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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A250 (1986) 57-63 57

North-Holland, Amsterdam




Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA


Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, Long Island NY 11973, USA

We report on the study of a storage ring capable of sustaining an electron beam of the quality required for a high-gain free
electron laser in the vacuum ultraviolet and X-ray region. We describe a method for the optimization of the design of the storage ring
where several competing and often conflicting requirements come into play . We present an example design of a ring that satisfies the
required conditions of beam quality and is able to produce coherent radiation at 400 .4 with tens of megawatts of peak power .

1. Introduction undulator occurs in a single pass, and no mirrors are

needed. The noise power present in the electron beam at
There has recently been remarkable progress in dem- the entrance of the undulator is sufficient to start the
onstrating the generation of coherent radiation through growth of a high power coherent signal during a single
free electron laser (FEL) interaction in the infrared and passage of the beam through the undulator, (An experi-
microwave region (see ref. [1]) . If electron beams of ment on the high-gain FEL in the microwave region was
suitable quality were available, the technique could be carried out by a Lawrence Berkeley/Lawrence Liver-
extended to shorter wavelengths . The FEL would be- more Laboratory Group [4].) [5]. The work reported in
come an intense, tunable and coherent source of X-rays this paper concerns the operation of a high-gain FEL.
and vacuum ultraviolet radiation at wavelengths shorter For an efficient interaction between the beam and
than 1000 f\. In this paper we show how electron the radiation, the undulator must be long and must
storage rings can be designed to meet the stringent have a very narrow gap. This small gap, if placed in a
requirements of beam quality demanded for this pur- normal section of a storage ring, would severely limit
pose . the acceptance of the ring and thus reduce the beam
With present day technology, there are two prom- lifetime due to scattering wiht the residual gas. More-
ising approaches to the production of coherent radia- over, the interaction of the beam with the FEL undula-
tion via a free electron laser in the XUV region. One is tor is disruptive to the quality of the beam itself, mostly
based on cavity formation by end mirrors [2,3], the in terms of energy loss and increased momentum spread .
other through the development of a high gain, single To avoid these problems, the FEL undulator is placed
pass device. The former option, the so-called FEL oscil- in a special bypass section [5], as shown schematically
lator, is at present restricted to longer wavelengths in fig. 1. The electron beam normally circulates in the
because high reflectivity mirrors, although rapidly storage ring without passing through the FEL undula-
evolving through multilayer technology, are not availa- tor. Once every damping time, the beam is directed into
ble at the wavelengths under consideration here (< 1000 the bypass section, where the interaction with the undu-
), [2]. In the second approach, which we call the lator takes place. Intense, coherent radiation is gener-
high-gain FEL, the interaction of the beam with the ated. As the beam leaves the undulator, it is deflected
back into the storage ring, where synchrotron radiation
* This work was supported by the Director, Office of Energy damping reduces the energy spread. After one damping
Research, Office of High Energy and Nuclear Physics, time, the beam is ready to be injected into the bypass
High Energy Physics Division, US Dept. of Energy, under again.
Contract No . DE-AC03-76SF00098 and, in part, under In the next sections we discuss the FEL design issues
Brookhaven National Laboratory DOE Contract No . DE- and the conditions they impose on the electron beam
AC02-76CH00016 . quality. The results of an optimization study are re-

0168-9002/86/$03 .50 © Elsevier Science Publishers B.V . II . ACCELERATOR TECHNOLOGY FOR FELS
(North-Holland Physics Publishing Division)
58 M. Cornacchia et al. / Design concepts of a storage ring

Assuming a beam pulse length of 100 ps and a repe-

tition time (equal to the typical longitudinal damping
time of the storage ring) of 50 ms, we obtain an average
power of 0.3 W.
A coherent source of radiation of such high inten-
sity, both in peak and average power, would certainly
pioneer novel scientific applications.

