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Informatica Corporation

Informatica Cloud
Release Notes
Spring 2014
Copyright (c) 2006-2014 Informatica Corporation.
All rights reserved.

New Features and Enhancements ............................................................................................... 1
Behavior Changes ....................................................................................................................... 2
Fixed Limitations ......................................................................................................................... 3
Known Limitations ....................................................................................................................... 3
Informatica Cloud Connector Known Limitations ........................................................................ 10
Informatica Cloud Connector Toolkit Known Limitations ............................................................ 12
Third Party Known Limitations ................................................................................................... 12
Informatica Resources............................................................................................................... 13
Informatica Cloud Web Site.................................................................................................... 13
Informatica Cloud Communities ............................................................................................. 13
Informatica Cloud Marketplace ............................................................................................... 13
Informatica Cloud Connector Documentation ......................................................................... 13
Informatica Cloud Trust Site ................................................................................................... 13
Informatica Web Site.............................................................................................................. 13
Informatica Global Customer Support..................................................................................... 14
This document contains important information about new features and enhancements, behavior changes,
and known limitations for Informatica Cloud.

New Features and Enhancements

This release includes the following new features and enhancements:

Mappings and the Informatica Cloud Mapping Designer. Use mappings to define reusable
data flow logic that includes functionality not available in data synchronization tasks, such as
specific ordering of logic or joining sources from different systems.
Use the new Mapping Designer to configure and validate mappings. Run mappings in
mapping configuration tasks.
User interface. This release includes a complete update of the Informatica Cloud user
Service Consumer role. The new Services Consumer role can view and run tasks. Assign to
users who need to run tasks but do not require full access to Informatica Cloud functionality.
Data replication object selection. You can select the list of objects to include or exclude in
a data replication task.
Data synchronization full screen mode. In the Data Synchronization Task wizard, you can
use full screen mode to configure field mappings.


Integration template enhancements.

SAP BAPI data. You can use SAP BAPI data in integration templates through a Custom
Transformation object.
Fixed Ports object property. You can include fields from a Custom Transformation
object in field mappings by setting the new Fixed Ports object property to Yes.
Orphaning a related Salesforce object. You can now orphan, or disassociate, a Salesforce
object by using the Salesforce standard API to write a null value to the related object. You
can use a data replication task or a data synchronization task to orphan a related object.
NetSuite WSDL update. A NetSuite connection uses the following WSDL URL by default:
Amazon Redshift update. In mappings and tasks, you can configure the number of seconds
to wait for Amazon Redshift to make staged files available.
Informatica Cloud Connector Toolkit enhancements.

Create target. Configure an Informatica Cloud Connector to create a target object.

Related source objects. Configure an Informatica Cloud Connector to allow the
selection of sources with primary key-foreign key relationships.
REST API enhancements.
New resources. Use new resources to request information about bundles, tasks, user
groups, and the audit log. Use the new logout resource to log out of a REST API session.

Enhanced resources. Minor additions to the job, login, register, and user resources.

Session duration. A REST API session now lasts two hours.

Behavior Changes
This release includes the following changes in behavior from the previous release:

Terminology changes. This release includes the following terminology updates:

Custom sources are now known as saved queries.

Plug-ins are now known as mapplets.

The Custom Integration application is now known as the Mapping Configuration

Menu changes. The user interface update includes the following menu updates:

The Application menu is now the Apps menu and includes all applications.

The Configuration menu is now the Configure menu.

The Administration menu is now the Administer menu.

The new Monitor menu includes the activity log, activity monitor, and the Service and
Process Monitor.
The new Design menu includes items that involve complex design work, such as
mappings, integration templates, and task flows.

Mapping Configuration tasks. You can now use mappings as a basis for mapping
configuration tasks.
Custom views for mapping configuration tasks. The Task Based On selection option is
renamed Parent Name Contains, and the Template Name display option is renamed Task
Based On. Both options now include mappings as well as integration templates.


Organization Hierarchy updates. You no longer use the Admin Console to create suborganizations or administer the organization hierarchy. Instead, use the Administer > Suborganizations menu to create and access sub-organizations.
REST API updates.

REST API sessions now expire after two hours. Use the new logout resource to log out
before the session expires.

You can now start a job with the task name or task ID.

Minor enhancements to the login, register, and user resources.

