Rules:: Common Sense

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Updated 4/10/2016

Common sense General:

1. The Staff have the final say in all situations. Do not argue with staff
members. If you have a problem with their staffing report them on our
2. DDoSing, prop spamming, and threatening to do so can and will result in
severe punishment (ban).
3. Do not harass people or act biased against them because of their age,
gender, etc.
4. Do not set your name to something vulgar or inappropriate.
5. Using LUA scripts except from the ones that come with the server is
6. Do not impersonate any staff. This will result in a !warn or !ban.
7. Trolling and flaming in chat could get you a warning.
8. Do not encourage or tell people to break the rules in this MOTD.
9. Do not leave the server to avoid a raid, punishment, etc.
10. Do not break rules to enforce rules! Report any rule breaks to an admin.
11. Do not demote if staff members are online.
12. You may not sell RP cash for real currency.
13. Do not be racist or bigoted in the OOC.
14. We do believe in freedom of speech, but there's a line between
harassment and freedom of speech.
15. Make sure the person you are kidnapping/mugging knows you are doing
16. Trolling = KOS/AOS (Warn them before doing so).
17. Cannot have Television, or music player, or DJ radios. In public.

18. RDM (Random DeathMatch) means killing people for no reason. Blatant
RDM will result in a !warn and mass rdm is a day ban or more severe
19. Don't take advantage of jobs to annoy people on purpose. This will result
in a !warn.
20. Do not use bugs or exploits. If you find one, report it on the forums
immediately. If you are found abusing bugs or exploits you can be !warnd !
warn-ed or banned depending on the severity of the abuse.
21. Do not prop climb. This will result in a !warn.
22. Do not prop block unless you're building. You must have at least one
entrance into your base/shop. (See building rules)
22. If players are harassing you while you are building and no staffs are
online, you may prop block your entrance until you have finished building.
You may not have any loot inside while prop blocking.
23. Do not prop surf (using a prop underneath you to scoot/fly across the
24. Do not prop klll (use a prop to hurt/kill someone).
25. Do not prop minge (create props that are welded and constantly colliding
into the wall or themselves in order to create lag)
26. Do not body block people or pretend to be AFK in doorways.
27. If you die during a raid, you may not go back. (See Raiding/NLR rules)
28. No killing/RPing with any Non-RP Classes. (Admin on Duty, Mod on Duty,
29. No roleplay of any kind in the spawn area. As soon as you leave the
spawn area, you may not re-enter to avoid roleplay.
30. If someone is breaking rules please call an admin immediately. You may
not take enforcing rules into your own hands, if there are no staff members
around then take a screenshot or a short video and post on our forums, we
will deal with it.
31. If someone is following you, you must make it clear to them to stop
following you. If they refuse you may kill them.


Text and voice chat

13. Do not be racist or bigoted in the OOC.
14. We do believe in freedom of speech, but there's a line between
harassment and freedom of speech.

1. Do not mass spam props. You will be banned immediately.
2. Do not spam flashlight.
3. Do not mic spam (Unless you are a hobo).
4. Do not spam keys (knocking/locking/unlocking)
5. Do not spam the open/close door.
6. Do not camera spam.
7. Do not spam the stunsitck (if you have one).


Raiding Rules:
1. You do not have to advert a raid or counter-raid.
2. You can raid different bases every 5 minutes, and the same base every 10

3. Do not raid-bait. You may not use /advert or /ooc to tell players to raid
your base.
4. You may counter-raid players, but you may not counter raid players that
are raiding PD.
5. If you are raiding you may not kill bystanders unless you give a warning to
leave. You may not shoot cops on sight unless they rush you or a party
member in an attempt to arrest during the raid.
6. Raiding just for kills is not allowed. For example, if there is a club or shop
and you come in and kill everyone then leave: that is rdm.
7. Raiders may use snipers but must have people trying to raid the base
8. PD raiding is allowed. During a pd raid you may shoot all cops within the

Acceptable reasons for a pd raid:

-----Breaking someone out
-----Kidnapping the Mayor/CP
-----Robbing the bank

9. Hitmen classes may raid for a hit. You may not steal printers, money, weed
plants, drugs, and guns as you are not a raiding/criminal class.
10. If you do advert a raid, that will give the Government full permission to
want/arrest you.
11. You may NOT raid while building sign is up. If there is no sign you are not
building, if you have valuables like weed, printers you may not have a sign
12. You may not have a "building" sign out for longer than 15 minutes.


