Helping: Learning For Life and Work (SLD)

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Let’s Celebrate:

Thematic Unit
Learning for Life and Work (SLD)
Writers’ Group

Mary McKendry, Castle Tower School (Beechgrove Campus), Ballymena (Editor)

Catherine Foster, Fleming Fulton School, Belfast
Maggie Jamison, Glenveagh School, Belfast
Cathy McCormick, Tor Bank School, Dundonald
Dorothea Simpson, Fleming Fulton School, Belfast

A CCEA Publication ©2009

Cover Photograph: Bubbles Photo Library - Pauline Cutler

Unit Title: Let’s Celebrate
Sub Theme: Helping

Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities: Managing Information

Curriculum Objective: To develop the young person as an individual

Key Elements: Personal understanding, mutual understanding, personal health, cultural understanding, economic awareness

Attitudes and Dispositions: Personal responsibility, mutual understanding, concern for others, commitment/determination/resourcefulness,
openness to new ideas, curiosity, community spirit, tolerance, integrity, respect

Learning Experiences: Investigating and problem-solving, linked to other curriculum areas, relevant and enjoyable, skills-integrated, active
and hands-on, offers choice, challenging and engaging, supportive environment, positive reinforcement, ongoing reflection, enquiry-based,
openness to new ideas, culturally diverse

The Thematic Units connect the Learning for Life and Work subject strands of Personal Development, Local and Global Citizenship, Home
Economics and Employability and demonstrate how they contribute to the understanding of a central theme. They provide a number of
learning, teaching and assessment activities (and are accompanied by supporting resources) to help you address, interpret and develop the
Northern Ireland Curriculum’s key elements and Statements of Minimum Requirement.

Each Thematic Unit contributes to the statutory requirement for Learning for Life and Work and also links to other Areas of Learning. In
addition, there are opportunities to develop learners’ Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities, incorporate Assessment for Learning principles
and make connections to the Cross Curricular Skills.

The units are not intended to be prescriptive and are not the only way to approach the Northern Ireland Curriculum. You do not have to follow
them rigidly. Instead, we encourage you to choose from the wide range of learning, teaching and assessment activities in the units and adapt
and extend them as appropriate for your classes.

1 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Statements of Minimum Requirement

These are the Statements of Minimum Requirement that are addressed in this unit:

Local and Global Citizenship Local and Global Citizenship Personal Development
Equality and Social Justice Democracy and Active Self-awareness
Investigate (in local and Participation Explore personal values, morals
global contexts) how and why Investigate various ways to and beliefs
some people may experience participate in school and society
inequality/social exclusion
on the basis of their material Personal Development
circumstances Local and Global Citizenship Self-awareness
Human Rights and Social Explore and express a sense
Responsibility of self
Investigate the principles of social
responsibility and the role of
individuals in promoting these

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Select, classify,
What does ... develop awareness of Together discuss what ‘helping’ means. Explore different types of helping (for
different forms of help. example giving assistance, improving a situation or easing a problem).
‘helping’ mean? and evaluate
Then using Resource 1 individually or in small groups, allow your learners to sort
the pictures into different ways of helping. Use the template best suited to their
Communication -
level of ability.
information, ideas,
Resource 1: Ways Of Helping
opinions and
feelings using an
expanding language

Resource Sheet in this booklet

Online Activity (OA) or PowerPoint Activity (PP) available from

Skills tabs printed in orange are Cross Curricular Skills

Skills tabs printed in yellow are Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities

3 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Ask focused
What help do ... make connections between Recall your class conversation on types of help you can offer others. Then, together,
ideas and information. try to think of groups of people who need extra help. Use Resources 2–6 to consider
people need? why these different groups need extra help (for example babies, parents, older
Communication -
people, teenagers, pets, the homeless) and the types of help they need. Resources
Sequence, order,
2–5 illustrate types of help some groups need.
classify and make
Resource 2: A Baby Needs Help To …

Resource 3: A Puppy Needs Help To …

Resource 4: An Elderly Person Needs Help To …

Resource 5: A Person In The Developing World Needs Help To …

Resource 6: Some People Need Extra Help

Invite one of the following people to give a talk on help:

− an older person;
− a person who is blind; or
− a midwife or health visitor.

