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Nothing Ever Stays the Same:

Thematic Unit
Personal Development:
Will I Stay the Same?
Learning for Life and Work (MLD)
Writers’ Group

Nora O Baoil, Fleming Fulton School, Belfast (Editor)

Mura Kennedy, Fleming Fulton School, Belfast (Editor)
Avril Fryer, Rostulla School, Newtownabbey
Ruth McCreadie, Longstone School, Belfast
June Richardson, Cedar Lodge School, Belfast
Fionnuala Saunders, St Gerard’s Education Resource Centre, Belfast
Pauline Brady, Rathmore Guidance Centre, Antrim
Colm Hassan, Belmont School, Londonderry
Mary Connolly, Erne School, Enniskillen
Eileen McKeown, Erne School, Enniskillen
Mary McKendry, Castle Tower School (Loughan Campus), Ballymena

Associate Teachers
Denise Maguire, Newtownabbey Educational Guidance Centre
Bronac O’Connell, Sunlea Educational Guidance Centre, Coleraine

A CCEA Publication ©2009

Cover Photograph: Jupiter Images

Unit Title: Nothing Ever Stays the Same
Sub Theme: Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities: Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision-Making

Curriculum Objective: To develop the young person as a contributor to society

Key Elements: Personal understanding, mutual understanding, personal health, moral character, spiritual awareness, citizenship, ethical
awareness, cultural understanding

Attitudes and Dispositions: Personal responsibility, concern for others, openness to new ideas, curiosity, tolerance, integrity-moral courage,
respect, community spirit

Learning Experiences: Investigating and problem-solving, linked to other curriculum areas, relevant and enjoyable, offers choice, supportive
environment, ongoing reflection, enquiry-based, challenging and engaging

The Thematic Units connect the Learning for Life and Work subject strands of Personal Development, Local and Global Citizenship, Home
Economics and Employability and demonstrate how they contribute to the understanding of a central theme. They provide a number of
learning, teaching and assessment activities (and are accompanied by supporting resources) to help you address interpret and develop the
Northern Ireland Curriculum’s key elements and Statements of Minimum Requirement.

Each Thematic Unit contributes to the statutory requirement for Learning for Life and Work and also links to other Areas of Learning. In
addition, there are opportunities to develop learners’ Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities, incorporate Assessment for Learning principles
and make connections to the Cross Curricular Skills.

The units are not intended to be prescriptive and are not the only way to approach the Northern Ireland Curriculum. You do not have to follow
them rigidly. Instead, we encourage you to choose from the wide range of learning, teaching and assessment activities in the units and adapt
and extend them as appropriate for your classes.

1 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Statements of Minimum Requirement

These are the Statements of Minimum Requirement that are addressed in this unit:

Personal Development Personal Development Personal Development

Self-awareness Self-awareness Personal Health
Explore and express a sense of Investigate the influences on a Develop understanding about,
self young person and strategies to manage, the
effects of change on body, mind
and behaviour

Personal Development Personal Development

Self-awareness Relationships
Explore personal morals, Develop coping strategies to deal
values and beliefs with challenging relationship

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Make links
What has changed? ... understand the concept of As a class, discuss the concept of change and how change makes them feel. Use the
between cause
change as an inevitable part of following questions to prompt discussion:
life. – How do we feel about change? and effect
– Is change a good or a bad thing?
– Can you think of examples of change? Communication –
listen to and take
Encourage your learners to share their experience of change with the group. part in discussions
Reassure those whose experiences may be negative that change is a normal part of
life. Then, place your class into pairs and ask them to complete Resource 1 before
showing their answers with their partner. Remind the class that there are no wrong Communication –
answers; this is merely an opportunity to explore how they feel about change. communicate
information, ideas
Resource 1: I Think Change Is… and opinions

Lead your learners through the Take One Step Game described in Resource 2 to
illustrate how much they have already experienced in their lives. Next, ask your
learners to record changes in their lives to date by answering the questions in
Resource 3.

Resource 2: Take One Step Game

Resource 3: How Have I Changed?