3. Problems and limitations in achieving high density

electron bunches

Eqs . (1) and (5) show that a free electron laser

requires a stored beam with both significant volume
Fig. 1. Schematic drawing of a storage ring with a bypass
density, ri b , (large peak current and small emittance)
containing a high gain FEL.
and low momentum spread . These conditions place
severe demands on the storage ring design, which must
address the impact of both coherent and incoherent
ported m the form of an example design of a storage
multiparticle phenomena.
The threshold peak currents for the longitudinal and
A list of the symbols not explicitly explained in the
transverse single bunch instabilities are given, respec-
text is given in the Appendix.
tively, by the following expressions (for a review see ref.
[8]) :
2. FEL issues 2araap (E/e )
IL (ZL/n )eff
In the one-dimensional theory, the FEL characteris-
tics are determined by the dimensionless parameter p, and
given by ref. [6] 4 2v (E/e)vs
IT FT . (7)
)1~3 ZTß
P- 3
321ry The effective longitudinal (Z L/n) and transverse
(Z T) impedances are averages of the full frequency
dependent impedances over the bunch mode spectra.
= [JO(~) - J1(~) '2, _ K For typical FEL storage ring parameters, the longitudi-
[JJ] 2
4(1 +2K2 ) * () nal threshold is usually the more severe limit.
Coulomb scattering of strongly bunched electrons
The JO and Jl are ordinary Bessel functions of order within the beam leads to excitation of betatron and
zero and one, respectively. For the parameters of inter- energy oscillations. For large angle scatters, an electron's
est to us, p is typically of the order of 10 -3 . The laser momentum error may exceed the acceptance of the
saturates at a distance z = z sat with a characteristic machine aperture or the RF bucket, whichever is smaller.
saturated peak power Ps,,, . The saturation length and When this happens, the particle is lost and the beam
the peak power are given approximately, in the one-di- lifetime is reduced (Touschek effect). Multiple scatter-
mensional theory with zero energy spread, by ref. [6] ing, on the other hand, causes both longitudinal and
Zsat' 'u/P), (3) transverse diffusion. An equilibrium situation exists
when the intrabeam scattering growth rates are equal to
Psat ' PPbeam, (4) the radiation damping rates: as a result, the equilibrium
where Pb,,., m = ÎE/e is the peak power in the electron emittance may be much greater than it would be if only
beam. If the momentum spread in the beam, up , is radiation damping were considered.
non-zero, the FEL performance is significantly reduced, For typical cases the equilibrium rms emittance is
unless the following condition is satisfied [7] : found to satisfy the relation [9]
aP < 1/N- p . 1/2

Taking the typical values of 1= 200 A, E = 750

1 H112
Eox+ EOx+C 3
MeV and p = 1 x 10 -3 considered in this paper, one GPYB ., ~Y
obtains from eq. (4) a peak laser power of 150 MW.
M. Cornacchia et al. / Design concepts of a storage ring 59

longer dominant anyway .) This behaviour is shown in

fig. 2 for an assumed beam pipe radius of 2.5 cm . Below
aP of about 0.005, the peak current limitation arises
from the longitudinal threshold, whereas above this
value the transverse threshold would dominate. Obvi-
ously the peak current performance improves with in-
creasing momentum spread . Unfortunately, the gain of
an FEL degrades rapidly if up is greater than the p
parameter. This degradation of FEL performance with
increasing momentum spread is illustrated in fig. 2,
which shows the increase in e-folding length (left) and
decrease in gain parameter (peff) compared with their
zero-energy-spread values (l e , p) . For the designs con-
sidered here, we conclude that the value of up that can
be achieved in the storage ring (as a compromise be-
tween storage ring and FEL performance) is about
0.002 .
With regard to the energy optimization, we can only
say that the behaviour of the various effects of concern
(emittance growth, intrabeam scattering, Touschek
scattering) is rather complicated because each effect
scales differently. For this reason we have used ZAP to
determine the expected behaviour. The results are dis-
played in fig. 3, which shows the predicted IBS and
Touschek lifetimes along with the equilibrium emittance
2 3 4 7
values, the bunched beam volume density, and the FEL
5 6 8 9
up [10-3[