Fixed Limitations
The following items are fixed with this release.
Fixed CR



In the activity log, links to session logs for data masking tasks run with the previous release do not work
after the upgrade.
Workaround: To view the session logs, locate the log files in the following Secure Agent directory:


When you edit a data masking task created with the previous release, the Display Source Fields in
Alphabetical Order option is selected on the Sources page of the task wizard.
Workaround: To view source fields in default order, clear the option.


Error files for Amazon Redshift targets are not created as expected. When individual rows in a batch
are written to the error file, the error file is created within the specified error file directory, but within an
additional subdirectory. When an entire batch is written to the error file, the error file is created in the
specified directory but does not include error messages.


The Data Masking Task wizard does not display the Save and Run option.
Workaround: Save the task and run it separately.


Do not use the Save and Continue option to save data synchronization tasks with Amazon Redshift
targets. Using Save and Continue clears any configuration for advanced target properties.


A data masking task that fails because source objects are not available displays the following error:
Scope generation failed.
Workaround: Verify that the source objects are available and rerun the task.


Existing data synchronization tasks that use the Display Technical Fields instead of Labels option might
not display technical fields.
Workaround: On the Field Mappings page, click Refresh Fields.

Known Limitations
The following table describes general known limitations for this release:



Creating targets for a data replication task can time out without completing the request.





In the Mapping Designer, the Validation panel does not automatically update the status of mapping
errors after you make changes. Click the Validate button for the latest information about mapping


Configuring the organization to store connection information on a local Secure Agent can fail with the
following error:
Failed to perform the requested operation on connection properties stored in
Secure Agent <Secure Agent name>. Start the Secure Agent if it has stopped.
Workaround: On the Secure Agent, back up or delete the following directory, then try again:


Error rows files for mapping configuration tasks are not available through the activity log. Error rows
files for tasks with multiple sources or targets are not generated.
Workaround: You can download error rows files for tasks with a single source and single target from the
following Secure Agent directory: <SecureAgent_InstallDir>/main/rdtm/error.


When you configure a task for multiple Salesforce sources, the task wizard displays polymorphic
relationships for the selected source object. When you use polymorphic relationships, including fields
in the field mapping that are not common to all members of the polymorphic relationship can cause the
task to fail.
Workaround: In the field mapping, map only the fields common to all members of the polymorphic


A data masking task configured to delete external IDs does not delete external IDs when you run the
task as part of a task flow.
Workaround: Delete the external IDs manually after the task completes. Or run the task independent of
a task flow.


When you select a Family source type in a data masking task, the task wizard displays an informational
message about the family graph that does not clear when you change the source type to Single.
Workaround: Refresh your browser to reload the page.


On the Targets page of the Data Masking Task wizard, the Targets page does not appear properly after
you use the New Connection and Edit Connection dialog boxes.
Workaround: Refresh your browser to reload the page.


In a mapping, changing the data type of a field can make the precision or the scale uneditable.
Workaround: Click in the mapping canvas, then back to the data type that you want to edit.


In mappings, custom queries cannot include fields with names longer than 65 characters.


Mapping configuration tasks do not perform automatic data type conversion for flat file data.
Workaround: In the mapping, edit data types or expressions as necessary to ensure successful data


The Mapping Configuration application rejects flat file rows that include newline characters within a field
when all source fields are not included in the data flow.
Workaround: Include all source fields in the data flow. Even if you do not need all fields written to the
target, use a field rule to include all fields to the first transformation after the source. If necessary, you
can add an Expression or Filter transformation to handle this issue.


Mapping configuration tasks write data to targets based on the precision and scale of target fields. The
task ignores the precision and scale configured in the mapping.





A mapping configuration task can produce incorrect results when you use the Salesforce Bulk API with
a mapping where all source fields are not included in the data flow.
Workaround: Include all source fields in the data flow. Even if you do not need all fields written to the
target, use a field rule to include all fields to the first transformation in the data flow. If necessary, you
can add an Expression or Filter transformation as the first transformation in the data flow to handle this


Decimal data types have a maximum precision of 28. Decimal data with a higher precision is truncated.


When you edit a connection name, the new name does not display in mappings, but other updates to
connection properties are honored.


When you run a data masking task, the error rows file does not open directly from error rows log.
Workaround: Download the file that contains the file name with a job ID. The format of the error file
name is s_dmask_<JobID>_<Number of time the file is appended>_error.csv.


In mapping configuration tasks, default values for parameters in mappings might not be used correctly.
Errors are known to occur in the following cases: connection parameters, object parameters in test
runs, field names in filters, partial field mapping parameters, f ull field mapping parameter.