Resource Sheet in this booklet

Online Activity (OA) or PowerPoint Activity (PP) available from

Skills tabs printed in orange are Thinking Skills and Personal Capabilities

Skills tabs printed in yellow are Cross Curricular Skills

3 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Examine options,
In what ways can ... identify the physical, social, Present the Health And The Whole Person PowerPoint so that learners can
spiritual, emotional and appreciate the concept of the whole person and explore the five areas of the whole weigh up pros and
I change? cognitive changes as facets of person. Then, ask your learners to sort situations, according to which facet of the cons
the whole person. whole person they belong to, in Resource 4
Communication –
Resource 4: A Closer Look At Change contribute
comments, ask
PP: Health And The Whole Person questions and
respond to others’
points of view
Split the class into five groups – each representing one of the five SPECS facets.
Encourage each group to brainstorm changes that could occur in a lifetime for their
particular area and get them to fill the answers in on their jigsaw piece in Resource Communication –
5 (enlarge sheet to A3). Have the groups cut out and combine their jigsaw pieces find, select and use
to create a poster representing how change can affect our lives. Ask each group information from a
to take time to examine the answers on the whole jigsaw and see if there are any range of sources
answers to add. After the jigsaw exercise, your learners will see that some changes
are easier to notice and quantify than others.

Resource 5: SPECS Jigsaw

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

In what ways can ... identify the physical, social, Explain to your class that we all change from the day we are born, and we will all
spiritual, emotional and change a great deal before we die. Use the Puberty PowerPoint to explore with your
I change? cognitive changes as facets of class how the changes that occur during puberty can affect the whole person. Use
the whole person. as a guided PowerPoint and ensure that your learners understand all the language
used as they go through each slide. The slides are intended to act as a stimulus for
discussion rather than just a record of facts (if pupils need more basic instruction
and resources about coping with the physical changes in puberty, you could refer to
sub-unit My Body in the SLD resource Knowing and Growing). Discuss the language
used in the PowerPoint with your learners (for example impulse control, learning
preferences and peer intentions). Then, describe examples from real life situations
to ensure understanding.

PP: Puberty

Using what has been explored in the PowerPoint, ask your learners to complete
Resource 6 and Resource 7.

Resource 6: Physical Changes

Resource 7: Puberty - How Am I Changing?

5 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

How do I cope ... recognise and name their Have your learners select the words/statements from the list in Resource 8 and
order, classify
own emotions. organise them into four categories (angry, happy, excited or sad) according to how
with feelings? those words make them feel.
and make

Resource 8: Sorting Our Feelings

Communication –
read a range
Ask your learners to use words or pictures to identify triggers for particular
of texts for
emotions and record these in Resource 9. You can give your learners the option to
information and
keep their answers confidential.

Then ask your learners to match the emotions listed in Resource 9 with the facial
Communication –
expressions found in Resource 10. It is important get feedback from the class at the
find, select and
end of this exercise on which faces were difficult to identify. Reassure your learners
use information
that some emotions such as tiredness, boredom and depression can be easily
from a range of
confused if we only observe facial expression.

Resource 9: What Can Trigger Emotions?

Resource 10: Facial Expressions

Work through Resource 11 so that your learners can identify and highlight the
physical changes that take place when we are becoming angry.

Resource 11: Coping With Anger

Encourage your learners to recognise the physical signs in their own body that tell
them they are becoming angry. Talk about strategies that could prevent them from
angry outbursts and loss of self control (for example time out, controlled breathing,
physical activity and talking calmly about how they feel using “I” statements).

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

How do I cope ... recognise and name their Explore minor and major changes. Give four of your learners an example of a
own emotions. change from Resource 12. Have them stick these to their head or back. Then, ask
with feelings? them to arrange themselves in a line from major to minor changes. Next, give all
your learners a chance to examine the line up. If they disagree, allow them to make
a change to the line up and explain their answer. Extend this to larger groups as
your learners get familiar with the activity. Learners will see from this exercise that
people differ in their perception of what is a major or minor change.
Resource 12: Examples Of Change

Ask your learners to consider the scenario of having a substitute teacher for a day

– is it a major change or a minor change? Use Resource 13 to play a role play game
based on a teacher being off. Distribute a role card to 10 of your learners. For
round one of the game, have your learners consider the role and report back to
the class on the following questions: “Is Miss Clark’s absence a major change or
a minor change? how does it make you feel and why?”

