How To Setup and Configure Cisco IOU

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How to Setup and Configure Cisco IOU (IOS on

UNIX) to GNS3-1.1
Posted by vpjaseem in Cisco CCNA on Nov 3, 2014 2:33:38 AM

How to Setup and Configure Cisco IOU to GNS3-1.1 Today Im going to discuss How to
install and configure Cisco IOU in GNS3-1.1. In this way you can emulate Cisco Switch in
GNS3. This article explains to get a working layer 2 switch in GNS3-1.1. Cisco IOS on
UNIX (IOU) is a fully working version of IOS that runs UNIX/LINUX platform. Cisco IOS on
UNIX is intended for Cisco employees for research and experiments. Distribution of IOU
images to customers or external persons is strictly prohibited.

Table of Contents

Tools required
Import GNS3 IOU VM.ova
Uploading IOU image to UNIX
GNS3 Local and Remote Server
IOS on UNIX Configuration for GNS3

Tools required

Oracle VirtualBox
GNS3 IOU VM.ova:- Is the Virtual UNIX platform to run IOU image. It is a virtual
box OVA file.
IOU image: IOU image is intended to use only for Cisco employees, distribution
of IOU is strictly prohibited. Please dont ask me! Google is your friend always.
iourc.txt file: Is the license of Cisco IOU image. I have no privilege to provide it
publically, but I found a discussion related to it here. It may help you.

Step 1: Import GNS3 IOU VM.ova

Import GNS3 IOU VM.ova to VirtualBox.

Go to Settings Network Adapter 1 Make sure it is attached to Host-only

Adapter with name VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter. Then click OK.
Start the GNS3 IOU VM, and login with following credentials.
User name : root
Password : cisco

Step 2: Uploading IOU image to UNIX

Check the IP address of the GNS3 IOU VM by issuing ifconfig command and note down
the IP (mine Now open any web browser in host machine and enter the
following link in the address bar

Choose your IOU image and click Upload button.

Note the location of IOU image being copied

Step 3: GNS3 Local and Remote Server

Go GNS3, Edit Preferences GNS3 Server Local Server
Drop down the Host Binding section and choose 192.168.56.XX, VirtualBox Host-Only
Adapter IP (mine and click Apply.

Again Edit Preferences GNS3 Server Remote Server

Enter UNIX VM IP address (mine and 8000 as port.

Step 4: IOS on UNIX Configuration for GNS3

Go to Edit Preferences IOS on UNIX General Settings
Browse iourc.txt (iourc.txt can be stored on any directory of your local PC, eg:

Go to IOU Devices New button and select server type as Remote. Your remote
server will be listed there. Next

Put a Name for the IOU image and set IOU image path that you noted already in Step
2. (/home/gns3/GNS3/images/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)
Type the image must be L2 if switch IOU.

Click Finish button. Thats that!

You have success fully configured Cisco IOU Layer 2 Switch in GNS3-1.1! Hope I
explained each steps to getting a working IOU in GNS3-1.1

hostname- gns3-iouvm
hostid- 00000000

Yeah there is a step by step procedure to generate a key

1.First of all you must have a VM with linux ( I used Web IOU )
2.Change hostname and hostid of that VM to your hostname and hostid of GNS3 VM.
3.Once its done use which I have uploaded in one of the posts.
4.Execute the file.
There you go.! You have your License.
As long as hostname and hostid of the VM is same i.e hostname- gns3-iouvm
hostid- 00000000. License will remain same. Have fun .!

Setting Up Virtual Box to Work with

IOU (IOS On Unix) Images and GNS3
Version 3

Created by danieldemers

on Oct 26, 2014 7:45 PM. Last modified by danieldemers on

Oct 30, 2014 10:24 AM.


There seems to be lacking some documentation on the steps for how to setup Virtual
Box and any common issues people run into. I hope this brief post will alliviate any
issues and if it does not feel free to post it as a question and tag me in it and I can assist
or message me =)!