You cannot use the Mapping Designer to create mappings with Internet Explorer 9.


Data preview does not display for SQL Server 2005 objects accessed through an ODBC connection.
This can occur when tables of the same name exist in more than one schema and the schema name is
not specified in the connection.
Workaround: Include the schema name in the connection details.


Field names that use non-English characters do not display properly in mappings.


Do not use data filters or perform lookups with Oracle or SQL Server connections that use the following
code pages:
- Shift-JIS
- ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 (Western European)
- ISO 8859-2 Eastern European
- ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic
- ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 (Turkish)


Do not use the following code pages for any connection type except flat file, Oracle, and SQL Server.
The following code pages display for other connection types, but are not valid code page options:
- Shift-JIS
- ISO 8859-15 Latin 9 (Western European)
- ISO 8859-2 Eastern European
- ISO 8859-5 Cyrillic
- ISO 8859-9 Latin 5 (Turkish)


Data masking tasks created in the previous release that include Substitution masking can fail when you
uninstall an existing Secure Agent and install a new Secure Agent with this release.
Workaround: Allow the Secure Agent to upgrade with this release. Or, after installation, configure the
masking technique in the data masking task to use the new dictionary files.


In an organization that uses fine grained security and user groups, a new user with the Designer role
who is not assigned to a user group can work with integration templates and custom integration tasks.
Workaround: Assign all users to user groups with the appropriate permissions.





Data masking tasks that use advanced data filters for Oracle source data might fail with the following
Failed to parse the query.
Workaround: Use multiple simple filters instead of a single advanced data filter. Do not convert existing
simple data filters into an advanced data filter.


Do not configure a data synchronization task for multiple Salesforce sources with the Bulk API. The
Data Synchronization Task wizard allows you to select multiple Salesforce sources with the Salesforce
Bulk API option, but you cannot save the task.


PowerCenter tasks that include Microsoft Dynamics CRM sources or targets with Active Directory
authentication can fail with authentication errors.
Workaround: In the Secure Agent installation directory, update the krb5.conf and login.conf files. In the
krb5.conf file, add the following line in the [libdefaults] section:
In the login.conf file, add the following line under the spnego-client section:


Field values for error rows are not written to the error rows file for tasks that include custom sources.
Workaround: If possible, in the source database, create a view to represent the custom source and use
the view in the data synchronization task.


Data masking tasks that use random numeric masking with both range and blurring will fail if the output
of the blurring is not within the specified range.
Workaround: Specify blurring bounds so that the output falls within the specified range.


Tasks that include objects with lowercase characters might fail.


A data synchronization task with an Oracle synonym or view target fails with the following error
Target table [SYN_PVT_ACCOUNT] has no keys specified
Workaround: On the Schedule page, use the Update Columns advanced option to define the update or
primary key field.


Left outer joins with SAP sources returns zeros instead of NULL for NULL values.


Rest APIs are not available for the Data Masking application.


In a Joiner object in an integration template, the Informatica Cloud Template Developer uses the
second link rule by alphabetical order as the master group. For example, if you have an a_link and a
b_link, the Informatica Cloud Template Developer uses the b_link as the master group.
Workaround: Make sure the name for the master link rule is lower in alphabetical order than the name
for the child link rule.


A data synchronization task with Salesforce sources that is configured to create a flat file target uses
Salesforce business names instead of field labels to create the target file.





When critical errors occur with the Secure Agent, you cannot store connection properties with the
Secure Agent. The Secure Agent has encountered critical errors if you get the following error message
when the Secure Agent is running:
Failed to perform the requested operation on connection credentials stored
at Informatica Secure Agent <SecureAgent_Name>. Start the Informatica Secure
Agent if it has stopped.
Workaround: Uninstall and reinstall the Secure Agent.


For tasks or task flows with long names, the full name might not display throughout all Informatica
Cloud pages when you use Internet Explorer version 8.


When connecting to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 through ODBC, the following data types are treated as
String data types:

Workaround: Use differentiating characters in the beginning of the task or task flow name. Or use a
different browser or browser version.

- Geography
- Geometry
- SqlVariant
- Hierarchyid
- UniqueIdentifier
- Xml

Do not run several contact validation tasks with the same Secure Agent to process large amounts of
email address data. This can cause the tasks to fail with the following error:
PMF_15012 Unable to delete file
[..\..\rdtmDir\cache\PMJNR100069_327687_0.dat0]. System error is [13]
[Permission denied].
Workaround: Run the tasks sequentially. You might add the tasks to a task flow to ensure they run
sequentially. Or, you can use different Secure Agents to run the tasks.