Ask for 10 new learners and distribute the cards again. For round two of the game,
tell your learners that after half an hour, it turns out, their character is delighted
about Miss Clark being replaced by Mr. Rashid for the week. Can they think of a
reason for this? Encourage each learner to try to think of a different reason that is
unique to their character.

Follow with a discussion about why the impact of the same change is different for
different characters in the role play.

Conclude the discussion by explaining that it is not necessarily the particular change
in our lives, but our attitude towards change, that defines whether it is significant or
insignificant, positive or negative.
Resource 13: Change Role Play

7 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Generate possible
How can I manage ... develop strategies for When faced with change, it is helpful to have a strategy that helps you to manage
solutions, try
managing change. that change. Provide your learners with a framework for managing change by
change? showing the Managing Change PowerPoint.
out alternative
approaches and
evaluate outcomes
PP: Managing Change
Communication –
Divide the class into teams of four and give each team one of the change scenarios contribute
provided in Resource 14 (adapted from CCEA’s InSync Year 9 resource). comments, ask
questions and
Task each team to take their given scenario of change and apply the managing respond to others’
change framework to answer the questions in Resource 15. Before they begin, ask points of view
each team to nominate team members as follows:
– team leader to ensure the task is completed properly;
– reader to read the worksheet;
– scribe to write the answers; and
– reporter to report back the answers to the rest of the class.
– reporter to report back the answers to the rest of the class.

The team then completes the task in the allotted time and reports back to the class.

Resource 14: Change Scenarios

Resource 15: Managing Change

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Sequence, order,
How will my … explore how relationships Show your class the example of a completed relationship timeline in Resource 15 to
change over time. highlight how long some relationships last as well as how relationships can come classify, and make
relationships to an end (for example when you move house, you change schools, you meet new comparisons
change? friends, someone leaves the home or there is a death).
Communication –
Then, allow your learners to explore how their relationships have changed to date, talk about and
when new relationships developed and when relationships have come to an end. plan work
Give each learner the blank relationship timeline in Resource 17 so that they can
construct an individual list of relationships they have had since birth.

When they have completed their timeline, ask each to share theirs with the group.
Then choosing one of the relationships, predict how this relationship may change in
the future.

Resource 16: Relationships Timeline (Example)

Resource 17: My Relationships Timeline

9 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Justify methods,
How to cope … identify challenges and Introduce the concept that although change in our relationships is inevitable,
opinions and
opportunities arising from sometimes those changes can be difficult to cope with. Explore with your learners
with changing changing relationships. relationship changes they may find difficult to cope with. Together, choose one
relationships? change to discuss and identify what challenges the change may bring and what
opportunities may arise from it. Communication –
Ask your learners to complete Resource 18 on their own by putting the relationship comments, ask
changes in order of least difficult to cope with to most difficult to cope with. Then, questions and
ask them to share their list with a partner. If the two lists are different, have them try respond to others’
to explain their priority and its significance for them. points of view

Resource 18: Relationship Changes

Remind your learners of the earlier lesson when they discovered how our attitudes
to change can affect their impact on us. Explain to them that often changes in our
relationships can be easier to cope with if we consider the opportunities as well
as the challenges these changes can bring. Next, have your learners select four
changes from Resource 18 and write these in the first column of Resource 19.
Then have them each complete Resource 19 by trying to identify the challenges and
opportunities that arise from the changes. Encourage them to share their answers
with the class, as this will offer a wider perspective on what opportunities arise
from change.

Resource 19: Challenges And Opportunities

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Key Question Learning Intention Possible Learning, Teaching and Assessment Activities Skills and
Learners will have Capabilities
opportunities to …

Make predictions,
How to cope with … develop coping strategies for Explain to your learners that one of the things that can make changes in
dealing with loss. relationships challenging is when the change involves a loss of some kind. Tell them examine evidence
loss? that people can respond in different ways to loss depending on the intensity of their and distinguish
feelings about what has been lost. fact from opinion

Together, work through the Stages Of Loss PowerPoint to show that although we Communication –
can all respond differently to loss, there is a common pattern that people go through communicate
when they experience loss. information,
meaning, feelings
Throughout this PowerPoint, learners will explore together scenarios where people and ideas in a clear
go through stages of loss. You can work through just one scenario of loss or explore and organised way
as many scenarios as it takes for your learners to fully understand the concept of
stages of loss. Communication –
listen to and take
PP: Stages Of Loss part in discussions

Help your pupils consider how to manage a situation of loss by asking them to
choose one of the situations from Resource 18, or a personal example, to use with
the guided framework in the interactive book My Journal Of Loss.

