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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research

B 90 (1994) 128-132
Beam Interactions
with Materials 8 Atoms

Extraction from TeV-range accelerators using bent crystal channeling

R.A. Carrigan Jr. a,*, Dong Chen a, P. Colestock a, D. Herrup a, G. Goderre a, G. Jackson a,
C.T. Murphy a, R. Stefanski a, S. Baker b, N. Mokhov b, B. Parker b, H.-J. Shih b,
R. Soundranayagam b, T. Toohig b, S. Peggs ‘, C.R. Sun d, A. Boden e, D. Cline e,
W. Gabella e, S. Ramachandran e, J. Rhoades e, J. Rosenzweig e, M. Arenton f, S. Conetti f,
B. Cox f, C. Dukes f, V. Golovatyuk f, A. McManus f, K. Nelson f, B. Norem f,
B. Newberger g, J.A. Ellison h, A. Erwin i, R. Rossmanith j, A. Kovalenko k, A. Taratin k,
N. Malakhov k, E. Tsyganov k, M. Bavizhev ‘, V. Biryukov ‘, M. Maslov ‘, A. Khanzadeev m,
T. Prokofieva m, V. Samsonov m and G. Solodov m
a Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Batavia, IL 60510, USA
b Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory, Dallas, TX 75237, USA
’ Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, LI, NY 11973, USA
d State University of New York at Albany, Albany, NY 12222, USA
e University of California at Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA
f The University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22901, USA
g The University of Texas, Austin, TX 78712, USA
h The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA
i The University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706, USA
i CEBAF, Newport News, VA 23606, USA
k Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian Federation
’ Institute for High Energy Physics, Serpukhov, Russian Federation
m Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russian Federation

Plans and first results from Fermilab Experiment 853 are presented. E853 is an experiment to test the feasibility and efficiency
of extracting a low-intensity beam from the halo of the Tevatron using channeling in a bent silicon crystal. The motivation of the
experiment is to apply crystal extraction to trans-TeV accelerators like the LHC. Channeling developments related to crystal
extraction and some early results from accelerator studies at the Tevatron are presented.

1. Introduction physics was submitted to the SSC [lo]. The possibility

of an SSC facility led to a proposal for an experimental
The possibility of beam extraction from accelerators feasibility study of this extraction method in the Fermi-
using bent crystals has been discussed since Tsyganov lab Tevatron, a superconducting accelerator very simi-
first proposed bent crystal channeling [l]. Protons have lar to the SSC and the LHC. This experiment (E853)
already been extracted using bent crystals at Dubna [2], has now been approved for 72 hours of dedicated study
Serpukhov [3], and the SPS at CERN [4]. The idea of time during the Fermilab Collider Run in 1994. Some
extracting halo beam from the SSC with a bent crystal of the accelerator tests connected with the experiment
was first seriously discussed by Sun et al. [5]. Further have already been carried out.
considerations of the idea [6-81, led to a proposal [9] The experiment and the associated channeling stud-
that the SSC (Superconducting Super Collider) East ies have several goals. For channeling the crystal must
Campus footprint be modified to make this possibility be able to be aligned to the beam quickly, crystal
feasible at a later time. A proposal for an experiment quality must be satisfactory, and the crystal must be
which would use such a beam to do fixed-target B- able to survive the radiation damage due to the proton
beam. One goal of the accelerator experiment is to
extract one million 900 GeV/c protons/s with 10”
* Corresponding author, tel. + 1 708 840 8755 , fax + 1 708 protons circulating. Other goals are to show that the
840 4343, e-mail carriganafnal. luminosity lifetime is not seriously shortened and that

0168-583X/94/$07.00 0 1994 - Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0168-583X(93)E0590-D
R.A. Carrigan Jr. et al. / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 90 (1994) 128-132 129

no intolerable backgrounds are created at the Tevatron CRYSTAL

collider experiments. In addition, the relationship be-
tween the RF (radio frequency) modulation amplitude BEAM
used for extraction and the extraction efficiency will be

