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Precious Grace S.



B.A. Political Science

A study on Globalization and Transnational Crimes Committed against Women using the Marxist Feminist
Point of View

Admittedly globalization has been one of the most talked about topics in the twenty first century. Many
people see this concept as the stepping stone that paves the way for the development of the world. The increase in
movements for womens rights around the globe and the impact of globalization on the movement and feminism is
what the study would like to see. With this, feminism and how it was and is shaped due to globalization is what the
study aims to discover. This study also wants to tackle on the issue about the advantages and the disadvantages of
globalization on feminism.
Furthermore, through globalization, many have realized the increase in number of transnational crimes.
Using the Marxist feminist point of view, this paper would like to dissect and study the different crimes that had and
have been committed against women. Specifically, the crimes that the paper would study will be; drug trafficking,
human trafficking, rape, and prostitution.
Moreover, to help in analyzing, a case study on the Natasha Trade would be conducted to asses and
increase the understanding on how human trafficking affects the female population in general. The study would also
somehow tackle crimes against women during the times of war, especially the topic about comfort women.

Descriptive Outline
I. Introduction and General Overview
A. Marxist Feminist Theoretical Point of View
II. Globalization
A. Definition
B. Impact on Feminism
C. Analysis using the Marxist Feminist Point of View
III. Transnational Crimes on Women
A. Definition of Transnational Crimes
B. Crimes Committed against Women
a. Drug Trafficking
i. Women as a means or conduits in exporting drugs
ii. Cases and Examples

b. Human Trafficking
i. Definition
ii. Prostitution
iii. Export of Women
iv. Cases and Examples
c. Rape
i. Definition
ii. Cases of Rape in and out of the country
iii. Rape and Violence against women during the time of war
d. Case Study on the Natasha Trade
i. Definition and description of the Natasha trade
ii. Analysis of the Natasha Trade
iii. Impact of the Natasha Trade on Womens rights movements
IV. Conclusion and Analysis
Initial Assertions

What are the effects and implications of globalization on feminism?

What are transnational crimes?
What are the effects of transnational crimes on feminism?
How can the international laws respond to the market of trafficking in women?
What are the implications of the growth of the use of women are in drug trafficking?
What is the Natasha trade?
The impact of the Natasha Trade on women and feminist movements?

Annotated Bibliography
1. Okubo, S. & Shelley, L. (Eds.) (2011). Human security, transnational crime and human trafficking: Asian and
Western perspectives. New York: Routledge
This book would gave so much information on the link between human trafficking and transnational crimes. It would
also serve as a way in understanding the different perspectives in human trafficking as a transnational crime.
2. Jonsonn, A. (Ed.) (2009). Human trafficking and human security. New York: Routledge
This source gave an insight on human trafficking and how it is a threat to security. It is helpful in giving an explanation
on the meaning and definition of human trafficking and trafficking in general

3. Brownmiller, S. (1975). Against our will: Men, women and rape. New York: Simon and Schuster.
This is an excellent source on rape and on violation of women. It is a valuable source that would help
the paper explain rape and its implications.

4. Santos, A. F., Belarmino, N. T., Ignacio, R., Coalition Against Trafficking in Women-Asia Pacific, &
Ford Foundation. (2002). Women in the international migration process: Patterns, profiles, and
health consequences of sexual exploitation : the Philippine report : part of a five-country study,
Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Venezuela, and the United States. Manila, Philippines: CATWAP.
This book is a great help. It tackles on the use of women as sexual objections in the international
scene. It is also valuable in giving insights on the implications of sexual exploitation on health.
5. Santos, A. F., Lee, L. F., Claud, E. T., & Asia Partnership for Human Development. (1992). Awake
2: Women migration and sex tourism. Hong Kong: Asia Partnership for Human Development
This book is about the direct link of tourism and sexual exploitation. It is valuable as it can be another
reason as to why human trafficking amongst women is rampant.
6. Santos, A. F., University of the Philippines, & Ford Foundation. (2002). Violence against women in
times of war and peace. Quezon City: UP Center for Women's Studies.
This book is helpful especially on the topic of rape and comfort women during the World War. It is a
great source of examples and cases that had been committed against women.
7. Suter, K. (2006). Teach yourself globalization. Blacklick, OH: McGraw Hill.
This book has a chapter on globalization and feminism that would provide a great help on my study. It
mainly discusses globalization and its effects in the world.

8. Waters, & M.-A. (1972). Feminism and the Marxist movement. New York: Pathfinder Press.
This book would help me understand the role of Marxism in feminism. It is a great help on my study seeing as
how my study uses the theoretical point of view of Marxist feminism.

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