Before setting this task, it might be helpful to use a real or imagined loss situation
to model how to use the journal.

PP: My Journal Of Loss

11 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
13 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

I Think Change Is … Resource 1

Use your own words or the word bank below to make three sentences that express what you think about change.

1. Change is . .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................

2. Change is..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

3. Change is..........................................................................................................................................................................................................................

frightening exciting difficult part of life brilliant

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necessary for growth thrilling boring awful

hard easy unpleasant enjoyable good

bad important horrible unsettling common

rare huge no big deal uncomfortable natural

Now share with a partner how you feel about change and explain your answers to him or her.

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Take One Step Game Resource 2

Either indoors or in the playground, ask your learners to form a line. Then read through the following list:

Take one step forward…

If you have ever moved house. If you have ever learned a new word.

If your hair colour has changed since you were born. If you have ever tried a new food.

If you have a younger brother or sister. If someone new has come to live in your home.

If you have ever been inside a church. If you have ever joined a club.

If your height has changed since you were born. If you have ever made someone laugh.
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If you have ever lost a tooth. If you have ever tried to play a musical instrument.

If you have ever fought with a friend. If you have ever played a team sport.

If you have ever shouted at your mummy. If you have ever sung in a choir.

If you ever wondered what God looks like. If you have ever slept away from home.

If you ever had a childminder or babysitter. If you have ever grown a plant.

If someone you know has died. If you have ever changed schools.

Keep this up until there has been significant movement of all learners.

15 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

How Have I Changed? Resource 3

Answer the following questions…

…when you …when you

were 3–5 And now? were 3–5 years And now?
years old? old?

What was your Who were your

favourite game/toy… friends…

What was your

Did you like music…
favourite sport…

What was your

What sort of clothes
favourite TV
did you wear…
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What was your Where did you go on SCHOOL

favourite book… holiday…

What was your Could you ride a

favourite food… bicycle…

What was your

Were you allowed to
favourite soft
go out on your own…

What style/colour of
Did you like school…
hair did you have…

What did you do

in the afternoons/

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
A Closer Look At Change Resource 4

Our health can be divided into five different areas. The picture of the SPECS can help you remember these areas.

Using the colour key, read the changes below and colour them to match
with the area of health.

I have begun I’m going to the

Type of health How it affects you Colour key I used to believe in the
swimming without cinema tonight
tooth fairy.
armbands. with friends.

Social health relationships and the
wider community I am getting better
I am putting on weight;
I believe that we
I need to exercise
at spellings. evolved from apes.
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Physical health Fitness, diet, hygiene,

illness and disease
When I get nervous,
I feel angry sometimes This week I did well in
my hands shake
and shout at people. my times tables test.
Awareness of feelings and sweat.
Emotional health and their effect on your
I have had a row Listening to music I am growing hair
with my mother. makes me so happy. under my arms.
Cognitive health Thinking, learning and

I enjoy puzzles,
I like to spend some I am going to join a
Spiritual health Personal beliefs, value
system and faith
time praying each day. local youth club.
especially hard

17 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

SPECS Jigsaw (1 of 5) Resource 5

Brainstorm changes that could occur in a

lifetime for your assigned SPEC area, and
write your group’s answers in your puzzle
piece below.

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
SPECS Jigsaw (2 of 5) Resource 5

Brainstorm changes that could

occur in a lifetime for your assigned
SPEC area, and write your group’s
answers in your puzzle piece below.

19 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

SPECS Jigsaw (3 of 5) Resource 5

Brainstorm changes that could

occur in a lifetime for your assigned
SPEC area, and write your group’s
answers in your puzzle piece below.