Then, allow your learners to create a list of questions for the visitor.

Visit a homeless shelter or hospice. Alternatively, invite a speaker from the Simon
Community or similar charity organisation to talk to your learners.

You can make links to Art & Design by:

Allowing your learners to create pictures or posters of the individual groups being
discussed and illustrating the help they might need.

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Ask focused
Who helps me? ... explore different types As a class, discuss the different forms of help people give. Next, ask your learners
of help. to talk about who helps them in their daily activities (for example feeding them,
keeping them healthy, teaching them and keeping them safe). Finally, allow your
Communication -
learners to complete Resources 7–11 to sort or match helpers with the types of help
they give.
information, ideas,
opinions and
Resource 7: Who Helps Me?

Resource 8: Who Helped Me Today?

Resource 9: I Need Help To …

Resource 10: Our Helpers [Matching]

Resource 11: Our Helpers [Phrase Bank]

Invite people from the community to come into school and talk to the learners about
the work they do (for example a school nurse, a fire fighter, a dentist, etc.).
Alternatively, arrange a visit to local workplaces to ask people about their work
and see demonstrations (for example a supermarket, a hairdresser’s, waste
disposal centres, etc.).

5 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Generate possible
How can I help? ... examine ways in which they As a class, discuss the ways that they help at home, in school and in the world. Use
solutions, try
help others. the following focused questions to stimulate discussion:
out alternative
− What help can you give?
− Why should you be helping others?
evaluate outcomes
− Does everyone need help?
− How might people feel when you help them?
Communication -
Listen to and take
Have your learners complete Resources 12–14 to identify ways they can help and
part in discussions
the places where they can help. For Resource 13, they could draw pictures or use
and role-plays
magazine photos or photographs of themselves helping at home.

Resource 12: Places Where I Help

Resource 13: I Help By… [Drawing]

Resource 14: I Help By… [Circling]

Over the course of one week, allow your learners to record the different ways they
helped others by completing Resource 15.

Resource 15: My Helping Chart

Further Suggestions
Together, focus on one or two specific helpful skills that they can practise at home,
and help them to develop these in the classroom (for example cook a meal, make a
sandwich, polish a shelf, etc.).

As a class, visit an old people’s home to provide entertainment for the residents or
help with gardening.

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Make links
What help ... identify the reasons why we Together, discuss what life is like for people living in developing world countries.
between cause
need to help developing world Using magazines and brochures or the internet, allow your learners to look at
might people in countries. photographs of people and places in the developing world. What are some of the
and effect
developing world differences they can see? Select, classify,
countries need? compare
• Magazine and brochure images of developing world people and places and evaluate
• Access to websites featuring developing world aid and issues
Using ICT -
Using Resources 16 and 17, help them to compare the resources available here with Research and
those available in the developing world. select information

Resource 16: Resources In The Developing World Using ICT -

Access and
Resource 17: My World v. The Developing World manage data
and information
Discuss with your learners the basic differences between living in the developing
world and living here. Together, explore the types of help that people living there Using Mathematics -
require, and why, such as: Identify and
− food; collect information
− water;
− education; and
− health, etc.

7 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

What help ... identify the reasons why Use Resources 18–24 and the websites listed to further explore the needs of people
we need to help developing in the developing world.
might people in countries.
developing world Resource 18: Schools In The Developing World 1
countries need?
Resource 19: Schools In The Developing World 2

Resource 20: Schools In The Developing World 3

Resource 21: Why Are People Hungry In The World?

Resource 22: Causes Of Hunger In The World

Resource 23: A Day In Ghana

Resources 24: Hassan And Me

Links to stories from young people

Resource providing pictures of life in India for a 12-year-old girl

Series of photographs from the developing world

Story of boy and his family facing hunger

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Plan and set goals,

What can I do to ... develop awareness that they Discuss with your learners the difference between a need and a want. Explain to
break task into
can provide help to people in them that many in developing countries do not have some of the things they need.
help these people? need. Then, using Resource 25, explore ways that we can help people in the

developing world. Communication -

Resource 25: Helping Developing World Countries information, ideas,
opinions, feelings
Together, investigate a variety of charities and learn about how the work they do using an expanding
helps others. language

Practical activities could include using pictures from websites such as:
Using Mathematics -
Identify and collect
information Using ICT - Research,
select, process
Use Resource 26 to carry out and record their investigation findings. and interpret
Resource 26: Charity Investigation

Discuss with them ways they can help, including by buying Fair Trade products,
giving to charities or taking part in fundraising activities.