Salesforce Chatter objects are not supported in data replication tasks. They are not available for
replication in the Data Replication Task wizard.


When you configure the maximum base64 body size for a data replication task, configure it for less than
38 MB.


When you edit a field data type in a data synchronization task to increase the precision, the task can fail
due to memory allocation errors.
Workaround: If this occurs, reduce the precision of the data type and run the task again.


Data replication tasks writing to MySQL targets with certain database configurations might receive the
following error when processing Salesforce source data with large attachments:
Error: Got a packet bigger than 'max_allowed_packet' bytes error if the file size is greater than 750 KB
Workaround: Configure your MySQL database to accept larger file sizes.


The Salesforce object ForecastingQuota cannot be used in tasks. It does not display as an available
source or target object in task wizards.


When performing a lookup on an Oracle table with NCLOB data, do not use the Use First Value option
for multiple match behavior. Using this option can cause the task to fail with the following message:
RR_4035 SQL Error [ FnName: Execute -- [DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire
Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got





In an integration template, do not use an Expression object with a condition input control in the data
flow after an Expression object that uses the field mapping input control. The condition input control
cannot handle the _OUT field names generated by the field mapping input control at this time.


When you validate an integration template that includes a mapplet as a source, an error displays stating
that a source must be connected. You can ignore the message.


Uninstalling a Secure Agent that was installed before this release might leave folders that must be
removed manually.


Mapping binary fields in data synchronization tasks can cause the task to fail. Do not map binary fields
in data synchronization tasks.


When using a parameterized user defined join in custom integration tasks, use fully qualified names for
source fields.


The Custom Integration application overwrites flat file targets with each job. Any existing header
information is being replaced with a new header which contains only the ports that are connected to the
target in the template.


In integration templates, Union transformation objects require input groups to use the same field names
and datatypes.


When you replicate a source with a name that includes a dollar sign ($), the target name replaces the
dollar sign with an underscore (_).


In data synchronization tasks with database targets, the Update Target property is cleared if you click
the Refresh Fields option on the Field Mappings page of the Data Synchronization wizard.


Salesforce External ID fields with the Auto Number data type cannot be used as upsert fields. They do
not display as available fields in the Upsert Field Name option.


Data synchronization tasks that include a lookup that uses the same connection as the source fail to
run when started by a Salesforce outbound message.
Workaround: Configure another connection with the same connection information and use the second
connection for the lookup.


The general status message for migration can indicate that the migration was successful even when
some objects were not migrated.
Workaround: Review the migration details in the Migration Results table.


When migrating objects, the initial review of objects is case sensitive, so if an object of the same exists
in the target organization with a different case, it seems as if the object will be migrated. However, the
object is not migrated, as noted in the Migration Results table.


When an object is not migrated because an object of the same type and name exists in the target
organization, child objects such as connections or custom sources might still be migrated.


When you migrating an object, all child objects are migrated to the target organization. However, in the
target organization, you can only see and access the objects with valid licenses.


In PowerCenter tasks, connection errors occur when you use Microsoft Dynamics CRM connections
with Active Directory authentication and an HTTP service URL.
Workaround: Do not include Microsoft Dynamics CRM connection information in the PowerCenter
mapping. Instead, select the Microsoft Dynamics CRM connection when you configure the
PowerCenter task.





The Street With Number advanced option is ignored in Contact Validation tasks. The building number is
always included with the street name at this time.


Contact Validation tasks that validate postal addresses sometimes fail due to memory allocation,
internal server, or transformation errors.
Workarounds: If the task fails with the following error, use the Buffer Block Size advanced option to
adjust the buffer block size:
FATAL ERROR : Failed to allocate memory. Out of virtual memory.
For other errors, try running the task again. If the problem persists, contact Informatica Global
Customer Support.


For data synchronization tasks running in real time after receiving a Salesforce outbound message,
Secure Agent or network connection problems can result in data loss or unexpected job behavior.


Previewing data for an Microsoft Dynamics CRM object that does not contain any data displays the
following error instead of indicating that the object does not contain data:
[X] An error occurred when fetching data for preview.


Data synchronization tasks configured to run in real time upon arrival of outbound messages run even
when Run permission is revoked.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM connections should not display the Active Directory authentication type option
when configured in data synchronization tasks.
The Active Directory authentication type is not supported in data synchronization tasks.


