Standard Operating Procedure-Production 14 8

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Standard Operating Procedure


Contents Of The SOP



Page Number

Executive Summary


Phase I : On-site Activities

Phase II : On-site Activities

Discussion and Interviews and

Overall Confirmation


Existing Internal Weaknesses

Understanding the SOP

Comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Department-wise Standard
Operating Procedure

Production Department


Quantity Surveying (QS)




Procurement Department


Audio Visual Department


Furniture Department


Accounts Department


Administration Department


Admin and HR Department


Other Recommendations & Suggestions


Suggested Templates




Private and Confidential


Executive Summary
The main objective of having a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is to provide the
management and the user with an insight into the process flow to be followed to adhere to
the industry best practices and to ensure effective internal control systems. The SOP would
also standardize the procedure across the various functional units in one division thereby
reducing duplication and overlapping of activities and would also be an effective tool for cost
control, cost reduction and optimization of resources.
Currently, the level of internal control in terms of processes is relatively weak and not all the
required documentary evidences are being issued.
This SOP elaborates on the procedures to be followed by various functional units which have
been explained using narrative descriptions, tabular representations and flow charts. Along
with the process, the person responsible at every stage is also mentioned to improve
The functional units as specified in the name itself are categorized based on the job carried
out by that particular unit. The functional units referred to in this document for developing a
SOP have been listed below:
Production Warehouse Head
Human Resource Management (HRM)
Quantity Surveying
Project Managers
Audio Visual (AV)

Mr. Subiraj
Ms. Jinky
Ms. Joem
Ms. Elpie
Mr. Dinesh
Mr. Dayaram
Mr. Javed and Mr. Fouad
Mr. Chetan
Mr. Khalil
Mr. Greg
Mr. Dani

Respondent Designation
Production Director
Admin/HR Assistant
Admin Assistant
Accountant (Prod)
Quantity Surveyor
Production Manager
Project Manager
Store & Inventory Manager
Procurement Manager
Technical Manager
Furniture Supervisor

The prime focus along this SOP is optimal utilization of resources like Manpower,prudent
Procurement policies ,efficient inventory management and control through proper
documentation and to reduce wastage and overhead costs which would thereby increase the
overall profit per project. Also, it aims at inculcating an effective pre-show budgeting activity
for every project to control costs and prevent for over-riding the quote and get assured of
income expected from the project.
Last but not the least to deliver in time and meet the expectations of the client.The SOP also
contains suggested templates of documents to be issued by various departments to ensure
transparency,maintenance of a complete set of documentary evidence and audit trail.

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In a nutshell, our key focus was to gather as much information as possible through interviews
and discussions with various personnel at the Production Warehouse. We carried out the
creation of the SOP in two main phases namely, On-site activities and drafting the SOP. Each
individual phase was broken into a series of events based on the activity to be performed.
Phase I: On-site activities:This phase includes all the activities and tasks performed at the
Production Warehouse. This phase began with obtaining a briefing on the warehouse and its
operations. As mentioned above, the various events constituting this phase has been charted
below in the order of their occurrence:
Discussions & Interviews
Interviewing divisional heads of every division at the warehouse,
Understanding the existing process flow.
Overall Confirmation
Re-confirming the information gathered with the respective division
Discussing and confirming the correctness of the information gathered
from various divisional heads with the Production Director.
Collecting sample of PO's, MRN, GRN and order forms,
Procuring latest stock count report with differences

Phase II: Drafting the SOP

Evaluating internal weaknesses
Assessing from the information gather on the job profile and process
flows of various personnel, the loopholes and flaws that exist in the
Drafing and Confirmation the SOP
Drafing the Standard Operating Procedure based on the best practices
to be followed in terms of the process accuracy, completeness and
Obtaining final confirmation on the SOP drafted for handover.
On confirming the SOP drafted, it would be handed over to the concerned authority of TGP
marking the completion of the engagement.

Phase I: On-site Activities

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Discussion and Interviews and Overall Confirmation

Departments and Respondents:
As a general practice across every industry, the Production Warehouse has been segregated
into various departments based on the functionalities of the respective departments. Each
department is headed by a Manager who was interviewed to obtain information on their roles
and responsibilities as well as on the methodology followed by them in completing an assigned
The departments along with the respondent from each department selected for the interview
has been tabulated below:
Production Warehouse
Human Resource
Management (HRM)
Quantity Surveying
Project Managers


Mr. Subiraj

Production Director

Ms. Jinky

Admin/HR Assistant

Ms. Joem
Ms. Elpie
Mr. Dinesh
Mr. Dayaram
Mr. Javed and
Mr. Fouad

Admin Assistant
Accountant (Prod)
Quantity Surveyor
Production Manager


Mr. Chetan

Audio Visual (AV)

Mr. Khalil
Mr. Greg
Mr. Dani

Project Manager
Store & Inventory
Procurement Manager
Technical Manager
Furniture Supervisor

Information Gathered
Overall confirmations
1. Job description,
2. Information received
from and dispatched
3. Methodology in carried
out tasks,
4. Accountability.

Under the documentation part, the various supporting documents issued were collected on a
sample basis to analyze the data entered in them and also to determine the requirement of
any documents not issued but are required to strengthen the internal control. Furthermore,
based on the documents collected, we have prepared a list of all the necessary vouchers that
have to be issued along with their respective suggested templates which are contained in the
last section of this document.

Phase II: Drafting The Standard Operating Procedure

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Existing Internal Weakness

To be able to suggest the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for each department, it is
important to find the flaws and weaknesses in the respective departments that require
correction to be brought in line with the best practices. We analyzed the exceptions that
existed in each department and required to be brought to the notice of the management. Our
exceptions have been tabulated below based on the departments they pertain to.


Audio Visual

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There are no payment terms agreed with the supplier and neither is there a
particular payment date shared by TGP to its suppliers.
No approved vendors/suppliers list was maintained with the Procurement
We were informed that the practice of month end reconciliation of the invoice
summary prepared by TGP and supplier SOA did not take place.
There exists no centralized software used to monitor and track stock at a realtime basis as to give an accurate stock position when required. Before placing
an order, a physical count of the inventory is to be done to check it availability
to decide the order quantity.
At present, there existed no procedure to identify alternate suppliers or
material. Furthermore, there was no practice of accurately estimating the
usage of common raw materials such as plywood, MDF, etc.
LPOs generated did not contain the signatures of all the authorized
In several instances, we were informed that orders were placed at the last
minute due to which the Procurement Manager could not select amongst
multiple suppliers and had to settle for suppliers who held the stock at that
point of time irrespective of the price at which it was being supplied.
Furthermore, there was no predefined procedure for supplier selection based
on order quantities and its corresponding quantity discounts.
The latest inventory count performed by the AV department showed several
quantity differences, i.e., surplus or shortage. Surplus is a result of the
physical stock exceeding the stock quantity as per the books, which indicates
improper recording and documentation of purchases and post show returns.
On the other hand, shortage occurs when the physical stock quantity falls
below the book quantity which is an issue of higher concern as apart from
signifying improper recording, it also signifies the possibility of leakage or
movement of inventory outside the warehouse without the notice of the
authorized person.
No records are maintained as to the time and dates of dispatch of inventory
from the warehouse, i.e., inventory log, are maintained. Also, there is no
model number or serial number wise tracking of inventory at the time of
dispatch and hence the exact one-to-one reconciliation cannot be done on
return of the items post show.
There was no predefined manner to estimate the expected useful life of the
AV equipment.
There is no security check outside the AV department and the items can be
easily pilfered outside the warehouse.
We were informed that any scrap of unusable AV inventory was disposed off
in dustbins. TV parts contain lead and other hazardous materials which have
an adverse effect on the environment.


Production &


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The inventory was not stored in an organized manner, i.e., items of the same
model no/other similarities were not stacked together.
There are no records maintained pertaining to unused waste material that
could be reused in future and it availability can only be ascertained by physical
There exists no project-wise allocation and planning of labor due to which
labor performance cannot be measured, i.e., no project-wise manpower
utilization evaluation. Further on, due to absence of a manpower requirement
estimation prior to the work along with absence in actual utilization, a
variance analysis cannot be carried out.
We observed that a high cost was incurred towards payment of overtime to
the staff at the Production Warehouse.
There was no interaction between the Production Department with the
Quantity Surveyor or Procurement Manager as on market related information
and other material information that would influence the decisions taken.
We were informed that waste paint diluted with water were disposed of by
dumping them in dustbins. However, paints qualify as Household Hazardous
Waste (HHW) because they contain chemicals that can be harmful to humans,
animals and the environment. HHW items should never be disposed of in the
trash or down the drain.
The Project Managers are unaware of the budget, i.e., contract price, due to
which they cannot restrict the show related spending below the budget.
We understand that revenue entries are passed in the books of the warehouse
by passing a sales entry to the Head Office which is subsequently approved
by the Head Office as a purchase. Following the entry mentioned, the revenue
from the client is recorded at the Head Office as a sale to the client. This
practice is followed by both the Production and Graphics Warehouse.
However, we were informed by the accountant that in case of sale entries to
the HO pertaining to the Graphics Warehouse, the corresponding purchase
entries to be approved by the HO, is approved by the accountant herself as
she has been provided access for performing the same. Due to approval of
the purchase entries by the accountant at the warehouse herself, erroneous
or incorrect entry approvals could take place.Besides accounting practices are
in tandem with IFRS .