9 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

11 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Ways Of Helping (1 of 3) Resource 1

There are many ways we can help others. Place each picture in the correct column.

Types of Helping
Sharing a Problem Making Things Better Helping Someone

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Ways Of Helping (2 of 3) Resource 1

There are many ways we can help others. Place each picture in the correct column.

Types of Helping
Making Things Better Helping Someone

13 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Ways Of Helping (3 of 3) Resource 1

making a friend feel better

recycling bottles

doing the dishes for mum

washing the car for dad

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tidying a messy bedroom

doing work together

weeding the garden

giving directions

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

A Baby Needs Help To... Resource 2

sleep eat walk

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A baby needs
help to...

keep clean talk

15 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


A Puppy Needs Help To... Resource 3

sleep eat exercise

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A puppy needs
help to...

keep healthy have fun

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

An Elderly Person Needs Help To... Resource 4

hear eat walk

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An elderly person
needs help to...

stay healthy see

17 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


A Person In The Developing World Needs Help To... Resource 5

get an education get food get water

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A person in the
world needs
help to...
stay healthy find shelter

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Some People Need Extra Help Resource 6

What help do these people need? Use the Word Bank below for clues.

Word Bank
sick person

homeless person medicine


upset girl
a friend to cheer them up

elderly person
someone to talk to


19 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Who Helps Me? (1 of 2) Resource 7

Fill in the chart by naming the people who help you. Or use the pictures and place them in the correct

Area People Who Help Me

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stay healthy

have fun

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Who Helps Me? (2 of 2) Resource 7

friends principal parents cook

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nurse teacher family dentist

assistant doctor caretaker police officer

21 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Who Helped Me Today? Resource 8

You may not realise it, but many people have helped you today! Look at each event and write who helped you
next to it. Use the questions to help you.

Event Who Helped Me

To get up
Did someone wake you?

To get dressed
Who washed your clothes?

To get to school
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Who drove you?

To learn
Who’s in school?

To have break/lunch
Who made/bought it?

To have fun
Who are your friends?

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

I Need Help To... (1 of 2) Resource 9

Below are things that we need help to do. Use the pictures to decide who helps us with these. Place the
correct picture or pictures in the empty spaces.

Help Needed Help Given by ...

stay healthy

be safe
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get food

23 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


I Need Help To... (2 of 2) Resource 9

farmer doctor teacher shop assistant

firefighter police officer dentist classroom assistant

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Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Our Helpers (Matching) Resource 10

Draw a line to match the person to the help they give.

A police officer helps by ... ... helping us keep well.

A mechanic helps by ... ... putting out fires.

A doctor helps by ... ... looking after our teeth.

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A hairdresser helps by ... ... repairing our cars.

A dentist helps by ... ... keeping our hair tidy.

A firefighter helps by ... ... catching the burglar.

25 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Our Helpers (Phrase Bank) Resource 11

Complete each sentence below to explain how each person helps us. Use the phrases in the box as clues.

A police officer helps A doctor helps by ...

by ... Phrase Bank

keeping our teeth and gums

healthy and clean

repairing our car when it has

broken down
A mechanic helps by ... A hairdresser helps by ...
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giving us medicine when we are sick

and keeping us healthy

keeping our hair neat and tidy

putting out fires

A dentist helps by ... A firefighter helps stopping crime and keeping us safe
by ...

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Places Where I Help Resource 12

Below are different things that you can do to help. Tick the box showing where you would help people by doing
these things.

Help Home School World

wash dishes

listen to the teacher

buy Fair Trade products

put litter in the bin

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support a charity

tidy bedroom

look after a pet

be nice to friends

share with others

27 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


I Help By ... (Drawing) Resource 13

In each shape, draw a picture of one way you can help others. Or, paste in photographs from magazines or
photographs from home that show ways you can help.

