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(To be submitted to the project steering committee)


Student Details:

PART A: Synopsis Registration.

1. Name of the programme


: Master of Business

2. Name of the Student

3. Roll Number
4. Session& Year

: Summer & 2014

5. Name and address of learning centre


Project Details
6. Title of the Project

: A Study of Android Operation

System at Mobile
Based Search Engine
7. Problem Statement

The interaction between the user and the search engine was not so
efficient; this is the main problem in the mobile search. The mobile user
was not able to attain the relevant results they need.
In order to attain the relevant results the GPS is used and here the
association rule algorithm is used.
With respect to the context of mobile search, a location sensitive query
is defined as a query with an underlying intention to prefer to see local
results returned over generic search results (eg. airport shuttle, pizza
london), while anything else falls into global query category (eg. free
ringtones, spider-man 3). Location sensitive queries can further been
characterized by considering two subcategories depending on the
presence of a location name in the query.
We distinguish thus local explicit query which contains at least a
location name (eg. pizza london) and local implicit query that do not
include a location name (eg. airport shuttle). Deciding whether a query
expressed by a mobile search engine user should produce mostly local or
global results is an important and challenging problem. Given a user
query, we can distinguish three main challenging questions:
1) How to distinguish global queries from local sensitive ones? Indeed,
recognizing location sensitive queries is critical for determining whether to
provide generic search results or local ones.

2) How to distinguish between local explicit queries and lo- cal implicit
ones? This further specification is important since it allows to decide
whether to extend the query with the user location in the case of a local
implicit query or not in the case of a local explicit one.
3) In case of a local implicit query, how to personalize the search results
given the users location?
8. Objective

The objective of our study included the following important

1. The problem is network size. Network size is very wide thats way
whenever a user search the page related with work then user found many
pages by using search engine. Search engines maintain indices for
searching documents threw downloading pages constantly.
2. This process of crawling by web called web crawling technique. That
mobile phone acts as a server in crawling technique. For searching the
information so fast we should use mobile phone crawler that way it reduce
the traffic and also reduce the load on remote side appreciably. Java aglets
can be help accomplishment of Mobile phone system.
3. GPS locations is an important factor in todays mobile web search. For
example, if the user likes to search for the colleges information, who is
now located in Chennai, Tamilnadu, his/her position can be attained by
using GPS. By that the colleges located near to his location can be finding
4. Objective of the research is to exploit the regular travel patterns and
query patterns by using GPS and the click through data by the user.
5. Association rule mining algorithm is used to collect the travel related
query patterns and travel patterns from the original personal mobile
search engine profile.
9. Methodology to be used

Research Type: Exploratory research is method of collecting

information in an unstructured and informal way. Exploratory research
helps determine the best research design, data collection method and
selection of subjects. Exploratory research often relies on secondary
research such as reviewing available literature and/or data, or qualitative
approaches such as informal discussions with consumers, employees,
management or competitors, and more formal approaches through indepth interviews, focus groups, projective methods, case studies or pilot
studies. The Internet allows for research methods that are more
interactive in nature.

Project Design:
Our project demanded a design which would include:
Research nature:

An exploratory research design was adopted

to conduct the study in order to know the
above mentioned objectives.

Data collection method: Population being very large, the Data

Collection Method demanded the Sample
Primary Data Collection:


Phrasing of Queries: Queries were made in such a way that it was

easy for us to make it understand and easy
to comprehend.
Order of Queries:

Order was most important feature which

was kept in mind.

Optional Data Collection: Unstructured Questions


Guide Details:

PART B : Guide Acceptance

I Dr./Mr./Mrs. working as Sr. Lecturer with Sikkim Manipal University,
DE hereby confirm my willingness to guide Mr./ Ms. Roll No, attached to
Learning Centre (code) (Name) IT POINT (City) KANPUR in the topic A
Study of Android Operating System at Mobile Based Search
Engine, during the 2 (year) period MAY/2014(month/year)
to MAY/
2016 (month/year). I agree to this timeline and also to submit the project
status/ Internal Assessment marks to the University.
the Guide)

(Signature of

I hereby declare that this project synopsis is an original work carried by
me and will not submitted to any other University for fulfilment of any
course of study.

(Signature of the

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