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
SPECS Jigsaw (4 of 5) Resource 5

Brainstorm changes that could

occur in a lifetime for your assigned
SPEC area, and write your group’s
answers in your puzzle piece below.

21 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

SPECS Jigsaw (5 of 5) Resource 5

Brainstorm changes that could

occur in a lifetime for your assigned
SPEC area, and write your group’s
answers in your puzzle piece below.

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Physical Changes Resource 6

Fill in the spaces using the words below. Remember some words will be used for both boys and girls.

hair grows
grow taller breasts develop sweating increases moods change sperm is produced
under arms
hips become
sexual feelings begin voice deepens pubic hair muscles grow menstruation
more rounded
penis and spots on face
testicles grow and neck

23 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Puberty - How Am I Changing? (1 of 2) Resource 7

Using what you’ve learned about puberty, answer the questions below.

What changes happen in a girl’s body?...................................................................................................................


What sort of a role model would a girl choose as she grows into a teenager?......................................................


How does a girl feel about her changing body?......................................................................................................


What things does a girl want to learn about as she becomes a teenager? ...........................................................


What changes about how a girl likes to spend her free time?................................................................................


Do you think everyone changes at the same rate?.................................................................................................


Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Puberty - How Am I Changing? (2 of 2) Resource 7

Using what you’ve learned about puberty, answer the questions below.

What changes happen in a boy’s body?...................................................................................................................


What sort of a role model would a boy choose as he grows into a teenager?........................................................


How does a boy feel about his changing body?.......................................................................................................


What things does a boy want to learn about as he becomes a teenager? . ...........................................................


What changes about how a boy likes to spend his free time?................................................................................


Do you think everyone changes at the same rate?.................................................................................................


25 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Sorting Our Feelings (1 of 2) Resource 8

Sort the words and phrases below into the boxes depending on how they make you feel.

cinema birthday new clothes shopping

computer games when a pet dies going to school falling out with

cleaning my room being grounded weekends summer holidays

circus Christmas pocket money Monday

Friday school dinners X Factor DVDs

brothers sisters grandparents football

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Sorting Our Feelings (2 of 2) Resource 8

Happy Sad
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Excited Angry

27 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

What Can Trigger Emotions? Resource 9

Write or draw something in each box that might cause you to feel…

tired hate excited safe frustrated

confused happy angry embarrassed disappointed

worried content sad bored surprised

upset depressed panic stubborn afraid

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Facial Expressions Resource 10

Using the list of emotions from Resource 9, write the correct emotion under each face.
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29 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Coping With Anger Resource 11

When we become angry or feel under a great deal of stress, our bodies are flooded by ADRENALINE. We cannot see
adrenaline, but we can experience the physical changes adrenaline and anger cause in our bodies.

Highlight in red the physical signs that might let you know you are experiencing anger.

shallow, fast breathing fast pulse relaxed muscles nostrils flare thumping heartbeat

clenched teeth shoulders drop frowning sweating

slow pulse red face deep, calm breathing shoulders tense

clenched fists smiling churning stomach yawning ready to attack

Feeling angry is something that can happen to all of us. It is important to be able to spot when we are getting angry and to
have ways of expressing this feeling that are safe for us and for others. Finish these sentences using the suggestions below.
Insert the suggestions that you think would help you control your anger.
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When I am angry I may not hurt someone else, but I may......................................................................................................................................

When I am angry I may not break things, but I may.................................................................................................................................................
When I am angry I may not scream at others, but I may.........................................................................................................................................
When I am angry I may not hurt myself, but I may..................................................................................................................................................
When I am angry I may not be cruel to an animal, but I may..................................................................................................................................

hug a soft toy have a good cry draw a picture talk things over

walk away from the situation listen to music take deep, slow breaths punch a pillow

go somewhere quiet
ask for help play the drums go for a walk
to calm down

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Examples Of Change Resource 12

Changes can be categorised as minor, major or somewhere in between depending on what significance we place on them.
Each of you will receive a piece of paper with one of these changes written on it. Attach the paper to your forehead and
arrange yourselves in a line so that the changes range from minor at one end to major at the other. Each of you will get a
chance to rearrange the line and give your reasons for changing the order.

