Mish, Papa Dropped Me Here. So You Call Your Father "Papa". Sam Asked

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Its summer 2015 and vacations has started. Jawad and his sisters spend quality time.

They play
cricket and other indoor games. In evening whole family sits in the garden for tea. Maheen use
this time fantastically. She creates puzzles for kids with the help of Jawad and uploads it on her
blog. Many people follow her blog. One day in evening tea time, she sits alone at the garden
corner and start making a drawing. She makes a cricket ground surrounded by dust, dirt and
human waste. Suddenly a question pop up in her mind and she asks herself. Why shall I make a
dirty ground? Her heart give an answer that there is no clean ground left in our country. Her own
creation surrounds her brain with tsunami of thoughts. Is this really a cricket ground? She asks
herself. No it is not and it should not be like that. Then she search cricket grounds on the internet
and she find clean and beautiful grounds and children playing everywhere. In comparison,
rounds here in Pakistan are filled with trash and kids do not have enough space to play cricket.
She comes up with an idea to draw a comparative drawing. In first drawing, she makes our dirty
grounds with full of trash and in second she shows clean and clear ground. She put both the
drawings on her blog. Under both the drawings she gives caption Name one ground that can
produce cricket players. Next day she receives expected answer from her readers. All of them
with option B the clean and clear grounds. Response from readers makes it clear that our new
generation do not have opportunities to grow mentally and physically. While in other countries
kids have good opportunities to groom their capabilities.

After few days, Mish and Sam decide to go Jawads home. Sam wants to learn more about
internet in order to get some more tutorials for dog and his parrots training. While Mish wanted
to meet Maheen, because in school Jawad told him about her sisters blog. Mish wanted to ask
same question regarding recognizing ALLAH. They both reach at Jawads home with difference
of few moments. Sam Hey! Mish;

Aslam ulaikum. Sam! W/salam. Who dropped you here? Sam asked to mish.

Mish, Papa dropped me here. So you call your father PApA. Sam asked.

They knock main gate.

Jawad comes, so you guys are here, come inside.

Jawad took both inside.

Hey! Cute fellow how are you both? Asked by sisters and parents.

We are fine Thank you. Mish and Sam answered.

So hows your vacations going? Elder Sister asked.

It is going well. Both answered.

Maheen; Sam! What you are doing in these vacations?

Sam; I have planned to train my dog and my parrot. I need your help in this regard.

Maheen; ok! What about Mish?

Mish; I am curious to find ALLAH.

A pin drop silence in the room. His answer dropped everyone jaws. Everyone was shocked to
hear this question from a very small kid.

Beta! Allah is everywhere. Jawads mother answered to convince him.

Yes! I know, but do you think we really believe that GOD is everywhere?

Everyone look each other with blank faces.

Maheen become curious about him and she settle this discussion differently. She answered, I
will answer your questions, dont worry.

Thanks Sister, Said Mish.

Ok guys you start playing let me prepare something for your dinner. Jawads MOM

Hey! Mish, what happened to you why you are looking so astonished? Both asked

No nothing, I am fine. Mish answered.

Maheen; so let us start some Kids fun, Which sport do you like?

All three said; Cricket!!!!!

Maheen: Jawad! Take out your bat and ball.

After 30 minutes of play they go inside. They have some snacks cup of tea and potato chips.
Maheen takes them in her room. She is still thinking over mishz questions.

She asks herself that how can a 7 years old kid can think over this thing. Its God gift.

She put aside her thoughts about Mish and said:

Ok guys lets start some other activity.

Sammar said; sis plz arrange some videos for me.

Ok I will arrange, she answered in very ignorant style because mish was on her mind.

Then she starts looking for some tutorial videos for SAM.
Sammar .what kind of tutorial you want?

Sammar! I want to learn training techniques of parrots.

She finds some video tutorials and asks him to give his feedback.

Jawad shows his sisters blog to mish, Mish start reading some of her articles. He starts reading
an article "Allah and his blessings on us".

He calls Maheen and asks for the description of a sentence. Human can see ALLAH

He asks: how we can see ALLAH?

Maheen, Yes! We can see Allah everywhere, all around us. Mish surprisingly asks, but where?