(This is also a blog post but I realized it should probably be a document instead)


1) Download Virtual Box

2) Install Virtual Box
3) Download Appliance (supplied by GNS3)
4) Import Appliance into Virtual Box
5) Confirm Required Settings and or Alter Settings Depending
6) Configure GNS3 to Look for Remote Server (Virtual Box Appliance)
7) Point GNS3 at your IOURC File
8) Spin up Virtual Box Appliance and Add Images

9) Add Images in GNS3

10) Use and Enjoy

Here We Go!

1) Download Virtual Box

Downloads Oracle VM VirtualBox

Download your OS's version of Virtual Box. I will be explaining this from a Windows 8
perspective but its nearly identical.

2) Install Virtual Box

The installation will force any VPN, Network, or Appliances depending on the Network to
have a bump in connection for a split second. This is Virtual Box modifying your network
connections for integration with Virtual Box VM's and Appliances.

3) Download Appliance (supplied by GNS3)

Now that Virtual Box is installed and waiting open on your desktop (or a remote
machine which I can explain further down) download the Applaince for GNS3 IOU.

With this Done you can save it somewhere and then go back to Virtual Box for
Importing. Where ever you save it you will be running the VM from that location.

4) Import Appliance into Virtual Box

Go to File > Import Appliance > Hit the Folder on the Right and Select the Appliance File
You Just Downloaded.

Accept the Defaults and Click Import.

Start the Appliance by hitting "Start"

5) Confirm Required Settings and or Alter Settings Depending

Confirm Settings:

Go to Settings > Network > Check to Make sure Attached to: = Host-only Adapter.

Alternatively if you want to have this Virtual Box Appliance Running ALL THE TIME say
on an ESXi or HyperV deployment so you do not need to start it up manually each time
you would alternatively select bridged. When you select bridged it will be apart of the
same subnet as the host device be that a VM or physical machine. It will do DHCP
request to find itself an IP Address. I will show both.


The Above IMAGE ONLY REFLECT A CONFIGURATION where you want the box to be
running on a REMOTE MACHINE! The only change is that the Network Adapter is running
in bridged mode. Allowing it to share the NIC on the same subnet.

6) Configure GNS3 to Look for Remote Server (Virtual Box Appliance)

Open GNS3 1.1 and go to Edit > Preferences > GNS3 Server > Remote Servers > By
Default Host Field has which should be the default of your Appliance if
you left the Network Adapter in Host-Only mode. Leave the port as 8000 and click ADD.

If you did a REMOTE MACHINE install of Virtual Box and the Appliance which would mean
you also set it to Bridge Mode for the Network Adapter then use the command "ifconfig"
after logging in with the credentials of:

Username: root
Password: cisco

Like So:

If you ran it in Bridge Adapter Mode where it got a IP Address from your Network You Will
see a different IP Address under the inet addr field highlighted above. Use that Address
for the Host Field in GNS3 Remote Server Add.

7) Point GNS3 at your IOURC File

In GNS3 go to:
Edit > Preferences > IOS on UNIX > General Settings Tab > Click Browse and Add the
location of your IOURC.txt file.

Hint Go to the 3rd post and download the file found here:

8) Spin up Virtual Box Appliance and Add Images

Now once this is completed you can now go back to your Virtual Box Appliance in a way
=)! If you noticed when it booted up a URL was pasted right above the Log In?

http://:8000/upload Insert the IP Address of the Appliance right after

the HTTP://x.x.x.x:8000/upload and put this in a browser (firefox or chrome works good)

Find the IOU Images you want access to and UPLOAD THEM to this VM.

9) Add Images in GNS3

Adding IMages now in GNS3 is easy but it does require you keep the image above open
which shows you the directories in which the images are stored. The reason being is you
have desigated WHERE the remote server is be it local on the same machine or remote.
Now you must use those directories to tell where GNS3 will go to retrieve the images.

Go into GNS3 and go to:

Edit > Preferences > IOS on UNIX > IOU Devices > Click New > Leave as Remote >

Then Add the Image:

Make sure to put the full path in the second box and any name you want in the first so
for example:

Name: i86bi-linux-l2-adventerprisek9-15.1a.bin
IOU Image: /home/gns3/GNS3/images/i86bi-linux-l2-adventerprisek9-15.1a.bin

Now Finish and Your Image is Added.