Fig. 2. Dependence of the peak current, 1, equilibrium emit- 4

CF 144
tance, Ê x , and some FEL parameters (p, 1e) on the momentum
spread, aP . Degradation of performance (peff, 1eff) with in- up - 0 .002
creasing momentum spread is apparent. A Lorentzian momen- oe = 1 .25 cm
tum distribution was assumed in the calculation of the de-
gradation . X 10 -4
c y /_N
/ / '. .IBS x10 (sec)
where C =10-9 m2/(A s) for e y = eX/10. \\ l
This discussion gives an idea of the limits imposed ~l
îx X 108 (m - rad) l
by the collective effects on the achievement of a high

volume density and thus, ultimately, of a high value of
the FEL parameter p [eq. (1)] . Complicated parametric
relationships are involved in the optimization proce- i

dure. Parametric studies have been carried out using a
comprehensive particle code, called ZAP, which is being P X103 P-Mad-
6~ffih.- N

developed at LBL. As an example, we show the results

of ZAP calculations concerning some parametric de- '
pendences . A more detailed description of our optimiza-
tion study may be found in ref. [9].
In terms of the peak current limitation, one of the
ways of gaining (as can be seen in eq . (6)) is to increase
the allowable momentum spread of the beam. For low 1000 1500

values of up , we expect the peak current to increase as E(MeV)

aP . At larger values of up this increase flattens out Fig. 3. Energy dependence of the following parameters :
because the impedance becomes rf dominated, and thus Touschek lifetime for 3% rf bucket height, TT%; intrabeam
the impedance is also increasing quadratically with up . scattering lifetime, Tx. equilibrium emittance, 2x ; bunch
(In this latter regime the longitudinal threshold is no volume density, 1/yZ e .e y ; FEL parameter, p.


60 M. Cornacchra et al. / Design concepts of a storage ring

figure of merit parameter p . It is qualitatively clear from Table 1

fig. 3 that basically everything follows the overall pat- Short list of lattice parameters
tern dictated by the emittance values . For the 400 A
Bending radius 3.495 m
wavelength specified here for the FEL output, it is Beam energy 750 MeV
apparent that the chosen energy of 750 MeV is close to Field index in bending magnets 5.0
optimum. We also note that the energy dependence of p Momentum compaction 0.00492
is not terribly strong, so that any energy between about Natural emittance 4.6X10-9 m rad
700 and 1100 MeV should be acceptable for the particu- Betatron tunes vx =7 .85, v~,=4.35
lar lattice shown. Natural chromaticity x =-16.6, t y = -15.3
Correction sextupole KFl = 4.94 m -z
strengths Kpl = -4.6 m -z
4. Design example of a storage ring Natural momentum
spread avp=0.37X10 -3
Transverse damping times Tx =69.4ms, Ty = 89 .4ms
The lattice we have adopted for the design example Longitudinal damping time T, = 52 .3 ms
(and denoted CF144) was suggested by a comparative
study of various lattice options [9]. Its main parameters
are listed in table 1 .
The design utilizes a hybrid FODO structure first functions is - 1.5 in the Vignola lattice. As a conse-
proposed by Vignola [10] for a 6 GeV synchrotron light quence, the chromaticity for the same emittance, is
source. The Vignola lattice design makes use of com- lower than in a Chasman-Green lattice. The use of
bined function dipole-and-gradient magnets. three dipoles in the arcs increases the momentum com-
A full period of the structure is given in fig. 4. The paction (a favorable feature, since it increases the peak
pattern is repeated six times around the ring . The lattice current threshold for the microwave instability) and
functions and other parameters are shown in fig. 4 and makes the lattice layout similar to a double FODO
table 1, respectively . structure, but with the advantage of more free space,
This lattice may be considered as a hybrid of a since the D-quadrupole of a normal FODO cell is
Chasman-Green (for instance, see the discussion of the distributed in the dipoles. This layout makes it possible
lattice in ref. [11]) and a FODO lattice. The use of a to distribute the chromaticity correction in four sextu-
combined dipole-gradient magnet makes it possible to poles per period, divided into two families . The two
achieve the low emittance typical of a Chasman-Green families are well decoupled in the two planes, with a
type using the same number of achromats but with resultant improvement in chromatic behaviour and dy-
weaker focusing . The partition damping number J., namic aperture . The main parameters predicted by the
which is usually - 1 in a storage ring with separated code ZAP for this lattice are given in table 2. A sche-

