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Latihan Soal UTS Kelas 7 SMP

For text no. 1-4


The text above is......

a. Notice
c. announcement
b. Memo
d. Invitation


When is it announced?
a. On Friday
c. On Saturday
b. On Sunday
d. On Monday


Who write the text?

a. The principle of the school
b. The teachers of school
c. The leader of basketball team
d. The member of basketball team

How to Make Cocktail





papayas, ice cube, water, and syrup

Tool: bowl
1. Prepare the fruits, peel, and wash them
2. Cut them into pieces like dice
3. Put them into bowl
4. Add water and some syrups
5. Add some ice cubes
6. Your cocktail is ready to serve

Text for no. 8 11

My name is Raya. I have a close
friend, who comes from Kalimantan. Her





What is the purpose of the text?

a. To get some cocktail
b. To describe cocktail
c. To tell cocktail
d. To tell how to make cocktail

name is Ega. We are classmates.

How many ingridients are needed to

make cocktail?
a. 6
c. 5
b. 7
d. 8

She is pretty because of her friendly smile.

Why do we need syrups in making

a. To make taste bitter
b. To make sour
c. To make taste sweet
d. To make delicious

diving. She always says that by diving, she

Put them into bowl. What does them

refer to?
a. Fruits
c. Ice cube
b. Syrup
d. Apples

To all Basketball team members

The regular practice tommorow (Monday,
March 4th, 2013) is cancelled due to
examination. Instead the practice will be held
on Sunday, March 10th, 2013 at 8.00 am.
Thank you for your attention.
Head of Basketball Team

Ega is smart, dilligent and friendly.

She is tall. She has a dark complexion and
thick eyebrows. She is good at English and
often help me when I heve difficulties in it.
She likes to help other people, so she has
many friends.
Ega is a brave gils because she like
could have fantastic experiences.


What is the text about? Its about......

a. Special person, Raya
b. Ega, Rayas close friend
c. The descripton of Raya
d. The description of Egas family


Which one is Egas physical appereance?

a. Her hair is blonde
b. She has a dark complexion
c. She has a thin eyebrow
d. She is not tall

10. We are classmate. (Par.1)

What does we refer to?
a. Raya and Ega
b. The writer and Ega
c. Ega and her relative
d. Ega and Rayas classmate

11. She is pretty because of her friendly

smile. What is the synonim of the
underline word?
a. Cute
c. beautiful
b. Ugly
d. bad

kg carrot
chicken wing
Celery, pepper, garlic, spring onion

12. Which one is the correct imperative?

a. Standing in lie, please!
b. Stood in line, please!
c. Stands in line, please!
d. Stnad in line, please!

18. The name of the text is....

a. Shopping list
b. Announcement
c. Price list
d. Present list

13. Which one is polite expressions?

a. Go out of class!
b. Follow this instruction!
c. Could you get me a drink, please?
d. Keep silent!

19. Based on the text, what will someone

a. Fruty soup
b. Fried chicken
c. Snack
d. Chicken soup

14. Rava: do you need a help?

Zain: yes, help me do my math
homework, please
The underline utterance is....
a. Refusing help
b. Accepting help
c. Rejecting help
d. Offering help
15. bad are sad get to we very
6 7
The correct arrengement of the jumble
word above is......
a. 6 2 7 3 4 5 1 8
b. 6 2 7 3 4 5 8 1
c. 6 4 7 3 1 5 8 2
d. 6 4 7 3 5 8 1 2
16. Dhea: Mam, may I help you?
Mother: Yes, please buy me a .... of
Dhea: Alright. What else, Mam?
Mother: Nothing.
a. Pack
c. piece
b. Kilogram
d. bunch
17. Rana: Can I get you something?
Yuna: No, thanks. Im stiil full.
The underline expression belong to.....
a. Offering something
b. Refusing something
c. Asking something
d. Accepting something

20. always Gading at five get up

The correct arrengement of the jumble
word above is......
a. 2 1 4 3
c. 2 3 1 4
b. 3 2 4 1
d. 1 4 2 3

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