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Carnegie (VS) and Rockefeller (HO) establish their fortune due to war profiteering

Effects/outcomes of the Civil War - The war destroyed slavery. Four million African Americans free, not
equal, the war consolidated the Northern understanding of freedom as meaning that everyone was
entitled to the fruits of his labor.

Mexican-American War First US conflict fought primarily on foreign soil and first in which U.S. troops
occupied foreign capital.

Mexican-American War dissentersLincolnproposed resolution at the House of Rep, Ulysses Grant

this was the most unjust war ever fought, James C. Congressman who disagreed with the war, Henry
David Thoreau Goes to jail because he fails to pay taxes.

Lincoln and the Border states Wanted to maintain BS because they were still part of the union but
they still had slaves.

The Emancipation Proclamation Only applied to the states still in rebellion because he wanted to
bring those states into turmoil. Did not apply to the north or Border States.

Civil War technologies First war in which Railroads transported troops and supplies, first war to see
railroad junctions such as Atlantic and Petersburg become major military objective, telegraph for
communication, observation balloons to see enemy lines, primitive hand grenades and submarines.
Modern rifles.

The French Revolution- a nation is composed of a sovereign people, replacing kings, clergymen, and
nobles. [Lays foundation for all the nationalistic movements of the 19 th century, changes meaning of what
a country is.]

The Serpent CharmerPainting on orientalism. Depicts non-whites as barbaric, further justified by


Characteristics of nineteenth century nationalism Nationalism is socially engineered from the top

Characteristics of the Second Industrial Revolution - The second Industrial Revolution concentrated
political and economic power in the North Atlantic. Steel, oil, chemicals, and electricity were associated
with the Second Industrial Revolution.

The Freedmans Bureau - refugees, freedmen, and abandoned lands. Many former northern abolitionists
risked their lives to help southern freedmen. Called carpetbaggers by white southern Democrats.
Biggest accomplishments: Education and Healthcare.

The election of 1876 and the Compromise of 1877 Fraudulent election when Rutherford B Hayes
got elected so that republicans could get Hayes elected but the Democrats could get control of the south
helped lead to the idea of Solid South.

The Northern vision of the Reconstruction-era southern economy Northern politicians thought
that black could rise up and that the south would mimic northern economy.

The courts and the Second Industrial Revolution Courts always rule in favor of big corporations

The Haymarket Affair During protest when someone threw a bomb and killed strikers and police being
arbitrarily arrested, killed, going to trial. Workers portrayed as socialists/dangerous to American society.

Utopian and cataclysmic novels US was consumed with labor strikes and anger in the lower classes
that people were going to go to war between the rich and the poor

How southern whites maintained domination over blacks Literacy Test, Poll Tax, Grandfather
clause, lynching.

Reverend Charles G. Ames and U.S. imperialism Anti-imperialist Threaten to undermine democracy
at home. Would require force, as the Spanish had done. Required that the United States become a
permanent military nation.

Free silver/the silver issue The Farmers wanted more silver should be put in the economy so that
there would be more money available. Gold standard vs Free Silver.

McKinley and the Philippines justified keeping the Philippines because he thought they werent ready
for democracy or civilization, to Christianize them, and trade.

1895 Atlanta Compromise Speech Booker T Washington said we should just accept segregation

The Spanish-American War - United States had imperial ambitions. Only lasted a few months, US
gained a lot of territory

Why the U.S. intervened in Caribbean countries between 1898-1934 To protect profit

TR and the Panama Canal zone - The Panama Canal was constructed in the first years of the twentieth
century, after Theodore Roosevelt help engineer Panamas independence from Colombia, the Panama
Canal drastically reduced the time it took for commercial and naval vessels to sail from the Atlantic to the
Pacific oceans. TRs taking of the zones was part of his belief that civilized nations had an obligation to
establish order in an unruly world.

Roosevelt Corollary - Chronic wrongdoing may in America, as elsewhere, ultimately require

intervention by some civilized nation, and in the Western Hemisphere the adherence of the United States
to the Monroe Doctrine may force the United States, however reluctantly, in flagrant cases of such
wrongdoing or impotence, to exercise of an international police power.

Woodrow Wilson and Moral Imperialism - The U.S was the worlds civilizing force. Could spread
democracy and freedom. The U.S. had an obligation to teach other peoples the lessons of democracy.
American manufactured goods and investments went hand in hand with this principle U.S. economic
influence would serve a higher purpose than mere profit. Wilsons Moral Imperialism produced the most
military interventions in Latin America than any other president before or since.

Gentlemans Agreement - An agreement with Japan where Japan agreed to limit immigration, and
Roosevelt agreed to discuss with the San Francisco School Board that segregation of Japanese children in
school would be stopped. The agreement prevented a war that would have been caused by California, who
was in Japan's eyes, oppressing their children.

The Espionage and Sedition Acts (WWI) - This law, passed after the United States entered WWI,
imposed sentences of up to twenty years on anyone found guilty of aiding the enemy, obstructing
recruitment of soldiers, or encouraging disloyalty. It allowed the postmaster general to remove from the
mail any materials that incited treason or insurrection. Made it a crime to criticize the government or
government officials. Opponents claimed that it violated citizens' rights to freedom of speech and freedom
of the press, guaranteed by the First Amendment.

American reactions to German-Americans at start of WWI -Anti-Germanism in the US. The renaming
of certain food ex. Hamburgers

The Great Migration Time period during WWI when blacks were encouraged to move from South to
North [During WWI, cause for more production because white soldiers were going overseas, a lot of African
Americans were able to come up from the south to find new opportunities in the north.]

The Committee on Public Information Headed by George Creole in WWI to try and sway American
public opinion. First time that US government has tried to manipulate public opinion

The Treaty of Versailles - Created by the leaders victorious allies Nations: France, Britain, US, and
signed by Germany to help stop WWI. The treaty 1)stripped Germany of all Army, Navy, Airforce. 2)
Germany had to repair war damages(33 billion) 3) Germany had to acknowledge guilt for causing WWI 4)
Germany could not manufacture any weapons.

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