Understanding The SOP

Understanding this document:
Hereon, every section of this document would be differentiated on a department-wise basis.
A preset standard format has been used uniformly in every section starting with a brief about
the department and respondent followed by the objectives of the section and the job
requirements pertaining to the respective department. Next, the existing methodology of
carrying out the constituents of the assigned role is highlighted and finally the suggested
process flow explained using narrative descriptions, forms and a flow chart.
Understanding the flow chart:
The flow charts have been added to support the narrative descriptions and forms to provide
the reader with an insight to understand the process in its real sense. It specifies the terminal
points, i.e., starting and ending points, along with directions in which the process must flow
and any possible loop formations.
Existing Practice:
1. Template for existing practice:

Existing Practice:
<Bullets or Paragraph>
Suggested Practice:
1. Template for narrative description

Narrative Description:
<Bullets or Paragraph>
2. Template for forms:
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3. Template for flow charts


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Comprehensive Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

The comprehensive Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is the all-inclusive process flow
covering every department in a sequential order stating the flow of information and authority.
This section provides an insight to the process flow at a macro level right from the stage of
Account Manager getting an enquiry, confirming a project until the final invoicing is done
along with the clients decision to store or discard the stand and can also be taken as the job
process of a Project Manager.











Stage I: Off-site
Client contacts TGP to procure quotation for a
particular project
A quotation is sent to the client after consulting Mr.
Omar and Mr. Alex
Client negotiates and after approval from Mr. Omar
and Mr. Alex a revised quote is sent to the client
Client appoints TGP to carry out the project and
communicates the confirmation along with the
signed contract


Head Office


Head Office


Head Office




Head Office

Project Manager

Production, AV
and Furniture

Production, AV
and Furniture



Forward contract details to Production Warehouse

The work is assigned and allotted to a Project
Manager(s) (PM). In case of multiple PMs, distribute
the work between both
Account Manager briefs the Project Manager about
all details obtained from the client and the other
show details such as budget, time frame, etc.
A Bill of Quantities (BoQ) and pre show budget is
prepared based on the design and overall cost
Get the preshow budget approved and signed by the
client for conclusiveness in the work and to avoid
any last minute changes
Send material requirements to the production, AV,
furniture and graphics divisions through an order
Necessary material and labour are arranged for
based on the budget received and for any
unavailable material, a Purchase Requisition is sent
to the Procurement Manager
Based on various quotes from multiple suppliers, the
most economical offer is selected

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Head Office
Head Office
Head Office






A constant check is kept on the work-in-progress of

the stand and also an actual VS budget analysis is
performed on a regular basis
Inform and call client for inspection of the stand
along with the QS and Graphics personnel to prevent
any last minute changes (Mock up review)
Keep a track of the production of the stand and
communicate any technical difficulties to the
Account Manager and the client



Project Manager

Head Office

Project Manager

Stage II: On-site and On-site service
Deliver finalized stand as per the clients Project Manager
specifications and requirements
Coordinate with the client for the artwork

Supervise the site from installation till the handover

Project Manager

Provide necessary support to client for any technical

or other problems on-site

Project Manager
or Account






Stage III: Dismantling

Co-ordinate with the Production department for Project Manager
storage of site as per contract or instructions of the
client. If the site needs to be discarded, the reusable
items must be extracted before disposal
Stage IV: Invoicing and Post Show
Based on the approved preshow budget, the invoice Admin Assistant
would be raised for the client
A variance analysis would be carried out between the
total material and labour actually consumed against
the preshow budget which was invoiced determining
the profit or the loss from the project

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Department &
Head Office


Flow Chart

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Production Department
The Production department needs to adhere to high quality standards & timely delivery of
delivering the final product along with using cost effective techniques and optimum usage of
resources. Apart from the usual process of production, the production department requires a
reasonable level of interaction regarding the external environment such as market information
or expected competitor tactic which lacks in the current work environment.
Production Manager
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Mr. Dayaram
Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)
Estimating and suggesting the optimal mix of raw
materials, labor and other resources and
monitoring the usage of consumables. Ensuring
the highest quality standard are maintained in

1. Optimal planning of resources, i.e., material, labor and overheads,
2. Maintenance of high level quality in delivery of final product,
3. Estimate manpower requirements prior to production to the closest estimate and
4. Timely measurement of actual manpower performance and comparison against
standard to develop variance report,
5. Providing the required training and development to the Production team for upgrading
existing knowledge and reducing wastage.
Job Requirements:
1. Resource Planning: The Production Manager plays a vital role in estimating the
resource requirement for various projects which would have a direct impact on the
gain or loss from a project. The manager needs to verify whether the amount paid as
overtime justifies the benefit derived from the activities performed. The Manager will
also require to look at the aspect of reduced productivity from a worker working
overtime as compared to an additional individual employed wherein, all work is
completed within working hours,
2. Consumption Control: The Production Manager would require keeping a close check on
the consumption trends of the raw material and must determine manners which would
assist in reducing wasteful consumption,
3. Cost Control: The Production Manager, apart from overseeing the production process
would have to suggest ideas and views towards cost control and reduction. One of the
key factors influencing the cost are material and labor, whereby, in case of material,
the Production Manager may recommend alternate materials which are relatively cost
effective and on the other hand, in case of labor, by proper estimation and allocation
of labor as mentioned under Resource Planning,

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4. Providing Training and Development to Production Workers: With the rapid

technological advancement and increase in the methods of carrying out a particular
task, it is very necessary that the production workers are tuned to the on-going
advancement which would help in increasing the work efficiency or might also call for
incurring capital expenditure (CAPEX) over assets that would provide higher benefits
than its cost.

Suggested Practice
1. On the project getting confirmed at the Head Office, an email is sent to the Production
Director or the Admin Assistant conveying the same,
2. A Project Manager is selected for the concerned project by the Production Director who
would technically be the point-of-contact between the Account Manager and the client,
3. Post the appointment of the Project Manager, the Account Manager, Project Manager
and Production Manager have a combined meeting where the material to be used is
finalized and the actual production of the stand begins,
4. In case of any material requirement, the production worker approaches the
storekeeper asking for the required material,
5. The storekeeper verbally enquires about the project for which the material was
required and issues a slip for the issue of material,
6. The slip is then submitted to the Stores & Inventory Manager who enters its details in
an excel sheet maintained,
7. Once the stand has been duly constructed, the client is called for a mock up test of the
stand and any changes required are made as specified by the client and approved by
the Project Manager.

Standard Operating Procedure

Narrative description:
As mentioned in earlier part of this document, the Production Department is the key
department for provision of the highest level of quality in its process and at the same time
making the process cost effective by proper resource allocation and optimization. The
Production process can be broken down into 5 simple steps which are the general steps as
suggested by management authors, namely- Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Directing and

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Planning Stage: The standard process initialization is the same as the existing practice where
the Production Director appoints a Project Manager and there is a combined meeting with the
Account Manager, Project Manager and Production Manager. In the combined meeting, the
Production Manager is required to suggest alternate material that could be used and at the
same time would have to estimate the labor requirements at a level where there would be
reduced idle time and the same time there would be a minimal of overtime hours which would
reduce their productivity. Furthermore, apart from merely suggesteing estimated resource
requirement, the Production Manager must suggest efforts to reduce the overall costs to win
over the bids of its competitors or having higher profit margins.
End Result: By the end of this stage, a tentative estimate would be created in terms of the
required resources.
Organizing: Once the material and labor requirements have been finalized, the Production
Manager will have to communicate the same to the Quantity Surveyor (QS). In turn, the QS
would provide further inputs on the estimated requirements and the optimal resource mix
would be decided with regard to the raw material, consumables, labor and overheads and the
Bill of Quantity (BoQ) preshow budget would be created by the QS.
Contents of the preshow budget:

Material: Total material required to complete the production in units and its respective
cost are analyzed. It would also contain a supplier analysis whereby the most
economical offer would be selected,
Labor: The estimated manpower requirements are analyzed along with planning for
any abnormal losses or unforeseen events and an analysis between the overtime cost
VS appointment of new labor keeping in mind the efficiency aspect, i.e., with an

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increase in the working hours per day, the efficiency of a worker would reduce
Overheads: Apart from the above material and labor costs, the estimation for the other
project related expenses would be made.