use public
get a new go to shops talk to a
transport move house
toothbrush without parents stranger
without parents

learn to write try a new food learn to talk break an arm grow pubic hair
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fall out with best great-granny move to a spend a night

move schools
friend dies different country away from home

get in trouble
get a boyfriend/
with school get your hair cut get cancer get a tattoo

go to a doctor’s
lose your get your
learn to walk appointment learn to read
mobility hair dyed
without parents

31 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Change Role Play Resource 13

My name is Mr Rashid. I My name is Luke. I have My name is Janice. Miss My name is Rahoul. I enjoy My name is Brenda. I won
recently qualified as a teacher. autism and I feel comfortable Clark had said she wanted to school and I work hard. I am pupil of the week last week so
I have been asked to come and safe in my set routines. speak to me about picking on the only boy in my class with I am supposed to be the class
in as a substitute teacher for I can get very upset if my a younger pupil last week in brown skin. I enjoy all sports leader this week. I don’t know
a week because Miss Clark routines change, especially if it the playground. I hope she will and have won lots of medals. if Mr Rashid knows about this.
cannot be here. I have heard happens unexpectedly. have forgotten about it when
this is a very rough school. she gets back to school.
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My name is Daniel. I have My name is Susan. I really My name is Craig. I love My name is Ingmar. I recognise My name is Belinda. My mum
communication difficulties. I hate school. I am no good at coming to school and seeing Mr Rashid from my church. is taking me to Euro Disney
have a special computer that Reading or Maths, but I am all my friends. Schoolwork is We had a special service at the on Wednesday for a fortnight.
talks for me. Miss Clark sets very good with animals. The OK, but my favourite parts of weekend to pray for my mum – She says it is cheaper to book
the computer up for me each most important part of school the day are break-time and she is very sick. I worry about holidays during the school
morning. for me is the home time bell lunchtime. her all the time and haven’t term. I can’t wait.
when I can get back to helping really been able to concentrate
my dad on the farm. on my school work since Mum
got sick.

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Change Scenarios (1 of 2) Resource 14

(adapted from CCEA’s InSync Year 9 resource)

Jennifer discovers that her friends went Conor was devastated when his mum and David’s dad lost his job a few weeks ago.
out to the cinema on Saturday without dad sat him down to tell him that they were He is looking for other jobs but he’s finding
inviting her, AGAIN. She feels a knot in her no longer going to live together as a family. it difficult. He’s become quite depressed and
stomach and is afraid to ask why they didn’t He felt a deep, sharp pain in his stomach that doesn’t have the energy to do anything with
contact her. Aren’t they her friends? Maybe made him physically wince. He wanted to David anymore, like play football or watch
her phone was switched off and they couldn’t close his ears, run outside and pretend those their favourite TV shows together. He used
contact her? words had never been spoken. to be good fun, but now he just sits around
looking miserable and losing his temper
She decides to casually ask why they hadn’t Dad interrupted his thoughts, “You know we easily.
contacted her to go to the cinema and both love you very much Conor, but we no
assumes there is a logical explanation. When longer love each other. We make each other David complained to his mum, but she said
she asks them about it, Sam says, “Can you unhappy. The best thing for everyone is for that David should leave his dad alone as he is
not take a hint?” They all start laughing and Mum and me to separate and live apart. going through a difficult time. She said that
walk off in a group leaving her alone. When You’ll stay here with your mum during the it is unlikely that his dad will find another
she tries to sit with them in class or at lunch, week and I’ll see you at weekends.” regular job at his age and David isn’t to
they move away or ignore her. expect any big presents or holidays anymore.
Conor’s mother intervened at that point, “It’s She seems quite stressed and distracted too.
She cries a lot at home and feels so lonely. OK love. Things will be fine. You’ll see Dad David feels numb and angry. It isn’t fair that
Maybe if she buys them presents or is really every weekend and any other time you need they are taking their problems out on him.
nice to them they will stop acting in this way. to see him, for whatever reason. We’re going
to stay here and things won’t be very different
to before.” Conor thought nothing could be
further from the truth.