2. Trans-TeV extraction

The idea of extracting the natural halo of the circu-

lating SSC and LHC beams to make low-intensity Fig. 2. View of the circulating beam looking downstream at
beams has intrigued people for the last decade. Since the bent crystal. The ellipse represents the halo of the beam
this halo will eventually be absorbed on “scraper” schematically. The crystal is bent upwards 640 grad and is on
the inside of the ring. The parallel lines represent the crystal
collimators, why not put it to better use? The proposal
for the SSC was to install a copy of the abort insert
planned for the SSC West Utility Straight Section in
region of the Lambertson magnets where the particles
the unused East Utility Straight Section, but with a
can continue rising.
bent crystal replacing the abort kicker magnets. A
The crystal is mounted at the upstream end of a 1 m
crystal bent by 160 prad would channel halo beam
beam pipe which ends with articulating bellows. Two
incident on it up into the field-free hole of a string of
precision motors (x,y) at each end of the pipe allow
Lambertson magnets. (A Lambertson magnet contains
for the alignment of the crystal with four degrees of
a field-free region separated from the normal magnetic
freedom. The most critical parameter is the alignment
region by a several mm septum.) From there, the beam
of the vertical angle of the crystal with the beam angle,
would exit the accelerator and enter a hall for detec-
which must be done to within 10 grad in order to
tors 2200 m downstream, separated laterally from the
match the critical angle of the crystal (5.2 grad at 900
accelerator by 60 m. Details of the SSC extraction
GeV) with the beam vertical angular divergence of 11.5
concept and Monte Carlo simulations of it are given in
an earlier paper [ll] and the references therein.
There are two air gaps in the extracted particle line
separated by 40 m in which there will be four scintilla-
3. The Tevatron experiment tors and four silicon strip planes to count the extracted
beam and measure its trajectory precisely. This instru-
E853 is taking place in the CO straight section of the mentation is used to prove that the extracted beam is
Tevatron, the normal location of the proton abort line. channeled beam and not just scattered background.
The abort line consists of a three-bend magnetic dog- Since the CO abort line is used for disposing of 150
leg that provides a 4 mrad horizontal kick, so the abort GeV protons during Tevatron injection the detectors
line can clear the magnets at the downstream end of in the line must retract when the Tevatron is not in a
the long straight section. The middle bend in the 900 GeV store. This is accomplished with horizontal
dogleg consists of a series of Lambertson magnets. motion stages driven by standard stepping motors.
During collider runs, the abort line is not used at 900
GeV, so one of the kicker magnets has been replaced
4. Channeling considerations
by a bent crystal. Fig. 1 shows the location of the
crystal in the CO region. As shown in Fig. 2, the crystal
Our recent studies [12] indicate that for a crystal
is positioned to the side of the beam with an upward
used for SSC or LHC extraction the number of type A
curvature of 640 prad. This is sufficient to deflect the
dislocation loops should be kept small and that linear
beam halo that strikes the crystal into the field-free
dislocations densities must be less than 1/cm2. The
silicon crystal to be used for Tevatron extraction has
-__-._ been selected to be dislocation-free (less than 1 dislo-
LAMBERTSON cation/cm2). A suitable sample was found by observ-
ing the line width in double X-ray scattering and by
using film decoration techniques [13]. The 40 mm long
0 crystal is 10 mm wide and 3 mm thick, so that it is
CRYSTAL MAIN BEAM substantially thicker than the vertical beam diameter
Fig. 1. Schematic of the beam line around the Tevatron CO (c” = 0.32 mm). With the use of X-ray scattering the
region; the crystal bends up out of the page into the field-free crystal has been oriented so that the curved surface
region of the Lambertson magnet chain. contains a (110) plane that will be parallel to the