For data synchronization tasks with Microsoft Dynamics CRM targets, error rows are not written to the
error rows file.


You cannot use Microsoft Dynamics connections with IFD authentication in data synchronization tasks.


Microsoft Dynamics CRM connections with IFD authentication fail during testing.


For the Secure Agent on a Windows 32-bit machine, make sure the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008
Redistributable Package (x86) is installed on the machine.


Due to a Salesforce limitation, Salesforce Bulk API data synchronization tasks that include related
objects using external IDs fail to complete.
Workaround: If possible, use the standard API to write to Salesforce, or use the Salesforce ID to define
related objects in the task.


You cannot download error rows files from the activity log for data synchronization tasks with
Salesforce Bulk API targets with monitoring enabled.
Workaround: You can access error rows files in the following directory on the Secure Agent machine:
<Secure Agent Installation Directory>\main\rdtmDir\error.


PowerCenter tasks that write to Salesforce targets using the Salesforce Bulk API fail when run by a
Secure Agent that uses FreeProxy or ISA Proxy.
Workaround: If possible, use a different Secure Agent to run the task, or configure the Secure Agent to
use a different proxy server.


Informatica Cloud Connector Known Limitations

The following table describes the known limitations for Informatica Cloud Connectors, such as
NetSuite, Oracle CRM On Demand, SAP Table, and Amazon Redshift.



When loading data from a flat file to Oracle CRM On Demand, the PowerCenter application rounds
Decimal data to the nearest integer.


When you use a data synchronization task to create an Amazon Redshift target, the target is created
but the Preview All Columns option displays no columns. Also, on the Field Mappings page, you
cannot use the Edit Types option to edit data types in the newly created target.


Workaround: You can preview columns and edit types in a different data synchronization task.

Using a data synchronization task to create an Amazon Redshift target that includes a datetime data
type causes the task to fail at runtime.
Workaround: Create the target separately from the task. Or, use the newly created target in different
data synchronization task.


A task with that uses an Informatica Cloud Connector fails with a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
when the Linux Secure Agent was installed by the same user who installed PowerCenter on the
machine, and the user profile CLASSPATH is configured to include the javalib or jre for the
PowerCenter installation.
Workaround: Use a different user profile to install the Secure Agent.
Or, before you start the Secure Agent, ensure the CLASSPATH does not include references to the
PowerCenter javalib or jre.


When you run a task that includes an Informatica Cloud Connector with a Secure Agent on Windows
2003 or Windows XP (32-bit), the task can fail with the following error:
Failed to load the JVM library: <..\..\..\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll
Workaround: Install the Visual Studio 2010 redistributable on the Secure Agent machine. You can
download the redistributable from the following location:


For tasks that read from SAP tables, the session log includes the first 1000 characters of the ABAP
query. Queries that include a large number of SAP fields might not be complete.


In a data synchronization task, editing a connection for Informatica Cloud Connector prevents the task
wizard from displaying the Display Technical Names Instead of Labels option.
Workaround: Edit the connection separately, from the Connections list page.


When you stop a task with an Amazon Redshift target through the activity monitor, the task aborts
rather than stopping. Details about the task might not be written to the session log.


Tasks that include Amazon Redshift or SAP table connections can fail due to short network


Advanced data filters for SAP tables do not recognize the pound sign (#) escape character.


You cannot download error rows files from the activity log for data synchronization tasks with Amazon
Redshift targets.
Workaround: You can access error rows files in the following directory on the Secure Agent machine:
<Secure Agent Installation Directory>\main\rdtmDir\error.






You cannot download error rows files from the activity log for data synchronization tasks with Amazon
Redshift targets or with Salesforce Bulk API targets with monitoring enabled.
Workaround: You can access error rows files in the following directory on the Secure Agent machine:
<Secure Agent Installation Directory>\main\rdtmDir\error.


Conversion from simple data filters to advanced data filters are not supported.


Data filters for SAP table character data require a filter value of the same length as the character field.
Workaround: Add leading zeros when you enter the filter value. For example, to filter a ten digit field by
123456, use 0000123456 in the data filter.


Tasks fail with errors when a lookup returns more than 20 rows.
Workaround: When possible, configure the lookup to return fewer rows.


Object search on labels for SAP objects is case-sensitive.


For SAP Table sources, the IS NULL and IS NOT NULL operators do not filter data for fields in SAP
cluster and pool tables or fields containing character data.