40 20

Lattice CF144

Distance from Center of Long Straight Section (m)

Fig. 4. Lattice structure and functions in one period. The pattern repeats six times around the ring.
M. Cornacchia et al. / Design concepts of a storage ring 61

Table 2 Table 3
Some parameters predicted by ZAP Some acceleration and RF system parameters
Parameters E X /E j, a) Peak effective rf voltage, Vo
10 9 10 :1 10 .1 m rad (including transit time) 1.3 MV
Ex X
Radiation energy loss/turn, Uo 8 keV
Î 199 A
0 .0125 m Energy loss/turn in machine
1.4 impedance, Um 84 keV
TT 10 :1 h
Rffrequency 500 MHz
(Î/ E,E y )X10 -1° 1 :1 5.0 Am -1 Harmonic number 240
10 : 1 6.2 Synchrotron oscillation tune (v,) U18
100 :1 10 .5 Number of bunches for FEL operation 1
p X103 10 :1 1.3 Average beam current 44 mA
Peak beam current 200 A
a) Horizontal/vertical emittance ratio. Shunt impedance 13 .2 Mfl
Power dissipated in rf cavities 137 kW
Power dissipated in machine impedance 3 .8 kW
matic layout of the main ring bypass and booster is Power delivered to beam 350 W
shown in fig. 5. In our study of the ring design, we have Robinson damping time 0.5 ms
assumed that a full energy injector is required at an
energy that is interesting to users of conventional undu-
lators . Thus, in spite of the fact that the FEL is in- with the exception of two novel features . Firstly, the
tended to operate at 750 MeV, we set the injection peak current demand is higher than anything achieved
energy at 1.3 GeV. or designed in existing storage rings in this energy
The rf system requirements for an FEL storage ring range. For this reason, special emphasis must be placed
are similar the those of other electron storage rings, on damping the higher-order modes of the cavity . This

Fig. 5. Layout of the transfer line to the FEL undulator.


62 M. Cornacchia et al. / Design concepts of a storage ring


STORAQE VIT a.1111, ï







Fig . 6. Schematic layout of the storage ring and bypass.

is important in all electron storage rings, but even more bunch from the storage ring, to channel it to the FEL
so in an FEL ring because of the high peak current. undulator, and to reinject it into the storage ring with
Secondly, transient coherent longitudinal oscillations high transfer efficiency . The beam is extracted vertically
are executed by the beam as it reenters the storage ring from the downstream end. This scheme has a total bend
after a passage through the FEL undulator . These oscil- of 180°, and requires only one kicker each for extrac-
lations are excited because the beam loses energy to the tion and injection . Its layout is shown schematically in
FEL undulator. The maximum amplitude of the fig . 6 .
momentum oscillations is expected to be of the order of The layout of the achromat is a compromise between
up = 0.002, the expected relative energy loss by the the geometric conditions imposed by the FEL beam
beam to the undulator . This momentum deviation falls extracted from a straight section of the ring, and the
comfortably within the momentum acceptance of the need for sufficient space to match the lattice functions .
accelerator . The coherent oscillations will be damped by The layout we propose, shown in fig . 6, is a system with
radiation and, even more rapidly, by Robinson damp- two - 45° dipoles separated by a 4 m straight. The
ing. A list of the rf parameters is given in table 3 . straight section incorporates a geometrically symmetric
The purpose of the bypass is to extract the electron DFD quadrupole triplet to complete the achromat. Be-
sides completing the achromatic section, the triplet can
be used to control the amplitude of the beta functions
Table 4 at the exit of the bending section . Some data on the
Undulator parameters B)
FEL undulator are given in table 4 .
Photon wavelength (.4) 400 400 1000 1000
Electron energy (MeV) 500 750 500 750
Magnet period (cm) 1 .85 2.29 2 .36 2 .91 5. Summary and conclusions
K 2.50 3 .61 3 .77 5 .26
Peak magnetic field (T) 1 .45 - 1 .67 1 .71 1 .93 We have reported on a feasibility study of a storage
ßx = 'O' (m) 2.31 2 .97 1 .95 2 .59 ring for a single-pass, high gain Free Electron Laser
Undulator gap : 0 .3 cm . operation . Important aspects of collective instabilities,
M. Cornacchia et aL / Design concepts of a storage ring 63