End Result: This stage would end by creation of a formalized Bill of Quantities (BoQ) and
Preshow budget which would be the base for execution of the production.
Staffing: In this stage, based on the estimated resource requirement, the Production Manager
will start arranging for their availability.

Material: All the materials required are issued by the stores and any items which are
not in stock are purchased using the preset process of the Stores & inventory Manager
raising a Purchase Requisition (PR).
Labor: Based on the budgeted labor usage, the Production Manager formulated teams
along with team leaders for the various projects to be executed and every team leader
and member are assigned their respective roles.

Directing: The Production Manager in this stage would have to act like a friend, philosopher
and guide, i.e., the Manager would provide the teams and its respective leader the guidelines
to achieve the desired goals and objectives, provide the necessary training at regular intervals
for enhancing the knowledge, outlook and perception of the teams towards the tasks
performed and finally inculcating an interactive atmosphere which would motivate the teams
to provide valuable information relating to the external environment, market forces, expected
market trends, etc. Apart from the above mentioned responsibility, the Production Manager
will also have to lay down the following details to ensure adherence to correct practices:

Authorization: All the documents issued for material requisition or purchase

requisition, must be duly approved and signed by the Production Manager which
would indicate that the Manager has agreed to the required quantity being
Documentation: Every document issued by the Production Department or any
carbon copy of a document received from any other department needs to be
properly documented for future use.

Controlling: The final stage of the Production process required keeping a check over the
happenings to prevent it from surpassing the budget. All deviations from the budgeted
quantities and amounts would be derived and steps for corrective action would be taken. The
Production Manager would have to keep a log or would have to be informed if in case the
material usage is nearing the budgeted usage or if in case the actual labor hours worked is
nearing the budgeted hours, the Production Manager would have to scrutinize and determine
reasons for the same and communicate it to the Production Director. Also, the Production
Manager would need to monitor the quality of the work-in-progress in order to be able to
propose corrective actions in cases of quality flaws.

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Ensure all documents issued and received are duly

authorized and documented
Check over actual consumption and take corrective
actions in case of any deviations





Ensure quality of WIP to be able to propose



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Production Director appoints a Project Manager.
Account Manager, Production Manager and Project
Manager have combined meeting
Suggest alternate materials and estimate labour
requirements considering efficiency and productivity

Recommend efforts to reduce the overall costs

to win over the bids of its competitors or having
higher profit margins.
Communicate material and labour requirements to
Quantity Surveyor (QS)

The QS provides further inputs on the

estimated requirements
The optimal resource mix would be decided
with regard to the raw material, consumables,
labor and overheads and the BoQ and preshow
budget would be created by the QS.
Arrange for material, labour and overheads to
implement the project. Purchase materials not in
stock and organize teams.

Provide guidelines to team and team leaders

to achieve their goals,
Inculcating an interactive atmosphere to
motivate teams to provide valuable
information relating to the external
environment, market forces, expected
market trends, etc.

corrective actions in cases of quality flaws.

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Flow Chart:

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Quantity Surveying (QS)

The Quantity Surveying Department has been formalized recently with the surveyor having
preset roles and responsibilities. The QS plays a very critical role in cost control and also the
inference from the QS decides the viability of a project.
Quantity Surveyor
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Mr. Dinesh
Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)
Estimate resources correctly,their costs and co
ordinate for execution within the estimate

1. Ascertaining the best estimate of the quantity of material, labor and overhead required
to complete a project.
2. Monitoring execution of project in regular intervals including surprises checks,
3. Preventing spending from exceeding preshow budget,
4. Having an effective system to examine variances between estimated and actual costs.
Job Requirements:
5. Creating Bill of Quantity (BoQ): The Quantity Surveyor (QS) is responsible to estimate
the material required in units and the estimate labor hours relating to a particular
project. Using the units derived, the QS will require quantifying the units in money
terms which would be called the Bill of Quantity (BoQ). Using the BoQ, the QS must
communicate to the Production Manager whether the price received from the Head
Office for the concerned project is appropriate or whether the project has been
underpriced in a case where the cost exceeds the project price.
6. Pre and Post show cost comparison: Carrying out a comparison of the preshow
budgeted costs and the post show actual costs is an important function of the Quantity
Surveyor to verify whether the costs incurred have been kept below the budgeted
7. Show reports: Preparing reports on the cost control aspects of all running shows and
also determining reasons in cases of contracts which were lost. The contents of this
report must critically analyze the reasons for any losses helping in Business Process
Re-engineering (BPR).

Suggested Practice
8. Once the Account Manager receives the lead from the client, the same will have to be
given to the QS,
9. The QS will have a briefing session with the Account Manager on the client details and
10. A Bill Of Quantities (BoQ) will be prepared by the QS which will be submitted to the
client for approval. Any changes required by the client will require amending the BoQ,

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11. On receiving the clients approval, the signed contract will be compared with the BoQ
and on matching the same, the pre-show costing will be prepared,
12. The budget is allocated first to the Graphics, AV and Furniture department after which
a 10% margin is deducted and the remaining is allocated towards materials, labour
and overheads.

Standard Operating Procedure

Narrative description:
The role of the Quantity Surveyor is of critical importance in determining the cost variance
between the estimate and actual costs. The role of a Quantity Surveyor is divided into two
stage namely, Preshow and Post show.
Stage I Preshow
This stage deals with all activities that take place before the event date. Initially, the Account
Manager details the designer on the exhibition details such as the stand dimensions, budget,
material requirements and other specifications. At this point, the Quantity Surveyor is briefed
on the same details by the designer and the QS suggests methods that would make the
project cost effective and on finalizing the design, it is then finally handed over to the QS.
Following the finalization of the design, the Account Manager briefs the QS on the client
details, show details, stand size and the deadline. On having finalized the design with the
designer and obtained the briefing from the Account Manager, the QS using those details
prepares a Bill of Quantities (BoQ) which is a cost sheet containing the units of material, labor
and overheads required and the per unit cost which helps in deriving at the total budgeted
cost. The BoQ is then approved by the Production Director and forwarded to the Account
Manager for correspondence with the client. Based on the clients requirements, the BoQ is
amended and finalized.
Post the all the correspondence between the client and Account Manager, once the job has
been confirmed, the Account Manager would send the confirmation along with the signed
contract from the client to the QS. The contract received will be compared to the BoQ to
ensure that there are no discrepancies or there have been no miscommunications and once
they have been matched, the QS will prepare the Preshow schedule where all the costs are
segregated and clubbed based on their nature, such as, flooring, structure, labor, overheads,
external purchases and other project related costs. The Preshow schedule will be signed by
the QS and approved by the Production Director from where it would be submitted to the
accountant to generate a job order with a reference number. Each of the departments namely,
Graphics, AV, Electrical, Furniture and Production will be allocated the budgets. Every
departmental head would analyze the budget and sign it if approved. However, in cases where
the Preshow budgeted costs exceeds the budget as received from the Head Office, the QS
communicates the difference to the Production Director who in turn forwards this information
to the Account Manager for negotiation with the client and on received the revised amount,
the entire above-mentioned process would be looped.
After completion of the production and assembly of the stand, the Project Manager calls the
client for a mock up test along with the Graphics and QS. The involvement of the mentioned
three parties would prevent any last minute changes in the graphics and at the same time if

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the client requires certain revisions to the built stand, the QS would immediately take a
note of it and communicate the additional cost to the Account Manager.
Stage II Post show
In this stage, a variance analysis report is performed by the QS whereby the QS prepares a
schedule of actual costs incurred over a project and compares it against the Preshow budget
to arrive at the net benefit or loss. The variance report is then analyzed and signed by the
Production Director.




Stage I: Preshow

Designer is given briefing on the stand and

exhibition details

Account Manager

Head Office


QS is detailed by the designer and QS suggests

cost effective alternatives


Head Office


Account Manager educates the QS on other client

details and deadline

Account Manager

Head Office

Quantity Surveyor


Production Director


Quantity Surveyor


Quantity Surveyor


Quantity Surveyor


Production Director


Quantity Surveyor







Prepare BoQ with all per unit costs of the project

Get BoQ approval by Production Director and
communicate it to the Account Manager
Amend BoQ as per client requirements after
correspondence between Account Manager and
Receive confirmation and signed contract from
Account Manager and compare with BoQ
Prepare a Preshow schedule, get it authorized by
the Production Director and forward it to the
accountant to generate a job order
Provide each department the respective budget
and procure the approval for the same by the
departmental managers

If Preshow budgeted costs exceeds budget as

received from the Head Office, communicate
the difference to the Production Director who
in turn would forward this information to the
Account Manager for negotiation with the
client and on received the revised amount,
the entire above-mentioned process would be

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Take a note of all changes specified by client

during the mock up test and communicate the
additional cost to Account Manager

Quantity Surveyor


Quantity Surveyor


Stage II: Post show


Prepare a variance analysis report and get it

signed by the Production Director

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Flow Chart

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Stores is one of the most critical areas in relation to inventory control and management. The
stores department is responsible to keep a track of all the goods inwards, issuances and
outwards and at the same time ensure that stock levels are maintained to prevent understocking.
Stores Manager
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Mr. Chetan
Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)
Maintaining optimum inventory levels and
keeping a track of all inventory movements.