Mugging Rules:
1. You do not have to advert a mug.
2. You may only mug the same person after 5 minutes have passed.
3. Only raiding classes may mug, otherwise it is failRP. (Anonymous and
hacktivist cannot mug).
4. If you do advert a mug, that gives the Government full permission to
want/arrest you.
5. No counter mugging. However, if you are basing with someone and they
are being mugged then you can counter mug. Counter mugging because
they are your friend is not a valid reason.
6. Cannot mug police or any Government officials.
7. You may not mug any hobos, or the hobo leader.
8. You may only mug for a maximum of $5,000


Kidnapping Rules: (Rules apply to

handcuff kidnappings aswell)
1. You do not have to advert a kidnapping
2. As soon as you have your hostage secured (Ex: In a cell) you must /advert
that you have them hostage and request a ransom. You may only hold your
hostage for 15 minutes (more depending on negotiations). After the 15
minutes is up, you must either release or kill your hostage.
3. The maximum ransom is $25,000 dollars.
4. To kidnap you must be no more than 3 in game steps away from that
player, you must also make it clear which player it is you are kidnapping. You
may not kill them unless they are blatantly running away.

-----If the player escapes, the kidnapper may kill them.

----- If the player escapes, he may defend himself.

5. You may kidnap every 10 minutes, every 20 on the same person.


Initiaion is communication that is required to begin a roleplay situation with
another player. You must use initiation to mug, kidnap and other ways you


Metagaming is when you use information obtained through methods not
allowed to dictate what you do in DarkRP.


- Knowing a thief is a thief because it says so above his head.

- Someone says they have printers in their base in OOC chat, so you raid
- Hearing a base pass code through a wall, then later using it during a raid.

*Just because an example hasn't been listed here doesn't mean it isn't
considered Metagaming.*


FailRP is when you do something in roleplay that isn't allowed in a roleplay


- Typing in OOC for help to escape a kidnapping.

- Killing a Hitman who's near you because it says "Hit Accepted!" above his
head he said Hit accepted.
- Dropping a gun in a hiding place, dying, and then going to the hiding place
and taking the gun.
- Being a Gundealer and only selling weapons to your friends and not the

*Just because an example hasn't been listed here doesn't mean it isn't
considered FailRP.*


Class Specific Rules


Hobo King:

1. Hobo king doesn't have to listen when asked to leave. (You may warn him
3 times, then shoot)
2. May only have a pistol.
3. All general hobo rules apply.
4. You may not force other hobos into playing the way you want.


1. Hobos are allowed to build on sidewalks and parkways. Hobos CAN Sing
and play music through their microphone (must have a stand/prop to stand
2. Hobo homes cannot block doors or entire streets.
3. Hobo is not allowed to have a gun larger than a pistol.
4. If a hobo has a stand outside someone's base and are asked to leave they
MUST do so.
5. Hobos cannot raid or assist in a raid.
6. Hobos cannot be mugged.
7. Hobos may not place props in a way that would severely limit a player's
ability to walk in the streets.

Black Market Dealer:

1. Black market dealers cannot Self Supply.

2. Black market Dealers must have a shop.
3. May not raid/mug/raid assist.

4. May not base with criminals.

5. May scam people for a maximum value of $25,000.
6. Must sell to all players.


1. Citizens cannot base with criminals.

2. Citizens may change their job title with /job for rp reasons, but they will
still be considered citizens and must follow citizen rules.
3. Citizens cannot raid or assist in a raid.

Body Guard:

1. Bodyguards cannot be affiliated with criminals.

2. Bodyguards cannot steal from people who hired them.
3. Bodyguards cannot raid, or assist in a raid.
4. There can only be 1 bodyguard per base.

Weapon Dealers:

1. Weapons dealers must have a shop at all times.

2. Weapons dealers cannot self supply.
3. Weapons dealers cannot scam people.
4. Weapons dealers cannot base with criminals.
5. Weapons dealers cannot raid, or assist in a raid.
6. Weapons dealer must sell to all players.

Dr Freeman:

1. Medic cannot be hired to be a personal medic.

2. Medic cannot have a gun larger than a pistol.
3. Medic cannot base with anyone except other medics.
4. Medic can create a shop to heal people.
5. Medic can assist in raids but only by healing people.



