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Indian Education System

The focus of this synthesis essay is on the Indian Education system
.Globally Indian education system is regarded as the best in ancient
period. But modern scenario is that there is a significant degrade of the
system due to the involvement of politics. Caste system indeed making
the education system more complicated. Reservations for the
underprivileged people are welcomed but up to some extent. Another
major issue is dropout rate which is 52% in 2015.Population in rural
areas barely attends school because they are forced to work by their
About the Indian education system bhagat describes that the ancient
Education system of India was prosperous based on aptitude focused
which encourage added to the indicating limits and the insightful level
close by the learning of social legacy, regard for commitment towards
nation, and practically the amount of the understudies taking a premium
towards learning. Where yeravdekar discusses about the university
system in India which differ from the remaining nations. Mainly about
the donations for the seats in the universities. Where on the other side
bhagat discusses about the involvement of private universities, he states
that there is a rapid growth of private universities in India than the public
universities which indeed increasing the cost of education and making
the education complicated. Vice versa due to lack of funds standards of
public universities are dropping down which was forcing the students to
opt the private universities though they were unable to afford it. Whereas
yeravdekar states that the private universities are selling the seats for
higher prices for those who can afford instead to the one who has the
Bhagat thinks that education system should utilize the
required strategies to provide all the students with a series of relevant

experiences which helps in analyzing the rules and principle through

discovery learning. Whereas Yeravdekar clearly states that the
educational system must change not by changing the procedure but by
changing the process of selecting an allotting the seats to the students by
conducting proper exams, to the one who are having talent but not by
reservation system. The government must also increase public
universities so that it can provide education to all the population in India.
Reservation system must be taken off to treat all equally. University
grants commission must make the rules strict for every university.

1)Bhagat. "Ethical Indian Education System- A Need of the Nation." The
Shelly International Journal of Indian Psychology 7th ser. 3.2 (2016):
100-04.Http:// Web. Mar. 2016.
2)Yeravdekar, VIJAY RAJIV, and Gauri Tiwari. "The Contribution of
Private Participants to the Indian Higher Education System and the
Impeding Role of the Regulatory Structure." International Relations
Conference on India and Development Partnerships in Asia and Africa:
Towards a New Paradigm (IRC-2013) 157 (2014): 330-33. Web. 10 Oct.

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