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Estimated answers to
solve math problems.

Correct math to solve

Choosing the correct
strategy to solve a

Lets Talk- 1 point

Let's Talk

Good Try- 2 points

Good Try

Awesome- 3 points

You used estimation

correctly. This shows you
are not confident about
using estimation. We will
meet so you can continue
to develop this skill.

You used estimation

correctly. This shows that
you know how to use
estimation most of the
time, but need to be more

You used estimation

correctly. This shows that
you understand estimation
and can use it correctly.
Keep up the good work.


You used the cor



Good Try

You used the cor

Let's Talk
You did not use the correct
strategy to solve the
problem. This shows that
you are not confident
about how to solve math
problems. We will meet so
you can continue to
develop this skill.
Mathematical Concepts
Rounding to the nearest
tens or hundreds.


Let's Talk
You correctly res


You used the cor


You used some of the

correct strategies to solve
the problem. This shows
that most of the time you
know how to solve a math
problem. You continue to
need to practice this to get
more confident.


Good Try
You correctly res

You used the correct

strategy to solve the
problem. This shows that
usually, you are able to
choose the correct math to
solve a problem. Keep up
the good work.


You correctly res

You showed very little or

no understanding of how
to round a number to the
nearest ten and hundred.
This shows you need more
practice. We will meet so
you can continue to
develop this skill.
Following directions
Reading and following the
directions for each task.


Let's Talk
You follow ed dire

You showed substantial

understanding of how to
round a number to the
nearest ten and hundred.
This shows that you need
to be more careful on
completing rounding


Good Try
You follow ed dire

You showed complete

understanding of how to
round a number to the
nearest ten and hundred.
This shows that you
understand the rounding
concept. Keep up the good


You follow ed dire

You did not followed all

directions given. This
shows that you need to
read more carefully and to
think about what is being
asked. We will meet so you
can continue to develop
this necessary skill.

You followed some

directions correctly. This
shows that you read and
understood the directions
some of the time, but you
need to be more careful
and to think about what is
being asked.

You followed directions

correctly. This shows that
you carefully read and
understood the directions
most of the time. Keep up
the good work.

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