TGOS Brochure

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Go green! Go lean!

Ricoh has developed two tools to help you better compare,

assess and monitor your organisations carbon footprint.






Management System offer a simple and effective means to

identify best practice methodologies for your office, as well
as reporting to ensure you stay on track to achieve your
environmental goals.

How can I...?

Save energy

Reduce impact on
the environment

Reduce paper

Monitor and efficiently manage

my current device fleet

Reduce Total Cost

of Ownership

Ricohs Green Calculator provides an estimate of the energy consumption
of your current copier and printer fleet and compares them against a
proposed new Ricoh fleet by using typical electricity consumption (TEC)
values a method developed by international Energy Star. In addition to
displaying the units of consumed energy (kWh) annually, you can choose
to change the graphics to reflect:
CO2 emissions in kilograms
Electricity cost in local currency
Amount of trees that need to be planted to remove
CO2 emissions

Analyse and review estimated energy consumption

of current devices using TEC values.

Ricohs Green Calculator can project energy and paper consumption of the proposed Ricoh devices, using Ricohs internal
benchmarking data. This allows for a more detailed projection of the proposed Ricoh fleet than using TEC values alone.
Generate a more detailed projection
by inputting usage values such as:
Average monthly volume (AMV)
Average number of pages in each
print job
Percentage of duplex output
Lower power consumption by switching to
energy saver mode.

Reduce paper usage and CO2 emissions by

increasing the duplex ratio.

The Ricoh @Remote Intelligent Management System monitors
Ricoh printers and MFPs on your network, enabling you to identify
over- and under-utilised print devices, automate service and
maintenance tasks (including meter billing) and minimise total
cost of ownership by shifting print volumes to lower cost devices.
Track a variety of environmental metrics related to how much
energy and paper each Ricoh device consumes.
Track actual
energy consumption
produced by each
Ricoh device.

Learn how many sheets of paper are used from month

to month.
Track the percentage of jobs that are printed using duplex
or combined modes, which can help significantly cut paper
consumption, expenses and environmental impact.
Estimate how much electricity Ricoh devices consume
Identify how much time each device spends in the operation,
print-ready, sleep and energy-saving modes.

Track actual
paper consumption
of each Ricoh

* Keep in mind that the age, manufacturer and make-up of the users fleet may affect the accuracy of @Remote Green
Reports, and that it is not possible to acquire detailed information from certain older and/or non-Ricoh devices. Contact
your service provider to ensure all applicable devices are enabled to appear on @Remote Green Reports.

This solution also provides @Remote Green
Reports, which enables users to track trends
in energy and paper consumption over time,
enabling you to make better decisions about
sustainability policies.
Compare fleet performance and set priorities
to reduce energy and paper consumption to
achieve corporate goals.
Track trends in energy consumption over time

Translate usage data into reports that detail

paper and electricity cost savings, and CO2
reduction trends.
Customise reports with local data for
example, the cost of a single sheet of paper
or a kilowatt of electricity to generate more
accurate estimates.
Graphical charts help users visualise changes
in the environmental performance of the fleet
over time.

Translate usage data into reports that detail CO2 reduction trends.

Ricoh believes in conserving the earths precious natural resources. This printed matter is printed on
environmentally-friendly paper containing pre-consumer waste, fiber from sustainable forestry and
chlorine free.

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