130 RA. Cartigun Jr. et al. /AM Znstr. and Metk. in Pkys. Res. 3 90 (1994) 128-132

accelerator beam at the upstream end of the crystal. pumps beam from the outer edge of the core of the
The techniques used for this crystal analysis are de- beam into the horizontal halo where it will eventually
scribed in more detail in other publications [13]. intercept the crystal on some turn following the appro-
The alignment and flatness of the vertical surface priate number of betatron oscillations. The extraction
facing the circulating beam (the effective septum face) process must be very efficient in order to provide the
are critical factors. These factors must be handled greatest flux possible to a future fixed target experi-
carefully to minimize the thickness of the region for ment while simultaneously maximizing the proton in-
which an incident proton would go in and out of the tensity and luminosity lifetimes during each store. In
crystal and be only partially bent. A particle must addition the process cannot produce significant back-
strike deep enough into the crystal so that it sees an ground at a collider experiment. Finally, because the
uninterrupted lattice structure. It is certainly possible fixed target experiments at the SSC will be rate-limited
to achieve a flatness of 0.5 microns (the wavelength of to no more than one proton passage per RF bucket, a
light), but it is hoped to do substantially better, as the slow and steady method of extraction is necessary.
typical step size for the beam at extraction wiI1 be on The challenge is that there is inadequate natural
the order of 1 urn. halo to obtain extracted intensities high enough to be
The 640 yrad bend angle of the crystal must be interesting for experiments. Halo must be generated by
controlled to 120 prad, half the acceptance angle of perturbations of either the transverse or longitudinal
the extraction channel. The sagitta of the 20 mm bent phase space in a manner which does not appreciably
part of the 40 mm crystal is 1.6 km, measurable only decrease the collider luminosity. As a result, the usual
by high-precision interferometric methods. An analysis method of resonant extraction in the horizontal plane
[14] of the effect of the holder on the crystal lattice was is not permitted. For that reason, techniques have been
carried out with the finite element program ANSYS to investigated that create off-momentum halo in longitu-
simulate the stresses and deformation in the crystal dinal phase space using RF voltage modulations and
while being squeezed in the holder. It was found that thereby continuously populate the region of phase
due to the finite stiffness of the aluminum benders and space near the crystal. The crystal is placed at a point
the flap-back of the bent crystal, a design bend for the of high dispersion so that the off-momentum particles
aluminum bender of 0.96 mrad was required to get an are at large x at the crystal, as illustrated schematically
actual full bending angle of 0.64 mrad in the crystal. by the ellipse in Fig. 2.
Along the surface of the crystal facing the beam, the In this approach particles which are already in the
variation of this bend angle was negligible at the en- tail of the momentum distribution are rapidly excited
trance and exit of the crystal due to the silicon over- to larger momenta so as to achieve large step sizes,
hang beyond the lengths of the aluminum pieces. The without affecting very much the core of the momentum
force required to accomplish this bend is less than 5 kg distribution. The most promising technique of populat-
with a maximum stress in the crystal of less than 10’ P. ing the halo (the CERN [16] approach is along the
This same study shows that at the crystal entrance the same line) is by generating amplitude-dependent diffu-
top edge of the surface of the crystal facing the beam is sion rates in either the longitudinal (SSC and Teva-
closer to the beam than the bottom edge by 0.04 pm. tron) or transverse (LHC and SPS) planes. By generat-
Because this distortion is small this effect is not ex- ing a signal which has a small effect at low amplitudes
pected to affect the channeling efficiency. but generates large particle diffusion rates at greater
The possibili~ of radiation damage of the crystal oscillation amplitudes, luminosity lifetime can be pre-
has been investigated. In a study at BNL flS] at high served while creating a steady state population of parti-
fluence we have found measurable radiation-induced cles which feed into the crystal. These are observed in
dechanneling produced at a fluence of 4 X 10” pro- Monte Carlo simulations to strike well into the crystal
tons/cm’. While this is of some concern at the beam ( > 1 p,rn) with the betatron motion aiding the penetra-
intensities expected for the LHC, particularly for radia- tion. This avoids surface irregularities and crystal edge
tion-induced dislocations [12], it is not significant for misalignments and maximizes the extraction efficiency.
the lower beam intensities and short runs planned for This diffusion rate profile is generated by taking ad-
the Tevatron tests. Heating effects of the beam losses vantage of phase space nonlinearities which create
on the crystal have also been calculated and are negli- amplitude-dependent particle tunes. Since each parti-
gible at the Tevatron. cle reacts only to RF signals at their local resonant
frequencies, frequency-dependent signal power densi-
ties cause amplitude-dependent diffusion rates. Though
5. Slow parasitic extraction driven by RF’noise in most cases simply-shaped random RF noise is uti-
lized, more complicated waveforms have also been
The key to parasitic slow extraction at high energy investigated as a mechanism to improve the mean
is to inject noise into the accelerator RF system. This penetration depth into the crystal [17].
R.A. Carrigan Jr. et al. /Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Rex B 90 (1994) 128-132 131

