on contractual information as well as how the
parties perceive each others values and ethics. According to Edmund Hall, this behavior
exhibits the theory of



low-context cultures


high-context cultures

Your supervisor sends you an e-mail requesting an article for the employee newsletter about
company loyalty. You write the article featuring customers who are brand loyal. Later, your
supervisor criticizes you for not writing about the topic that he requested. After a face-to-face
meeting, you realize that he wanted you to write about employee loyalty. This is an example
of what type of noise?





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The head of the holiday party committee at your office is trying to set a location for the
event. The committee chairperson announces three choices for members to vote on. When
Erin hears that the Boars Tavern is one of the choices, her mind is made up. After all, the
restaurant is only a few blocks from her house. How would you describe her listening






Your supervisor has the habit of coming into your office and leaning over your desk to talk to
you. This situation is uncomfortable for you because you cannot move away from him.
According to Edmund Hall, this behavior exhibits the theory of


high-context cultures

low-context cultures



Which statement is true concerning the role of publics in business communication?

Publics, in general, remain constant despite changes in the environment.

Internal publics are usually not concerned with the communication style used by


External publics are not concerned with an organizations public performance.

Publics can dispel rumors and build positive brand image.

A break-in at your company has resulted in the theft of various pharmaceutical products. The
head chemist, slated as the companys designated spokesperson, is scheduled to appear at a
media conference. This course of action illustrates one of the steps in crisis communication
planning. Select the appropriate step:

Assessing the possible risk to the organization

Evaluating the effectiveness of your action plan

Identifying levels of vulnerability in your company

Implementing the action plan

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In the management journal article about persuading customers that your boss recommended,
you read that your style of hard selling is not effective with young professionals. You begin to
question if you need to take a sales training seminar. This is an example of

cognitive dissonance


selective attention

selective exposure

10. Building strong coalitions among individuals or groups that have separate interests is called





11. When Joseph Kline, a U.S. citizen working for a bakery in Pakistan, is surprised that he will
have to work on December 25, Christmas Day, he is dealing with which component of the
transactional communication model?

Internal noise

External noise

Cultural relativism


12. Which of the following statements is true?

Semantics is the study of the meaning of words, phrases, and texts

Semantics is the study of how words affect the decision-making process

Semantics is the study of dictionary definitions

Semantics is the study of the use of words in persuasive communication

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13. What affects how others perceive us and can adjust according to the situation?



Communication style


14. What describes the occasion, time, and place of communication in the transactional
communication model?

Cognitive dissonance




15. A beer commercial shows young people laughing while enjoying bottles of Mountain Beer in
a busy bar scene. According to Maslows hierarchy, which consumer need is targeted?

physiological needs




16. With the overload of information today, what does Smith (2010) state communication must
be to be noticed?

Familiar and consistent

Timely and thorough

Innovative and creative

Informative and detailed

17. To provide the best health care for our patients at a reasonable cost is an example of

a mission statement

a vision statement

a corporate objective

a strategic plan

18. In the process of behavior change, after people have detected the presence of a problem and
they see this problem as important, to what phase do they belong?





19. In the transactional communication model, who or what is responsible for composing a
message embedded with meaning from his or her world while considering the interpretative
resources that will be used to decode the message?

Effective message area




20. What is a tactic described by Lencioni (2010) to disarm clients and allow them to trust a

Prove detailed information

Provide references

Be comfortable and naked with weaknesses

Promote strengths and past successes

21. In 2006, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts launched a new theme for its integrated global
marketing efforts. Which of the following was identified as an integrated marketing strategy

Disney used the theme Year of a Million Dreams in its publicity and promotional

Disney avoided the use of ads, contests, and sweepstakes.

Disney sent out several messages over a broad a spectrum of media to appeal to the

Disney positioned itself as a transformational experience to one specific age group.

22. What factor must be considered in designing an effective communication system?

The costs involved

The needs of the customer

The message delivery

The optimal combination of a message, source, channel, and an operating variable

23. You have been charged with writing a report on the progress of the integration of a database
between organizational units. Your supervisor says that she wants the report as soon as
possible. You spend your weekend working on the report in order to have it ready
by Monday morning. When you present the report to your supervisor, she says, I am sorry
that you spent your weekend on the report; it wasnt that urgent. This scenario is an
illustration of a problem with what element in the transactional communication model?

Cognitive dissonance




24. In changing markets, communication tactics

are based on techniques used in traditional markets

use a combination of traditional and new media

do not require the use of conventional databases

are mass media-driven

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25. In the 20th century, the public relations profession was reshaped by one of the following

The split of public relations functions from advertising agencies

The decline of mergers and acquisitions in big business

The rise of the patent medicine industry

The growth of electronic media

26. How does Lencioni (2010) describe entering the danger?

Addressing a clients potentially explosive issues

Developing a new market niche

Analyzing competition

Being vulnerable

27. Good listeners generally concerned with everyones needs, maintaining relationships, and
avoiding conflict describes this communication style generally perceived as soft-hearted and
overly helpful.





28. Suppose you are asked to discuss an American Indian ceremony. Perhaps you describe the
use of peace pipes, drums, feathered headdresses and dancing and chanting around a fire.
This information is an example of

forming a negative stereotype based on inaccurate information

assigning neutral traits stereotypes

knowing a group of people

using mediated information to add to your knowledge

29. A manager informs her staff that there is a problem with office equipment abuse. She
suggests that each employee should come up with a list of ways to cut down on the repair
bills. The suggestions will be discussed at the next department meeting. Which of the three
leadership types outlined by theorists Lewin, Lippert, and White does this managers request





30. You notice that a colleague seems to be distracted from his work. You ask him if something is
wrong, and he replies, No, Im fine. You ask him again, Tell me what is wrong? This is an
example of

believing non-verbal clues over verbal language

engaging in interpersonal observation

altering communication cues

believing verbal over non-verbal messages

About Author:
This article covers the topic for the University Of Phoenix COM 537 Final Exam
Latest. The author is working in the field of education from last 5 years. This
article covers the basic of COM 537 Entire Course from UOP. Other topics in the
class are as follows:
COM 537 Final Exam (Latest) UOP
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