Suits Duel

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Suits Duel: A card game for 2 players.

Suits Duel is a two player card game, wherein you attempt to destroy your foes d
efenses. To assist you in this battle, you will summon battlers who will support
you in your attacks and protect your shields. But beware the deadly storm, whic
h will kill off the weakest so the strongest remain.
Setup: To setup a game of suits duel, you need a deck of standard playing cards.
Deal each player a 7 card hand. Put three cards face down in front of each play
er. These 3 cards are the players shields. Put 1 card face up in front of each p
layers shields. This card is their first battler. Place the rest of the deck som
ewhere both players can reach. Choose who will go first. That player starts the
first turn.
Parts of a Turn: When you start a turn, the first thing you do is draw two cards
from the deck (the player going first does not draw on the first turn). After y
ou do that, you enter the main part of your turn. During the main part of your t
urn, you can play cards from your hand to cast various spells. The spells you ca
n cast are as follows:
Summon: To cast the summon spell, you need two cards of the same rank. Put one o
f them in the discard pile, and put the other in play as a battler.
Attack: To cast the attack spell, you must play a card from your hand onto a bat
tler of your foes. The rank of the card must be within 2 of the battler you are
playing it on to (so a 5 could be attacked with a 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7; king wraps ar
ound to ace). You must also have a battler of the same suit as the card played.
Put the played card under the attacked battler as a wound card; If a battler has
two wound cards, discard the battler and all wound cards under them. To attack
a wounded battler (i.e. a battler with a wound card), you must be within 2 of th
eir wound card rather then their actual rank.
Heal: To cast the heal spell, you must play a card from your hand onto a wound c
ard on a battler of yours. The rank of the card must be within 1 of the wound ca
rd you are playing it on to (so a 5 could be healed with a 4, 5, or 6; king wrap
s around to ace). The suit of the played card must match the wounded battler. Th
e chosen wound card is discarded.
Counter: Unlike other spells, you can cast the counter spell on your foes turn.
To cast the counter spell, you must discard 3 cards of the same suit from your h
and just after your foe casts a spell. Their spell has no effect, and all cards
used in it are lost. You can counter your foe casting the counter spell.
When you are done casting spells for your turn, you can end you turn. When you d
o so, you might have to discard some cards. If you have more than 7 cards in you
r hand, you must discard until you have 7. Then, it is your foes turn.
Breaking Shields:
If at any point a player has no battlers in play, they lose a shield. They may c
hoose any of their shields to flip over. That card is instantly put into play as
a battler.
The Storm:
If a player would ever draw a card while the deck has no cards left, the storm h
its. When the storm hits, the player with the fewest battlers in play loses a sh
ield (it flips over into a battler). If this is tied, both players lose a shield
. Then, shuffle all discarded cards and use them as the new deck. Afterward, the
player who would have drawn cards before draws the cards they should have gotte

If a player ever has no shields, they lose the game (If both player run out at t
he same time, the game is a draw).
If the deck being used has jokers in it, there are a couple changes to these rul
The player who goes first draws one card on their first turn, instead of none.
The study spell is added to the game.
Study: To cast the study spell, you must discard 2 cards from your hand. One of
the discarded cards must be a joker. You may draw 3 cards.

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