1. The Mayor may only have a pistol or an SMG for self-defense.

2. You may not become the mayor again after dying in a RP situation. You
must wait at least 15 minutes.
3. Maximum amount that can be charged for a gun license is $5,000.
4. Maximum amount that can be charged for bail is $10,000
5. Jaywalking cannot be made illegal.
6. Cannot override overrule the default drug and printer laws that are on by
7. The mayor has a 5 minute grace period in which he cannot be killed.
8. Mayor cannot raid or assist in raids.
9. Mayor cannot own doors or buildings and can only build in PD.
10. May not establish a set curfew for longer than 6 hours.

CP/Swat/FBI/DEA/Swat Sniper All government officials

1. CP/Swat/FBI/DEA/Swat Sniper cannot weapon search someone unless you

have their consent or they enter the PD.
2. CP/Swat/FBI/DEA/Swat Sniper cannot RDA (Random Arrest).

3. If CP/Swat/FBI/DEA/Swat Sniper is trying to arrest someone and they start

to run away then they may shoot. May shoot someone if they run away when
you are attempting to arrest them.
4. CP/Swat/FBI/DEA/Swat Sniper must have a legitimate search warrant to
raid (can't raid for a suspicion of contraband).
5. CP/Swat/FBI/DEA/ cannot own doors or buildings and can only build in PD.
6. Must listen to mayors orders, provided that it will not the rules and are
1. Corrupt CP members are not allowed. (No performing illegal activities, no
ignoring illegal activities, etc.)
2. You must warn someone to put away their gun before arresting them or
killing them.
3. CP may use any weapons at their disposal.

CP Chief/Swat Leader

1. CP Chief/Swat Leader should listen to the mayor and give orders to their
fellow Swat/CP.
2. CP Chief/Swat Leader follow the same rules as CP/Swat/FBI/DEA/Swat

Secret Service:

1. Secret Service must be at the mayors side and disposal at all times.
2. Secret Service follow the same rules as CP/Swat/FBI/DEA/Swat Sniper.

Swat Medic:

1. May only heal Government Officials. (Unless someone shot an innocent

civilian you may help.)

2. May Only base inside of the PD

3. Other basic CP rules apply to Swat Medic



1. The person the kidnapper kidnapping must know that they are being
2. Kidnapper can base with thieves but not gangsters.
3. Kidnappers cannot mug.
4. Kidnappers cannot raid, or assist in raid.

Thief/Pro Thief/Physco:

1. Thief/Pro Thief/Anarchist can base with other criminals except Gangsters.

2. Thief/Pro Thief/Anarchist can mug.
3. Thief/Pro Thief/Anarchist can raid/raid assist.
4.Thief/Pro Thief/Physco: Cops are not KOS on sight! Physco job says Cop
killer but they do not KOS cops!


1. Hitman/EliteHitman can set a hit cost to a max to 10k

2. HItman/EliteHItman must advert they have accepted a hit and completed
a hit

Bloodz/Cripz Member:

1. Bloodz/Cripz Members can mug.

2. Bloodz/Cripz Members may not KOS each other without RP reason.
3. Bloodz/Cripz Members can only raid with their leaders.
4. Bloodz/Cripz Members can only base with their respective gang members
5. Bloodz/Cripz Members MUST follow the orders of their leaders.

Bloodz/Cripz Leader:

1. Bloodz/Cripz Leaders can raid.

2. Bloodz/Cripz Leaders can mug.
3. Bloodz/Cripz Leaders can kidnap only one person at a time.
4. Bloodz/Cripz Leaders can only base with their respective gang members.


Warrants are there to allow the CP to raid. If someone is wanted and hide in
their, or someone elses home, then a warrant allows CP to Warrant/raid them
for hiding while wanted, or harboring a fugitive. You may raid if you have
valid evidence of illegal guns or drugs, but cannot raid for suspicion.


Civil Protection Rules:

1. Corrupt CP members are not allowed. (No performing illegal activities, no

ignoring illegal activities, etc.)
2. You must warn someone to put away their gun before arresting them or
killing them.
3. CP may use any weapons at their disposal.
4. SWAT are allowed to free roam, but they must protect CP during a raid.
5. SWAT help CP in raids, but can arrest if they see crime in front of him.
6. CP members are not allowed to base or own doors, the PD is considered
your home.
7. CP cannot place hits.