Maintain sufficient stock levels,

Proper documentation to track movement of inventory and consumables,
Ensure that physical stock quantity matches with book quantity,
Ensure appropriate storage of inventory at the stores,
Develop proper systems and control to have an complete system of planning,
execution and post-implementation reviews to ascertain any deviances from the
planned targets,
6. Monitor consumption and ensure optimum utilization of material.
Job Requirements:
1. Inventory Management Inventory management is one of the broadest areas of
responsibility assigned to the Stores & inventory Manager. The scope under this role
extended right from the point of having a track of the inventory and at the same time
involved maintaining adequate inventory levels as to prevent any stock-outs or understocking which was cause a delay in delivery of the final product. The inventory in this
context includes the normal inventory as well as the wasted inventory capable of being
reused and has been stored at the warehouse. The following activities fall under the
scope of inventory management:
a. Adequate Stocking: This function requires the Stores & Inventory Manager
to constantly review the stock balances as per the statement maintained to
derive the nature of the item based on its sales movement, i.e., fast moving
or slow moving, based on which he should ensure that the required stock is
available at all times to match the demand.
b. Reorder levels and EOQ: As mentioned in the previous point, the fulfillment
of adequate stocking would only be achievable by planning and fixing a
inventory level at which an order for replenishment of a particular item(s) is
to be made. In other words, the reorder levels would require preventing the
inventory from falling below the minimum set limit. Also, the Stores &

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Inventory Manager would have to support the Procurement Manager in

deciding the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ).
c. Estimating future requirements: The Stores & Inventory Manager would be
assigned with the responsibility of analyzing the consumption of different
items which will form the base for estimating the future consumption levels
of those items and would be a tool of primary importance in deriving the
reorder level.
d. Inventory placement and stacking: Placement of inventory inside the
warehouse plays a major role in preventing any unnecessary usage of labor
to arrange and rearrange inventory, i.e., the inventory should be stacked in
racks in an organized manner such that the fast moving items are placed in
the front and are easily accessible while the slow moving items are stored
last. This function is of major importance to prevent time loss and abnormal
usage of labor hours.
2. Inventory Control Inventory management and control go hand-in-hand. Inventory
control of past periods is the prerequisite to future inventory management and
inventory management is the basis of inventory control of the same period. It involves
assessing the measures taken to manage inventory and taking corrective action to
prevent any leakage. Further, it also involves tracking the movement of inventory
using proper documentary evidences which will also be of much use as an audit trail.
a. Inventory Checks: Inventory count is the main tool in ensuring that the book
stock quantities match with their corresponding physical quantities. Any
differences, whether surplus or shortage, would have its respective
implications of improper recording or theft/leakage respectively which would
have to be investigated. The Stores & Inventory manager must aim at having
weekly inventory counts using a small sample out of the total population of
inventory and month-end 100 percent inventory counts.
b. Proper Documentation: In the absence of a centralized inventory
software/ERP, inventory can be traced and an audit trail can only be created
using proper documentation. Documentation would include issuing
appropriate pre-printed vouchers having printed reference numbers for
goods inwards, issuances and outwards. The issuer of those vouchers must
also state the project for which the material has been issued.
c. Monitoring consumption: One of the most important methods for cost-saving
would be monitoring the consumption of inventory in the final product to
prevent over-utilization of material above the required limits. This would be
done by comparing the Bill of Quantities (BoQ) prepared by the quantity
surveyor against the material issue slips specifying the project name as
mentioned in the previous point.

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Suggested Practice
a) Based on the BoQ, final contract and 3D design the production process commences,
b) All the issues except for MDF, plywood and paints are done by the Stores & Inventory
Manager. The Stores & Inventory Manager is in-charge of monitoring the receipt and
issue of inventory and stock control,
c) Anyone from the production department approaches the store asking for the required
item. The store in-charge enquires as to which project was the item required for and
issues a slip for its release which is signed by the concerned person from the production
department asking for the item. The slip is then handed over to the Stores & Inventory
Manager who records the same in an excel sheet along with the details.

Standard Operating Procedure

The stores department being the central focal point for all movements of inventory and
consumables covers a broader range of activities due to which the SOP has been divided
into 2 primary categories which in turn have been further sub-divided to cover the entire
gamut of activities to be performed in a systematic manner.
Category I: Inventory and Consumables
a) Receipts (inward),
b) Issues (outward),
c) Inventory Count.
Category II: Wastage and Damage
a) Reusable,
b) Unusable and to be disposed.
Category I: Inventory
a) Receipts (inward)
Narrative description:
Under this head, the Stores & Inventory Manager would require documenting the inflow of
inventory into the stores. The descriptive explanation of the process is as follows:
1. On receiving the inventory, a Goods Receipt Note (GRN) will have to be issued.
The GRN must have a preprinted reference number to prevent any human errors,
2. Inspect the goods received to confirm if they are as per the specifications of the
order placed in terms of nature and quantity,
3. Obtain signatures of the Stores & Inventory Manager and the person handing over
the goods on the GRN,

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4. Arrange the received inventory in the systematic manner along with inventory
having similar nature and manually update the bin card,
5. The Stores & Inventory Manager will have to update the receipt in the
system/records maintained,
6. Send the inventory records to the Procurement Manager on a weekly basis to
enable Order Planning.



Issue Goods Receipt Note (GRN) having

preprinted reference number on receipt of goods


Inspect and confirm inventory receipt against

order specifications


Obtain signatures of the Stores & Inventory

Manager and the person handing over the goods
on the GRN


warehouse and manually update the bin card


Update the






Send the inventory records to the Procurement

Manager on a weekly basis to enable Order

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Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory



Flow Chart

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b) Issues (outward)
Narrative description:
Under this head, the Stores & Inventory Manager would require documenting the issues of
inventory from the stores. The descriptive explanation of the process is as follows:
1. A manual Material Requisition Note (MRN) will be submitted to the Stores &
Inventory Manager by the end user in the production department authorized by
the Production Manager,
2. The Stores & Inventory Manager will have to check whether to items required are
available and the location of the stock,
3. In case the required quantity is not available at the stores, the Stores & Inventory
Manager would have to send a Purchase Requisition to the Procurement Manager
with the details and quantity of the required items to be purchased. On the other
hand, if the inventory is available, issue the same against the MRN and get it signed
by the production end user,
4. A Good Issue Note (GIN) will have to be raised by the stores, signed by the
manager, containing the specifications and quantity of inventory issued and get it
signed by the recipient.
5. The Stores & Inventory Manager will have to update the issue in the
system/records maintained,
6. Send the inventory records to the Procurement Manager on a weekly basis to
enable Order Planning.


Person Responsible



End user in the production submits a manual Material

Requisition Note (MRN) authorized by the Production Manager

End User



Check availability and location of items required in Stores


Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory



Stores & Inventory







If required quantity is not available at the stores, a Purchase

Requisition is sent to the Procurement Manager with the
details and quantity of the required items to be purchased. On
the other hand, if the inventory is available, issue the same
against the MRN and get it signed by the production end user
Raise Good Issue Note (GIN) signed by the manager,
containing the specifications and quantity of inventory issued
and get it signed by the recipient
Update the receipt in the system/records maintained
Send the inventory records to the Procurement Manager on a
weekly basis to enable Order Planning

Flow Chart

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Inventory Count

1. Ensure book stock quantity is equal to physical stock quantity,
2. Reconciliation of any differences in the records as compared to the physical
inventory and determination of reasons for the differences,
3. Inventory control.
Narrative description:
The presence of books records for carrying out an inventory count is of utmost importance as
without the records, there would not be any base against which the physical count results
would be compared against making the count insignificant. Thus, the first data gathering
process is a straightforward process requiring precision and accuracy. This process can be
used in for category II consumables too but however, has been included in the inventory
section due to its higher importance in this category. Consequently, this area has been divided
into two phases namely, Phase I: Initial Data Gathering and Phase II: Periodic Stock Counts.
Phase I: Initial Data Gathering
The initial data gathering count must be carried out on a holiday when the operations of the
warehouse do not take place. This would ensure that all the movement entries passed
subsequently, will affect the corresponding stock balances as entered on the count date.
Preliminary Procedures:
1. Construct count teams Develop teams in-charge of carrying out the inventory
count and assign every member with their respective roles and responsibilities,
2. Assign Count Areas The count areas and inventory details must be clearly defined
to the count team members,
3. Organize inventory The inventory must be arranged in an organized manner with
items of similar model or nature kept together or must be arranged in a scientific
Count Day:
1. Freeze Inventory Movement On the day of the count, all movements of inventory
must be stopped as it would change the physical stock position,
2. Begin count Commence the count and record the item description,
manufacturers name, model number, serial number and year of purchase,
3. Combined assessment With every team member having completed the count of
inventory in their respective areas, the entire team will walk around every area of
the warehouse to ensure no area has been missed or whether the same area has
not been covered by multiple members.

