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Essential Questions

How can I describe the

center of a set of data?
How do range and
interquartile differ?
How can I display and
analyze data in
How are the mean,
median, and mode
Lower Quartile
Upper Quartile
Mean Absolute
Deviation (MAD)

Mobile Apps
Weather app
Nike+ GPS

Informally assesses
the degree of visual
overlap of two
numerical data
distributions with
similar variability,
measuring the
difference between
the centers by
expressing it as a
multiple of a measure
of variability. For
example, the mean
height of players on
the basketball team
is 10 cm greater than
the mean height of
players on the soccer
team, about twice the
variability (mean
absolute deviation)
on either team; on a
dot plot, the
separation between
the two distributions
of heights is
MCC7.SP.4. Use
measures of center
and measures of
variability for
numerical data from
random samples to
draw informal
inferences about two
populations. For
example, decide
whether the words in
a chapter of a
science book are
generally longer
than the words in a
chapter of a fourthgrade science book.


P.O.D. displayed on teacher on board created

Teacher Observation

Mini Lesson
Teacher will share results of Fridays Quiz and
answer any questions posed by students
regarding the quiz. Students who were not
successful on the quiz will be scheduled for
remediation and follow-up for safety net.

Holt 7-2 Lesson Quiz


In order to prepare students for the concept:

Measures of Variability and Central Tendency,
teacher will cover Mean, Median, Mode, and
Range. Teach will utilize Holt 7-2 Lesson PPT
(Mean, Median, Mode, and Range).
Teacher will utilize this lesson to activate
schema of concepts taught in 6th grade.
Teacher will emphasize: the mean is a good
measure to use to describe data that are close in
value. The median more accurately describes
data with an outlier. The mode is a good
measure to use when you have categorical data,
for example, if each student records his or her
favorite color, the color (a category) listed most
often is the mode of the data.
Students will take notes using Holt 7-2 KnowIt Notebook.
Assessment Strategies:
Teacher observation and Holt 7-2 Lesson Quiz
Assessment Usages:
Teacher observation and Lesson Quiz
assessment to determine if students are ready to
work on their own or if students still need
additional instruction or practice.
Work Period
Students will complete the 7-2 Lesson Quiz in
order to assess their understanding. Students
who need remediation will work with the
At the beginning of the work period students
will use the weather app to see what the
temperature will be for the next 8 hours.
Students will then find the mean, median, mode
and range using the temperatures they found on
the weather app.
Students will use the Nike+GPS app for
homework. The students will time themselves
running 10 yards. They will need to find 4
friends that are will to run 10 yards and they
will record their time. The student will
record all the times (which total 5 times) and
then they will find the mean, median, mode
and range of the times.
GA Milestone Prep: the teacher will
administer a pop quiz (random questions or skill
builders) which will cover any previously
taught skill.
ESOL students will be able to use their
Spanish to English dictionary.

Students will play using their mobile
device. This is a quiz with instant feedback to
allow the students to understand if they
understand the topic.

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