Go to your Topology and Drag over Whatever Image you have Added!!!!

10) Use and Enjoy


Message Me if you have Issues or if your really KIND! Post Your Question then Message
me the Link and I can answer there =)))

Also...Make this your homepage going forward for all your browsers! Live It Breath It Be

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magicbydave Oct 29, 2014 6:52 AM

Very Nice guide


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Claudio Magagnotti Oct 29, 2014 8:03 PM

Hi everyone, It's a great guide! I think that in the step "6" is important to say that
if you want to connect IOU devices with IOS routers then the "local server" must
have an Local IP Address instead of "" . If you don't, you will receive an

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Ashwin Oct 29, 2014 11:48 PM

Nice document. Can we similar tutorial on how setting up vmware workstation to

work with IOU.

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Actions Oct 30, 2014 12:01 AM

The images,Where to download
Alsowhen I start my GNS3,error:Server error [-3200] from IOU3: A iourc file is necessary to start IOU.

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twv Oct 30, 2014 2:18 AM (in response to

You need to include the location of the IOURC file. This is a license file in
the format of:

*hostname* = *license*


The default hostname is gns3-iouvm and hostid is 00000000


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Actions Oct 30, 2014 7:21 PM (in response to twv)

Thank you

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Oct 30, 2014 10:25 AM (in response to

I updated my How To. Check out number 7 =)! Also @Todd M has spoken
the truth!

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jdwegner Nov 8, 2014 9:39 PM (in response to

As an FYI: you can upload the iourc using the browser just like uploading
the IOU images. They all go in the same directory on the Linux VM.

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saru_tobi Oct 30, 2014 4:54 PM

Nice one :-D thanx very much, I was wondering if there is an idiots guide to
running Juniper on GNS3, i have seen some but i have no experience with Linux
and to be honest it freaks me out a lil :-(

Thanx in advance

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arun Oct 30, 2014 8:15 PM

It is working for LINUX . can anyone guide with screenshot for Windows 7 Os
not able to fined for windows

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twv Oct 30, 2014 8:29 PM (in response to arun)

This guide is for Windows. Linux doesn't require the use of the IOU VM.

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Oct 30, 2014 8:45 PM (in response to arun)

If your running Windows follow this guide exactly and you will succeed.


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gns42607 Nov 1, 2014 12:39 PM



When I start Virtual Box IOU it gives me an error .. I dont know how to put screen
shots in the message. well I am just writing here what error i am getting when i
start running my IOU VBox machine.

NtCreateFile(\Device\VBoxDrvStub)failed: 0*0000034
Status_Object_NAME_NOT_FOUND (0 retries)

Driver is probably stuck stopping/starting. Try 'sc.exe query vboxdrv' to get more
information about its state. Reebooting my actually help. (rc=-101)

can any body solve this issue many thanks in advance

Muhammad Faisal

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twv Nov 1, 2014 10:16 PM (in response to gns42607)

What version of Virtualbox are you running?

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gns42607 Nov 2, 2014 1:45 AM (in response to twv)

Hello Todd,

I am running latest version of Virtual Box. its 4.3.18 r96516. I

followed the process as described in this discussion. I realy tried to

use Qemu , Vmware and Virtual box but I dont know what is the

I am using windows 8.1 64 bit


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twv Nov 2, 2014 3:05 PM (in response to gns42607)

Did you try running "sc.exe query vboxdrv" in the Windows

command line? This will tell you if the vbox driver is

The fixes I've seen suggest trying a repair install and then
rebooting or completely uninstalling rebooting, then
reinstalling and rebooting.

Do you have other VMs setup?

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gns42607 Nov 6, 2014 4:17 AM (in response to twv)

Hi yes SC.exe is running and yes other vms also

running like XRv running properly but when I tried to
run CSR1000 its install inside vbox but when i tried
connect with gns3 its console not connect with vm
box i dont know why its happeneing.

