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The 21st Century Library as

A Center for Informal Learning

A Thesis Proposal Submitted to the

College of Architecture
University of Santo Tomas

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of
Bachelor of Science in Architecture


4 AR 4

April 5, 2016

1 - Introduction
If we value the pursuit of knowledge, we must be free to follow wherever that search may lead
us. The free mind is not a barking dog, to be tethered on a ten-foot chain.
- Adlai E. Stevenson Jr.
Learning is the act of acquiring, modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge
behaviours, skills, values or preferences. The ability to learn is possessed by humans,
animals, plants and to an extent, machines.
Learning and education has evolved over the past century. From conventional
classrooms to e-learning, education has moved and evolved with innovations and
technology. The experience and engagement of students today, takes on a different level
with the advent of digital technology and cloud computing.
Consequently, the face-to-face teaching method is disappearing and the distance
mode of education is becoming more and more popular. The modern day learner is
gravitating towards modules that are designed where the user is free to choose what to
learn, how to learn, when to learn and where to learn. The learner is getting accustomed
more and more to non-formal modes of education; shifting the preference to self-learning
methods. Even most of the print materials that come into the market are meant for selflearning.
The concept of formal education as the only key to survival seems to be changing.
The demand for education within the walls of schools, Universities and Colleges can no
longer satisfy the insatiable appetite of millions of people who need education. Hence,
more people are searching for new learning patterns on their own. It is obvious that these
groups of people; namely drop-outs, adults, open universities candidates and others who
cannot get access to formal education, will have to depend extensively on the use of library
for self-education.
The Library as an educational institution has a unique rote to play in self learning.
Learning from the resources of a library together with competent assistance from a
librarian may be the only way of learning for those people who for one reason or the other
may not have access to formal education. A special awareness on the part of public
libraries is very essential, to the successful implementation of educational programs for
them. This is a special role that only a public library can perform. Public libraries should
serve as a resource for scholars, a centre of information, an aid for students, a means for
self-education, and a centre for amusement (Onadiran & Ondarian, 1981.)
The role of the library in self-education is indispensable. However, from their
(Onadiran & Onadiran, 1981) study it was discovered that it is only those within the formal

school system that make use of public libraries. This situation has to be rectified so as to
extend services to those outside the system.

1.1 Background & Nature of the Project

A library is a reflection of the cultural identity of the community. This suggests that a
library is more than a stack of shelves waiting to be dusted. The library is an ever-present
infrastructure in the community that has ever changing character and use. Libraries are a
multi-dimensional institution that revolve around the users, their ideas, and the pursuit
In the Philippines, the value of a formal education is recognized as the key to success
and for millions, the way out of poverty. What we fail to understand and give importance to
though is the true value of knowledge and healthy intellectual curiosity (Montes, 2015.)
Many Filipino students have been sent to school by their parents for a degree not an
education. Partly to blame is the implementation of the current educational system that
values results above all else.
Much as Filipinos value education, we should also value the essence of libraries, the
physical manifestation of the pursuit of knowledge. According to Farinas (2016), Libraries
are not just buildings meant to house books, but as a place where knowledge and equality
is fostered.
With the problems the educational sector in a third world country like the Philippines is
facing, the truth of the matter is that libraries are given the lowest priority. Topping that list
are problems such as the lack of facilities, affordable education, lack of qualified
The current trend of Philippine entertainment revolves around the standard
shopping mall. Within our society, public resources and facilities are no longer being
celebrated, rather they are being cut off or closed down. Long dead is the Metropolitan
Theater and dying with it the National Museum, and the National Library. We fail to
recognize that as a result of this trend, our culture is degrading more so now than ever.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

The Library is dead. In todays digitally dominating world, the public library is often
considered obsolete. The vitality of such important public spaces is jeopardized by a lack in
use and an even greater lack in the diversity of its users. The typical library today provides
many resources that a large portion of the population can already acquire on their own,
and often with more convenience.

Republic Act 7743, enacted in 1994, mandates the creation and operation of a public
library and reading centers in every congressional district, city and municipality throughout
the country. On this basis, there should be a total of 1,851 public libraries in all, one for
each of the countrys 220 congressional districts, 136 cities and 1,495 municipalities.
But in todays reality, the number of public libraries across the Philippines is far
fewer. According to a latest available data from the National Library of the Philippines, the
country currently only has 688 public libraries nationwide, of types: 4 congressional, 52
provincial, 97 city, and 535 municipal.
To the millennials of the Philippines, the library is unappealing; a relic of the 20 th
Century. It is necessary for the model to be updated to provide the palette for enriching
and exciting experiences internally, while also creating strong external characteristics in
order to become a prominent and attractive feature within the urban fabric. A failure to do
so will result in a further lack of interest in the public library.