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Post Count:
1. Data Entry All the data captured during the count must be duly entered into an
excel sheet or the software used which would be the inventory record.
Phase II: Periodic Inventory Counts
Preliminary Procedures:
1. Pass all pending entries All transactions which have taken place but are pending
to be updated into the records are to be entered.
2. Construct count teams Develop teams in-charge of carrying out the inventory
count and assign every member with their respective roles and responsibilities,
3. Assign Count Areas The count areas and inventory details must be clearly defined
to the count team members,
4. Organize inventory The inventory must be arranged in an organized manner with
items of similar model or nature kept together or must be arranged in a scientific
Count Day:
1. Obtain inventory data From the system used/records maintained, extract the
inventory data containing the stock description with its respective SKUs and
2. Take Cut-off documents Cut-off documents, i.e., the last issued GRN, GIN, MRN,
PO, PR and other documents maintained at the store must be acquired,
3. Freeze Inventory Movement On the day of the count, all movements of inventory
must be stopped as it would change the physical stock position,
4. Begin count Commence the count and record the item description,
manufacturers name and model number.
5. Combined assessment With every team member having completed the count of
inventory in their respective areas, the entire team will walk around every area of
the warehouse to ensure no area has been missed or whether the same area has
not been covered by multiple members.
Post Count:
1. Data Entry All the data captured during the count must be duly entered into an
excel sheet or the software used alongside the book quantities which were made
available at the time of extraction of inventory data,
2. Examine and Reconcile Differences The difference between the physical stock
quantity and the book stock quantity must be examined and reasons for such a
difference must be ascertained. The differences could have had aroused due to
error in counting, erroneous entry in books of accounts or wrong categorization of
stock. Certain differences would be accepted by the management without any
particular reasoning. However, it should be made sure that all the differences have
been reconciled,

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3. Confirmation and Sign-off On reconciling all the differences, a final

confirmation must be obtained by the department head and the Production Director
and the stock count report must be approved and signed off by both the confirming




Phase I: Initial Data Gathering



Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Commence the count and record details, i.e.,

item description, manufacturers name, model
number, serial number and year of purchase.
Carry out a team walk around the warehouse
to ensure all areas have been covered and
there has been no overlap

Inventory Count

Stores Department

Inventory Count

Stores Department

Enter the count details into the system or

tracking method used which would form the
book records

Inventory Count

Stores Department

Count team creation and assigning roles and

Define count areas and inventory details to
team members




Freeze All inventory movements in and out of

the warehouse








Phase II: Periodic Inventory Counts






Update book records and enter pending entries

Count team creation and assigning roles and
Define count areas and inventory details to
team members




Extract inventory records from the system

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Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department








Obtain Cut-off documents, i.e., the last issued

GRN, GIN, MRN, PO, PR and other documents
maintained at the store must be acquired.

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Commence the count and record the item

description, manufacturers name and model
Carry out a team walk around the warehouse
to ensure all areas have been covered and
there has been no overlap

Inventory Count

Stores Department

Inventory Count

Stores Department

Enter the count details into the system or

records maintained alongside the book
Ascertain reasons for variation between book
stock and physical quantity and reconcile the

Inventory Count

Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory

Manager and
Production Director


Freeze All inventory movements in and out of

the warehouse

Confirm and obtain signed approval of

Production Director and Stores & Inventory
Manager on the inventory count report

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Flow Chart
Phase I: Initial Data Gathering

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Phase II: Periodic Inventory Counts

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Category II: Wastages and Damage

a) Reusable
Narrative description:
Reusable waste would be capable of being used in future projects where the waste quantity
fits the respective quantity requirements. Also, it would help in reducing the cost of reusable
waste that is disposed off after using it in the project it pertained to. The following are the
steps to be followed for recording and storage of reusable waste:
1. The production end user will enter the details and quantity (if possible to quantify)
of the wasted material in the Reusable Waste Receipt Note (RWRN) and get it
authorized by the Production Manager,
2. Submit the RWN to the Stores & Inventory Manager who will inspect the waste and
compare it with the details in the RWN,
3. Once the items have been inspected, the Stores & Inventory Manager will countersign the RWN and store the waste in a distinct location separate from the normal
4. The Stores & Inventory Manager will have to send a weekly report on the projectwise reusable wastages stored to the Quantity Surveyor to be reduced from the
concerned Project cost,
5. On issue of such waste items, the process followed for issue of inventory (as
explained in the previous category) would be applicable.





End user in the production submits a manual
Reusable Waste Receipt Note (RWRN)
authorized by the Production Manager
Submit the RWN to the Stores & Inventory
Manager who will inspect the waste against the
details in the RWN,
Counter-sign the RWN and store the waste in a
distinct location separate from the normal
Send weekly report on the project-wise reusable
wastages stored to the Quantity Surveyor to be
reduced from the concerned Project cost
Follow same process as of inventory for issue of
reusable waste stored

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End User


Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Flow Chart

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b) Unusable and to be disposed

Narrative description:
One of the most critical areas in handling of unusable wastage is its correct disposal with the
necessary approvals from the municipality to prevent any hazardous effect on the
surroundings and environment. To initialize this process, the Stores & Inventory Manager will
have to prepare a Material Destruction Form with a list of all the non-reusable wastage that
needs to be disposed off. Disposal and destruction of certain material requires the municipality
permit and destruction certificate with is to be acquired and destroy the material as per the
prescribed manner. Post the destruction, the concerned personnel from TGP inspecting the
destruction will have to click photographs as a part of the records which would complete the
destruction process.




Prepare a Material Destruction Form with a
list of non-reusable wastage that needs to be
disposed off
Acquire municipality approval and destruction
Destroy the material in the prescribed manner
Post destruction, click photographs as a part of
the records which would complete the
destruction process

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Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Stores & Inventory


Stores Department

Person inspecting

Stores Department

Flow Chart

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Procurement Department
This section involves a detailing into the process flow followed in the Procurement Department
beginning right from the point of an end user requesting for a particular item using a Material
Requisition Note (MRN) till the point where the final supplier invoice is given to the
accountant for booking and payment.
Procurement Manager
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Mr. Khalil Rahman

Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)
Carrying out procurement related activities
for all purchases across the production

1. Prompt and accurate recording of all transactions with regard to procurement,
2. Establishing a standard process flow for all procurement related activities,
3. Maintaining and monitoring the actual process followed and taking corrective action in
case of any deviations,
4. Ensuring proper documentation using printed forms with pre-printed reference
numbers for the following:
a. Purchase requisition (PR),
b. Material Requisition Note (MRN),
c. Goods Received Note (GRN),
d. Goods Issued Note (GIN).
Job Requirements:
1. Supplier Enquiry and Analysis Floating enquires to various suppliers for procurement
of materials and analyzing from amongst a gamut of suppliers the most appropriate
2. Communication with suppliers Being the point-of-contact between TGP and the
supplier and carrying out all communication and follow up with the supplier,
3. Supplier relationship Being in constant touch with the suppliers to improve supplier
relationship resulting in probable discounts and better trade deals,
4. Identifying new suppliers Carrying out researched to explore new locations and areas
for new suppliers with more competitive pricing,
5. Identifying alternate materials Surveying and researching for alternative materials
having similar characteristics and more competitive pricing,
6. Payment terms Agreeing upon pre-defined payment terms with suppliers as to
prevent delayed payments,
7. Reconciliation and Reports Carrying out month end supplier reconciliations between
the books and supplier SOA,
8. Creating and continuous updating of approved suppliers list A detailed list of the
approved suppliers along with the product wise prices offered by them must be created
and constantly updated by the Procurement Manager to have a birds-eye view of the

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comparison between the pricing of the different suppliers allowing TGP to choose
the more economical one from amongst them. A point to be noted is that the preferred
supplier would vary for different products based on their respective prices offered,
9. Order Planning Apart from the above functions, the Procurement Manager has the
responsibility of planning orders in a strategic manner as to have minimum spending
with maximum benefit. Few examples of order planning are as follows:
a. Ordering in bulk quantities,
b. Eliminating middlemen and direct purchase from manufacturer,
Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) for various products would have to be determined to
prevent under-stocking and at the same time reduce over-stacking,

Suggested Practice
1. Any item which needs to be purchased will be communicated to the Procurement
Manager by the Production Manager/Project Manager/Other person either through email or a material requisition form, (the Procurement Manager in in-charge of all
purchases in the warehouse),
2. The Procurement Manager will generate an enquiry and get quotations from at least
2-3 vendors. However, in some cases, a fixed vendor is given the order due to past
history and services,
3. On comparison of the various quotes received, the Procurement Manager will select
the vendor,
4. Based on the selected vendor, a PO will be generated by Ms. Jinky based on the
quotation, The PO will be approved by the Production Director, Procurement Manager
and the person initiating the order,
5. The PO is then scanned and forwarded to the supplier for confirmation along with the
required delivery terms,
6. Supplier delivers it to the stores with the DO which is matched with the invoice and
PO to confirm that the order and quantity is as required.