The data synchronization task wizard does not display lookup fields for Informatica Cloud Connector
objects that are configured to be unfilterable.


Do not use parameters defined in a parameter file in data filters for NetSuite sources. Usi ng
parameters in NetSuite data filters can result in no data being processed for the task.


When you include custom NetSuite fields Transaction Column Fields (TCF) and Transaction Item
Options (TIF) in a task, they are added to the field list of the child record rather than the parent record.


In an integration template, do not use data type link rules to connect NetSuite sources to source
qualifier objects.
Workaround: Use the data type link rule between the source qualifier object and the rest of the data


Filters for NetSuite Multi-Select and Standard Record custom fields are not supported.


A data synchronization task does not fail if you remove a mapped source field from a NetSuite source.


For data synchronization tasks that use SAP sources, do not map FLDCLNT fields with the CLNT data
type. SAP might reject the rows without logging the rows as rejected in the session log. (SAP
reference number: 0000091324)
Workaround: Map the CLNT field and make sure that data in this field matches the client specified in
SAP Table Connector connection.



Informatica Cloud Connector Toolkit

Known Limitations
The following table describes the known limitations for the Informatica Cloud Connector Toolkit.
Toolkit CR



You cannot configure data filter row limits for Informatica Cloud Connectors.


When you use an Informatica Cloud Connector for a lookup in a data synchronization task and you
configure the lookup to produce an error when more than one match is found, the lookup returns null
values regardless of the actual lookup data.


Data in the error rows file is not formatted appropriately for data synchronization tasks that use
Informatica Cloud Connector target connections.

Third Party Known Limitations

The following table includes third-party known limitations.
Third Party



Due to a NetSuite limitation, you need a separate license for each connection to the same NetSuite
account that a task makes. For example, to use the same NetSuite account as source, lookup, and target
in a task, you need three NetSuite licenses.


Due to an Oracle CRM On Demand limitation, you cannot use custom objects 4-15 with data
synchronization tasks.


Due to a JDBC driver limitation, the driver returns the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Nvarchar(Max) field as
Ntext and returns Varchar(Max) field as Text. As a result, Nvarchar(Max) or Varchar(Max) fields do not
display in data filters.
Workarounds: Enter the fields manually in an advanced data filter. Or, on the Field Mappings page use the
Edit Types option to edit the datatypes. Update incorrect Ntext fields to Nvarchar and incorrect Text fields
to Varchar.


Due to a NetSuite limitation, NetSuite Item Number data is not supported at this time.


Due to a NetSuite limitation, field metadata information such as primary key or not-null does not display in
Informatica Cloud.


NetSuite returns both the date and time using the following format for all date or time datatypes,
regardless of whether you want only the date or time part: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss <AM|PM>. For the
TimeOfDay data type, the date part defaults to 1970-01-01.


Custom integration tasks with multiple NetSuite sources fail if NetSuite does not allow multiple
Workaround: Use a NetSuite account that allows concurrent connections.



Informatica Resources
Informatica Cloud Web Site
You can access the Informatica Cloud web site at This site
contains information about Informatica Cloud editions and applications. It also provides
information about partners, customers, and upcoming events.

Informatica Cloud Communities

Use the Informatica Cloud Community to discuss and resolve technical issues in Informatica
Cloud. You can also find technical tips, documentation updates, and answers to frequently asked
Access the Informatica Cloud Community at:
Developers can learn more and share tips at the Cloud Developer community:

Informatica Cloud Marketplace

Visit the Informatica Marketplace to try and buy Informatica Cloud Connectors, Informatica Cloud
integration templates, and Data Quality plug-ins.
Cloud Connectors Mall:
Cloud Integration Templates Mall:
Data Quality Solution Blocks:

Informatica Cloud Connector Documentation

You can access documentation for Informatica Cloud Connectors at the Informatica Cloud

Informatica Cloud Trust Site

You can access the Informatica Cloud trust site at This site
provides real time information about Informatica Cloud system availability, current and historical
data about system performance, and details about Informatica Cloud security policies.

Informatica Web Site

You can access the Informatica corporate web site at The site
contains information about Informatica, its background, upcoming events, and sales offices. You
will also find product and partner information. The services area of the site includes important
information about technical support, training and education, and implementation services.



Informatica Global Customer Support

To contact Informatica Global Customer Support:

Click the Support link in the Informatica Cloud application.

Use the WebSupport Service. WebSupport requires a user name and password. You can
request a user name and password at

Call 1-877-INFA-HELP (1-877-463-2435).



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