A diffusion model [18] has been developed for crys- is desired for crystal extraction, the maximum proton
tal extraction using RF noise-induced halo growth background rate measured in the CDF detector was 5
based on a diffusion equation. This has some similari- kHz. Depending on the luminosity, a background rate
ties to the diffusion in transverse energy approach used below the 5-10 kHz range is considered acceptable at
for studying crystal dechanneling. Monte Carlo simula- the CDF detector.
tions (1000 particles) have also been used to track In order to assure that the measurements made
diffusing particles through a million turns of the SSC with the collimator were meaningful for crystal extrac-
lattice. The diffusion results (which are less computa- tion calculations, an unbent silicon crystal was installed
tionally intensive) and the simulation program agree. on the radial outside of the accelerator beam, so that it
The simulation shows that there are viable scenarios could not intercept DC beam. (DC beam consists of
(for both transverse and longitudinal growth) to pro- those particles which have diffused out of the RF
vide halos without disturbing the core. bucket and are spiraling radially inward due to syn-
We have also investigated a second approach to chrotron radiation losses.) On the other hand, particles
increasing the penetration depth into the crystal [19] by with large betatron amplitudes could strike the silicon
adding another thin, aligned crystal to spread the beam crystal as their momentum error increased. With the
with channeling oscillations. This could increase the crystal as the primary aperture and the same diffusion
penetration into the bent crystal substantially and relax conditions as above (10 times that planned for extrac-
the radiation load on the crystal. tion), it was found that the CDF loss increased from
approximately 2 to lo-15 kHz.
Based on these studies, the effects of crystal extrac-
6. Early results related to TeV-range extraction tion should have little or no deleterious effects on a
collider experiment and it should be possible to per-
During the recent Tevatron collider run, an unbent form parasitic studies of crystal extraction during a
crystal was placed at the planned location of the bent collider run.
crystal but to the outside of the ring. This was used to A group at CERN is currently carrying out a similar
study whether halo beam scattered by the crystal cre- experiment [16] in the SPS, operating at 120 GeV.
ated intolerable backgrounds at either of the two col- Their method of inducing diffusion is to introduce
lider experiments [20]. Several sets of measurements white noise on a horizontal damper (electrostatic plates
were performed. The effect of RF noise on the beam capable of deflecting the beam a few tens of prad). To
in the absence of collimation was studied during a date, they report extracting beam with an efficiency of
store at 900 GeV. Collimation effects were also ob- about 9%. Their studies indicate that it is important to
served with conventional collimators and the silicon consider multi-turn extraction, since a particle first
crystal at the proposed bent crystal location. incident on the crystal with an angle greater than the
For the diffusion studies two levels of external ran- critical angle will be multiply scattered by the crystal to
dom noise were applied to the RF system. With an rms a different point in phase space and often will re-enter
external voltage of 500 mV, corresponding to an rms the crystal on a later betatron oscillation with a smaller
RF gradient fluctuation of 5 kV/ turn it was found that angle.
the longitudinal density narrowed while there were
many more particles at large amplitude. Once the
equilibrium shape of the longitudinal bunch distribu- Acknowledgements
tion was established, an exponential particle loss rate
appeared. With 5 kV/ turn noise, the relative proton We would like to acknowledge the support of the
loss rate corresponded to a beam lifetime loss constant SSC Laboratory for the equipment for this experiment,
of 12 min. With a reduced noise level of 50 mV (an RF and the support of the Fermilab Accelerator Division
voltage jitter of 500 V rms) the loss rate time constant in the early installation work. This work was supported
was 17 h, so that a factor of 10 reduction in noise in part by the US Department of Energy under con-
amplitude was responsible for a lOO-fold loss rate tracts DE-AC35-89-ER-40486 and DE-AC02-
reduction. The nominal intensity time constant for 76CH0300.
Tevatron Collider protons varies from 40 to 120 h.
To estimate the impact of a bent crystal on the CDF
(Collider Detector at Fermilab) detector, a horizontal References
collimator was placed next to the beam at AO, one-third
around the ring from CO. The collimator was brought [ll E.N. Tsyganov, Fermilab TM-682 (1976).
in until losses were observed on it. The rms RF ampli- 121 V.V. Avdeichikov et al., JINR l-84, Dubna (1984); En-
tude noise level was set at 500 V/turn. Even though glish translation: Fermilab FN-429 (1986).
this noise level induced a loss rate 10 times that which 131 See, e.g.: A.A. Asseev, M. Bavizhev, E.A. Ludmirslq,

132 RA. Carrigan Jr. et al. /Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 90 (1994) 128-132

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[4] H. Akbari et al., Phys. Lett. B 313 (1993) 491. [15] S. Baker et al., these Proceedings (15th Int. Conf. on
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fer, Proc. Summer Study on the Design and Utilization of 1993) Nucl. Instr. and Meth. (19941 119.
the SSC, Snowmass, eds. R. Donaldson and J. Morfin 1161S. Weisz et al., Proton Extraction from the CERN SPS by
(APS, New York, 1984) p. 483. a Bent Crystal, Proc. 1993 Particle Accelerator Conf.,
[6] M. Harrison and T. Toohig, Proc. 1986 Summer Study on Washington, DC, USA, 1993, to be published in IEEE
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