Standard Operating Procedure

Narrative description:
In a nutshell, the process to be followed by the Procurement Manager is a five-fold process,
i.e., purchase request, selection of supplier, generating PO, follow up and receipt of goods
and finally payment to the supplier.
Step 1: Purchase Request:
The purchase request involves raising the Purchase Requisition by the Stores &
Inventory Manager in case of the following two circumstances:
Self-review of stock requiring replenishment based on past trends and stock
nature, or
Material Requisition Notes (MRN) received from:
Stores & Inventory Manager (in case of unavailable stock)

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Step 2: Selection Of Supplier:

Receiving multiple quotes and carrying out a comparative analysis is what is contained in the
step involving supplier selection. Quotes from a minimum of 2-3 suppliers would be obtained
and compared by preparing a comparative statement to select the most economical option
based on various determinants such as price, quantity, quality, supplier image, payment
terms, discounts, after sales service, etc. Also, once the supplier has been selected, it needs
to be approved by the Production Director,
Step 3: Generating PO:
Once the approval from the Production Director has been received for the selected supplier,
based on the quotation, statement and approval, a Purchase Order (PO) is generated. The PO
would require six levels of approvals (signatures) by the Person who has requested for the
item, Production Manager, HR/Admin Assistant (PO creator), Procurement Manager and
Production Director. Apart from the above mentioned signatories, the quotation would also
require to be approved by the Account Manager to agree upon the payment terms. The
approved PO would then be scanned or faxed to the supplier to initiate the order,
Step 4: Follow up and receipt of goods:
Until the goods are received from the supplier, the Procurement Manager would have regular
follow ups with the supplier to determine the status of the order until the goods have been
received. On receipt of the goods, the Stores & Inventory Manager would have to issue a
Goods Receipt Note (GRN) or Goods Inwards Note (GIN), through the stores, obtain the
customer copy of the invoice and Delivery Order (DO) from the suppliers delivery person and
update the supplier invoice details in the statement maintained,
Step 5: Payment to supplier:
Once the supplier invoice details have been updated into the statement maintained by the
Stores & Inventory Manager, the same would be communicated and sent to the accountant
along with the GRN/GIN and Delivery Order (DO) to process it for payment on the due date
marking the end of the procurement process.
S. No.





Generate a Material Requisition Note (MRN)

signed by the end user listing the material
required and obtain authorization of the
Production Manager

End User &




Forward the MRN to the Stores & Inventory




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Based on the MRNs received, if the item is not

available, or through a self-review of current
stock levels, prepare a Purchase Requisition
(PR) to be forwarded to the Procurement
Department. In cases of non-production
purchases, the MRN should be directly
submitted to the Procurement Manager

Stores & Inventory




Obtain price and availability against PR from

Approved Suppliers or Alternate Source as




Prepare a statement evaluating the various

quotations received




Approve the statement made along with the

choice of the preferred supplier

Production Director



Based on the quotation, statement and

approval, prepare the Purchase Order (PO)




Obtain six levels of approvals (signatures) for

the PO generated by the Person who has
requested for the item, Production Manager,
HR/Admin Assistant (PO creator), Procurement
Manager and Production Director. Obtain
Account Managers approval on the quotation
to agree upon payment terms




Finalize the approved PO, scan and generate

PDF file to be forwarded to the supplier, by email or fax, as the case demands to initiate the




Follow up with supplier till the time of delivery




On receipt of the stock, prepare a Good

Receipt Note (GRN) through the stores, obtain
the customer copy of invoice and Delivery
Order (DO) from delivery person and update
the supplier invoice details in the statement

Stores & Inventory




Forward the supplier invoice along with the

payment details, GRN and delivery note to the
Accounts Department for entering it into the
system and subsequent payment on due date



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Flow Chart:

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Audio Visual (AV) Department

The audio visual (AV) department is like an independent unit operating in the Production
Warehouse. Unlike the other departments except furniture, the final product is simply leased
out to the client for the required duration of the show and subsequently collected back post
show for a lease rental. An online website has been created where the client would be able to
lease the required AV items using the internet.
AV Manager
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Mr. Greg
Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)
In-charge of managing and tracking all the
activities with regard to purchase, inward,
issuance and outward (leasing) of AV related


Making cost-effective purchase or sub-contract decisions,

Proper documentation to track movement of inventory and consumables,
Ensure that physical stock quantity matches with book quantity,
Appropriate arrangement of inventory.

Job Requirements:
1. Monitoring and documenting stock movement - As mentioned above in the overall
responsibility, the AV Manager would have to monitor the movement of stock in and out
(leasing) of the warehouse and support it with the necessary documentation which is not
being practiced as of now.
2. Buy or sub-contract decision The AV manager is required to make decisions as to
whether to purchase a required item or to sub-contract the provision of the same item to
a third-party by carrying out a comparative analysis and estimating the frequency of
requirement of the demanded item.
3. Estimating voltage requirements The Admin Assistant is required to submit, a form
containing the details of the voltage requirement at the site, to the organizers (site
authorities) based on which the organizer will raise an invoice. Due to knowledge on the
technicalities, the voltage requirement is an estimation done by the AV department by
evaluating the voltage required by every electrical item used on site.
4. Inventory Checks: Inventory count is the main tool in ensuring that the book stock
quantities match with their corresponding physical quantities. Any differences, whether
surplus or shortage, would have its respective implications of improper recording or
theft/leakage respectively which would have to be investigated. The AV manager must
aim at having weekly inventory counts using a small sample out of the total population of
inventory and month-end 100 percent inventory counts.

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5. Inventory Storage It must be ensured that the inventory is stored in an organized

manner based on the frequency of usage following which all items of similar nature must
be stacked together.

Suggested Practice
As mentioned in the overview, the AV department operates as semi independent unit. The
process is initiated with the PM e-mailing the requirement to the AV manager. If the required
items are available with the AV department, the same is leased out to the client and an order
form is sent to the Admin Assistant for generating the corresponding invoice. However, in
case the required items are not in stock, then the following action is taken:
a) Suggest alternatives to the required specifications,
b) Subcontract,
c) Purchase the required item(s).

Standard Operating Procedure

Similar to that of the stores department, the AV department also has its independent
inventory which is leased out and taken back after the show. Hence, the SOP for this
department too works in the similar lines of that of the stores department and has been
divided into two categories which have further been sub-divided.
Category I: Inventory
a) Purchases,
b) Lease Out,
Category II: Wastage and Damage
Category I: Inventory
a) Purchases
Narrative description:
Under this head, the AV Manager would require documenting the inflow of inventory into the
AV storage area. The descriptive explanation of the process is as follows:
1. On receiving the inventory, a Goods Receipt Note (GRN) will have to be issued.
The GRN must have a preprinted reference number to prevent any human errors,
2. Inspect the goods received to confirm if they are as per the specifications of the
order placed in terms of nature and quantity,
3. Obtain signatures of the AV Manager and the person handing over the goods on
the GRN,
4. Arrange the received inventory in a systematic manner along with inventory having
similar nature and manually update the bin card,
5. The AV Manager will have to update the receipt in the system/records maintained,
6. Send the inventory records to the Procurement Manager on a weekly basis to
enable Order Planning.

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Issue Goods Receipt Note (GRN) having

preprinted reference number on receipt of goods

AV Manager

AV Department


Inspect and confirm inventory receipt against

order specifications

AV Manager

AV Department


Obtain signatures of the AV Manager and the

person handing over the goods on the GRN
warehouse and manually update the bin card
Update the receipt in the system/records
Send the inventory records to the Procurement
Manager on a weekly basis to enable Order

AV Manager

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department


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Flow Chart

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b) Lease Out
Narrative description:
As mentioned in the previous sections, the AV department works by leasing out AV
equipments to clients for the show at a preset lease rental and the equipment is taken back
post show.
The process here is initiated with the Project Manager sending an e-mail or an order form
containing the requirements from the AV department to the AV Manager. An e-mail would be
a conclusive proof of acknowledgment from the sender and if the order is placed using an
order form, it must contain the signature of the Project Manager. On receiving the order form,
the AV Manager based on the availability takes to following actions:
Stock Position
Not Available

Supply the required items.
Suggest similar alternatives,
Sub-contract the provision of the required items,
Purchase the required items.