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gns42607 Nov 2, 2014 2:30 PM

Just want to know I have added IOU images on gns3 using VM ware. the
problem is that gns3 taking default local address for connecting ios, where my local address is when ever i try to
grab an IOS in gns3 working area it start looking on address
which is not my vm ware address can you please tell me how to resolve this
issue .

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epereza10 Nov 8, 2014 11:11 AM (in response to gns42607)

I have the same problem as you, but using the VB machine....Does

anyone know how to solve this? Thxs.

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epereza10 Nov 8, 2014 1:38 PM (in response to gns42607)

Muhammad, An easy way is to change the preferences in Edit->

Preferences-> GNS3 Server, and change the "host binding" for the same
subnet as your VM.

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lresp Nov 2, 2014 2:58 PM


I followed the guide and I could use one IOU device at once, if I tried to add a
second device I receive this error:

GNS3 management console. Running GNS3 version 1.0 on Windows (64-bit).

Copyright (c) 2006-2014 GNS3 Technologies.

=> Server error [-3200] : There are 2 clients connected, the GNS3 server cannot
handle multiple clients yet

I ugraded to GNS3 v1.1 and now it's solved (apparently something in the
GNS3server was changed)

I'm only writing this because I read a lot of posts asking for a solution for the
same issue.

Great Guide!!, thank you for taking the time to help us.

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thexue2006 Nov 6, 2014 2:00 AM

thanks for your guide~


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jdwegner Nov 8, 2014 9:34 PM

Got IOL running. I have an L2 device and an L3 device in my topology. On the L2

device, I have
int vlan 1
ip addr

on the L3 device:

interface Ethernet0/0
ip address
interface Ethernet0/0.10

encapsulation dot1Q 10
ip address
interface Ethernet0/0.20
encapsulation dot1Q 20
ip address

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 8/9/10 ms

IOU2#ping (a VPC hanging off the L2 device on a port assigned to

VLAN 10)
Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:

*Nov 9 04:29:32.539: ether_vencap:(1975)

*Nov 9 04:29:34.549: ether_vencap:(1975)
*Nov 9 04:29:36.549: ether_vencap:(1975)
*Nov 9 04:29:38.556: ether_vencap:(1975)
*Nov 9 04:29:40.557: ether_vencap:(1975)
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)

Have any of you seen this error before? Any ideas?


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ajn Nov 11, 2014 11:21 AM (in response to jdwegner)

Hi J. D. Wegner,
I could reproduce this when pinging a non-existing (or non-reachable) IP
through a layer2 device either layer2 IOU ou generic layer2 switch:

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
*Nov 11 17:56:22.648: ether_vencap:(1975)
*Nov 11 17:56:24.652: ether_vencap:(1975)
*Nov 11 17:56:26.652: ether_vencap:(1975)
*Nov 11 17:56:28.654: ether_vencap:(1975)
*Nov 11 17:56:30.655: ether_vencap:(1975)
Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
After googling the log message, it looks like it is related to IOU image and
layer2. This is observable with ARP.

Not sure whether ARP is the cause or the symptom:

Type escape sequence to abort.
Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
*Oct 22 14:24:25.030: ether_vencap:(1975)
Success rate is 80 percent (4/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms

linux* gns3 v1.1

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thexue2006 Nov 13, 2014 8:09 PM (in response to ajn)

HI Jive:

I have got this issue before.if you link two IOU L2 device,you
may check the switchinterface configure.make sure the link
between two devices interface have got same configure .


interface Ethernet0/0

switchport access vlan 2

switchport mode access

duplex auto


then check you route table ,if its empty.make sure you open the
interface with command no shutdown.

Some L2,L3 switch need ip routing command manual to starting

rouing table.

At last the IOU system probem may cause this issue.

