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|X R M T A- B- MoSt E|
|1 1 0 0 Sw Cl 4/+0 0|
|2 2 1 0 Ax Hi 5/+1 0|
|3 2 1 0 Da Me 6/+2 1|
|4 3 2 1 Bw Sh 7/+3 1|
|5 3 2 1 Wa Bk 8/+4 2|
|6 4 3 2 -- -- 9/+5 2|
mini-quest (not to be capitalized) is a simple game of dungeon exploration. To p
lay, you will need:
1 six-sided die.
1 copy of the mini-chart (above).
1 character sheet.
Graph paper to draw the dungeon.
Your Character:
You play a skilled adventurer exploring the dungeon. Your character has 3 basic
Rage: Rage is your characters physical power and strength.
Grace: Grace is your characters evasivness and grace.
Precognition: Precognition is your characters mental power and reaction speed.
At the start of the game, choose two of these 3 stats to start at one; the remai
ning stat starts at zero. Whenever you are told to "roll on" a stat, roll the di
e and add the stat to the result.
Your character is trained in a wide range of weapons. At the start of the game,
choose 1 type of armor and 1 weapon; those are your starting items. You can carr
y up to 4 items at once. At any one time, your character can use 1 armor, 1 main
hand item and 1 off-hand item.
You start the game with 5 hit points plus your Rage stat.
Character Growth:
After each floor, your character grows stronger. Increase one of your three stat
s by 1 point. You may not increase a stat higher than the value listed in column
R for the new floor's value.
The Dungeon:
mini-quest is a game of exploring a dungeon. Therefore, you will need a dungeon
to explore. Each floor uses its own piece of paper.
At the start of each floor, generate the first room of the floor. Whenever you s
tep through a door into an empty space, generate a room there.
To generate a room, roll the die on column R twice. The resulting values are the
dimesions of the room; the first number is length, the second is width. Place t
he room as you see fit, so long as it connects to the door you are entering thro

ugh (the first room on each floor goes in the bottom left of your paper).
Then, roll on column R one more time. The resulting value is how many doors ther
e are in the room, not counting the one you are entering with. Place these doors
as you see fit.
Next, you need to populate the room. Roll once on column M; the result is how ma
ny monsters are in the room. Roll once on column T; the result is how many treas
ure chests are in the room. Scatter the chests and monsters around the room.
If there are no monsters and no chests in a room, the room is a special room. Th
e first special room on each floor is a sanctum; you can rest at each sanctum on
ce, healing to 5 hit points plus your Rage stat.
The second special room on each floor is a boss chamber. There is one monster, o
ne chest and one staircase in the room. The monster is the boss of the floor. On
ce the boss is dead, you can take the stairs down to the next floor or up to exi
t the dungeon.
When you exit the dungeon, your score is the floor you left on. If you die, your
score is the floor you died on minus two. If you finish floor 6, you must leave
the dungeon.
When in combat, you and the monsters take turns. On your turn, you can move 1 sq
uare and make 1 attack. The monsters can do the same on their turn.
Monsters have two stats, their attack and their defence. The monsters stats are
written as D/+A. D is the monsters defence; +A is the monsters attack. Each of t
he 6 floors has its own monster stats shown in column MoSt. Bosses have an addit
ional point of attack and defence above monsters on their floor.
At the start of combat, roll the die and add both your Precognition and Grace sc
ores. If you roll higher than or equal to the monster's Defence stat, you take t
he first turn; otherwise, the monster(s) take the first turn.
When a monster takes their turn, they move towards you if they can. Then they wi
ll make a melee attack on you, if within range.
Melee attacks can be only be made if you are next to the target.
When you make an attack, roll the die and add the stat that applies to your weap
on. If your weapon provides a bonus to your attack, add that bonus too. If you r
oll higher than the monster's defense stat, then the monster takes 1 damage.
When a monster attacks you, roll the die and add the monsters attack stat. If th
e total is higher than your defence, you take lose 1 hit point. Your defence is
equal to 2 plus your Grace score plus the bonus from your armor.
If a monster takes 2 damage, it dies. If you run out of hit points, you die.
If there are no monsters alive in the room, you can open any treasure chests in
the room. Roll the die; if the result is even, roll on column A; if the result i
s odd, roll on column B. The chest contains the item rolled; if -- is rolled, th
e chest contained a trap. Roll the die and add the attack stat for the current f
loor; if the total is higher than your defense, you lose 1 hit point. Afterward,
reroll (on the already chosen column) to determine what is in the chest (ignore
and reroll any further -- results).

If the item is a weapon or armor, it might have a magic bonus. Check the result
of column E for the current floor; it has the result as a bonus. Weapons with a
bonus add that bonus to your attack when in your main hand. Armor adds the bonus
to your armor.
There are 10 diffrent items in mini-quest. They are as follows:
There are 5 diffrent weapons in mini-quest.
Sword (Sw):
Swords are a very accurate weapon in trained hands. Attacks with a sword get a +
1 bonus. Swords use your Rage bonus.
Axe (Ax):
Axes are a very powerful weapon. Successful attacks with an axe deal 2 damage; h
owever, an axe takes up both of your hand slots. Axes use your Rage bonus.
Dagger (Da):
Daggers are a lighter weapon, useful to swifter people. Daggers use your Rage bo
nus or your Grace bonus, whichever you wish. You may hold a dagger as an off-han
d item instead; if you do, it gives you a +1 bonus on all attacks.
Bows (Bw):
Bows are a useful option for attacking from a distance. Unlike other weapons, bo
ws can attack up to 4 squares away. Bows use your Grace bonus.
Wands (Wa):
Wands are useful for those who wish to fight using magic. Wands use your Precogn
ition bonus.
There are 4 types of armor in mini-quest.
Cloth Armor (Cl):
Cloth Armor is very light; it doesn't defend very well, but it does stay out of
the way. Cloth Armor provides a +1 bonus to Defense.
Hide Armor (Hi):
Hide Armor is decently thick; it provides a sturdy defense, but it does slow the
wearer down slightly. Hide Armor provides a +2 bonus to Defense, but inflicts a
-1 penalty to all Precognition rolls.
Metal Armor (Me):
Metal Armor is very thick; it provides the best defense, but it greatly hampers
the wearers movements. Metal Armor provides a +3 bonus to Defense, but inflicts
a -1 penalty to all Precognition rolls and all Grace rolls.
Shield (Sh):
Shields help you avoid damage just that little bit better. When held as an off-h
and item, a shield gives you a +1 bonus to Defense.
There is one item that defies the other two categories.
Book (Bk):
Books are a useful way for a spellcaster to increase their power, but others can
also draw some use out of them. When held as an off-hand item, a book increases
your Precognition score by +1. If you are using a wand at the same time, that w

and deals 2 damage per successful attack.

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