She replied. look in the garden, in the branches of tress, inside the soil, and everywhere. These
all are Allahs blessings. Can they come into being automatically? No! There is a force behind
and that is ALLAH.

He listen each and every word with concentration and then he asks, If Allah is everywhere, then
why our society is full of bad people.

She replied, ALLAH has taught us everything, ALLAH has sent his messengers on earth to
teach us but this is human who do not follow his teachings and keep doing bad things.

Sis then how will we change humans mind?

I said mish, that ALLAH has given us complete code of conduct. Now it depends on human. She

Hmmm! I will find some solution to rectify society, said Mish

Maheen with smile, yeah! You will be blessed with this power.

Sam: have you downloaded all the videos? Asked Maheen.

Sam: Yes sister I got it, Jawad has shown me some very useful videos.

Maheen asks: But what you really want to do Sam?

I want to train my pets to make them my real companion. My MIA will secure me from all odds
and in case if someone will hurt me my parrot will reveal the story. Sam replied.

Hahahaha! Everyone laughed. Very good! When can we see your trained pets, Maheen asks.

SAM: Come in a month.! Today I learnt that dogs can learn every trick within seven days
just you need to repeat that exercise continuously in order to make his mind used to it.

Oh! Sam knows a lot about animals. That is good. Says Jawad

I think your father is waiting at gate, Maheen says to Mish.

Yeah he is my father. Hey! Sam your father has also arrived. Lets go home. (Mish)

Ok ok lets go. ALLAH HAFIZ everyone. Sam and mish moved outside.

Sara: They are very gentle..

Maheen from behind, have you seen Mish? Did you hear what his question was? He has
something very mysterious in him.

After 15 minutes, Sam and mish arrive at home.

Mishraz was thinking every answer from Maheen. Sam goes home and starts watching the
videos. Sam plays first video of tutorial, and he starts judging Mia who is sitting side by his
computer. Mia took some interest and bark.

In videos he find proper walking tutorial. He starts following the given instruction in videos. He
takes Mia at the main entrance gate and opens it.

He orders Mia to sit and dont go outside. At first she cannot understand and jumped out right
behind SAM.

Sam angrily I said sit.

He again pushes her inside the gate and says stay. She comes out again this time he gets angrier
and pushes her inside. Mean while, his neighbor look at him.

He comes and says: what happened junior, Sam angrily my dog dont want to behave good.
She cannot be a good dog.

No buddy she is good. You dont have grip have complete training knowledge. Neighbor

See these animals are human's best friends. They understand each and every command they react
quickly, they provide security. All you need to know how to train them.

Please help me in train her. Sam requested.

Neighbor OK! I will do

After having dinner with family. Mish feels so tired but before go to bed he go outside to see

After reaching outside he find BABA seating on his bench.

Mish greets him with salam, and baba gives him love.

Mish asks BABA, if ALLAH is everywhere then why there is so much chaos. People become
mean and rude??

Baba says, Beta! We all know ALLAH but we dont obey ALLAH.

Human become mean, our fascination has changed. We have affection with physical things.

We humans never show gratitude for what we have, we complaint for what we dont have.

ALLAH knows everything and he has power to stop at any point but ALLAH has leaved us with
his teachings and just testing us.

Baba asks him to go to sleep. Mish saw into his eyes and says Baba I have many questions. Just
allow me to sit with you for few minutes every day.

On the way to home mish talks to himself, why human is not getting on the track, what they
want? How will they set up this earth with care and love?

He says to himself that Sammar is doing well. He keep pets and takes very good care of them.

Jawad also contributing his part by his work on internet, it facilitates others but Im doing
nothing. I should do something.

In the storm of thoughts he reaches home and goes to bed..

In his dream he sees..After covering long distance a big mountain with multiple colors. It
just wonderful, He says himself

A bird passes over with some amazingly magical color wings.

Mishraz sees that bird is painting everything with his feather colors. He was kind of impressed
by those colors.

Then birds come down and lift him to his shoulders and start flying toward sky. When mish sees
down he got terrified.

Bird keeps flying on the height. Then Mish sees down. He sees a person laying down on and not

He asks bird to lift him. Bird goes down land on a mountain leave mish and he picks the person.

Wow! This is a dream world, He says to himself.

Even bird is helping to save a life. Suddenly he sees fire at his back of the mountain ..

To be continue

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