: ajn
: 2014 11 12 2:21
: Re: - Setting Up Virtual Box to Work with IOU (IOS On Unix)
Images and GNS3


Setting Up Virtual Box to Work with IOU (IOS On Unix) Images and

new comment by AJ NOURI View all comments on this document

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stephen Nov 9, 2014 8:48 PM

Starring this! Great work


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Actions Nov 22, 2014 4:31 PM

I keep getting this error when I try to launch the IOU VM in VBox. Same thing on
two different computers, they are both MacBook Pros running Win7 via
Bootcamp. Any ideas? Haven't had much luck figuring this on out.

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o Nov 23, 2014 5:43 AM (in response to

Referencing the error above, I went back to VBox version 4.3.12 and now
everything is working great!
1 of 1 people found this helpful

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stextor Nov 25, 2014 8:20 AM

Excellent guide.. thanks


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alen Dec 10, 2014 12:44 PM

i will 5 router running this error

No warm reboot Storage
!!! WARNING - VM is not running, will be unresponsive (status=1) !!!

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Dec 10, 2014 4:55 PM

Good Job! I'm trolling now looking for the best IOU guides to be featured in an
upcoming L2/L3 IOU Guide. I think this one is right up there.

I think there also needs to be a simple explanation of local host networks and
remote host networks with nice diagrams that show how the packets flow. I know
you guys are a bunch of 'wiz kids', but my job is to keep it simple.

Anyway, good job on this.


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scuigres Dec 11, 2014 8:57 AM

Hi guys,

Very nice tutorial !

What if Windows doesn't let you use any other local IP, besides
Do you know any reasons for it ?

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gns38029 Dec 18, 2014 12:08 PM

I keep getting "connection refused" from virtual box.

Already tried with 2 different computers and 2 different GNS3 versions (now I'm
using the latest more darkside looking recent one )

full message is: (IOU1) - Network error: Connection

refused! - (inactive) - [restart in xxs]

thanks for your help in advance

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gns38029 Dec 18, 2014 12:44 PM (in response to gns38029)

GOT IT fixed!!!!!

it was buggy/damage/dunno IOU image.

just googled for Cisco-IOU-L2-L3-Collection-v3 and found a huge set of IOU


thanks for the awsome tutorial!!!!

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aotholland Dec 18, 2014 1:35 PM

Hi Daniel,
Thank you for document, I have a problem met ipv4 address of Linux machine.

why is there no IPv4 Address from on GNS3 IOU VM?

do not work. Plz help.

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korlems Dec 18, 2014 3:23 PM (in response to aotholland)

I had similar problem, I was able to resolve it after uninstalling my anti

virus and disabling Windows Defender. These may likely be the cause.

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Michelle Dec 18, 2014 3:37 PM

Thanks so much man!!


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kk Dec 19, 2014 2:07 AM


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helios99 Dec 20, 2014 5:55 PM

Thanks for the guide and link regarding the iourc file. By the way is the l2 iou
means and L2 SW and l3 means and L3 SW?

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okembsro Dec 23, 2014 5:45 AM

This tutorial is awesome, very interesting.

Thank you.

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ashok Dec 25, 2014 9:46 AM


did as per the instruction but facing the problem of connecting any other device
to L2 or L3 IOU

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Well, whats up? Today Im going to discuss an interesting GNS3 Cisco simulator tutorial on how to
connect Cisco IOU to GNS3-1.1. This is an alternate way of emulating Cisco switches in GNS3.
So I hope this article will answer how to get a working layer 2 switch in GNS3-1.1

By the way what is a Cisco IOU device? Cisco IOS on UNIX (IOU) is a fully working version of IOS
that runs as a user mode UNIX/LINUX platform. IOU is built as an image and runs just like any other
program. Layer 2 and layer 3 IOU images are available for switching and routing respectively. Cisco
IOS on UNIX is aimed for internal uses only (Cisco employees). Distribution of IOU images to
customers or external persons is strictly prohibited.
The new version of GNS3 (1.1) supports IOS on UNIX, thereby providing fantastic Cisco switch
simulator to the users. Usually people who are preparing for CCIE Routing and Switching will be
using IOS on UNIX facility.

The process to connect Cisco IOU to GNS3-1.1 is a little bit hassle though, but Im gonna give you
simple explanation with step by step procedures.

