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m BramblesͶraspberries and blackberries

1 Location
a ll sn exposre
b rotection from strong winds
c mllow for some air movement arond plants
2 Soil reparation
a ell drained, organic soils
b se organic matter in clay soils or raised beds for better drainage
3 rchase plants in spring from a reptable nrsery
a Verified virs-free
b sally sold bare root
4 Spacing
a lant 2-3 feet apartͶsckers will fill in the rows
b ows shold be abot 18͟ wide
c Leave room between rows to cltivate and pick
5 Trellising ʹ most brambles need to be trellised
6 rning
a Jne-bearing raspberries
1 Most varieties shold not be topped
2 hen new growth begins remove all dead wood
3 o more than seven large canes for every foot of row
4 rit prodction is on second year canes
b Ever-bearing raspberries
1 or frit smmer and fall, se prning techniqes for Jne-bearing berries
2 or a heavy crop in the fall, prne all canes down to 2-4͟, in early spring
c BlackberriesͶsimilar to Jne-bearing raspberries
1 Shold be topped at 2-4͛ to promote branching and excessive cane growth
2 emove older, large canes every spring to encorage new growth
3 an be prned to grond every other year
7 ertilization
a itrogen is the most critical ntrient needed for healthy plants
1 30 lbs nitrogen per acre which is eqivalent to approx 1 cp of ammonim
slfate per 10 feet of row
b mll prpose fertilizer can be applied every 3-5 years, depending on need
8 Irrigation
a ater 1-1 5͟ of moistre per week; increase to 2-2 5͟ per week when friting
b mpply water as infreqently as possible, depending on soil type
c ater logging--when soil becomes so satrated with moistre that oxygen is no
longer available to roots (root rot)

B Strawberries
1 LocationͶneed a minimm of eight hors of snlight for a good crop
a ell-drained site high in organic matter
b ith good drainage they can be grown in most soil types
2 Soil reparation
a Two to six inches or organic material shold be incorporated 2-4 weeks before planting
b aised beds aid with drainage; height shold be 8-12͟ high; width 18-36͟; minimm of
18͟ between rows
3 lant Selection
a sally sold bareroot in spring
b Make sre roots are moist and healthy
4 EstablishmentͶstrawberries are not good at competing with weeds
a lanting and spacing
1 lant a minimm of 8͟ apart in a single row oar 6͟ in an off-set row
2 lanting depth is criticalͶsoil level shold be in an area between the crown and
3 Best to propagate by dividing the crown; daghter plants (rnners from mother
plant) are less prodctive
a riginal crown mltiplies every year and prodces 7-30 new mother plants
ivide crowns in spring redces competition and develops healthier more
prodctive plants
c emove rnners and daghter plants to encorage strong crown and root
4 ew plants need to be kept moist, bt not soaked
5 mnnal Maintenance
a ertilizationͶstrawberries aren͛t heavy feeders and only need a minimal amont of
nitrogen applied in fall after frit prodction has stopped (1 cp ammonim slfate per
10 feet of row)
b Every 3-4 years an all prpose fertilizer may be needed depending on soil type
6 lant otation
a emove and replace every 4-6 years
b hen replacing patch move to another location to redce insect and disease problems
7 Types of strawberries
a Jne-bearingͶlarge prodction at one time
b Ever-bearingͶtwo crops; one in early smmer, one in fall
ay-netralͶprodce once determined matrity level is reachedͶsporadic crop
throghot growing season

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