lattice design, bypass considerations and operational H = function related to the intrabeam scatter-
requirements have been covered by the study. The gen- ing calculation,
eral conclusions are that the high beam quality de- x
= horizontal emittance damping rate from
manded by this particular mode of operation can be synchrotron radiation,
achieved with presently available accelerator tech- TT = Touschek scattering lifetime,
nology . We have presented an example design of a 9IBS = growth rate of the horizontal intrabeam
storage ring able to produce coherent radiation at a scattering process,
wavelength of 400 Â with a power of the order of 150 TIBS = 1/SIBS-
MW peak and 0.3 W average.
Such a ring can also be used as a source of conven-
tional undulator radiation because of its small natural
emittance and lattice flexibility in the choice of the References
length of the straight sections .
J .M.J . Madey and A. Renieri, eds., Proc . Castelgandolfo
1984 FEL Conf., Nucl. Instr. and Meth. A237 (1985) .
Appendix: List of symbols used in the text [2] D.T. Attwood et al., in : Free Electron Generation of
Extreme Ultraviolet Coherent Radiation, eds., J.M .J.
r. = classical electron radius, Madey and C. Pellegrini (Amer. Inst. Phys ., New York,
e = electron charge, 1984) Conf. Proc. No. 118, p. 294.
= undulator wavelength, [3] G. Pelegrini, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 177 (1980) 227.
[4] W.B. Colson and A.M. Sessler, LBL-18905 (January 1985),
K = undulator deflection parameter,
submitted to Ann. Rev. Nucl. Particle Sci.; T.J.
y = ratio electron energy/rest energy,
Orzechowski et al., UCRL-91559 (September, 1984) sub-
nb volume density =Î/(ec2sraxay), mitted to Phys . Rev. Lett.
E = electron energy, J. Murphy and C. Pellegrini, Int. Quant. Elec. Conf.,
Î = peak electron current, Paper WQQ2, San Diego, CA (June 1984).
N = number of undulator periods, [6] B. Bonifacio, C. Pellegrini and N. Narducci, in : Free
exo (e yo) =horizontal (vertical) rms natural beam Electron Generation of Extreme Ultraviolet Coherent
emittance (i .e., as determined by radiation Radiation, eds., J.M .J. Madey and C. Pellegrini (Amer.
effects only), Inst . Phys., New York, 1984) p. 236.
= horizontal (vertical) beta function, J. Murphy, C. Pellegrini and B. Bonifacio, Opt. Commun.
01 = rms bunch length, 53 (1985) 197 .
C. Pellegrini, Brookhaven National Laboratory Report
F, = form factor of the longitudinal microwave
51538 (April 1982); J.L. Laclare; XIth Int. Conf. on High
instability (=1), Energy Accelerators, Geneva (1980) p. 526.
= form factor of the transverse microwave J. Bisognano et A., submitted to Particle Accelerators,
instability ( "- 1), LBL-19771 (June, 1985).
a = momentum compaction factor, [10] G. Vignola, submitted to Nucl. Instr. and Meth.
= synchrotron oscillation tune, [111 Proposal for a National Synchrotron Light Source, BNL
ß = ratio electron velocity/velocity of light, 50535, Vol. L, p. 46 .


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