Tools Required


from here
Oracle VirtualBox: Download from here


GNS3 IOU VM.ova: Is the Virtual Unix platform to run IOU image. It is a virtual box OVA


GNS3-1.1: Download

file: Download

from here

IOU image: IOU image is intended to use only for Cisco employees, distribution of IOU is
strictly prohibited. Please dont ask me! Google is your friend always.


iourc.txt file: Is the license of Cisco IOU image. I have no privilege to provide it publicly, but
I found adiscussion related to it. It may help you.

Now we are ready to go

Step 1: GNS3 IOU VM.ova Setup

Double click GNS3 IOU VM.ova , it will open up in VirtualBox (if you have installed VMware please
right click on the GNS3 IOU VM.ova file and change the open with to Oracle VM VirtualBox).

Click Import button, it will be imported to VirtualBox VM list.

Go to Settings Network Adapter 1

Make sure it is attached to Host-only Adapter with name VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter.

Then clickOK.

Start the GNS3 IOU VM, then login with following credentials.
User name: root
Password: cisco

Step 2: Upload IOU Image to Unix (GNS3 IOU VM)

Check the IP address of the GNS3 IOU VM by ifconfig command and note down the IP (my case

Now come to the host machine and open any browser (Im a Chrome fan). Enter the following link in
the address bar

Choose your IOU image and click Upload button.

[Note: the location of the file being copied (/home/gns3/GNS3/images/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX)]
Now our IOU device is ready to run.!
[Troubleshoot: Please allow 192.168.56.XX network in the firewall, Disable proxy if you are using. In
local PC (host machine) be sure that your VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter is set to accept

Step 3: GNS3 Server Configuration

By default GNS3 host binding is (local host loopback) address, we have to change
the server to192.168.56.XX:8000.
Go to Edit Preferences GNS3 Server Local Server
Drop down the Host Binding section and choose 192.168.56.XX, local VirtualBox Host-Only
Adapter IP (mine and click Apply.

Again Edit Preferences GNS3 Server Remote Server

Add a host by entering UNIX GNS3 IOU VM IP address that we noted in Step 2 (mine and 8000 as port.

Step 4: Connect Cisco IOU to GNS3-1.1

Go to Edit Preferences IOS on UNIX General Settings
The set the path of iourc.txt (iourc.txt can be stored on any directory of your local PC, eg: Desktop),
browse and select it.

Now go to IOU Devices, click New button and select server type as Remote. Your remote server will
be listed there Next

You will receive a message You have chosen to use a remote server, please provide the path
to IOU image located on the server!, just click OK.

Now type a Name for the IOU image and set IOU image path that you noted already in Step 2.
Type should be L2 for switch IOU.

Click Finish button. Thats that!

You have success fully configured Layer 2 Switch in GNS3-1.1! Go to GNS3 GUI and drag the

switch in to work space.

Now explore your new GNS3 Switch!

Hope I explained each steps to get a working IOU in GNS3-1.1
This will be very useful for CCIE training and if you like the post please share and support us.

Connecting iou-web with GNS3

iou-web is released as-is without warranty of any kind. iou-web does not include any Cisco
IOU/IOL binaries or other materials under Cisco NDA. Im not responsible for what you do with
iou-web software.
I release an IOU web interface for people authorized to use Cisco IOU/IOL. If you are not
authorized you shouldnt use Cisco IOU/IOL and iou-web. Im not a Cisco employee and I dont
own any Cisco IOU/IOL binaries or other materials under Cisco NDA.
The following example will show how to establish a connection between iou-web and GNS3 using
VMware Workstation. VMWare vSphere can be used also.
VMware Workstation allows to manage vSwitches (Edit -> Virtual Network Editor):

By default three Virtual Network (vSwitches) are present:

Bridged: the VM will share the physical link of the computer host.

Host-only: the VM will be connected to a routed and separated network. The computer
host will act as DHCP/DNS server and as default gateway.

NAT: as Host-only but computer host will NAT VM IP to external networks.