Once the product has been made available, i.e., either it was present in the existing stock or
by the above-mentioned manners, the AV Manager will record the details of the leased item
in the computerized records maintained with the serial number of the item and issue an Good
Leased Note (GLN) containing the signature of the AV Manager and recipient of the items and
the same will be sent to the Admin Assistant along with the order form signed by the AV
Manager for invoicing.
S. No.



Receive order form from Project Manager with

details of required items


Check availability of items:

If available Supply

If not available:
o Suggest alternatives,
o Sub-contract to third party,
o Purchase



Project Manager


AV Manager

AV Department


Record details of leased item with respective serial


AV Manager

AV Department


Issue Goods Leased Note (GLN) and obtain signature

of recipient

AV Manager

AV Department


Forward the GLN and approved Order Form to Admin

Assistant for invoicing

AV Manager

AV Department

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Flow Chart

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Category II: Wastage & Damage

Narrative description:
Unlike the production department, no waste is generated from the working of the AV
department. However, due to continuous usage over long periods and wear and tear, the AV
items tend to deteriorate or become obsolete due to technological advancement. In such
cases, the spare parts of the AV equipments which could be reused in the future need to be
removed from the main items and stored while the residual must be disposed off in the
appropriate manner. The step-wise process is as follows:
1. During usage, the damaged/obsolete AV items are determined,
2. The spare parts which are capable of being reused are extracted out of their
respective units and are stored separately.
3. A detailed list of the spare parts stored is maintained and duly updated containing
details and specifications of reusable spare parts stored,
4. Prepare a Material Destruction Form with a list of all the non-reusable wastage
that needs to be disposed off,
5. Disposal and destruction of certain material requires the municipality permit and
destruction certificate with is to be acquired and destroy the material as per the
prescribed manner,
6. Post the destruction, the concerned personnel from TGP inspecting the destruction
will have to click photographs as a part of the records which would complete the
destruction process,
7. Reusable spare parts are issued in the process same as normal issue.


Determine damaged/obsolete AV items

Extract reusable spare parts from main units
and store them separately
Maintain and update list containing details and
specifications of reusable spare parts
Prepare a Material Destruction Form with a
list of non-reusable wastage that needs to be
disposed off
Acquire municipality approval and destruction
Destroy the material in the prescribed manner
Post destruction, click photographs as a part of
the records which would complete the
destruction process
Follow same process as of inventory for issue
of reusable waste stored

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AV Manager

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department

Person inspecting

AV Department

AV Manager

AV Department

Flow Chart

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Furniture Department
Similar to the AV department, the furniture department too is like an independent unit
operating in the Production Warehouse. The running of this department is exactly the same
as that of the AV department whereby the inventory of the department is leased out for the
required period and is collected back post show. Also, an online website has been created
where the client would be able to lease the required firniture items using the internet.
Furniture Manager
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Mr. Avinash
Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)
In-charge of managing and tracking all the
activities with regard to purchase, inward,
issuance and outward (leasing) of furniture.


Making cost-effective purchase or sub-contract decisions,

Proper documentation to track movement of inventory and consumables,
Ensure that physical stock quantity matches with book quantity,
Appropriate arrangement of inventory.

Job Requirements:
1. Monitoring and documenting stock movement - As mentioned above in the overall
responsibility, the Furniture Manager would have to monitor the movement of stock in and
out (leasing) of the warehouse and support it with the necessary documentation which is
not being practiced as of now.
2. Buy or sub-contract decision The Furniture manager is required to make decisions as to
whether to purchase a required item or to sub-contract the provision of the same item to
a third-party by carrying out a comparative analysis and estimating the frequency of
requirement of the demanded item. We were informed that in most cases, it was decided
to purchase the items than sub-contracting them.
3. Inventory Checks: Inventory count is the main tool in ensuring that the book stock
quantities match with their corresponding physical quantities. Any differences, whether
surplus or shortage, would have its respective implications of improper recording or
theft/leakage respectively which would have to be investigated. The Furniture manager
must aim at having weekly inventory counts using a small sample out of the total
population of inventory and month-end 100 percent inventory counts.
4. Inventory Storage It must be ensured that the inventory is stored in an organized
manner based on the frequency of usage following which all items of similar nature must
be stacked together.

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Suggested Practice
As mentioned in the overview, the Furniture department operates as semi-autonomous unit.
The process is initiated with the PM e-mailing the requirement to the Furniture manager. If
the required items are available with the Furniture department, the same is leased out to the
client and an order form is sent to the Admin Assistant for generating the corresponding
invoice. However, in case the required items are not in stock, then the Item is purchased in
most cases.

Standard Operating Procedure

Similar to that of the AV Department, the furniture department also has its independent
inventory which is leased out and taken back after the show. Hence, the SOP for this
department is very similar to that of the Furniture Department and is divided into two parts:
1. Purchases,
2. Lease Out,
1. Purchases
Narrative description:
Under this head, the Furniture Manager would require documenting the inflow of inventory
into the furniture storage area. The descriptive explanation of the process is as follows:
1. On receiving the inventory, a Goods Receipt Note (GRN) will have to be issued.
The GRN must have a preprinted reference number to prevent any human errors,
2. Inspect the goods received to confirm if they are as per the specifications of the
order placed in terms of nature and quantity,
3. Obtain signatures of the Furniture Manager and the person handing over the goods
on the GRN,
4. Arrange the received inventory in the systematic manner along with inventory
having similar nature and manually update the bin card,
5. The Furniture Manager will have to update the receipt in the system/records
6. Send the inventory records to the Procurement Manager on a weekly basis to
enable Order Planning.

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Issue Goods Receipt Note (GRN) having

preprinted reference number on receipt of goods


Inspect and confirm inventory receipt against

order specifications


Obtain signatures of the Furniture Manager and

the person handing over the goods on the GRN


warehouse and manually update the bin card


Update the






Send the inventory records to the Procurement

Manager on a weekly basis to enable Order

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Furniture Department


Furniture Department


Furniture Department


Furniture Department


Furniture Department


Furniture Department

Flow Chart

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2. Lease Out
Narrative description:
As mentioned in the previous sections, the Furniture Department works by leasing out
furntiture to clients for the show at a preset lease rental and the equipment is taken back
post show.
The process here is initiated with the Project Manager sending an e-mail or an order form
containing the requirements from the Furniture Department to the Furniture Manager. An email would be a conclusive proof of acknowledgment from the sender and if the order is placed
using an order form, it must contain the signature of the Project Manager. On receiving the
order form, the Furniture Manager based on the availability takes to following actions:
Stock Position
Not Available

Supply the required items.
Purchase the required items,
Sub-contract the provision of the required items.

Once the product has been made available, i.e., either it was present in the existing stock or
by the above-mentioned manners, the Furniture Manager will record the details of the leased
item in the computerized records maintained with the serial number of the item and issue an
Good Leased Note (GLN) containing the signature of the Furniture Manager and recipient of
the items and the same will be sent to the Admin Assistant along with the order form signed
by the Furniture Manager for invoicing.