33 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Change Scenarios (2 of 2) Resource 14

(adapted from CCEA’s InSync Year 9 resource)

Susan’s mum died seven weeks ago. “I feel Jake had always loved being active – out
so lost and confused. It’s like the whole world on his bike, playing football, skateboarding,
came crashing down. I still haven’t been simply running around, and messing about
able to cry yet, except at the funeral. It’s not with his friends.
fair. Why did she have to die? It makes me so
angry. Then he was in a car crash. He broke his leg in
such a way that he can walk but can’t bend his
I find it really hard to even do the small knee fully, and he runs with a slight limp. Jake
things, like get out of bed, go to school or talk is devastated and depressed. Throughout his
to people. Some days are better than others, whole life he had always been so active and
but I feel so lonely. I need to talk to someone, now all those sports he loved are impossible
but people seem almost afraid of me and for him. He also has a scar on his left cheek
don’t even mention the fact that my mum and is sick of people telling him that it isn’t
has died. Like it can be ignored! I know they really noticeable. It’s noticeable to him.
might feel awkward, but it would be good if
someone would just offer to listen. I don’t Jake’s mum said that he is lucky to be alive
want advice or to be told that I’ll be fine. I’ll and that he can carry on with a normal life.
never get over this.” But Jake doesn’t see what’s normal about
not being able to play all his favourite sports,
run around like he used to or looking like a
freak. His friends don’t bother calling around
for him because he can’t play football or
skate anymore, and he’s left sitting on his
own at break because all the people he hangs
around with go and play outside. Jake thinks
that no one understands how awful it is.

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Managing Change Resource 15

Your team is going to apply the framework for managing change to a scenario about change and answer the questions.
First decide who will do each job and write their name in the space provided. Then, complete the table.

Be aware of what is going What is the change that

on in your life and the has happened or is going to
relationships around you. happen that I cannot avoid?

Team leader................................ Accept your feelings about How am I feeling about this
the change. change?

Identify your fears. What am I worried about

and how would I like the
situation to be different?
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Talk to someone you trust Who can I talk to about this?
about how you feel.

When you are ready, try to What might help me feel

think positively. better?

Adjust your life to make the Are there any good things
most of new situations. that have come from this


35 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Relationships Timeline (Example) Resource 16

10th relationship
Baby Jake (cousin)

9th relationship
Dotty (best friend)

8th relationship
Ms Truesdale (nursery teacher)

7th relationship
Granda B

6th relationship
Granny May

5th relationship
Ginger (goldfish)

4th relationship

3rd relationship
Rose (sister)

2nd relationship

1st relationship

My age in years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
My Relationships Timeline Resource 17

10th relationship

9th relationship

8th relationship

7th relationship

6th relationship

5th relationship

4th relationship

3rd relationship

2nd relationship

1st relationship

My age in years
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

37 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

Relationship Changes Resource 18

Cut out the examples of change below and arrange them in the column below. Put them in order of how hard they are to cope with,
starting with the easiest. One space has been left blank so that you can add an idea of your own.

Your friend’s mummy and daddy are Easiest to

getting separated. cope with

Your best friend is moving to a new country.

Your form teacher moves job and goes

to a different school.

Your mummy is having a new baby.

Your older sister is moving out of home.

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You have a major row with a classmate

and no longer talk to each other.

Your grandmother is coming to live in

your house for a while.

Someone new joins the class and is

seated next to your best friend.

You get a new puppy.

Most difficult
to cope with
Now compare your answers with a partner. Did you agree? Try to explain to your partner why you thought some
of the changes would be more difficult to cope with than others. Have you experienced any of these changes?

Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?
Challenges And Opportunities Resource 19

A change in our relationship can be easier to cope with if we consider the new opportunities the change can bring as well as the challenges.
Use examples of relationship changes from the last worksheet (or some from your own life) and think of the challenges and opportunities
these changes would bring about. The first one has been done for you.

Relationship change Challenges this change may bring you Opportunities this change may bring you

Your mummy is having a new baby Crying, baby getting all the attention, More responsibility, more opportunities
smelly nappies and Mummy too tired to be helpful, more independence while
or busy to come and play Mummy concentrates on meeting baby’s
needs, chance to learn some parenting
skills and having someone new to cuddle
and play with
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39 Nothing Ever Stays the Same Thematic Unit Personal Development: Will I Stay the Same?

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