1.3 Project Goals & Objectives

The goals and objectives will serve as a determining factor for the researcher to
come up with the best design solution for the proposed Library + project. These would
also help determine the projects degree of importance and impact to the community in
which it is proposed to be implemented.
1.3.1 To Allow for the adaptation of new technologies, new program
requirements, and the fluctuation of collection materials; allow for
quick turnover time between retail leases
1.3.2 To encourage social interaction between varying lifestyles; provide a
space for collaboration, relaxation, and inspiration
1.3.3 To provide a physically and psychologically comfortable space that
allows visitors to make personal connections, encouraging them to visit
1.3.4 To allow for adaptation of new technologies; investigate the impact of
the latest information resources on physical spatial needs
1.3.5 To design a recognizable and memorable building that will be an icon
within the urban fabric and community
1.3.6 To provide alternative means of funding, as opposed to traditional gov't
funding and donations; Lowering operating costs through sustainable
design methods

1.4 Significance of the Study

Libraries build communities. A thriving community needs a decent library more than
it needs malls or event centers, to foster the intellectual development of its citizens.
Most of big and successful places in the world share one similarity: a good library,
which serves as a hub of the vibrant neighborhood. Library archives also preserve
historic artifacts, oral histories, digital history projects, and monographs relevant to the
community, including minority groups.
Libraries are important buildings that help define the image of certain community, it
is then imperative for a community that aims to achieve a model community to have
good civic infrastructures, that would embody ideals of community. This current study
would result in an ideal library, update its system, revitalize public interest, and create a
model for the future library.

1.5 Scope & Limitations

The proposed project shall cover basic library spaces inclusive of offices of the officials
working for the library. It will also include all spaces and provisions required for the
efficient functioning of the library as a whole. This scope shall also adhere certain concepts
of sustainability that is generally found in library facilities such as but not limited to:
Natural lighting, natural ventilation, passive and active cooling, sky lights and sun roofs.
The researcher will provide for other necessary spaces required for a library to be well
equipped for users such as but not limited to: cafes, retail and commercial areas, specified
photocopying and bookbinding stations.
This project aims to focus on the physical aspect of libraries and the science involving
the architecture behind generating spaces suited for such use. The outcome of this aspect
may be dictated but not be restricted nor limited by the following:

Behavioral and psychological attributes of library spaces.

The initial library spaces needed as dictated or required by the local agency
covering all concern regarding library planning.
The need to adapt the library to the 21 st century in both the technological
and socio-economical context.
The need for library and library spaces in the Philippine context.
Library management system in use.

This project shall not be held questionable for the use of the following:

The management system adapted.

The classification of books and division of book sections and serials system

1.6 Definition of Terms

1.6.1 Informal education - happens outside the classroom, in after-school
programs, community-based organizations, museums, libraries, or at
home. Does not correspond to an organized and systematic view of
education; informal education does not necessarily include the
objectives and subjects usually encompassed by the traditional
curricula. It is aimed at students as much as at the public at large and
imposes no obligations whatever their nature.
1.6.2 Internet - The global communication network that allows almost all
computers worldwide to connect and exchange information.
1.6.3 Formal education - classroom-based education provided by trained
instructors. It corresponds to a systematic, organized education model,
structured and administered according to a given set of laws and
norms, presenting a rather rigid curriculum as regards objectives,
content and methodology.
1.6.4 National Library of the Philippines - The National Library of the
Philippines (Filipino: Pambansang Aklatan ng Pilipinas or Aklatang
Pambansa ng Pilipinas, abbreviated NLP) is the official national library
of the Philippines. The complex is located in Ermita on a portion of Rizal
Park facing T.M. Kalaw Avenue, neighboring culturally significant
buildings such as the Museum of Philippine Political History and the
National Historical Commission. Like its neighbors, it is under the
jurisdiction of the National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).
1.6.5 OCLC (Online Computer Library Center) - A bibliographic network
based on an online database of approximately 28 million cataloging
records from its 5500 members, including those of Illinois Library since
1975. It now serves more than 18,000 libraries in 52 countries. The
OCLC database is used for cataloging, for reference work, and for
interlibrary loan. It is the world's largest and most comprehensive
database of bibliographic information.
1.6.6 OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog) - A computerized catalog of
books and other items in the library.

1.6.7 Republic Act 7743 An act providing for the establishment of

congressional, city, and municipal libraries and barangay reading
centers throughout the Philippines appropriating the necessary funds
thereof and for other purposes.

Bates, T. (2005) Technology, e-learning, and distance education

Corpuz, J. (2004) Theory of Constraints for Education (TOCFE) tools in selected
Technology and Livelihood Education components : an integration
Fontes, A. (2016) Why libraries are so important. Retrieved


Gregorio, D. (2008) Integration of values education into technology and livelihood

education subject
Montes, C. (2015) A culture of healthy intellectual curiosity. Retrieved from
Onadiran, G. T. & Onadiran, R. W. (1981). Public library services in Nigeria.
International Library Review. 13,4, 386 410.

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