Receive order form from Project Manager with

details of required items
Check availability of items:

If available Supply

If not available:
o Purchase,
o Sub-contract to third party,
Record details of leased item with respective serial
Raise Good Issue Note (GIN) signed by the manager,
containing the specifications and quantity of inventory
issued and get it signed by the recipient
Forward the GLN and approved Order Form to Admin
Assistant for invoicing

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Project Manager










Flow Chart

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Accounts Department
The role of the accountant is to carry out all accounting related functions with regard to the
updating the books of primary entry such as booking entries, reconciliations, payroll and
corresponding accounting related information with the Head Office. There is no particular
predefined procedure for carrying out this role and hence only the job description has been
defined in this section.
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Ms. Elpie
Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)
Performing accounting related operations,
payroll and reconciliations

Job Requirements:
1. Booking Purchase Orders (PO) and Sales invoices - Booking of POs for purchases and
sales invoices into the system ONLY once the POs have been duly authorized In case
of booking invoices, the booking would involve a sale (Account: 706, in-house) and
purchase (Account: 701, Head Office). Subsequently, the Head Office would book the
purchase as a sale to the client,
2. Supplier Accounts Reconciliation - Reconciling supplier statement of accounts (SOA)
with internal records maintained to derive at the amount payable,
3. Approval for cash payments - Communicating to the Production Director to obtain his
approval to release money for cash purchases by Procurement Manager,
4. Notify bank payments The accountant notifies the Head Office to release funds from
the account towards payment to suppliers for purchases based on the details received
from the Procurement Manager,
5. General, Admin and other expense entries - Passing necessary book entries relating
to general and administrative expenses and other miscellaneous expenses,
6. Bank reconciliation The accountant has access to Head Office accounts in Tally due
to which she is required to perform Bank reconciliations,
7. Accepting the purchase entry in the Head Offices books for sales made by Graphics,
8. Payroll: Computation and Accounting a. Salary:
i. Normal pay,
ii. Deductions
1. Loan instalments,
2. Personal calls made by member,
3. Initial advance (only for fresh laborers),
b. Overtime,
c. Loans,
d. Leave Salary:
1. The accountant first computes the leave salary payable and
communicates the same to the Admin/HR Assistant for review
and seeks the signature of the Production Director post the

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review. The signed computation is then sent to the HR Manager

in the Head Office for approval.
2. Once approved by the Head Office, it is then sent back to the
Admin/HR Assistant who forwards it to the accountant again and
is finally submitted to the Account Manager for payment.
9. Petty cash:
i. The cash-in-hand balance at the end of each day is submitted to
Production Director,
ii. A request is sent to the Head Office in case more cash is required,
10. Inter-division reconciliation Carrying out inter-division reconciliation of 701 and 706.

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Administration Department
The admin department does not have a predefined job profile and is a mixture of various adhoc activities. It ranges from solving employee grievances to creating invoices for billing to
the clients. Hence, this department would not contain a defined SOP and would only elaborate
on the current job requirements of the Administration Department.
Administration Assistant
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Ms. Joem
Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)
Carrying out admin related activities
pertaining to the warehouse as a whole,
assisting Mr. Subiraj and also sharing
responsibilities with the Admin/HR Assistant
in her absence and during peak season.

Job Requirements:
1. Invoicing After the completion of the show, the Production Director will submit the
price to the Admin Assistant who will subsequently prepare the invoice with the
specified amount,
2. Dismantling Details Either as per the terms and conditions of the contract or post
show, there are certain clients who would opt for storing the stands for a longer period
and few would opt to discard it. The Admin Assistant would require mailing the Account
Manager at the Head Office to obtain the details of the same along with the storage
charges to be invoiced further to the client periodically,
3. Project Co-ordination Coordinating on the project with the Project Manager and
Account Manager and also coordinating with the Head Office to obtain the exhibitors
4. Exhibition Details The Admin Assistant receives the mail from Head Office which is
containing the CAD design and 3D design which is forwarded to Mr. Dayaram.
Furthermore, the Admin Assistant would require gathering information on the build
update, exhibition date, acquiring drawing and 3D design and finally determining the
power requirements
5. Corresponding voltage requirement On acquiring the CAD and 3D drawings, the
Admin Assistant communicates the same to the AV Manager who would estimate the
voltage requirements. On ascertaining the voltage requirement, the Admin Assistant
would correspond the same to the Head Office,
6. Workers Time Cards Last but not the least, the Admin Assistant is responsible for
providing workers with ID numbers for their respective time cards.

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Administration/Human Resource (HR) Department

This department is responsible for all Human Resource Management (HRM) as well as for
carrying out other ad-hoc administrative work as and when required. Similar to the accounts
and admin department, there exists no pre-defined course of action for carrying out the roles
assigned and hence, the types of jobs performed by the concerned authority as informed have
been specified below.
Admin/HR Assistant
Reporting To
Overall Responsibility

Ms. Jinky
Mr. Subiraj (Production Director)

Job Requirements:
1. Generating Purchase Orders (PO): The most primary job of assigned to this role is
generating purchase orders for all the purchases as communicated by the Procurement
2. Updating employee list: The Admin/HR Assistant keeps a constant track on the
following matters related to the existing employees:
i. Recruitments,
ii. Resignations and Terminations,
iii. Employee Turnover Ratio,
iv. Salary changes,
v. Deductions from salary,
3. Preparing job orders: Another responsibility to the scope of the job is preparing job
order with reference numbers for proper control and future reference,
4. Human Resource Management:
i. Leave Policy,
ii. Visa procedures,
iii. Medical Policy,
iv. Accident and insurance,
v. Handling employee grievances,
5. Documentation: Preparing supportings and documents relating to the administration
of the storage warehouses in Umm Al Quwain (UAQ) such as tenancy contracts, water
supply, etc.
6. Payslips and Payroll functions: The Admin/HR Assistant is also required to correspond
between the Head Office and the salary disbursing outlets for timely payment to
employees. However, the function pertaining to payroll related jobs is only carried out
during the absence of the accountant.

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Other Recommendations & Suggestions

Apart from the procedures stated and explained in the preceding sections, there exists scope
for improvement through usage of advanced technology, both hardware and software.
Keeping in mind the rapid technological advancement which improves overall efficiency and
accuracy, below are few recommendations which could be implemented for better control over
the operations at the warehouse:
1. Introduction of ERP or centralized software incorporated with the segregation of
functions performed across the entire company to ensure real-time updation of financial
statements as well as better inventory management. It would also help in improving the
coordination process between the Head Office, Production Department and Graphics
2. Barcode technology could be used for tracking and management of inventory of the AV
and Furniture Department as these items are given on lease and returned back post
show. Hence, by affixing barcodes on the items of each of the departments, the
movement of inventory can be automatically updated into the system on a real-time
basis and will also be of great assistance during inventory counts.
3. Use of biometric access control systems and CCTV camera/s across the production
warehouse to prevent unauthorized access into various areas especially into the AV
warehouse due to presence of easily movement electronics and 24X7 surveillance.
4. Appointing a security guard at the entrance of the warehouse would enable keeping a
log of the people entering and exiting the warehouse.
5. Proper cooling systems must be installed in the AV department in order to prevent the
electronics from being exposed to high temperatures which might cause damage to the

Suggested Templates
Throughout the SOP and across various departments, the importance of proper
documentation had been constantly stressed upon hence, necessitating the requirement of
documentary evidences which are complete in all senses and contain maximum relevant data.
In this section, we would be providing suggested templates of the documents mentioned in
the SOP. The templates of the following documents have been recommended in this section:

Material Requisition Note (MRN),

Purchase Requisition (PR),
Bin Card,
Goods Receipt Note (GRN),
Goods Issued Note (GIN)

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Top Gear Promotions

TGP Warehouse Plot No. 599-247
Near Al Reyami Furniture Factory
Industrial Area 3, Jebel Ali
Phone +97148872500

Material Requisition Slip

(Pre-Printed Reference Number)

Department :

Project :

Date Requested :

Date Required :



Item Description



Department Manager

Name :
Signature :

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Top Gear Promotions

TGP Warehouse Plot No. 599-247
Near Al Reyami Furniture Factory
Industrial Area 3, Jebel Ali
Phone +97148872500

Purchase Requisition Note

(Pre-Printed Reference Number)

Department :
Date Requested:

Date Required:



Supportings Attached: Fliers (



Catalogues (

Ref. No.

Pamphlets (

Department Manager (if applicable)

Name :
Signature :

Private and Confidential


71 | P a g e


in Hand

Other (


Top Gear Promotions

TGP Warehouse Plot No. 599-247
Near Al Reyami Furniture Factory
Industrial Area 3, Jebel Ali
Phone +97148872500

Machine Name :

Identification Number :

Attachments :

Stock Quantity :
Issued To

Private and Confidential


72 | P a g e

Returned Date


Top Gear Promotions

TGP Warehouse Plot No. 599-247
Near Al Reyami Furniture Factory
Industrial Area 3, Jebel Ali
Phone +97148872500

Goods Receipt Note (GRN)

(Pre-Printed Reference Number)


PO Number:


Supplier invoice number:






Department Manager

Name :
Signature :

Private and Confidential


73 | P a g e

Ref. No.



in Hand


Top Gear Promotions

TGP Warehouse Plot No. 599-247
Near Al Reyami Furniture Factory
Industrial Area 3, Jebel Ali
Phone +97148872500

Goods Issue Note (GIN)


Project Name:


(Pre-Printed Reference Number)

MRN number:




Department Manager

Name :
Signature :

Private and Confidential


74 | P a g e

Ref. No.



in Hand



All the suggested practices provided in this SOP have been provided by referring to industry
best practices and universal methods to improve the documentation process. MCA
Management Consultants or any of its members does not take any responsibility for any failure
in the implementation of the processes and does not guarantee for any losses suffered before,
during or after the process of implementation.

The SOP prepare is solely for the usage of Top Gear Promotions (TGP) and cannot be circulated
amongst third parties without prior consent from any designated authority of MCA
Management Consultants.

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