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Directions: Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence.

Type your
response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your
response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents
the key points in the passage.
The whole progress of human civilization beyond its earliest stages has been made possible by the
invention of methods of thought. These methods enable us to interpret and forecast the working of
nature more successfully than we could if we merely followed the line of least resistance in the use of
our minds. However, when applied in politics, they still represent a difficult and uncertain art rather
than a science producing its effects with mechanical accuracy.
If Plato could visit us now, he would learn that while our artisans proceed by rigorous and confident
processes to exact results, our statesmen, like the artisans of ancient Athens, still trust empirical
maxims and personal skill. Why is it, he would ask us, that valid reasoning has proved to be so much
more difficult in politics than in the physical sciences?
Our first answer might be found in the character of the material with which political reasoning has to
deal. The universe which presents itself to our reason is the same as that which presents itself to our
feelings and impulsesan unending stream of sensations and memories - every one of which is
different from every other. Before these feelings and impulses, unless we can select and recognize
and simplify, we must stand helpless and unable either to act or think.
Exact reasoning requires exact comparison. In the desert or the forest there were few things which
our ancestors could compare exactly. The heavenly bodies seem, indeed, to have been the first
objects of consciously exact reasoning, because their position and movement could be exactly
compared from night to night. The position and movement of objects in politics is quite difficult indeed.
Directions: Read the passage below and summarize it using one sentence. Type your
response in the box at the bottom of the screen. You have 10 minutes to finish this task. Your
response will be judged on the quality of your writing and on how well your response presents
the key points in the passage.
A study of society starts with the human beings living together. In the process of human evolution
sociability seems a quality ingrained in human nature. Every individual has his own personality that
belongs to him apart from every other individual, but the perpetuation and development of that
personality is dependent on relations with other personalities and with the physical environment which
limits his activity. As an individual his primary interest is in self, but he finds by experience that he
cannot survive in solitude. His impulses, his feelings, and his ideas are due to the relations that he
has with that which is outside of himself. He may exercise choice, but it is within the limits set by these
outside relations. He may make use of what they can do for him or he may antagonize them, at least
he cannot ignore them. How the individual may best adapt himself to his environment and adapt the
environment to his own needs helps establish certain definite relationships. Any group of individuals,
who have thus consciously established relationships with one another and with their social
environment, is a society. The relationships through which the interplay of social forces is constantly
going on make up the social organization. The readjustments of these relations for the better
adaptation of one individual to another, or to his environment, make up the process of social
development. A society which remains in equilibrium is termed static; that which is changing is called
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