Many Host-only and NAT Virtual network can be created, but only one Bridged network per
physical adapter can exists.
The Host-only network will be used. The iou-web VM must be configured as following:

The following NETMAP is used:

1:0/0 2:0/0
ID 1 is a simple IOU instance, ID 2 is a Cloud instance bound to eth1:

Save the lab and start both R1 and Cloud:

Now R1 should be able to ping computer host, if the firewall is disabled:


Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 4/5/8
Now start GNS3, add a Cloud device and another GNS3 emulated router. Configure the Cloud to
use the VMnet1 adapter:

If not VMnet adapter is present, try to restart npf service:

net stop npf

net start npf

Start the GNS3 router and assign an IP address in the same network where IOU router is.

Now Microsoft Windows must configured with a Loopback adapter: add new hardware devices
selecting Microsoft as vendor and Microsoft Loopback Adapter (Windows XP/7) or Microsoft
KM-TEST Loopback Adapter (Windows 8).
Open Network Connections and select both VMnet1 and Loopback Adapter: right click and make
a bridge. Host IP address is lost, so must be configured if needed (using the Bridge adapter).


Type escape sequence to abort.

Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2
Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 8/20/40
And CDP is working also:

R1#show cdp neighbors

Capability Codes: R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route
S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP, r - Repeater

Device ID

Local Intrfce




Linux Uni

Port ID
Eth 0/0

Fas 0/0


NS3 1.1 Importing Cisco IOU VM into Virtualbox

Importing Cisco IOU VM into Virtualbox, The Cisco IOU VM can be obtained from this
< >.

Download the GNS3 IOU VM.ova file as of latest.

Launched Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager.

File > Import Appliance...

Browse to the download GNS3 IOU VM.ova file

Open the GNS3 IOU VM.ova file.

Select Next

Select Import. Be sure there is enough RAM on the PC/Laptops.

Select Settings

In the Settgs, ensure Network Adapter 1 is Host-only Adapter on VirtualBox Host-Only Ethernet Adapter.

Power on the GNS3 IOU VM.

Login into the GNS3 IOU VM console with login:password as root / cisco.

Confirm the GNS3 IOU Host IP address is

Use any Internet Browser and goto

Select the Cisco IOU image.

Note: Image cannot be provided but google is always your best friend. The hint I can give is search for
this i86bi_linux_l2-ipbasek9-ms.may8-2013-team_track and i86bi_linux-adventerprisek9-ms.1524.M1

Click upload

Upon complete, the IOU path will be printed on the Files on

Proceed to upload other IOS image file till completed.

Do not save any project, just cancel. Edit > Preferences...

Select Add to add the "Virtualbox GNS3 1.0 IOU VM" host IP address into the Remote servers. Apply. Do
not click OK yet, we going to configure the IOS on UNIX.

For Cisco IOS, it required a license number to operated hence a license key is required to be pushed to
the server. The licence can be download in this link. If you run into any issue with licensing, visit this
forum .

My personal reference is copy and paste the file iourc.txt that I download into C:\Program Files\GNS3
making it easy for me to just browse to one location.

Once the iourc.txt is specify, select Apply. Do not click OK yet, there is additional settings to be configure
in IOU devices.

Adding the IOU device, before that the IOU path field is required. Let take a look how to quickly copy the

Confirm the images is upload into GNS IOU VM going into

cd /home/gns/GNS3/images
ls -l
(All case sensitive for above three line commands)

Remember this, there is trick. Using any Internet Browser, open up and the Files on will be displayed. Highlight the path and copy to the next step. I am going to use
this L2 Switch image for this illustration.

Select Remote and ensure that Run on server with is selected. It can be on different
IP address as long the remote servers is selected corrected.

Copy and paste the IOU image path. For the name, any name can be specify as I choose to use the
image name. L2 image is for this illustration, as L3 image is the same procedure.

Drag the IOU L2 Switches from the Switches panel and happy GNS3!. Continued and repeat the steps
with a L3 Router as well

Nb for current version of gns3 use the following command ro upgrade the gns3server for iou.
pip3 install gns3-server==1.3.0
shutdown h now

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