Hitmen Rules:

1. Hitmen cannot base with other classes, however, they can be in a party
2. Hitmen cannot complete hits on the same person over and over, you must
accept a hit on a different person each time you receive a hit request. (See
Common Sense rule #3)
3. Hitmen cannot give each other hits as this is FailRP.
4. It is FailRP for CP, Mayor, Military, and other Hitmen to place hits. Hitmen
must not accept from these players.
5. If you are a Hitman, and you have a hit on someone in spawn, do not kill
them. You must wait till they're active and have left spawn.


New Life Rule (NLR)

-In DarkRP, the most basic rule is the New Life Rule or NLR. The rule states
that after you spawn you must forget everything about your previous life,
this includes things like how you died, where you died, and who killed you,
etc. DO NOT return to the area and DO NOT revenge kill.
-NLR lasts for about 5 minutes. You may return to the area then.


Building Rules:
1. Do not trap other plays in bases.
2. Do not use props to hold valuables (printers, drugs, etc) out of a players
3. Do not build any inappropriate/offensive structures.
4. Do not build maze and zig-zag bases.
5. Do not build black bases. Do not use black or invisible material.
6. Any raiders must have enough space to move and raise their weapons
inside of your defenses.
7. Players should not have to jump/crouch anywhere in your base.
8. Do not create double fading doors (2 fading doors next to each other
making it impossible to lock-pick both to get through).
9. You must have a "KOS" line to kill someone in your base or you must warn
them to leave.
10. If someone is basing with you, they must own the doors aswell.
11. No floating bases.

12. You may not have invisible props.

13. Do not fading door abuse. (Using the bind on your keyboard to open the
door quickly, or to avoid a RP situation.) Once the fading is set ALWAYS use
the keypad.
14. Keypads must have a minimum delay open time of 5 seconds.
15. Don't build anything that gives you a ridiculous advantage over people
breaking into your base.
16. Don't build in or on places that you don't own. Do not build in sharedbases unless those who are basing with you agree that you can, if there is a
disagreement call an admin over to solve the problem.
17. Don't build out on the streets or anywhere public unless you have
permission from an admin or highest rank currently on the server, for a
specific project. Hobos are exempt from this rule, hobos can build on
sidewalks as long as they don't block off any entrances or exits.
18. If you have 5 or more people in your party you can construct a megabase
in a small area of the map. You can do this so long as you don't block off
NPCs, and you're careful of how much area you block off. Megabases must
be okayd checked by staff before and after building.
19. You may not block off the entrance to your base while you're building
20. You may not build if you are a Non-RP class. Mayor and Government
Personnel can only build in PD.
21. You may not stack your fading doors. Meaning if you base in the hotel
you may not stack all the fading door behind each other one by one. The real
door must be within 5 meters of the fading door.
22. You cannot have a base that has a shoot-through fading door with a no
collided prop behind it that you can move in and out of cover. The
base/house must be able to be shot at from and able to return fire in a fair


You may not construct a base to create a situation where it is unfair to the
person raiding you. ex: using slanted props so that you can shoot the
raiders, but they are unable to return fire.


1. If you have 5+ people in your party you can megabase, that is, build a
base then encompases a large portion of the map.
2. Before you build, you must okay the megabase with staff.
3. All doors in the megabase must be owned by the party.
4. If you wish to build your base in an area already inhabited by people you
have two options:

-Buy the player out

-Ask them to leave.

Sign rules

1. You may not have a loitering/kos KOS if loitering sign. Just a KOS if
2. You may use signs out of roleplay, meaning you may not post stuff that
involves out of game remarks.
3. Your sign may not contain racism.
4. No signs that are blatantly offensive, e.g. directed at a speicific individual,
and are made in order to offend/annoy someone.
5. Do not place your own signs on other people's buildings in order to


In-Game Laws
These are the laws that should be followed in-game, even without a mayor.
Disobeying them is punishable by government personnel. CP/Swat must
advert three times to stop doing one of these acts, other than Firing off a gun
in public, murder, assault, robbery.

Always illegal (AOS):

Firing off a gun in public

Owning illegal guns (Anything larger than a pistol)
Having an illegal gun out

Always illegal (Warrant):

Money Printers

Always legal:

Owning a handgun (unless mayor makes a law against it)

Self Defense (Only legal if you defend yourself with a legal weapon)

Edited by Scott Stevens, Almightyrawr, Just Bullet, Scruffles and James Cola

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