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Each USA STATE is a Slave State

with no free State

Examine this Post American Civil War map of the

United States. It has fostered the illusion that the
USA has been divided by free and slave states.

Census of 1860

The Census of 1860 has recorded the number of Free

vs. slaves per state across the USA.
Not a single State
State Attorney
General enforce Civil Rights

The United States Congress has passed the Civil

Rights Act of 1866. Not a single State Attorney
General in the North or South enforced the law.

The problem was so bad that Congress passed the Ku

Klux Klan Act of 1871 hoping to force each State
Attorney General to enforce our Civil Rights laws.

Congress began to pass Black Codes (e.g. Jim Crow

Laws or Prohibition) to increase the population of
slaves per state. Each State Attorney General jumped
on the bandwagon singing ‘Glory hallelujah!’

Amendment XIII has become the Golden Calf that

each State Attorney General has bowed down to
worship. Congress has empowered each State with
legal authority to institute slavery as punishment.

Amendment XIV or XV serves as the sacrificial lamb.

Each State Attorney General is obligated to steer
minority groups to the bar association. Private
lawyers dressed in shepherds clothing are like
ravenous wolves that have fleeced the black flock .
Each State Attorney General has
jumped on Immigration Reform

Hispanics are the new black flock. Congress has

branded folds as ‘Illegal Aliens’. This signals each
State Attorney General to round up the fold for the
chopping block. The message is to run these misfits
back across the Mexico border where they belong.

Civil Rights have been intended to protect civilians

being treated in a civil or peaceful manner. Any
civilian regardless of personal profile is entitled to
be treated with respect as a human being.

The United States Constitution does not count all

Americans as human beings. The Anglo Saxons
constitute the Supreme White Race that decides
whether ethnic groups qualify as human beings.

Christopher Columbus and Ponce de Leon have

arrived in America simultaneously. Spaniards
have settled territory in Florida, Louisiana, Texas
and New Mexico. The Anglo Saxons have chased the
Spaniards across the Mexico border into exile.

Hispanics have been returning from exile to the

land that Ponce de Leon had settled territory.
Hispanics should tell the Anglo
Saxons to go to hell
The native American Indian constitute the sole
race that has legitimate right to be here. Each
other nationality has migrated from elsewhere.

How has English become the official language

when England is in Europe? Freedom of speech
means you speak whatever dam language you
please. If Anglo Saxons can’t understand Spanish,
then purchase a translator to interpret speech.

America is a melting pot of a heterogeneous

population. We have to learn to live in peace
respecting each other culture. Each dispute we have
should be settled in a civil court to hear civilians.

Each State Attorney General should steer away from

enforcing Black Codes. Instead, each should begin
to enforce the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871.

Each State will begin to evolve as a free state. The

population of slaves held captive in prisons will
cease and desist from American society.

God will shelter his hedge over America as the Land

of Liberty where each man, woman or child is free.
How does a free state combat
crime to protect public safety?
A free state does not have criminal laws. As such
there isn’t any crime to combat. There aren’t any
prisons that treat human beings as slaves.

There exist only civil laws. The Department of

Human Services (DHS) is solely liable for public
safety. Persons who pose a threat to harm other
persons may be quarantine under hospital
guidelines. Medical personnel (I.e. psychiatrists,
psychologists, neurologists, clinical social workers
oversee his or her therapy or rehabilitation.

DHS must sign off when a person has been properly

diagnosed, treated and rehabilitated to re-enter
society. He or she will not become branded with the
stigma of convicted felon or sexual predator.

The public will come to appreciate the medical fact

that neuropeptide, endorphin or catecholamine
may cause hallucinogenic side effects. The latter
has been the culprit of heinous human behaviors.

A free state has zero crime rate and 100% recovery

rate for persons that pose a threat to public safety.

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