I can help by giving

everyone a smile
when I see them.
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Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

I Help By ... (Circling) Resource 14

Circle the pictures to show ways you help others.

I help with the dishes. I help with the shopping. I help by answering the phone. I help tidy up.

I help in the garden. I help do the cooking. I help wash the car. I help with the pets.

I help tidy my room. I help my grandparents. I help keep my home clean. I help my friends at school.

29 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


My Helping Chart Resource 15

Make a record of the ways you help others in a week by colouring in the squares when you have completed
the task. You can record other ways you help in the blank squares.

I did a message. I played with friends. I helped at lunchtime. I helped a friend.

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I tidied up. I washed the dishes. I stacked the chairs. I dried the dishes.

I gave out books. I helped at breaktime. I listened in class. I delivered the roll book.

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Resources In The Developing World Resource 16

Which of these do you think a person living in the developing world might not have? Circle your answers.

cinema food to snack on games to play cafes and restaurants

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somewhere to sleep swimming pool dinner fun

a loving family a home built from bricks TV celebrations

31 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


My World v. The Developing World Resource 17

How is where you live different from communities in developing countries? Write the differences in the
boxes below.

In My World In The Developing World

People eat ...

People’s homes are ...

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People’s leisure interests are ...

People get food from ...

People get around by ...

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Schools In The Developing World 1 Resource 18

Look at these pictures of classrooms in two different schools. Decide which classroom has the better:
board places to sit desks equipment building books

Photograph of your classroom

33 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Schools In The Developing World 2 Resource 19

Look at the photograph. What differences can you see between this classroom and your classroom?
Find five differences.






Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Schools In The Developing World 3 Resource 20

Look at the photograph. What difference can you see between this classroom and your classroom?
Find five differences.






35 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Why Are People Hungry In The World? Resource 21

Match the picture to the explanation.

The government is bad. People do not get a fair price

for their crops or a fair wage for their work.

The population has grown and there is not enough food

for everyone.

Farms are very small and it is difficult to make money

from them.
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The weather is very hot and it does not rain very often.
This makes it difficult to grow crops.

When countries are at war, money is spent on it rather

than on helping the people.

The people are poor and cannot afford to buy food, so

they have to eat less.
Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping
Causes Of Hunger In The World Resource 22

Causes Of Hunger
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In The World

Word Bank
war weather poverty bad government land ownership

37 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


A Day In Ghana Resource 23

My name is Hassan. I live in a small village in Ghana. I am 13. I live with my parents, who have no jobs. My
two older brothers and I go to school in the nearest town. It is a long walk (3 kilometres).

I wake up very early every morning. I wash my face and clean my teeth. Then I do my jobs. I wash the bowls,
sweep the floors and get water. I like to help my parents but the work is hard.

I carry a bucket to get water. There is a well near my house. Sometimes there is no water in it. Then I have
to go to another well. Sometimes there is no water there either. This means I have to buy the water from a
stand pipe. One bucket of water costs 10p. We need five buckets of water every day. This costs 50p. I have to
work many hours to get 50p.

After I have collected the water, I wash and get ready for school. I used to ride my bike but now it is broken.
Now I have to walk to school. After school I walk back home to rest and eat.

I have to pay for my books at school. I do jobs for others in the village to earn money for the books.

Sometimes I go to church in the evening. Other days, I stay at home and do my homework, or any other jobs
that need done.

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Hassan And Me Resource 24

Listen to the story of the boy’s life in Ghana. How is it different from your life? Complete the table below.

Me Hassan

Where do I live?

How do I get to school?

Who is in my family?

What jobs do I do?

How do I get water?

How do I get books for school?

What do I do in the evening?

39 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping


Helping Developing World Countries Resource 25

These items have been delivered to developing world countries in an aid truck. How do you think these things
will help the people there?

medicines blankets books

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tools seeds clothes

Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

Charity Investigation Resource 26

This charity helps the ...

developing elderly children environment sick animals disabled
Charity world


Friends of the Earth

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Age Concern

NI Hospice

Variety Club


41 Let’s Celebrate Thematic Unit Helping

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